Monday, October 19, 2009

"Blues and Pinks"

Today's been a quiet one out here. For a while again this afternoon we were completely becalmed again. I expected that it would frustrate me making so little progress but I really enjoyed the chance just to take it easy and start on a book between tweaking the sails. It's been so long since I've had anytime just to take it easy for a while and the freedom was amazing. No deadlines, nothing to rush off to, I can eat whatever I like whenever I like, no one to send me off to bed! It was pretty special this afternoon when the sea glassed right out, it was as if you could see right to the distant blue bottom apart from huge schools of jelly fish floating past. We even had a couple of dolphins drop in to say hi. The other unexpected visitor was a small plane who circled around overhead, just when I thought I was finally by myself!
I've already discovered that a tidy cabin means a happy Jessica. I can only relax when everything on deck, in the cockpit and down below is in its place and ready for the unexpected. Right now the sun's setting and the sky's turned a shade of pink, exactly the same as Ella's Pink Lady, very pretty! So I might get the camera out before finding something to eat (I'm thinking sweet and sour lamb and then pancakes), getting Ella's Pink Lady ready for the night, then calling in for evening skeds.



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Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,
good luck with it all we will look in each day to read your blog enjoy stay safe
stewart, bam & asher :)

Anonymous said...

sounds like ur having the time of ur life man i hope u have a very safe trip if theres anyone that can do it its young aussie girl like you.. good on ya champ

central coast

mark dubbert said...

Hi Jessica,
Take care and have fun.
From Josephine and Koby

Macca said...

jess you are amazing

keep going with your adventure

you can do this

p.s jess is cute!!!

Attitude said...

Sounds like the perfect beginning to an adventure that will last in your heart and mind forever.

Anonymous said...


"I can only relax"
"Right now the sun's setting and the sky's turned a shade of pink, exactly the same as Ella's Pink Lady, very pretty"

I envy you
Gdańsk,Poland EU

Unknown said...

my goodness girl, you can write. i visualized all that you just said so clearly in my mind. how i envy you as i sit here in this hotel dragging thru the night shift. reading your words is my escape! thanks star :)

Anonymous said...

Am inspired to follow your journey, wish you all the best and will be reading every blog.

Rose in Brisbane

ShoubridgeFamily said...

Good luck from the Shoubridge family up in Ingham - as a family we are going to follow you through your blogs!

Russell. said...

Hi Jess,
As an ex Navy man I must say I wish I was there. I spent more time at sea than I care to remember, but I still miss it a bit.

Stay focused and patient. Keep your cool when things get tough, and you'll be just fine. And when you get some time off, upload some photo's of the sunrises and sunsets. Those images are the most memorable I have of being at sea.

Best of luck mate. See ya on the wharf.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, just heard on the Channel 9 news how many hits you've had on your blog in one day and decided to check it out. Wish you all the best on a safe journey and having a blast at the same time. Cheers from Brisbane!

Rams said...

Hi Jess, my children and I will be eagerly following your journey through your blog (my children are so excited that they will be able to do this)
It is great to see that you can cook, pancakes....yumo..
We wish you all the are an inspiration to us and australia should be so proud of you...
Ramona, Alex(11) & Charlize(8) Sydney, Australia

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,
It sounds beautiful out there....I like calm water best!! They were just talking about you on the 7pm project...all nice stuff too. Well, I'm off for fave meal...hope you enjoy your dinner. Have a good sleep.
Samantha on the Gold Coast

Anonymous said...

Good luck Jesse! Take care, but push your boundaries and live the free spirit of adventure. That's what life's all about. From an anonymous admirer.

anth said...

Sounds like a beautiful evening out there Jesse.


mark dubbert said...

Hi Jessica,
Take care and all the best.
From Josephine 6 and Koby 3.

anth said...

Sounds like a beautiful evening out there Jesse.


G. C. said...

Take advantage of the calm sea from the skin to rest and shake the tension built up in recent days. You are alone with yourself. You can count only on what you are and what we become. You can do things you never thought you could do, is the unique opportunity of your life to know the soul that inhabits your body. Good dinner and not overdo it with chocolate chip cookies.

Seaflight09 said...

All the best Jessica we hope you have a great time, Don't listen to all those people that don't want you to go as they are jealous.

They are upset that you have the courage to do somthing on this scale and they don't.

Have fun & be safe.

The Spemanns

Ed said...

Great to hear all has gone well so far and you have managed a little quiet time after what must have been a hectic few months. You are a great role model to all young people and I wish you all the best. Good Luck.

Anonymous said...

