Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Today was definitely a better day for progress with 13knots of wind from the north east pushing us along nicely. But if anything, it's been pretty quiet day out here again, just a lot of sparkling blue water and blue sky.

I was kept busy last night avoiding a bit of shipping and adjusting the Fleming windvane when the wind dropped right out. It was so quiet and flat for while that I brought my pillow out into the cockpit and grabbed a few cat naps of sleep under the stars.

It already feels like I'm settling right into a routine, grabbing a bit of sleep through the night and into the morning when I can, logging and plotting my position, digging through the food bags for meals and calling in for phone skeds twice a day. There's always something to do or check.

I've been hard at work eating my way through all the last minute presents and sweets that were shoved aboard just before we left. Every time I think I've eaten them all I seem to discover another packet stashed away somewhere!

Thanks for all the comments.



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carl testa said...

you are brave!!keep on sailin

Anonymous said...

I wish you the best! I cant wait to follow your blog and share your journey with you!

Colmano said...

LOL...just 'cause your parents aren't with you, doesn't mean you can eat all the sweets you like :D Make sure you save some for Christmas and your birthday...Good to hear you are establishing a routine and making progress...I can't wait 'till we can see your progress on the site...Take care..

Anonymous said...

Bon Voyage Jessica

Al said...

As someone once said, I think, "looking good kid." Sounds absolutely awesome. There are a lot of of us at all ages who are most inspired by your trip Ms Jessica. Have fun!

Unknown said...

You go girl!
What an amazing adventure.... I always said that i wanted to sail around the world after starting sailing at the age of 7, however would never have the guts!
You are an inspiration living the dream!
Enjoy our beautiful oceans.....

Will be following your journey
Amy (+her parents), Juzz & Zola

Robert Anderson said...

I woke today and my kettle wouldnt work who cares i want to know how young Jess is progressing around the world.

good luck young lady your a great role model for lots of kids out there.

Russell @ Sunny Coast said...

Great to see that you are underway.
Seize the day, you are an inspiritation to the world, something that most people can't even aspire to be, that alone achieve it. May the God who controls the seas and the wind watch over you. Be great if you could give some idea of where you are, if it's safe to do that.
Keep safe.

John said...


Thank you for your very descriptive writing. Each day I look forward to reading about your journey. We are also praying for a safe trip.


DougMcC said...

Pulling for you from Florida. It would be great if you could add a track map to your site so we can follow progress that way. dm

Anonymous said...

Go Jessica, We hope you fulfil your dream and bring home some wonderful stories that you will be able to share with your children and grandchildren one day in the future. Stay safe.

bugshine said...

Treats?! Awesome... Glad you're moving today- keep up the positive attitude.

factoid: "Shakespeare invented the words "assassination" and "bump"."

Take care!


Anonymous said...

Go Jessica, We hope you fulfil your dream and bring home some wonderful stories that you will be able to share with your children and grandchildren one day in the future. Stay safe.

Rach said...

GOOD LUCK SWEETIE - been thinking about you. i'm a bit envious actually, could do with some quiet time.

Amy Joyous said...

You go girl!
Wow what an adventure....
I always said that I wanted to sail around the world like Kay Cottee after learning to sail when i was 7 years old, however would have never had the guts!!
You are an inspiration, totally living the dream!
Have an amazing time and enjoy our beautiful majestic oceans.......

Will be following your adventure

Amy (+her parents), Juzzi & Zola

roger and Lou said...

We are with you Jess, enjoy the sweets but save some for later, keep your sails full, Roger and Lou Dwyer xxxxx

Ashman said...

Hey Jess just wanted to wish you the best of luck. No doubt you have an epic adventure ahead of you! You really are an inspiration.

Can you tell me what "avoiding a bit of shipping" actually means? I tried to look it up but couldn't find it lol.

All the best!

Sydney, AU.

mr fionn said...

Hi Jessica,

The very best of luck with your incredible sailing challenge. I'm sure it will be life changing and defining.

It's fascinating to think about. In terms of cooking are you going to fish or is that not an option?

Fair winds,

Fionn (in London, UK)

marcus said...

Glad to hear things are going well so far. I am following your adventure with keen interest and hopes of good sailing for you.

Anonymous said...

It must be strange to be finally alone after so much preparation. And yet you're not really, with the daily skeds, email at the ready and the world watching from afar. Plus you're with Ella.

I'm not a sailor, but I imagine Ella has a personality too ... graceful, beautiful, at times demanding, lazy or strong-willed. I hope she behaves for you.

My kids and I are inspired ... you have a dream and the courage to pursue it.

Anonymous said...

At 40 something, I am living vicariously through you! I bought a 4 meter "Butterfly" sailboat 2 years ago and taught myself to sail. I love the peace and serenity most of all. God speed and we will see you home soon.
Michigan, USA

peter said...

