Thursday, November 19, 2009

A Big Day - Pictures Tell a Thousand Words!

Pic 1: "Can you see the line?! Un-tangling it from the keel was quite a challenge!"

Pic 3: “Mostly I celebrated crossing the line with a lot of slightly melted chocolate! You can see the chart plotter behind me displaying our position now in the northern hemisphere.”

Pic 3: “The traditional dunking of salt water of any first time equator crossing, can't say it was all that bad!”


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Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Joe from Pennsylvania, USA!

Amazedbyou said...

Congratulations Jesse,

Can you hear the clapping from there..!!?? What a great feat !! You must feel a real sense of achievement. Also, thank you so much again for inviting us into your super charged life.

Congratulations to your land crew, all of your family, and good on ya Bob you weather guru you !!

Betcha they are all hung over Jesse !!
Next leg will have me/us completely super glued. Did you happy dance on the line?

Cheers and Beers.

Nasdaq 3X said...

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S ! ! !

cheers from Italy,


Attitude said...

"No one ever attains very eminent success by simply doing what is required of him; it is the amount and excellence of what is over and above the required that determines the greatness of ultimate distinction." Charles Kendall Adams

Anonymous said...

well done jess - love the photos - great blog makes us feel like we're part of it

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. Regards from Denmark. Rie

Janet - Tweed Heads said...

Fantastic News and congratulations on crossing the Equator.

You CAN do anything you set your mind too!

What an amazing gal you are.

Ron Munro from 5108 said...

Well done, I too have crossed the Equator 6 times 3 up and 3 down .. at 23,000' in RAAF Aircraft to and from malaysia. Do you have to travel a certain distance north of the line or once over turn SE and head for Cape Horn?? Your our hero, Thanks a million for the update.

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jessica!!!! :)
Hope you hve a great rest of your voyage!

-Kate from U.S.A.

Unknown said...




Bradd (perth kiwi)



Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica congratulation on passing the. first part of u journey all the best for now and GOD bless u I said a prayer for u the other night at Bible study from Barry (Melbourne Victoria )

wojo said...

Way to go Jess. What an amazing you have to deal with homework while you are away? Seems like your trip is enough of a life lesson and education...way to go.
-Columbus, Ohio

Scotty - Denver said...

Hooray Jesse!

Congratulations. Now don't get tangled in that dratted line again on the way south and set your sights on the next milestone.

-Scott & Cheryl deBeaubien
Denver, Colorado USA

Unknown said...


Good Luck on rounding the island and heading south-eastish.

Old John in the UK

Anonymous said...


Olimpia from Montreal

Daniel said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats Jess! Good Luck for the rest of your journey! Stevie from New Zealand.

alison davidson said...

following your journey with interest.
love to see you proving all those negative public wrong.go Jessica and conquer those southern seas.
Alison (NZ)

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica, watching with interrest your Journey around the World.Wishing you the best Weather and all the Luck you need. Herbert from Germany

BavariaBlu said...

Just fabulous, Jessica!
Journeyman: Done.
Master: to come.
No doubt you'll master the next stage and teach the world just who you are.

Unknown said...

How very exciting for you! Following your voyage from New Zealand. Your vision is wonderfully refreshing. Best to you,

Anonymous said...

Good on you Jessica for taking on such a big challenge so early in your life. We all admire you !!!

I think your written reports are great and I hope one day you will write a book of this great adventure, or perhaps you have already started ???

All the best of luck - Ron.

Anonymous said...

Congratulation to Jess
cross the equator. Good picture of your catch the fish.

Siobhan Kelly, Australia

Lisa-lei said...

Congratulations young lady! I am enjoying your blogs, most times brings tears to my eyes as i am so proud of you.

Bobby from South Carolina said...


Congrats on the crossing of the equator!! Our "Jessica Watson" party was pretty awesome!!! I'll have to send pictures one day... anyway, great job!! Keep up the awesome adventure.... safe sails my friend safe sails....

Bobby from South Carolina

Steven Hays said...

Great Job Jess! Keep up the great work. Hays family says: "Stay safe and well!" Go Go Go!