You go girl! Looking forward to reading your blog and wishing you a safe journey!
Kylie & Ash, Brisbane...

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear you've found your sea legs so quickly, Jesse. When we sailed out of Middle Harbour on our voyage to New Caledonia via Lord Howe Island in 2003, we couldn't keep anything down for days, let alone compose emails. I don't think it's on your planned route, but we can recommend Middleton Reef as a great spot to heave to for a bite of lunch!


Unknown said...

Good Luck Jess
will Follow your Ventue close
cheers Ricky

Lindyl said...

Good to hear your first blog Jessica! Really looking forward to chasing you around the world in the following year. Congratulations on getting going! Hope that you have lots of DVD's and Books all ready to go!
Stay safe!!!!!

Unknown said...

Go for it, Jesse! I will be enthralled by your progress, and pray to God that you will be kept safe and that you will achieve your dream.
xxx Joy.

Carl Henman said...

I'm glad u got off to a great start Jessica. Keep your wits about you, I'm sure you'll need them sooner rather than later. What book r u reading? All the best for a life-altering journey.

Carl Henman
Wagga Wagga

Alexander M Zoltai said...

Ah, Pink, then Black? Stars??

Old Navy man here...

Remember being on a hulking steel vessel--she still seemed alive though--in a Bay on the US northwest coast, at anchor...

Sound and Stars...

AWinton said...

...reading a book!! That sounds very civilised. All the best of luck for the journey. I will be following your progress.

Col said...


Your doing what alot of people wished they had out a dream. All the best. Will be following you each day


Unknown said...

Well done getting away. Savour every moment you have out there. Your are a champion

Hilda said...

For a moment there I wondered if you really ARE a teenager (with the "tidy cabin" remark :) :) Then when you mention having pancakes for tea, I know you truly are :) :). Enjoy the view, you lucky lass. Keep smiling.

Mike said...

Sounds like a great day so far. have a good evening.
Mike From Texas

Anonymous said...

you go Jess.... have a safe trip and God will be with you all the way

Anonymous said...

It sound beautiful Jess, best of luck.

anth said...

Sounds like a beautiful evening out there Jesse.


Brett Worth said...

Hi Jessica. I hope you get a bit of wind tomorrow. You'd at least want to make some headway I assume. Is your position being plotted anywhere that it can be followed?

Gorgie said...

I think that small plane was the channel nine news was all over the news tonight:) I hope tomorow bring you smooth sailing again, and that all goes well for the rest of your journey!
Best of luck,

jennifer said...

i can only imagine how the night sky must look out there, stars like i've never seen

Col said...

Jess your doing what alot of people wished they had out a dream. All the very best and we will be tracking your progress each day.

Cheers Col

Anonymous said...

Well, gotta be the first person to comment and say "have a good sleep Jess - but not too much :-) "

Isobel Rushton said...

Hi jess

My name is isobel rushton and i am 10 years of age u inspire me to achevie my dreams and to be what i would like to be.Thankyou for that and can u please mention my name and i hope and dream that you make the finish line with no dellemors i will be praying for u best of luck

Isobel Rushton

mats4x4 said...

good to see that all is well good luck in your trip ;) mat

Matt Hughes said...

its great to hear of the freedom you have been having out there. the scenery sounds spectacular, deff a reason for people to want to be around with you at the moment. keep strong and know that people all over the world are cheering you on.

Unknown said...

All young people hear these days Jessica is NO. I am so pleased you didn't listen to 'them' who didn't believe inthe strength of today's youth. You go girl with myvery best wishes. Imagine if Christopher columbis had not sailed over the edge of the world because 'they' said don't do it.

anth said...

Sounds like a beutifu evening out there Jesse.

Anonymous said...

Good luck kiddo! I wish you luck and prayers, you can do it!

Anonymous said...

go jess!!yr awesome

anth said...

Sounds like a beautiful evening out there Jesse.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Jess. Dont ever let the Knockers get you down. I hope you have a great trip.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck! God bless you Jessica!


Dropbear said...

Sounds amazing Jessica!.. Fair winds and smooth seas!

nikkichick70 said...

sooooo excited for you jess ...i'm going to enjoy reading your updates with a small amount of jealousy ...tonite anyway, go girl!

sean w said...

Am glad you are taking in the beauty of it all as i am sure later down the track you will see the ugly side of mother nature but its still beautiful in a way to.
I look foward to reading your blogs everyday as its like we are all sailing with you.
Good luck and best wishes.
Sean W

Unknown said...

