Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Today was definitely a better day for progress with 13knots of wind from the north east pushing us along nicely. But if anything, it's been pretty quiet day out here again, just a lot of sparkling blue water and blue sky.

I was kept busy last night avoiding a bit of shipping and adjusting the Fleming windvane when the wind dropped right out. It was so quiet and flat for while that I brought my pillow out into the cockpit and grabbed a few cat naps of sleep under the stars.

It already feels like I'm settling right into a routine, grabbing a bit of sleep through the night and into the morning when I can, logging and plotting my position, digging through the food bags for meals and calling in for phone skeds twice a day. There's always something to do or check.

I've been hard at work eating my way through all the last minute presents and sweets that were shoved aboard just before we left. Every time I think I've eaten them all I seem to discover another packet stashed away somewhere!

Thanks for all the comments.



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Beth MacDonald said...


Enjoying your posts from Hanover, Massachusetts, USA. Let us know if you see any sea turtles. Enjoy the ride.

B MacDonald

Unknown said...

Wow, I just saw your story on the Today Show. You inspire me young Jessica! I'm a 44 yr old woman and I need to loss 100 pounds. I will start my journey to health today as you have started to live your dream!
If you can sail around the globe, I can get off my couch and work out!
Thank you so much...Julie

Torch Bearers said...

Hi Jess,

Wish you all the best in your future endeavors for this long trip. It is amazing that at such a young age you have taken an inititative for this feat. The torchbearers will follow your posts till you reach the finish line.


Kristine said...

Hi Jessica Just your story this morning here in NZ in the nz herald and what an amazing young lady. If we all didn't grab our dreams and go with them it would be a boring world. Best of luck for your journey And Take Care

Kristine, Auckland, NZ

Anonymous said...

good wind from denmark, hov about some informations about u positsion

Martin Slater said...

Youäre an inspiration Jessica. Best of luck to you on your epic adventure!

Stockholm, Sweden

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,
I am a good friends with Brian Caldwell and was hoping to meet you on the Ragtime delivery but it didnt't work out.
Guess it will have to be in Australia now!
If you have a mailing list please add me craigcuff@hotmail.com

Unknown said...

Hi Jess.

I am a girl of 15 I thought that you're really tough and brave. I follow your round the world trip closely selcom I come from Denmark on the other side of the globe.

watch yourself out there.


Unknown said...

Hi Jess.

I am a girl of 15 I thought that you're really tough and brave. I follow your round the world trip closely selcom I come from Denmark on the other side of the globe.

watch yourself out there.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,

I'm following your blog from Napa Valley in Northern California, USA. I have two daughters, one not much older than you. I think you are an amazingly strong and brave young woman, and I wish you "fair winds and a following sea" on your courageous journey. Remember, you're not alone. We're all pulling for you!

Kim Beltran

Sara Louise said...

Hey Jessica, just a quick hi from NZ, wishing you all the best. :) Have an amazing trip!! ~Sara

Galia said...

hey Jessica!
warm greetings from very warm israel! I find it so amazing that you are going for it! I shall follow your blog untill you make it back to your start point!
Good luck girl and enjoy this special time :)

Nat said...

Great to hear that your moving along and getting into a daily routine ...

An incredibly inspiring story and I eagerly look forward to each daily update - reading your blog over the next few months will be the closest a lot of us will get to an adventure like yours.

Best wishes

Nat Hervey Bay

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hi Jessica, Hello from Minnesota USA..I wish you the best of luck and I look forward to your blog posts about your adventure! Stay Safe:)

Stanlee said...

Sounds like you're getting yourself settled in and ready. Even though it is only the beginning, your "journey of a thousand miles" has already begun with "your single steps". How excited you must be to know that what you're doing will change the foundation fo who you are. It's like on the other side you'll be meeting yourself..I'm very excited for you. Stay firm.

Fredriksson said...