Mike Kay Avon Indiana said...

Congratulations!!!!! As suggested by Richie Paris I consider myself one of the many "Jessicans" and too are very proud of you! Welcome to the Northern Hemisphere! Good achievement and thanks for sharing as well. Wishing you continued success and Godspeed. Mike

p.s. thanks to John B on the recommendation "Godforsaken Sea" haven't finished yet but very interesting reading and very informative for us landlubbers.

Anonymous said...

I hate you I really really hate you, I'm the guy who works in fibreglass, covered in dust head to foot all day long from grinding, coming home feeling like a human pin cushion, going to bed,everytime I move a million tiny needles cut into me(the moneys not bad)constant odour of resin and your out there celebrating with chocolate under a sunny blue sky ooooh I don't know what to say, apart from I am soooo jealous!stay safe kid.DON'T BRAKE A LEG!

Giggzmo said...

Congratulations Jessica!!! This is one huge milestone for you. You must be all psyched up for the return leg towards the Southern Pacific...we'll be closely monitoring your progress...Cheers mate!!! :)


Tillie said...

Congratulations Jess! :)

Jen said...

Well done Jess. This is sooooo exciting!! Love from Jen in Port Elizabeth, South Africa.

Pattie said...

Just read your wonderful blog, Congratulations on getting to the equator's been fun following your adventures, thank you for the blog.
Pattie from Idaho

Dusty fromDubbo said...

good morning Jesse

Sunday morning in Dubbo cloudy and still hot with the smell of smoke in the air...rotten bushfires. I envy you out there suroudrdby water no dust no smoke buy I imagine some fairly fancy navigation around the island. Global warming may sink the whole area if the scientific predictions ar correct...very sad for the people and ultimtely the planet...anyway hope Saturday was good for about all your commenys yesterday..a record for one day. Stay clippedon focusedand as you say ...enjoy the ride
Dusty from Dubbo

Anonymous said...


Quite amazing to follow your voyage.

Now you're on my side of the globe for a short while....

wish u all the best for the next stage!
one step at a time! :-)

(2355 CET, Saarland, Germany - near french border)

Kate said...

Fantastic Jessica. Following you all the way. Best wishes for everything to come. YOU ARE GOING TO DO IT!! Kate

Penny said...

is that a party popper in your chocolate cup? that's almost as exciting as having champagne on board!

Lance said...

Hi Jess, well done from Sydney. Keep sailing!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations!!! Jessica.

Must admit I was concerned when I first heard of you taking on such an adventure. However, once I saw your interview on TV shortly before your departure, I knew immediately you would be safe and well. There is just 'something special' about you, that sets you apart from others your age.

Love your blogs. Apart from keeping us updated, they also show your maturity, determination and sense of humour.
It must be a fantastic feeling to have a 'world family' supporting and cheering you on.

Can't wait for you to sail past home at the bottom of Tassie on the final leg of your adventure.

Wishing you the best of fair winds and safe sailing.
You're a champ.

Peter (Tas)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Jesse, you're turning right and heading S soon. I'm very proud of you and with you all the way. John Adelaide

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jesse you're already a hero to me, I believe you can do it! BTW are you planning to turn south after going round Kiritimati (Christmas Isl)? John Adelaide

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

My name is Stella, an Aussie girl living in Singapore, and I go to the Australian International School and I am studying early explorers like James Cook. I think what you are doing is totally awesome! My dad always wants me to try sailing and now I am going to be just like you! You are sooooooooooooooooo cool! I wish you best of luck and I'll be following every step of the way!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Northern Hemishere! We've been following your remarkable journey thus far and think you're a courageous and exceptional young lady. We'll continue hitching aboard just like Silly and wish you clear skies and smooth waters :) OHIO - USA

Anonymous said...

HI my name is Jordan congrats on passing the line and have fun.

ggk said...

Congratulations from the Netherlands!

Anonymous said...

Great Crossing Jessica!!

And Congratulations !!

I was wondering what you had planned to celebrate the Equator crossing.