Jess you're amazing, from another sunny coast sailor, I have been watching your blog and adventure unfold. I turn 60 this year and have always had a dream to cross a major ocean by sail and I am still dreaming, maybe your courage will get me into you suffer seasickness ...take care sunshine coast shining star

Anonymous said...

I hope you get a steady breeze this evening. Don't eat too many pancakes. What's the book you have started?

Take Care,
Hervey Bay (just north of the Sunny Coast)

nikkichick70 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alan & Lena said...

All power to yr elbow Jesse - since you're to be famous will you be known as Jesse, Jess or...
About the book, hopefully you were writing not reading? ;-D
Enjoy the calm, the blow will come but then you'll have nothing to fear but fear itself (FDR quote, US President)
Alan & Lena, Gold Coast

save said...

I've seen you yesterday on Italian tv... you are so young but so great! Enjoy you WT! Im admiring what are you doing!

Anonymous said...

I hope you accomplish your goal and have a great time. I wish I didn't get told to go to bed! Have a good night - Abi, 11 years old, Parkdale, Vic

Anonymous said...

pemakYou've painted a great picture in a few words Jessica.

One of my favourite books was the Kontiki Expedition and I marvelled at what wild life attended the raft in its journey across the Pacific.

Keep your wits about you an stay safe girl.


Anonymous said...

Wishing you well Jessica. Last night I found myself awake thinking about you. As a mother I felt concerned for your well being, but extremely proud of what you are hoping to accomplish as a young Australian woman. My heart goes out to your mother, how strong she must be to let her daughter do something so courageous. I know my heart would be aching if my children were in your position. In fact I don't think I could sleep a wink!
I wish you all the very best and I look forward to hearing more news on your journey of a lifetime.


Unknown said...

Hi Jess,

I think what you're doing is absolutely fantastic! Life's too short to not follow your dream and you've done just that we the best support you could ever ask for, your family. Nice to hear the first few days have been calm, I reckon that's a nice way to start this journey! It sounds like it's very beautiful and peaceful out there, what you're doing is an experience money can't buy! Have a great night and I look forward to hearing about your adventures at sea! SAy hi to the mermaids............ ;-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,
WOW I can't believe the trip has started, it's amazing for me, it must be even more amazing for you.
I don't know if you remember but my name is Saraya and we came up to Mooloolaba excalty 9 weeks ago today and met you and saw the pink lady, we were up there again today and we went down to the marina and looked at all the boats it felt really wierd that 9 weeks ago to the day we were there meeting you (it was a pretty special moment for me to meet you). Most teenage girls have idols as moviestars or singers but not for me you are my idol (and I love sailing).
Saraya :-) said...

kudos kudos kudos.

i am sooo very nervous for you. can't wait to see you back in one piece.

Curious: did you take any school work with you : P

looking forward to monitoring your adventure with the rest of the world.


Andreas said...

reading your blog makes me wane go out there and do the same instead of going back to work tomorrow . . . have a save trip and a good night ! All the best

Unknown said...

Hi Jess,
Has teddy found his sea legs yet, and i hope he is happy as it's a long trip enjoy all those sunsets, dolphins and everything else out there.
Good night
Love Hannah & Taylor xxxx

Kate said...

Will be watching your blog in anticipation. Stay safe - you're an inspiration - kate

JA said...

Nice description - I could almost picture it. I know those pink sky's; and I envy the solitude. I'm a ex-Sunshine Coast fella wishing you all the luck in the world. (Not that I think you need it).

Unknown said...

Good luck Jess, don't forget to wave at us kiwi's as you sail on by.
Hope you get a bit more wind tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

"If it's to be ... it's up to me" Kay Cottee, Australian, and first woman to circumnavigate the globe solo.
Keep going Jessica ... and follow your dreams.
JohnW, Brisbane

Patricia said...

It sounds wonderful! So at night do you sleep soundly - or are you alert?

Anonymous said...

Good luck! Take your time sail around the globe :D


Unknown said...

I've emailed a friend in the Falkland Islands via my Facebook site; they're very much looking forward to meeting you.

madisson morante said...

Hi Jessica,
my name is Madisson i love how you wrote about the jellyfish the dolphins and the sunset.I wish i could be as brave as you.Just wishing you luck and hope you make it from Madisson (Tea Gardens NSW)

Anonymous said...

I wish you all the very best in your journey. Dad and I checking in on your blog everyday. Dad says "be your own master, make your own decisions, stay safe and show them how it's done!" I think you will have a wonderul time! Love Grace (

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse, I love your discriptions of your first day, you paint a verbal picture that says it all, keep on going. Loz

Volly said...