Good on you Jessica.Will follow your progress every day.

Al Yer Pal (California, USA) said...

I love this kid! I plan to follow her progress each and every day. Jessica, we out here across this big world that you are just now beginning to circle are SO with you!!

Jimmy said...

Onya Jessica! I was looking at your chosen route yesterday and must confess I was filled with awe and a little voice inside me said "wish I could have done that at 16." Know that youre in my prayers everyday young lady and I AM SURE YOU WILL BE A GREAT ROLE MODEL FOR MANY OF OUR YOUNG PEOPLE WHEN YOU RETURN HOME. U DE (WO)MAN!


Blundoon said...

Hey, Jesse
Great to read your latest posts - you really do write well, and must write a book when you get back.

Good to hear that the wind has picked up. At least the lack of puff out there has given you time to gather your thoughts and emotions, and ease you into your sea legs. Talking of emotions, I had a lump in my throat when I watched Pink Lady emerge from her mooring, (I was at Clontarf Reserve on the north side of the harbour – a stone’s throw from your flotilla as you went past), and managed to get a few photos. Then I headed up to North Head only to meet up with some of the same hard core fans from Clontarf Res. who had the same idea! We watched until you were a dot on the horizon, and wished you bon voyage – did you see me waving? (lol) The “Ella” on the sails definitely helped to pick you out. It was great to see Big Wave Rider in the flesh too, having read about so much about her in your blog.

I watched 60 Minutes and one of the best moments was when you stood up to Charles Woolley and defended the “petite” description. Teenage girls all over Oz must have cheered. You should have challenged him to an arm wrestle after almost beating Jesse Martin! I was very impressed with the way you handled the media – not easy having a bunch of microphones in your face and a barrage of questions. Politicians have special training in handling such events, so well done there.

This is getting a bit long, and you have so many comments to read, so I’ll sign off and wish you lots of dolphins for company and maybe an albatross or two.

Pete B, Sydney

Trace said...

Following you from Coos Bay, Oregon (southern Oregon coast) in the US. So awesome to hear of your amazing journey! Go girl! You can do it!!! Godspeed. -Tracy

Anonymous said...

Go Girl !!!!!!!
I will read your blog daily.


mwp62 said...

Godspeed Jessica, I am praying for you! My wife and I followed Zac and Mike's voyages (I learned of your endeavor when Mike made his stop over in Tasmania and then came up to visit you)and am looking forward to going around the world (vicariously) through your journey as well! Will you have a map system, by which we will be able to see your daily progress, coming up on your site? Michael Patterson, South Carolina, U.S.A.

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen many comments from North of the equator but would like you to know your adventure is in the news in Canada and my wife and I will be following your progress. We wish you all the best, fair winds and calm sea's.

Brian and Virginia
Ontario Canada.

Anonymous said...

This is so interesting! One of my teachers recommended to me to look up your story tonight and I did, and you are so COOL!!! Good luck and God bless you on your journey. :)

kimshelt said...

Good luck Jessica - I am way inland in WA and envy the blue horizon you can see :)

Anonymous said...

All the very best Jessica. we're hoping that you can do it. Keep your strength up with lots of treats - Rohan, Kristy, Derek

Michael said...

May God keep you safe from now till you come home. keep your spirits high your on a journey
of a life time!!! remember he is always with you. God Bless

Unknown said...

HI Jessica good luck with your trip welcome to new zealand you are a brave girl and you will make it success

Jon@Va Beach said...

You are an inspiration to us all

Go Jessica !

Jon from Virginia Beach

Anonymous said...

Hello from Illinois! I have been following your blog regularly since I first heard about your adventure. I admire your determination and bravery. I will be checking your progress daily. My prayers are with you.


Anonymous said...

keep up the good job jess...

greetings from singapore

Anonymous said...

i actully have a question my son wants to know since your trip is unassisted does that mean you have to carry all your food with you?

BpBarton said...

Hey Jessica,

You have three little girls who support your trip and are reading all of your updates....Good luck and we will keep reading....

Their Dad


Anonymous said...

Good luck Jess! I admire your courage. I will be reading your blog to know all about your adventure.

Take care

Anonymous said...

Yeah!!!!That's the girl. You won't know if you don't go!!!!!You may be a speck on the ocean but your on top of the world.Good Luck


Feli said...

Way to go Jessica!!

Greetings from Chile


Justsomeguy said...

Congratulations on your first full day! I'm very envious of your position. Tom from Tucson

Ali said...

Hi Jessica, just realised i could keep up with your voyage, very exciting as i think you are an amazing strong brave girl! keep going and all the best! Ali.

Unknown said...

Hello Jess.
Pablo from Mexico.
I wil pray for you evry night !!!
People like you make the differences in this world.
I love and admire you.
Think of all uf us in dificult times and it will be easyer !!!
Recibe a big hug from America.
love and be safe.