Hello from Sweden i hope everything work nicley and you will come home saftley! I will read your blog and follow you around the world:)

Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Did you take your fishing gear? Plenty of lovely stuff to eat in the sea to go with the sweets:-) Paul from NZ

Unknown said...

Hello Jessica. My wife and I have four young daughters under age of 7. We are amazed by the challenge you are undertaking. We wish you all the best for this adventure and we will follow up your progress. Good luck, Rossella, Alexia, Laetitia, Alexia, Sophie and Lionel from Milan Italy.

dfein said...

After recently reading “A voyage of madmen” (you must have read this?) and having done a little sailing myself (across the pacific on a 34 foot sailboat), I’m impressed and inspired with your voyage! What you are doing is too cool and I’m looking forward to following your journey via the blog. How about giving us your latitude/longitude on your blogs so we can have a better idea where you are?


Anonymous said...


Glad to hear that you finally have some wind ! It sounds like you have gotten some great advice from the previous blog entries.

We are in Denver Colorado, USA and the whole family is pulling for you and keeping you in our prayers.

Have a wonderful adventure and stay safe.

Bob and Family from Colorado

Chris - Melbourne said...

You go girl !

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica... I'm sure this will be a fantastic experience that you'll remember for the rest of your life, and it will be very exciting for us to chart your course in this record breaking attempt. Is it possible to track you online (gps)? Please let us know if this is possible. Best of luck...

Joseph said...

A thought to ponder from Emily Dickinson:

Exultation is the going
Of an island soul to sea,
Past the houses--past the headlands--
Into deep Eternity--

Bred as we, among the mountains,
Can the sailor understand
The divine intoxication
Of the first league out from land?

All the best

zoe said...

How 'bout some pictures Jess?

Anonymous said...

Another day, the weather seems to be ok, will you be stoping into different ports?
Best Wishes. NYC

Anonymous said...

Wishing you lots of luck! Keep a good lookout.

There was a link to a nautical chart I ran across somewhere. It tracks your progress and position at sea. Now I can't find it. Can you post it again? Thanks.

Unknown said...

Hello from Israel,

I follow up from day one.
It is really inspiring.
I will keep up with all the way.

Best of luck and good winds.


Unknown said...

Congratulations on getting to this stage and fair winds for the rest of your adventure. Regards from Mississauga, Canada.

Unknown said...

Best of luck Jessica! I'll be praying for you from the US!!

Buddy Blanton said...

Hello Jessica,

I am so amazed at what you are doing, and I think it is fantastic. I will keep you in my prayers, for you have a "large" challenge ahead of you, but from what I have read, you are ready for the journey. Enjoy all the calm moments because will some not so calm moments, but from the pictures I have seen, you can handle. Godspeed to you! Keep a weathered eye on the horizon, and a firm grip on the helm. I will read your blog daily because I am amazed at you courage.....

Chief Gadfly said...

Onya, girl... keep it up.

Mike Jovanovich said...

We're from Toronto, Canada and were in Sydney when you left last Sunday. I have two daughters aged 10 and 12 and think what you are doing is great. You are a role model for being independent and going after what you desire. Best of luck and God bless. We'll be keeping track of your progress and cheering you on here in Canada.
The Jovanovich Family
Mike Michele, Madison and Brooke

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,

Just read about your efforts in the NZ Herald, good luck with this awesome effort!

Look forward to following your progress through NZ waters.

All the best!


Nana Bebie at Caloundra said...

Hi Jessica, It's good you can relax on the one hand, yet on the other, stay alert. As for eating all the goodies, hope you have some stashed away for the rest of the journey.

sven said...

good LUCK

best regard form CROATIA !!!!

good wind !!!!!

Zenergy Coach said...

Goodmorning Jess!
Brisvegas sends you lots of sunshine and warmth!

We are complete strangers, but by the sounds of it, 2 women driven by the same determination to conquer our goals...always focus on what is possible (which is anything!) and only ever listen to people that support you!