I plan to keep track of your progress for I think what you are doing is wonderful, but would it be possible for you to post your position in your blog so folks can keep track where you are? My wife is a school teacher and the kids in her class would love that. Good luck and be safe!

Ross said...

Hi Jesse...
Great to read your blogs son Sean and i will be following your amazing trip for the next 8 months till your safe return..
Few people in life step out of their comfort zones to take on a life changing challenge such as this...its great to see and you can be sure the memories will last a lifetime...Enjoy every minute ( even the tough ones)!
Safe journey..

Anonymous said...

You are my immediate hero! All the good things in the entire universe are with you and on your side on this fantastic voyage.

Darren said...

Good luck Jess.

God speed to you, and enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity.

Stay safe, and I'll be there to greet you again when your back in Qld.


Unknown said...

Go get 'em, girl. Watching your success. A dad with three daughters.

Jim in Zurich

Inspiredbyu said...

Jessica, so great to hear from you. I am so excited to be able to share your journey with you, thank you for this. Each morning i log in to hear all about your day. can't wait for the next insert. Enjoy those pancakes, yum. Safe travels across the beautiful oceans of this world.

- Lahny! said...

Hey im glad your on your way safley.You have shown everyone that dreams can happen :)
where abouts are you at the moment?

Fernando said...

Best luck, Jessica.

From Spain, I´ll follow you and pray for you.

Good Bow!

Fernando,an spanish sailor.

Unknown said...

That sounds so amazing Jess, the peacefulness must be so lovely. Best of luck, I love reading your blogs!
Love, Natalie.

Anonymous said...

good luck! from italy

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess, your an inspiration to everyone I have spoken too. Goods luck with the trip. Any chance you could let us know your coordinate roughly in your blogs so we can google earth, to see where you are?

Cheers from South Oz

Carl Bentley said...

Sounds like you have had a wonderful day. Enjoy your meal and have a good night. :)
You have inspired me to start planning my own travel adventure which is to cycle across Australia.

zeebee said...

dear jessica, a big hello from austria! read the news this morning. you're on your way. wow - you made it. congratulations. i wish you a wonderful week. love zeebee

Lou said...

It sounds wonderful!
Please enjoy your journey for all of us normal boring people, who are doing the same normal things every day... I think you are an inspiration for many people.
Have a blast time out there, greetings from Denmark

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse
Great hearing about your day. Best of luck will be thinking of you. Well done

maleksarab said...

wonderful image so far jessica , i hope it goanna be prettier as you are coming closer to your goal. eat well and have fun :)
today i gathered 12 fans for you from jordan in the northern part of the world .
best luck

Anonymous said...

I am the same age as you, an I love sailing, so I have to say I envy this opportunity to do this thing that neither you or the rest of the world will ever forget. Just remember to keep your head up and smile when it gets tough, and that'l help you deal with it a lot easier!
Keep up the good work! Look foreward to hear more!


Richard said...

Hi Jessica,

I have been following you for several months. In the beginning I thought such a little girl - such a big ocean. I now see that you are not a little girl at all but equal to the challenge. I wish you calm seas and may the wind be always at your back. Good luck!

Anonymous said...

My family and I are not sailors but we feel drawn to your amazing spirit and sense of adventure. My seven year old is asking every hour where Jessica is on the map. His interest, and many others like him, is a sign of the excitement being generated by your attempt and the overall influence on impressionable lives. For that I thank you. It makes my job as a father that much easier and takes the focus off all the negative and violent stories from around the world that are not meant for childs eyes and ears. Good luck, we will be following you with great interest like the rest of the world. Enjoy.
The simmonds Family,Kedron,Qld.

Linda said...

I guess the plane buzzing around had a nes crew on it as we saw you on the news. It looked so peaceful out there. Enjoy your freedom.

Benjamin Wright said...

Don't eat too much you'll run outta food haha Oh I wish I had the luxury you do on your amazing endeavor.

UnderTheWeather said...

nice easy start will be good to settle the nerves and get in a routine,
good luck
fair winds

Andreas said...

Do you have any gps tracker on the boat so we can follow you on something like google maps where you are? Have a good night:)

Susi Lee said...

What a wonderful adventure you have embarked upon, Jessica. For sure you'll have some ups and downs but I think there'll also be many moments of complete and utter joy and excitement. Thanks for inviting us on board in this way. I'll be following your trip closely and my thoughts will be with you constantly. From Sydney.

Matt said...

Wow! Is all I can say Jesse! You are an inspiration to many. Stay safe out there!

Lou :) said...

It sounds wonderful!
Please enjoy your fantastic dream/journey for all the people who will never live out there dreams.
Have a blast time out there...
Greetings from Denmark

Unknown said...