Anonymous said...

All the best from Santa Cruz California. You are awesome!

TheVodkaDude.com said...

Good luck with everything!! Dont forget to have a blast doing it!

Paul said...

Horray fo wind!!

You made me feel much better yesterday with your 1 - 2 knts report:-) Seems that's all I've gotten this summer up here in the Puget Sound. (Pacific Northwest).

Glad to hear it happens to the pros as well :-)

Following your blog with fascination!
(Paul & Ann)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica

What an inspiration you are for young women. I wish you all the very best and love reading your messages every day.


Traci said...

God has blessed you, your family and your boat!
Enjoy your adventure, it will go by so fast.
I'm keeping tabs on you from Connecticut, USA

Alan said...

Jessica, I have to admit to being a little jealous. I am 49 years old and would love to do what you are doing. I have a 16 year old daughter and have shown her your blog and hopefully she will push herself as you are. God bless and fair winds.

Anonymous said...

I'm following you and your dream.
Enjoy the moments.
Rose Ronne

uspsdave said...

Hi Jessica, You Go Girl will be watching your progress with great admiration. The Armchair Sailor

Anonymous said...

It's a pity that there aren't regular updates but there's a great distance - yet to be travelled.

pj said...


When the seas get monstrously high,
scream your defiance to fear and sail on.

You have more courage than you know.

When the loneliness grows hurtful,
smile for all those for whom you vicariously sail.

So many are with you.

When you are too exhausted to go check that piece of equipment again, and again, and again,
tell yourself to just go do it.

Just go do it.

If it ever becomes all just too hard to go on, just sit and breathe.


If your trip ever were to end short, no matter the date or place, failure will never apply to your efforts…

…your every moment of this trip has inspired too many.

Warmest regards to an adventurer who stirs other souls to action.


Unknown said...

Best wishes & Fair Winds Jess. stick with it
Rod McEvoy

Sally said...

If you don't put limits on yourself, you can always keep striving. You might amaze yourself with what you discover you can do. If you want to reach out for happiness, don't ever forget these words: You can go as far as your dreams can take you.

Sally In Sydney

Simba said...

Tee Hee,
watch out eating all those sugary goodies in one go Jess! Loving your updates. I'll join the others in asking your support crew for a google tracker function so we can see where you are!
Enjoy sleeping under the stars, I can only imagine how that must be, alone on the ocean with a million stars keeping you company. Fantastic.

Fair Winds and Following Seas

philip said...

when i read your blog, i think i sort of able to experience abit from what you wrote.. anyway i wish you good luck and have a safe sailing without any troubles.

philip (singaporean,19)

Pete and family said...

As a Dad of 3 teens myself,I worry. I worry 'bout you too Jess' but I'm also extremely proud that you are undertaking this most daring of sea voyages. I must admit,I had a tear or two in my eye as I watched you set off between the Sydney Heads. You are one of those rare Aussies of exceptional drive and character, and the rest of us armchair Aussies have thoroughly taken you and you endeavour into our hearts.
We'll be following you all the way Jess'...Love from the Harriott family in Sydney.

Anonymous said...

hi jessica!
i am doing a report for school about you. i think it is really cool that you are only 16 and making this trip.
good luck!


p.s. i have a question; how do you get an education/go to school?

MTrujillo said...

Greetings from Hiawatha, Kansas. You make me think of EDickinson..."I dwell in possibility"! What you are doing is amazing. I said a prayer for you today Jessica.

Neil Ennis said...

Enjoy the trip Jess. You'll remember it for the rest of your life.

For the old and salty among us, we'd be stoked if you were able to post your position occasionally so we could follow on a map.

Are you able to add pictures at all.

Stay safe :)

Bobby said...

really pulling for you Jessica - best of luck, really enjoying reading your posts... safe sails from South Carolina...


Anonymous said...

Godspeed, Jessica! Best wishes for a safe journey! From Ed in Houston, Texas, USA

Anonymous said...

greetings from Puerto Rico.

Adelante con tu aventura.

Go forward with your adventure.

From PR - stay safe


Anonymous said...

Where do we find the 'tracker' link on your web site?

joy buckle said...

Hello from Newfoundland and Labrador Canada. I am a mom of 2 and a believer in dreams, determination and hard work. I strive to be my best every day and its a challenge sometimes. No doubt you will face your own challenges every day and you will have highs and lows. Wishing you all the beat and will follow you nevert day until you complete your journey. Congrats Jessica.

All the best
Joy B

Anonymous said...

Good Morning Jessica,good to see you are settling into good routines these basic disciplines will stand you in good stead as you progress into your voyage,take nothing for granted Jess,wear your harness @all times,especially when you need to go for'ard.Stay focussed,get your rest.You are going well,and we are behind you all the way!Have a good day,best wishes.

Anonymous said...