Thinking of you as I tackle my day and keep your updates coming!

Have an awesome day on your journey today!

Anders said...

It's interesting to read your blog! :) Keep it up girl, and goodluck on your "little tour"...

paulthom12345 said...

Sounds great :)
Hopefully it keeps like that, 13 knots is a nice breeze to ease you into the routine.

Smurf said...

Hi Jess, you're in inspiration, go for it!

Paula said...

Jessica, good to hear you had some good winds today. How about some photos?? Just in case you aren't busy enough!

Anonymous said...

go for it!!

Libby O said...

Glad you're moving along. What is your set up for collecting water? I'll be following you every day from Arizona, USA.

Dr T said...

Go Jessica,

We are here in Boston watching your progress every day. You are the coolest!! Sail safe.

The Tromanhauser Family (Lily age 10, Max age 16 and Scott and Jennie (Mom and Dad)

Anonymous said...

Hey there,
I have no idea whether you will actually be able to read your comments during your tour. I wish you a huge bunch of luck and lots of fun for your trip. I am very exctited to follow your blog.
Greetings from Germany,

Diez said...

Jessica, David Smith here. I was directed to your story by my brother who enjoys feeding me snippits of the sailing world as he knows of my passion for ocean sailing and the sea.

I am origionally from California but now live in British Columbia Canada, Vancouver Island to be more exact and if your skanning your hardward i am at the very south end in Victoria, Oak Bay, look for willows beach and there i am.

I have a son 25 and a daughter 22 and with some insight to the value of allowing and encouraging my offspring to be adventuresome and take calculated risk i would like to say i am very proud of you. the tiedes are not always with us when we step out of the norm and my friend you have left the norm for an experience that only a few will know and fewer can possibly understand.

My ocean crossings and logged sea miles seem humble in light of the adventure ahead of you yet i am certin i will be fimilar with the emotional ride which awaits you, which will shape you forever, which will teach you the humble nature of our being and introduce you to the remarkable world around us. I am jealous, i miss the sea, i miss the solitude, i miss the adventure while at the same time i am comfortable with the warmth that surrounds me in my home and family. I know my time will come again and i will be on the water.

It is interesting that your story crosses my desk as i just met a gentleman by the name of Glen Wakefield, http://www.kimchowaroundtheworld.com/public/006_KimChowAboutG.html) and though we have lived in the same town for 22 years we have never crossed paths at our yacht club or around town. He had recently returnd from his bid to sail unassisted and the wrong way around the globe, unfortunatly rounding the horn he lost is boat and had to return home. He like you (i am sure) is a remarkable soul, passionate about realizing a dream, passionate for what only a few can find in themsleves able to step up to. he is currntly shopping for his next boat as he wants to head out in the spring for his second attempt. We have kept our communications going, he is a yachtsman of the truest kind, one who will share his stories, thoughts and dreams to us who are currently at rest ashore.

Jessica, you and Glenn remind me of what i love, where i have been, what i have seen, in reading your story i am reminded of the fragile nature of life, the balance required in our physical, spiritual and mental being.

I will follow with great anticipation. Safe sailing and my respects to you and your family.


Anonymous said...

Congrats Jessica, go ,go, go...we're reading your blogs everyday ! ! !
Auckland father of 2 teens.

Roderik said...

Glad to hear things are going good.

April Taylor said...

Wow, what a wonderful adventure to read about from the other side of the world. My kids and I are following you from land-locked Vermont, USA and wishing you good, safe sailing. We wish we could find a way to send you some cookies as a treat, but I guess we'll settle for sending you good thoughts.
Have fun!
The Taylor family
Vermont, USA

Nick said...

Greets from Sweden! You're really brave you know? I will follow you journey here on your blog. Used to sail a bit myself but the family has sold the boat now, was not one of my bigger hobbies right now anyway but it sure is fun. Stay safe!