Sounds great. I'll swap you for my office desk anytime.
Good luck and remember we'l all always be thinking of you during the months ahead.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica, you are such an inspiration to me. I am in awe of your courage and determination. I envy what you will discover and see at such a young age. What are the stars like on a clear night? I'm sure its breathtaking!

Good luck and hope you have a safe journey. You are in my prayers everyday.

Best wishes

Unknown said...

Well done Jesse you managed to get away. I'll be following your trip through your blog and have placed your link on my company WebStation Australia Handylinks page for our readers. I too am a keen cruising sailor and wish you a wonderful and safe trip. Regards Roger Glasson

Anonymous said...

Jessica - as a 42 year old amateur sailor all I can say is a big "good on ya!!".

Will keep tabs on you via your site, wish you all the best! You are a brave woman following your dreams...thats a beautiful thing!!

Anonymous said...

Good luck Jess you go girl!!
You are inspiration Jess your parents must be so proud.
Enjoy the wonderful sunset you will see have a good night out there.

maria said...

Good luck!!!!!

Mel said...

Go Jess!!! Enjoy your trip and take care. Keep us informed.

Holger said...


we moved to Australia a few years ago and I had a coffee this morning in Newport at the beach. The sea was calm, the sky blue and dolphins were playing just in front of the beach. After the report on 60 Minutes last night we instantly thought of you. We hope the calm sea and the dolphins are a sign for your journey and that you will soon be back safe and full of adventures.
All the best

Holger, Beatriz, Glauco, Stella & Mambo (family dog)

Mark England said...

Enjoy your trip. You are an inspiration. Will be watching daily.

Mark. Melbourne

Anonymous said...

congratulations on making the first step on a fantastic voyage. our thoughts and hearts are with you every minute of the day.
all the crew TRIMWORX.

hey jess,
hope ur trip turns out amazing,dont worry about what enyone else thinx, this is your dream and u are the only one that can make it come true, go hard or go home.
^_^ <3
Bree (TRIMWORX) xxox

Mark B said...

Hi Jessica

Firstly, I would like to wish you all the best with you pursuits. You are an extreamly brave individual and will surely be an inspiration for teenages world wide.

As a teacher who works with young people your age I know you have already got my students thinking that they can achieve anything they put their minds to. You are surly teastimony to this and wait with anticipation for your daily posts.

God Bless

Mark B
Frankston, Vic, Aust.

Unknown said...

Hi Jesse, Just sitting here eating our ice-creams thinking that your pancakes sound a whole lot better! We hope it remains calm, but the winds to do you a bit of a favour.
You are an inspiration to a whole lot of people, and its good to see someone enjoying the raw elements.
We will be foolowing you, all the best and lots of luck,
Belinda and Woody


BRAVA JESSICA. REALIZZA IL TUO SOGNO E FALLO VIVERE A TUTTI NOI INSIEME A TE. BUON VENTO DALL'ITALIA. (Brava Jessica. Realize your dream and let us living it togheter with you. Good wind from Italy)

Joel said...

I one day wish to be experiencing what you are doing. Good Luck and give my best to the dolphins and whales.

lanbrook said...

Hello Jessica I,m from tasmania, lesleys the name. well done my thoughts are with you regards lesley

Mel said...

Justing sending another post to check my Google account verification.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess
It's Dylan from Picton NSW.. Just thought i would say Hi seeing that i could make the first comment on this evenings post:) Wow Like everyone else has said.. you are Amazing.. and more so a timtam fan hehe.. tell you what they are the best company you could have.. I train on my Mountain bike to and from work everyday for solo 24 hr racing and timtams fill that spot every time.. Great Choice.. I am inspired by your ambitions and your adventure ahead.. so You are bookmarked hehe so I mite say hi every so often :) Take care save journey.. and enjoy that freedom out there.. nite :)

Julie Macdonald said...

Good Luck Jessica, we will be watching your journey and wishing you well...... I think it is great that you are getting to follow your dream!!! Enjoy it!!!
Julie from Yellingbo, Vic

Peter and Kerri said...


We are inspired by your brave adventure and wanted to let you know that we, along with many others, will be following you each day on your journey. Take care and stay safe. Peter and Kerri, Canberra, Australia

Anonymous said...

As an Australian I am very proud of you. You will and can do this. We are behind you all the way.
Sail away

Greg and Bev Tucker said...

Great to hear your first day was so relaxing after all the hype of the last few weeks. We will be keeping track of your adventure and we wish you all the best. Safe travels and enjoy. Bev and Greg Tucker, Wagga Wagga NSW

Lucy said...