I'm a Kiwi and avid sailing fan who is watching your adventure from Singapore. You are very brave and going to have a huge base of fans watching. Wishing you fair winds and smooth seas.. Andy

Ethan, Nathan, Ryleigh said...

Hi Jessica,
We are in grade 4 and we are learning about explorers. Eat your veges so you don't get scurvy!!

from Ethan, Nathan and question mark face (Ryleigh)!

Mike Atlanta said...

I have three daughters and have adopted you for next 8 months. Be safe, remember your training and cherish the memories. Godspeed and steady winds to you.


MIke Atl said...

Adopting you as my fourth daughter. Be safe, remember your training and cherish the memories. You will be in my thoughts and prayers daily.

Suzanne, Aimee, Liam said...

Hi Jesse,
Our class has been checking out your blog everyday because we are learning about explorers. It must be amazing to see the ocean and the spectacular islands. Ella's Pink Lady is an awesome name to call your boat.

Good luck for the rest of your voyage,

Suzanne, Aimee and Liam

Sam, Brandon, Reece said...

Hi Jessica,

we are amazed that you are only 16yrs old and you are about to sail around the world!

Good luck, hope you make it.
from Sam, Brandon and Reece.

Jimmy said...

Go Girl,


Anonymous said...

Nice to hear that you are getting some wind. Love reading your entries. You're a brave gal.
God bless you.

Minnesota Dave

Maddy, Jenna, Jennifer, James said...

To Jess,
we have been keeping track of where you are for a few days. We hope you get through alright and have lots of fun. We hope you keep safe. We are in Year 4 and we are Queenslanders as well!

from Maddy, Jenna, Jennifer and James

Mike said...

I have three daughters and am adopting you for the next 8 months.I let my daughter do some traveling right after school to chase her dream so i understand your mom and dads feelings and love for you. Be safe, remember your training and cherish the moments. Prayers and thoughts with you daily.
Mike Atlanta

Connor, Lidia, Jessica said...

Dear Jessica, we are in Year 4 and we are learning about explorers. We have been looking at your website. Good luck and 3 cheers!

from Connor, Lidia and (another) Jessica

Narelle Hetherington said...

So good to have Jessica away from the people not behind her... The 'do-gooders' who have never had a dream or any courage.
We were happy to meet the Watson family in Burnett Heads and all we have to say is GO GIRL!!!
You are in our prayers and hearts
With you all the way
The Vantage Crew
Darryl Narelle Enya Oak & Ahfin

Callum, Sean, Jayron, Mono said...

Dear Jesse,
we live in a little town in QLD. We are learning about explorers. We are right behind you, following along.

From Callum, Sean, Jayron and Mono

Savannah said...

Hi Jess. My name is Savannah and I am 9 years old and live in Idaho. My birthday is close to your - May 9th. I wish you good luck and I will be following your journey. I will check in with you often.



Mike said...

I have 3 daughters one of which was a model right out of high school traveled all over by herself. I understand the love your mom and dad have for you and your dream. I am adopting you for next 8 months. Be safe, remember your training and cherish the memories. Prayers and thoughts will be with you daily. Mike Atlanta Ga USA

Anonymous said...

Smooth sailing Jess and God's speed.

Largo, Florida USA

kempsey west said...

hi jess,

Well done and all the best. We are in class 4/5S at kempsey west and we are following you on your journey in class.

class 4/5S

Unknown said...

Hiya Jesse...wow so the adventure is under way. Well done on the blog so far, its great to read. put as much detail in it as you can because in 20 years time you will look back on the blog and realise what a truly amazing experience it is (was!). I love reading my diaries from previous adventures.
stay safe, smile lots.
bgh, mosman

குட்டி said...

Best of Luck ...

Anonymous said...

Jess you are a champ
My two teenage sons and I are following your progress with enormous interest
Your passion and vision will be a an inspiration for teenagers all over the world. That is already an enormous achievment and it makes you a winner before you start
You go girl

Grant Griffin and Darcy
Williamstown Victoria

Leigh Ann said...

Watching you from Atlanta, Georgia, USA. You are such an inspiration.

Anonymous said...

Enjoy it Jess...Im so jealous and in awe of your undertaking! the whole world is behind ya!

Andy said...

Jessica - I love following your blog each day. Great adventure - I'm sure you're up to the challenge. Godspeed.


Anonymous said...

A Blessing for you...
May the sea be always kind to you.
May the gentle wind always be at your tail.
May the sun shine warm upon your face, and stars greet you at night.
And until you arrive back,
May God hold you in the palm of His hand.

Unknown said...

Wow, you are an impressive young lady! Best of luck!
Lenoir, NC

Anonymous said...

Jess you are a champ
My two teenage sons and I are following your progress with enormous interest
Your passion and vision will be a an inspiration for teenagers all over the world. That is already an enormous achievment and it makes you a winner before you start
You go girl

Grant Griffin and Darcy
Williamstown Victoria

rob watts said...