Ross said...

Good on ya Jesse. We are with you all the way.


Greg / Nancy said...

Just thought I'd say "howdy" and good luck. I am a landlubber from Utah. I ride horses and pack into the wilderness instead of sailing a boat across the ocean. Nevertheless, both are exciting adventures. Your trip is tremendously exciting and I am anticipating your posting some some pictures.
Be Safe!

Jan McK (NZ) said...

Hi Jessica, I don't really think you should be doing this - not right around the world anyway, but you are so I wish you a wonderful exciting, and safe, journey. I will follow your progress with interest and hope that you can prove the doubters wrong. Not because they shouldn't be doubters, but because proving them wrong means you're safe.

I hope you rarely feel lonely and that you never feel afraid. Have fun, enjoy this experience, don't eat all your food at once and sleep well when you can.

Safe travels - take care little one.

George said...

Sandy (my wife) and I are thinking that you are doing pretty good out there. It sounds like you are learning so much, BUT... be careful of those sweets!!! You don't want to get sick out there!!

Both of us are enjoying your voyage and we enjoy reading your blog. You have become a part of our daily routine!

George & Sandy Yahn

San Jose, California, USA

Anonymous said...

Jessica - watching your progress from Florida. I'm so moved by what you are going to accomplish - incredible feat - I have no doubt you will complete this wonderful journey. Stay safe, watch the stars, we've all got our fingers crossed.
Kiwi Di

Amanda said...

hi Jess,

good luck with your travels and we will pray that you are kept safe!


Ria Little said...

You're so inspiring and brave! Keep up the good work girl!
I know you can do this.

Anonymous said...

I think you are an amazing young lady and I wish you well in your journey around the world.
Barbara, NZ.

Chris said...

Good on ya Jess. hope all goes well for you....chris Bendigo

Casey J said...

Be safe and enjoy the experience of a life time.

trentgs said...

It sounds like you are enjoying the wind and sea-- Its's so incredible to read your descriptions. Whats' your position?... I'm itching to plot it on the map I bought for the purpose yesterday!! I also wondered whether you brought a cat to keep you company as Tania did on her cruise- but you've not mentioned anything so I guess you didn't take a stowaway.. Maybe a gull will befriend you.
I bet its' incredible out there. I've often dreamed of sailing-even the intercoastal waterways but..it looks like it will be a vicarious journey. I pick up a copy of Yachting and Sail on ocassion..But mostly I read which is how I came to study Tania Aebis' journey and the one I'm reading now by a couple sailing the Carribean entitled 'An Embarrasment Of Mangoes'. They did a 2 year cruise leaving everything -closing the house and setting sail out of Rhode Island. The book is unique in that the boats name is Recetta' which is Italian for Recipe and scattered through out it is the foods they learned to prepare as they island hopped.. So have you decided North or South of New Zealand yet?

Prayers...for you..said but not closed..kind of always there..

Take care..and come to think of it theres several Angels ridin' along..I just know it!!

Cherie said...

I wish you luck and calm seas on your journey, I hope you have a wonderfull voyege :)

Angus said...

Hi Jessica,
Ive been watching your progress for some 6 months now. At one point wasn't too sure if someone might talk you out of going. It seems you have more guts than most.
I spent 15 years in the RAN and spent my 17th birthday in Veitnam. So I'm behind you 100%. I suppose you have had all the advise in the world, now its up to you.Where your going there is good and bad, always remember with the bad comes the good, I wish you fair winds and following seas.

p.s. your not petite, your bigger than most mountains.

Unknown said...

Good Luck,
I hope you have a safe journey!!

Courtney said...

Congratulations, & I hope your trip is a very safe one :D
I hope you complete your goal as well, it must be nice to have such an amazing goal like that (:
But anyways, good luck! <3

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica

I don't know how much bandwidth you have at sea or can use, but would it be possible for your to post a couple of photos?