Hi Jess,
This Comment has nothing to do with you're latest Post, but i just wanted to say that i think it is amazing what you are doing, and that it is a real inspiration to younger girls like me. I'm Only 14, and you have really inspired me to go after my dreams and try my hardest at everything i do!

I'm Following you're blog Throughout you're journey around the world, (which is totally AMAZING!!!) So i can't wait to see what Loverly experiences you have!!

Thank for the Inspiration Jessica!!

Danielle Kiemel said...

You describe it so eloquently; I could almost feel the calmness through your words. It must be wonderful to have the time to sit back and think, to take the world in, to be alone with the sea.

I wish you the best on your journey, I'm sure you'll grow far beyond anything you can imagine.


thelme and grant said...

you can do it jessica we will be with you every day watching you take care good luck from thelme and grant tasmania

Anonymous said...

As an old girl who is still new to sailing (& loving every new experience of learning), I have as much respect for you as I do the open sea - it's an amazing place. Remember to have your veggies, keep safe, get some study in (I couldn't - I'd be sea sick!!) and work that wind to get around quickly.
Like the seals we have seen in Middle Harbour recently - if you get tired, just put pink lady on autopilot and rest on your back with your fins up!!
Gabrielle, Sydney

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica, Wind will come soon enjoy the time have now. Be safe and have a great time. John

Cameron B said...

That was only the first day. Im sure there is more to come, otherwise it will be slow slow slow. Take care.

Anonymous said...

Hey JeSS

Love your updates... keep them coming !!!

I have soo many questions to ask you... e.g. do you have time to sleep? how much food do you carry onboard ? Could you take a photo of the starry night ?

Take care ! SC

Wendy and Rob de Graaf said...

Hi Jessica,

We are following your trip from Bondi in Sydney. Rob has been thinking about you all night and can't wait for the 'on-line' tracking. we are both looking forward to hearing all about your adventure. You are amazing!

Wendy and Rob de Graaf

David Bott said...

Have great days and my family and I will be following you adventure.

oneravengi said...

hmmm sweet and sour lamb my wife said u can come to the g.c. and cook that for us when u come back lol ... and i like that u are getting used to a clean work area because a clean work area is a safe work area well hope u are getting some sleep cause lord knows that u need to get it while u can ttyl jay

Peter V said...

Hi Jess, Good on you! I'm 64, and a keen sailor but you're doing what I've been dreaming about since I was 30. Well done and fair winds to you.

Macca said...

jesss you are an insiration to australia!!!

Anonymous said...

Good Luck and have fun from Philip in Sweden!

Franz-Josef said...

Would it be possible to post the coordinates of your current position in your B-Log?

I wish you all the best!


JF said...

What a way to start! sweet and sour lamb. What a feast for your first day of freedom! Enjoy every step of your fantastic challenge. I had the pleasure to meet you briefly at boat show in Sydney and will follow your progress from my North of Borneo (Kota KInabalu to be exact).Happy sailing towards lovely tropic. Take good care


Unknown said...

Hello Jessica, my husband and I are thinking about how you are doing and will be with you all the way. We said how wonderful it is to see you giving inspiration to so many other 16 year olds, and they really need it these days.
Hope your voyage is everything you want it be.
From Amanda and Ian

Anonymous said...

As a mother, i will hold my heart in my hands for the next 8 months until you are safe on solid ground again... but at the same time 'you go girl' have the adventure of a life time.
ps your parents are the bravest people in the world to let something so precious go on such an adventure.

God Bless all of you!

Aljesh said...

Have fun, take care. Love to see the photo's.

Art said...

Good luck and Godspeed to you.
Caribou, Maine USA

Anonymous said...

I Hope you have a great night's rest and wake up to another Magical day!!!

Anonymous said...

Jessica go with the wind have taken an immence interest in your journey have been watching your progress for many weeks. Have been reading your blog and the latest news will be reading your blog every day. Will also be there to welcme you back to Sydney harbour when you return. Will have a truck load of chocolate waiting for you. Please take care mate or should I say Skipper. See Ya Ron.

Art said...

What a tremendous undertaking, godspeed to you.

Caribou, Maine USA

karisma said...

Well as a mama of 5, I have to say your journey ALL alone scares me a little my darling! However, I totally respect your right and your choices and wish you the bets of luck and the safest journey possible!) I am asking a couple of my favourite angels to watch over you tonight and for the rest of your journey! Keep safe little one!

I cannot imagine the feelings of your own mama right now, regardless of how proud she may be! I know I would be having a heart attack right about now. Its 9.50pm and my girls are all safe at home doing homework or watching tv. The little boys are in bed.