Dear Jess,

love your writing - 10/10! You are going well - thank for keeping us all informed and keep up the great work!

Have you got time to cast a line for those surface fish - they will be better for you than eating all those stashed lollies?


Rob Watts, Gold Coast

rob watts said...

Dear Jess,

love your writing - 10/10! You are going well - thank for keeping us all informed and keep up the great work!

Have you got time to cast a line for those surface fish - they will be better for you than eating all those stashed lollies?


Anonymous said...


Good on Ya, Jessica. Show those knockers you can do it.

Anonymous said...

Go Jess! - but safety always first.
Luv your your daily blogs, what a wonderful world we live.
Adelaide grandparents.

johnny615 said...

Godspeed Jessica! I wish the best and pray for a wonderful journey. Be safe and alert:) If you dont already have a doc answering your questions, im happy to help! God Bless

Johnny, an ER Doc in Detroit, Michigan,USA

lgw said...


Once you've eaten all those sweets you're not getting any more! And don't look at me in that tone of voice.

Say hello to the dolphins for me.

Stay safe.


Ron said...

I'm a 72 yr old American and an avid sailor. If you ever visit the USA, you must come see me. I'll keep up with you every day of your voyage. Godspeed!

Anonymous said...

u r awesome u realise that post something when u pass new zerland

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,

All the very best, i imagine the view is beautiful!! wishing you all the best for this awesome adventure that lies ahead! When the sun goes down this evening i will raise my glass of red for you.

mike said...

Hi Jessica, following your adventure with great interest and admiration. Wishing you fair winds and safe passage. Please post your lat/long with your progress. Mike (Darwin NT). :-)

Anonymous said...

Just a question - what do you do with all the rubbish from your food packaging? Obviously can't go overboard!

Chris Akenfelds said...

Hi Jessica, I hope all is well with you today, and that you're getting some good wind. If you get a chance, I think we'd all love to see some photographs of the sights you are seeing. Keep up the courageous, inspirational effort!

Rebecca said...


Ashley said...

Wow...that is about all I can say!!! I think back when I was 16 and the only thing on my mind was the weekend happenings...I can't imagine KNOWING at age 16 what I dreamed of doing....AND THEN ACTUALLY DOING IT! I am a mother of 2 little boys (2 and 5)and know that your parents must be so proud that you are not afraid to follow your dream. Will look forward to checking the blog often. THANKS FOR INSPIRING...

Notzila said...

Hey keep it up girl.^^ It's also my dream to be the first Thai to sail around the world, and I hope that one day I could. Oh well, keep us up date ok. I wish you a clear horizon.


Mrsf said...

Good luck Jess. Our class is watching your blog each day.

4/5/6F Hobartville Public School, NSW

lisa said...

Hi Jess
You are an inspiration
have a great sail
all the best
lisa n greg
coffs harbour

Anonymous said...

Jessica Watson

Hey Jessica. Fantastic to hear you are sailing the world. Good for you. I’ll give you my advice for what it’s worth. When the wind goes against you – and it will, when the seas throw you all over the place – and they will. When you’re frightened and it’s howling out and the wind screams through the rigging – put out a handkerchief of sail, set the windvane, put a pillow over your head and go to sleep. Conserve your energy for when you can make a difference. Remember that your boat is way strong and can handle almost anything. I just sailed Fiji to NZ as part of my 6 year solo circumnavigation. I don’t know if you are stopping here but if you are I’m sure you’ll get a great reception. I arrived in Whangerai last week – let’s hope you coming up this way. PS it’s bloody freezing and no-one knows what the weather will do here. Take care – wear a harness when you go up front, and fair winds.


Do you keep a SSB schedule or sign into any of the nets? I found the Rag of the Air net a great comfort between Fiji and here, and reaches out from the Cooks to Australia 8173.0 at 8am local (UTC -11) which I think is UTC 20.00h.

Phill S/V Happy Ours

Anonymous said...

Best of luck to you Jessica, your journey is very inspiring. We're following your progress here in Seattle, Washington. Safe travels!

Anonymous said...

Jess, you are an inspiration and role-model for teenagers everywhere. You are doing Australia proud!

Thank you for keeping your blog updated so that we, your many admirers, can travel your journey with you.

May good luck and good weather stay with you all the way.

John in Sydney

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work, Jess. My wife and I, and all my sailing friends, wish you all the best. You are off on an adventure that most people can only dream about.
Reef early :-)

Roger & Nancy Miller, San Francisco Bay Area, California

Stoney said...

A quote, "The only person who never makes mistakes is the person who never does anything."

So you go Girl!

Wondering will you post up photos you are taking?

Peregian Beach SC

Unknown said...