Unknown said...

Well done so far Jessica. You are an inspiration to all people young & old. Though I don't think you need it, I will say it, Good Luck with your adventure.

Are you equipped to post the photos you take of your journey on your web page? It would be great for some us to see some of the things you are seeing.

Anonymous said...

Good morning Jessica, So great to hear the trip is going well. Enjoy the calm and peace and quite you know it wont last!! You are still on the news daily here in Australia, STh Coast of NSW anyway, great to see they are supporting you. This morning in Tuross Head is fine, the sea is calm with a slight breeze. Have a good day. My thoughts and best wishes with you always. Michelley3 :-)

Anonymous said...

Good Job Jess, Keep going, enjoy this moment and God Bless you

Charlotte said...

It sounds like such an amazing trip, must be so cool to be all on your own, having the entire ocean before you! I think this will be the first blog I will ever manage to follow! ;)

Best of luck to you!
/Charlotte from Sweden

Anonymous said...

hi jessica,
i took my cap right from my hairs. you started your journey. i`ve read it in my newspaper. chapeau ! i`ve a daughter 3 years older than you. maybe she`s sometimes so courageous like you. i would be proud.
so: always pretty wind and just little waves.
take care !

Anonymous said...

I just heard the news of your journey this morning on TV, from Fredericksburg Virginia USA. I couldn't believe what I was hearing! As a boater myself, I know what you're going to encounter. You are the bravest young lady I have ever known about. The oceans are alive and they'll gobble you up if you don't pay close attention. I'll be looking forward to reading your blogs. Keep us updated as much as you can.

I wish I could have talked you out of this, along with a couple other million people.

Are you able to IM with live video?

I wish you bundles of strength,
Sherry, Virginia USA

Anonymous said...

I'm always so excited to read your post about your adventure. have fun girl! Be safe!

Larry Tilford said...

I envy you the peace and quiet, Jessica. We're really pulling for you and hope that your circumnavigation is both super rewarding and successful. God Bless.

Anonymous said...

hey Jess.
i think its sensational what you are doing, make the most of the day, enjoy the journey.

Anonymous said...

It seems like a good start. :-) Make sure you keep your spirits up, hence hide away some of those sweets for worse days to come! ;-)

Take care!

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica, been following your blog. You are an amazing young Lady, I wish you well. Just a thought, do you trail a long rope behind the Yacht just in case you fall overboard. Seen it in the movies and it works well. Do you wear a harness all the time ? How do you stop from falling overboard? Also, do you have radar to see other shipping?
How could you sleep not knowing what is coming at you ?
All my best wishes, I shall be following you all the way. Keith. (From Gold Coast)

anth said...

When you run out of those things you could always throw a line out!!!

Frida said...

hey Jessica!
I wish you all luck with your trip! I follow your blog! Best regard from Frida in SWEDEN

Nightowl said...

Wishing you the very best of luck. Have you bookmarked to follow you in this wonderful attempt. Take Care N.

Daniel Bustin said...

Jessica you are truly a legend.... Forget all the criticism from the media, this Is your dream and I have no Doubt that you will complete this and live on in our hearts as a world champion... Go jess

graemek2 said...

Hi Jessica,
My name is graeme & I live 100kms South of Sydney.
Have been following your preparation etc & would like to read your blogs as you progress around.
Have already found Washington Island on my Google earth (Kiribati) where you're going to change course for Cape Horn.
If I may make a suggestion could you note down your coordinates as you do a blog...then I can plot it straight off onto google earth.
Meantime, all the best to you & you have my personal admiration for your guts & capability.
Would also be interested in sea creatures that you spot, birds etc.
Have a really good day today !!!
Happy sailing !

Amy said...

This is so exciting that you're keeping a blog while sailing. My brother used to dream of sailing around the world when we were younger. I will have to point him to your blog. Have a great day!

Unknown said...

Go Jessica!