Big hugs and smoochies to you! Have fun and look after yourself! xxoxoxo

Geoff said...

Good to hear you are off to a good start. You had the world a little worried when you met that tanker but it is great to see people get up and keep going. Best of luck with your dream and goal.

hotchillis said...

hey jessica - you have all our good thoughts and best wishes on board. We know that you can do this wonderful trip. Take care.

Is your position being plotted anywhere that it can be followed?

The Dowlings. Coffs Harbour.

Unknown said...

Have been following your story... I own an Aquarius A23 which is my first first sailboat. Looking forward to learning from you. May You have a Safe, Blessed Journey. (Golden Valley, MN USA)

hotchillis said...

hey jessica - you have all our good thoughts and best wishes on board. We know that you can do this wonderful trip. Take care.

Is your position being plotted anywhere that it can be followed?

The Dowlings. Coffs Harbour.

Anonymous said...

I just heard the news here in Germany. Some people think, you establish a bad example for other teenagers!!! I guffawed. I hope, my son takes you as an example...
Mast und Schotbruch!

Anonymous said...

You inspire the soul. Dare to live the dream!
NC USA is pulling for you...

Anonymous said...

Jess, wow talk about living a dream! This old Hillbilly will be watching this happen. God speed and safe passage to you as you show other young people that there are no limmits to what can be done.

Ronald Anthony Cahill said...

Take care jessica go with the wind.

david Pasquali said...

have a good wind jessica.

Dave said...

Just wanted to sent my best wishes for a safe and fun adventure. I will be reading your blogs with interest and thinking of you. You are on the greatest adventure so havea great time.

Unknown said...

I hope you will be successful on your feat but also enjoy the process of it. Take whatever problem and challenges you encounter as an experience. Not many people can actually do what you can so I am proud of you. If you ever feel down, always remain calm and hold on to your beliefs. Everyone else here will cheer for you and I will cheer for you. Take care and may you sail with the smooth wind with the bright blue sky overlooking you. *hugz*

Melbourne, Victoria

Anonymous said...

How about to catch a few fish to eat? That will bee good! Take care!
and bee well!

dja112 said...

I'm glad it's been smooth sailing so far. Stay Strong.
dja-Boston Ma.

captain said...

Sweet and sour lamb sounds better than what I had!! U take care.....

Anonymous said...

Good luck Jessica !


Slovakia, Europe

captian pugwash said...

Hi Jesse, incredible image you have allowed us to share of your day. Keep the pink ship and yourself safe, stay alert ( when awake ) have a good night.

ArtbyJean said...

Goodnight Jessica! I will say a little prayer for you when I go to bed tonight. God bless you and keep you safe! Hope you have lots of magic moments.

grandpa dan said...

So cool! My wife and I was 19 and wanted to do something like your doing! LOL We did, but we stuck to the concrete seas.
Our prayers for your trip be with you. Wish you the best luck and waiting to read your book.

Dan & Sandy Amsden

Unknown said...

Wow.....make the most of this beautiful calm. You may be wishing for it when you hit the horn later in your trip. You certainly have a way with words, as i was reading your blog i felt like i was right there with you....soaking up that and do we get an invite at some stage for dinner....the food sounds great... :)

Deb and the Guinea's

T0be said...

Hi Jess,
good luck and best wishes. We belive in you!
T0be, Germany.

Anonymous said...

There are very few people like you in the world who for some unknown reason desire the need for something out of the ordinary and a real adventure of their own. Best of luck Jess you give us all inspiration to have a go at anything we want - you also have amazing parents! Can't wait for more updates, enjoy!

Katanka said...

It's nice to read all these things here! Take care of yourself!! God bless you and your family!

Unknown said...

Go Jess..
A friend of mine who works at Panasonic met you when he came to tend to the computer gear. He brought his daughter aged 9 (Zahlia) and you signed 2 cards for her. One of which she gave to my daughter. We have the card at the computer and are following you and hoping for the best. When you return we are going to bring the card to you for you to sign again.

Sail on.....You are an inspiration

Katanka said...

It's nice to read all these things here! Take care of yourself!! God bless you and your family!

Unknown said...

I'm sure you will have more to write in your book than time to write about it once the wind picks up! I'm so excited for you, I've been an avid reader of your blog for many months and now it's all happening! You are amazing and inspirational. Keep smiling, even though you're alone.
Lee in Vermont USA

Anonymous said...

Good luck and God speed
~a fellow sailor

xslayer228 said...