We are in awe of your efforts and wish you well, Jessica. Having sailed from Canada, down thru US, Mexico, Galapagos Is., Fr. Polynesia, Pacific Islands and to NZ we know some of the challenges you'll face (but we were two!!) We'll track your journey with much interest.
Fair winds and following seas.
Cheers, A Canuck/Kiwi couple
Dennis & Sandra-Faye Nagy

"Coach K" said...

Coach John from San Diego wishes you a steady breeze off your beam and calm seas ahead Jessica!

Mark75 said...

Hi Jess,

Well done girl. You have left at the perfect time. It may be slow going but perfect weather for you as this big high pressure is following you east.

Am I right in saying that you are not giving out your exact position in order to protect you from being found when you reach South America and Africa later in your trip? It is a good idea. You don't need any of that trouble.

Good luck Jess, We will be preying for you.

Mark, Gold Coast

wayne reid said...

To Jess
You have captured the imagination of a lot of people, including myself. The sea is a very strong medium,but you come across as a strong will minded young lady, who knows what you want out of life.
I will be following you everyday on your website.
Go with gods speed

Anonymous said...

..you are an amazing inspiration, jessica! you are doing what most of us can only dream of doing - going on an adventure of a lifetime and truly following your dreams. i will be reading your blog everyday and praying for your safe journey. at sixteen, all i could think about was school, who to ask out on a date, and whether i'd get my driver's license. you are experiencing life as it is supposed to be experienced, and i thank you for pursuing your dream.
- aviv (from San Francisco, California, USA)

fatman2ironman said...

Jessica, I am awed by your courage. I only read about sailing and adventures like your about to have. I admire what you are set out to acomplish. I pray for a safe and memorible journey for you.

Thank you for keeping the spirt of adventure alive!!!

Unknown said...

Your doing something you can be proud of for the rest of your life Jess. Even if you were not the youngest or even a young woman, just attemping this voyage is a far greater feat than 99% of the worlds people have ever done. Any chance of daily coordinates so we can track your course?
Good luck!
Andrew Tennant
Perth Australia

Keith B said...

Hello from Southern Indiana. I am following your progress with the greatest of interest. I just got back from a 3 month big adventure of my own and love to hear about people shooting for the stars. Hope the best for you and keep your spirits high. It doesn't get any better than this!

wayne reid said...

To Jess
You have captured the imagination of a lot of people, myself included.
I will be following you every day on your site.
Gods speed

Keith said...

Closehaul it in and keep sailing doing great

Keith B said...

We would love to see pictures and maybe a map of your current location.

Phil in Idaho said...

Rock on Jess. I'll be following you all the way from Boise, Idaho USA. I spent 20 years on the ocean sailing and diving. Your adventure gives me the passion again.

God Speed Jessica!

Ally said...

thinking of you Jess.
As a mum I pray that youll be safe and have well being.
Create lots of memories to share and enjoy this awesome world we live in.
Your one in a trillion.
Find myself popping in for updates.
Sharing your excitement.
Stay safe and your in everyones thoughts x

Anonymous said...

Hello! Following your progress from S. California. Great to see you are off to a good start. I can't wait to see your photos and hear about your adventures:)

Randy L said...

I've only been on a sail boat once in my life and wished i'd done it earlier and when i was much younger - you go young lady, live your dream, you're in our prayers for a safe and exciting journey. we'll be following you!
Bend, Oregon

Pete for BrizVegas said...

Well done you little champion. Come home with a wet sail Jess and to all your critics the humble pie will be fed!! Safe travels, and remember, we are all behind you 100%. Cheers, Pete

Mary said...

Hi, Jess,
Sailors around here are putting their boats to bed for the winter. I love imagining you out in fair winds under silken, sparkly starlit skies. May you have good times this week. Blessings to you. Mary, Maine, USA

Ali said...

good luck with your travels!! I'll be reading and keeping you in my thoughts!! can't wait to read all your blog entries over the next months!! :)

Unknown said...

It is incredible and awesome that you are able to do this. I'll keep you in my prayers during your voyage.

I gotta ask one question...when you say "we" during your posts are you talking about you and Ella's Pink Lady?

Take care,

Fort Worth, Texas, USA

Mark75 said...

Hi Jess,

Well done girl. You have left at the perfect time. It may be slow going but perfect weather for you as this big high pressure is following you east.

Am I right in saying that you are not giving out your exact position in order to protect you from being found when you reach South America and Africa later in your trip? It is a good idea. You don't need any of that trouble.

Good luck Jess, We will be preying for you.

Mark, Gold Coast

John said...

Hi from the Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario, Canada. I do look forward to reading your blog every day. Take care of yourself, john.

Anonymous said...

Brave, smart, autonomous and courageous you are!

Pete & Nancy in NH said...

Keep the wind at your back and in your sails. We're all watching you here in the US. Be Safe

Tom V said...