I first crossed the equator by sea returning from Australia at age 13 on a trip back to the United States from Adelaide in 1964 via Naples Italy. I certainly never considered doing it under sail or on my own. We, as a family, had flown down-under in 1961 from Los Angeles via Hawaii, Fiji and New Zealand. The Italian passenger liner, Galileo, held an “equator crossing” ceremony for the passengers. One costumed crewmember acted as King Neptune, two others as his guards / men at arms and there were even costumed mermaids in his entourage.

The volunteer, "first crossing" passengers, my self included, had eggs cracked on them were dabbed or splattered with food such as spaghetti or pudding then tossed down a slide into the sea water filled swimming pool on the ship’s after deck. It was quite a funny event with most of the other passengers looking on.

I am sure through your blog you have many times the number of avid followers looking on.

You apear to have picked up some sun. Keep up with the 30 weight sun screen and sunglasses the region you are travelling through has the fiercest sun, longest daylight hours and the UV effect is made worse by reflection off the sea. I am sure I don't need to tell this to a Sunshine Coast girl. What you may not know is that your eyes can also be sunburned, similar to the effect of observing a welding arc. So take care.

I spent a week in Queensland during your summer visiting the Great Barrier Reef out of Cairns or a smaller town Proserpine.

I really enjoy your daily updates,
Best wishes and better wind,


Mal's Blog said...

Hi Jess, great to see your entry today of crossing the line, how good does that feel eh !!!

You did it while I was away.
I've been "out of the loop" for the past few days while way out west past Rathdowney where there is absolutely zero internet coverage and very limited mobile also, and the temperature....should I even mention the temperature....47 degrees C for two days last week where we were. Yep, touch anything metal and you'll burn quickly

Anyway, you must be feeling pretty good about the way things are going, and so you should be, your blitzing it girl.
I have to say I was a bit destroyed finding out "Silly" had flown the coup when he had it so good with great company and all.

Ahhh......the traditional salt water dunking......again, all good. I take those as regularly as possible but in a different way and for a different reason. The ocean is my keeper (of sanity and health) might I say. I cant get enough time in there.

The shooting star from last nights entry (I think), I was up looking for the same thing with the meteorite shower thingy happening. My mate Luke is a space freak and fills us in on all the info for hunting that stuff, he was photographing the Horsehead Nebula over the weekend with his supersized astronomy gear out past where I've been sweating it out.

Do you remember the visit from Comet McNaught a couple of years ago....Wendy, Samara and I were down on the Great Ocean Road when it was at it's best in Australia. I shot it from a friends house in Saltwater Creek near Torquay. If you get a bit of spare time out there, check the pic out on my photography website It's in the "No Category" album...first page......God, you would be seeing some amazing astro stuff out there in those unpolluted clear skies that you have available to you on certain nights, we would kill for that back here, (I would anyway).

Samara had her formal at the Marriott Hotel on Friday night, that was something, and to think you and her were in kindy together....OMG, She's finished school and off to uni next year, and your on a solo circumnavigation of the world....geeeeez, you kids grow up's spinnin' my head a bit actually with what's going on lately, but I'm totally loving it all.

I feel like I'm starting to write a novel or something here, so I'll sign out for now and also I've got your other entries to catch up on since I've been away. I think Wendy had a solo input to your blog while I was away also.

Take care Jess and good luck with everything in front of you.

Cheers, Mal, Wendy and Samara

Anonymous said...

my gosh you are amazing.
congratulations :) i hope you achieve your dream!

Lavenderrose73 said...

So how do people on a plane celebrate crossing the line? I may need to know if I'm accepted to study in Australia in 2011! Anyway, it's December and I only a week ago found out who you are and that you're sailing around the world (from classmates; I'm taking beginning sailing). I truly hope God sees you safely through those rough southern seas and that you make it safely through the rest of your voyage. Also, may you have a wonderful, peaceful Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

What a fantastic effort, ur an inspiration and I wish u a safe and speedy return home, lets hope Australia gives you the recognition u deserve for ur incredible effort. ps Happy new Year Jess.

Eddy said...

With you always...You've already done it Jess, Keep SAILING!

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