Hi Jess,
Good luck and i hope u do well and ill think u'll knock lionheart off the record. U must be really scared i sail a 3m centre board boat and i get scared in 25knots of wind.

stxer said...


I live in the Virgin Islands right on the water and think of you now when I look out at the sea. Good luck to you - you're very loved as you know. Keep up with blog! Just wondering....are you able to catch fish on your trip?


JP said...

Hi Jess, can you please include your position when blogging... i was hoping you'll be twitting but to no avail

Unknown said...

Good luck and Fair winds fron Sicily

Brenda said...

Hi Jess,
My daughter,who is 11 years old has taken a keen interest in your trip. She posted a note yesterday, and was keen to see what you had to write today! Take care, your an insparation .
Brenda tasmania

Dave said...

What a legend!
Go Jessica...

Unknown said...

Good luck and Fair winds fron Sicily

Kurgan said...

Hi Jessica!
Good luck and all the best wishes from the Girl Guides of Victoria Patrol, Selous Troop, here in Germany.

One hand for yourself and one for your ship!

Take care,
Victoria Patrol

Anonymous said...

Dear Jess!

This is Kavya Anand, 6 yrs old, from Singapore. I am really proud of what you are doing out there. I am going to read your blog every day. Keep writing and take care of yourself.

From Kavya Anand, Singapore

Anonymous said...

good luck on your adventure Jess. As a boatie myself - I envy you. Make the most of it...

Terry said...

what a fantastic adventure. I am a father of 2 boys (18,19) and I encourge them to do waht makes them happy. You sound very happy Jess.

Good sailing girl.

Terry, Gold Coast

Anonymous said...

enjoy the sleep till the water allows you too - now how calming is the sea and the opportunity to be alone and free, aight?

you go girl!

Bobby Timson said...

Congratulations for finally getting underway. You are an inspiration to many people of all ages and nations. You have become my personal motivation. "If Jessica can sail around the world solo, then I can do......." :)
In this time of global uncertaty it is very refreshing to have a heroine to rally behind. God speed!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

I look forward to reading your updates over the next few months. Whilst my passion in life is not as dangerous as yours (!!) I applaud you for your courage and determination to live your dream. I only hope that when my boys, who are only 8 and 5 now, reach 16 that they too follow their dreams.

Happy sailing.

Lene-Therese said...

Sounds just amazing :)

Unknown said...

Hi Jess!
Just thought I'd let you know, you're now one of the subjects of a university course. I teach a class on Adventure and Exploration, and for the rest of the semester your blog is on our reading list.
FYI, I'm 50 now, but when I was your age Robin Graham did his sail around the world and I desperately wanted to break his record. I didn't get a chance at that one, but I know that kind of desire.
Be safe, Jess.
W. Scott Olsen
Professor of English
Concordia College
Moorhead, MN, USA

Unknown said...

Hold fast Jess!
Take care of u and Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jess - just want to wish you good luck with your adventure. I have two boys just a couple of years younger than you and I can't imagine that your Mum and Dad would have been able to wave you off on your journey had they not had 100% confidence in your ability to achieve your goal. I will be reading your blog. Stay safe and enjoy all the ups and downs (literally!) from the
Hedley Family / Mornington Peninsula, Vic.

Unknown said...

Take a day at a time, the worst at sea is to be becalmed. Now it's just you, the pink lady and the sea. Our thoughts are with you, godspeed!

Anonymous said...

i am so pleased to see you have a go. You make all australians feel so proud!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,
So excited to read each day about your dream sail. May you be safe and accomplish your goal. We are all cheering you on in Ohio. Dan, Kathy, Brooke, and Evan

Libby O said...

Will you be able to post photos on your blog? That will bring us closer to you and share more of the experience. We are with you in spirit.

JeffK said...

Following your adventure with great interest from Nashville, Tennessee! And it amazes me that we live in such a connected world. Best of luck!

AB said...

Hey Jesse

Thanks for being an adventurer - the world needs people like you!

Will be following your journey and wishing you to be safe.

Kind regards
AB from KG (Kangaroo Ground)

Alistair said...

Hi Jessica,
Good luck and enjoy the voyage....and when things get rough remember you have the beautiful S&S 34 to keep you safe. Just leaving on a voyage like this takes remarkable courage...well done and safe passage.

Anonymous said...

hi jess, your a dead set drifter. Remember its not all about the destination but the journey in which you are on.
Best of luck:}

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess

I just wonder how do you sleep at night? How does it work?

Yeah whatever! Take care and good luck!



sounds like you are having fun..u seem to especially love the part about no one sending you off to

We are with you all the way! all the best and keep good.

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