Jess -- Thinking of you out there. Tom V.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,
Couldn't wait to read your blog again this morning! Told everyone working at our local restaurant, at my science class, and my relatives in california about your journey and always wondering how your doing out on those blue blue waters! God Speed and may the stars always twinkle for you.
Jenny, Barb, Tigger & Gypsy in Michigan

Brian Harrower said...

Jess, you'll soon have a world-wide fan club to rival any rock idol if that's music to your ears. We all love you for your determination and want to see you safely home mission accomplished.

On a long and at times arduous journey don't let fatigue ever catch you by surprise any which way. Fair winds and true seas be with you day and night.
Brian - Southport, Aus

Anonymous said...

Post you Lat/Long so we can track you.
Good luck..
Mississippi, USA

Anonymous said...

Hope all is going well on your amazing journey. Good Luck from Tasmania.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck from Colorado USA!

Bryan Bailie said...

Hiya Jessica,

Fantastic effort, enjoy the journey


Sharon Melb said...

Sisters are doing it for themselves. You go girl

Pete Collett said...

Good to hear all is well Jess! Enjoy every minute of it. Keep safe and travel far!


BassPilot said...

Following you daily from Kentucky, USA. Show us what you can do, Jess. We're all pulling for you!!

Age said...

Hi Jess,

I'm sure the majority of Aussies are right behind you !!! You should be soooo proud of yourself and never give up, ever !!! I am watching your blog every day and am very interested in your journey. You go girl !!! Take care !!!


Roy said...

Good on you Mate!
I am a grumpy 70 year-old who has had 6 boats but have now swallowed the anchor and I wish you well.
Your attempt is the main thing - success or not. But of course I and the vast majority of people on this planet - whom you will never know and will never meet - would love to see you succeed. But Jess, success or not this will set you up emotionally for the rest of your life. Congratulations and best wishes! Roy from the Sunshine Coast

Anonymous said...

Here in on the Mendocino Coast of California Jess we're pulling for you. We have granddaughters your age, and they think you are awesome.

T said...

cheers jessica ! u r doing an awesome work n taking human limits higher n higher! best of luck for your upcoming journey !
Sujal bhandarkar


Jessica, I created a blog just for your voyage. I will try to use your inspiring story to post positive news for others to read. Thank you for what you are generating in the World.

aaaaaaaaaaaaa said...

Savor your candy as this may be your last batch for 240 days. Sounds like a pretty sweet way to start your historic voyage!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica, have been following you day one from Detroit Michigan.

Wishing you Fair winds and following seas.


Anonymous said...

Best of luck from New Zealand Jessica! Crazy but inspirational endeavour.

If you are every stuck for something to blog about, could you be so kind to discuss some of the gear you use that facilitates sailing single handly?

All the best
Tom from New Zealand!

Bronwyn said...

Hi Jess. I am from caloundra and I would like to offer my support in your quest. Thinking of you every day. Go girl - you can do it! Your story is very inspiring! xx

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess, keeping an eye on what you are doing. Any chance of including your GPS coords when you write in your blog. like to keep track of where you are in Google Earth.

Good luck and safe winds

gustav said...

Hello Jessica,

sending you love and fair winds to get you safely across the equator.

As a Pilot I have been checking the weather in your Area daily on our Australian Bureau of Meteorology website: http://www.bom.gov.au

The high pressure system above Ella's Pink Lady located between Australia and New Zealand is very slow moving and has been sitting there for a couple of days now. In the southern hemisphere,the wind around a low pressure system move clockwise and the winds around a high pressure system move counter-clockwise.

Even though there are cold fronts coming up from Tasmania and the south polar
region, these cold fronts seem to make it only to about -30 latitude south at the moment and so I expecta few more hours of slow going to finally get you further north and across the equator.

Colour Mean Sea Level Pressure Analysis:

Marine & Oceanographic NWOP Chart:

Cold fronts
A cold front is the delineation between cold polar air moving towards the equator and undercutting warm tropical air moving poleward. The temperature differences across a cold front can be extreme and associated with strong winds. The warm tropical air is forced to rise and become unstable with the development of large cumuliform clouds.
Severe weather such as thunderstorms, squall lines and severe turbulence may accompany these cold fronts.

learn more about meteorology :

sending you fair winds to get you safely across the equator,

love and god bless from Gus and Tom

(aerobatic pilots)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica,
Go for gold girl!
and may God go with you every inch of the way - after all He created everything we enjoy in this world.
U are in my prayers,
kiwi mum

skipper said...

I thought your website might have a map with a tracking device showing where you are presently. Any thoughts on whether this is going to be possible?

Gemma said...

Hi Jessica
My class and I are reading about your adventures, and we are very excited for you! Good luck!

Unknown said...

Jessica ... I look forward to reading your blog every night. Have fun!

Rosei 1589 said...

Hi Jess,

Watching with interest as you approach New Zealand waters. Our family are all thinking of you and have you every step of the way. You are an inspiration to us all. Your Mum and Dad are such awesome parents in supporting you on this great adventure so that you can fulfil your dream. Luv and prayers Pace Family (Auckland, New Zealand)

LHall said...


You're amazing. Keep that in mind when the going gets tough. You can do it. You are in our prayers.

Best wishes from Utah, USA

Rey said...

Hi Jessica I am Rey keep up the good job Rey

nikky said...

Hi Jessica i hope you are having
a safe trip on your ship i heard that your moving

Tonyw said...

Hi Jess...Exciting times ahead, enjoy, relax when possible,most of all stay safe, we all look forward to watching your progress.......insperational.

Christine said...

Good luck Jess, I will be checking on you every and as I look out my back door at the ocean I wonder how the water is wherever you are. Stay safe sweetie and enjoy your adventure. Christine and Bob - Tura Beach

Anonymous said...

I hope all girls around the world are inspired by your feat, the future is in good hands.

Gary said...

Keep it up Jess Im following your progress.....

keep us informed

Gary from Boston MA USA

Anonymous said...

good sailing, Jessica, stay safe.
go go go :-)))
Vincenzo from Italy

Jan said...

Good luck Jessica,
How do you get fresh water?
What if you run out of food?

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica
You are an inspiration to many people around the world, myself included. All the best for a safe trip. When you return you will have learned more about yourself in 9 months than most people do in a lifetime.

Anonymous said...

Keep it up Jess....Godspeed


josie said...

hi jessica i've been reading your biog it souds fun keep up the good work.

Nickolas said...

Hello jessica i hope you have an exiting adventour.

your very smart.

from nickolas in year 2/3.c at Wagaman.

have a fun time.

grace said...

Hi my name is grace I am 7 and you
are beautiful I wish I cood see you
but Im stuck in school. Im in year2. How are you today. I am a fan.
You are cool.

Anonymous said...

hope your having a great time out on your own, you keep safe. I am loving your blog, keep it up hey.

did you take a fishing rod? my wife asked the other day.

keep safe

regards from
gold coast

Naja said...

Hey Jesse good luck with your trip hope you break the world record our class has bean learning about you get lots of wind.

Bye from Naja.

Tony said...

Hi Jess, Love your S&S, am sure she will be kind to you.stay safe and have fun


Muhammad Asim said...

Hi Jesse

I am getting so much envious to you , did you ever work in an office. You have made yourself so lucky. You are going to discover your self ( a lot ) before getting lost in offices.

Muhammad Asim

Anonymous said...

hey jess , sam from sydney here i just wanna wish you luck on a very gutsy awesome dream !!! i hope you have a great time out there ! smooth sailing . Ps the blog is a really good idea and im sure its got everyone running to there computers checking if you have written anything else . take care and last but not least have fun !! :)

Anonymous said...

hi jessie my name is tory and i
am happy for you bye

Anonymous said...

You have a lovely boat! I hope you have a good time.

Jaimee said...

Hi jessie my name is Jaimee.
I come from Wagaman Primary School.
I just wanted to keep you coumpny.
Did you know my birthday was yesterday I terend 9. For dinner I had Hungery Jacks with my Artny and my cousan Emily. I got lots of preasans by for now.

from Jaimee :) :) :) :) :) :)

Unknown said...

Hey Jess,

May the wind be fair and fill your sails and may the seas be following

Keep it up :o)

george said...

i hope you have a great time travelling round earth i hope there will be more news

keyshawn said...

hi jessica watson good luck on your

from keyshawn

Unknown said...

brave girl good luck

Anonymous said...

Godspeed from Florida!

afroditi said...

Hi jessica this is AFroditi to say good luck jessica.

Krystle said...

Good Luck, you will reach your dream :-)

Unknown said...

Hi Jess

Just logged in for the day to see how your going. Noticed the comment i posted last night didnt go thru. LOL....it was just comments on your lollies and how just when you really crave for a bit of chocolate, one of those tiny M&M's has that habit of showing up... I hope you have enough sweets to last you the whole trip. Do you have enough food on board? or do you have land falls along the way to restock??? Cant wait for your next blog....we are going to try to comment each day for the whole 8 months....but will be away this saturday...we are heading to the grampians to do a spot of hiking. Keep cool, Have fun, Stay safe. Deb and the guinea Pigs

Anonymous said...

Sitting here in the Central West of NSW my imagination is running wild with your exciting journey.

Good sailing, may the stars twinkle brightly and may you have enough wind in your sails to enjoy your adventure!

Anonymous said...

Right behind you Jess, more guts than me.
Steve, Port Melbourne

Cha+Bec said...

Getting there slowly. I still cant get over the fact that u are all by your self!!! =D

Anonymous said...

Good wishes from Mauritius ! Go girl and return home safely.


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