I'm delivering a boat to New Zealand from Fiji to Opua, New Zealand tomorrow- so we'll pass each other as you head north ~ we should set up a radio sched?

-bj caldwell (ex-youngest solo rtw) ; - )

Anonymous said...

Love your work

Kensei said...

Sounds like you're getting into the groove. Glad to hear you've had nice weather at the beginning while you settle into your routine.

Is the tracker available yet? I'm sure everyone would like to see where you're at on the "big blue marble."


Anonymous said...

I wish you well on your grand adventure. I hope you will travel safe. I will follow your blog everyday and look forward to your encounters and challenges.

Bella said...

Good Morning Jessica!
Myself and my 3 little kids would like to wish you all the best on your journey! We love reading your blog and will continue to do so for your entire trip, you are very inspirational to all of us.
Good luck, and be safe,
Love Belinda, Orlando, Imogen and Matilda xoxo

Bella said...

Good Morning Jessica!
Myself and my 3 little kids would like to wish you all the best on your journey! We love reading your blog and will continue to do so for your entire trip. You are very inspirational to all of us.
Good luck, and be safe,
Love Belinda, Orlando, Imogen and Matilda xoxo

Anonymous said...

Best of luck with your journey, it seems as though you are getting settled and things are going well for you. My thoughts and prayers will be with you on your journey may you return home safe and victorious.

Dale Hills
Geelong, Victoria

Katherine D said...

I have four teenage daughters and I wouldnt let them do this, probably cause Im a mum and I worry...I really hope you make it sweetheart, all the best.

Anonymous said...

Jessica!! You never fail to amaze me! (: You are soooooo awesome! As a 14 year old, I commend your large amount of bravery and determination!! (:
You are sooo cool! And my new inspiration! I will be following you throughout your journey! I wish you luck! God bless! And I hope to meet you one day! You are so pretty, and amazing! Agh! You rock Jesse!! :D

With TONS of love!!
-Chelsey, 14, New Jersey. <3

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica,
sounds like you're having an amazing time already.
mum and i will be checking your blog daily and following your route so keep everyone posted!
safe travels =)
adelaide, south australia.

Konstantin said...

What a joy to read your posts! Keep up the good spirit and be good out on the great ocean!

Greets Kon, Germany

June and Richard Thorn said...

Hi Jess,

Routine is good. Just don't get too complacent. Stay strong. We will be watching your journey with keen interest over the coming months. God's speed and kind winds.

June and Richard Thorn

ted said...

My family and i wish you the best of luck and will be keeping up to date with your blogs.
Have fun and be safe.

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica,
Love reading your post, what a great example you are of what a woman can be. How I wish I could have been as brave as you when I was your age. My daughter and I can't wait each day for your post and your journey has just began.

Maria and Tayler Stack
Arvada, Colorado U.S.A.

Letisha said...

Happy to hear you are having fun on your trip and everyhthing is going well. Hope you get some better wind for sailing soon!

CiCi said...

This will be so exciting for the rest of us to live your adventure through your blog. You are a gutsy gal and we are proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica this is Abby iam only nine but i love sailing. Hope you do well. from Abby H

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica,
wishing you a safe trip,will follow you on your blog.
dont eat all the chocolates at once ,have some for the craving moments.
take a book and read on deck when its quiet and davour the peace and tranquility.

from a chocoholic

Becky said...

So many comments! It's wonderful, yet half the fun is reading every ones comments. Can not quite get through over 700 of them though. Just know I'm praying for you little lady. Sending angels to watch over you~~Angels with 'wind' beneath their wings. Hang on!

Be safe~~

Vitto said...

Hey..i don't know you but you are really really cool, brave and well..everybody will tell you the same..but i want also!!:)
i'm going to read your news everyday, to see how your adventure is going!!
so..may the sea and the winds be with you!!!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica!

Good Luck!

Although we envy you we believe in you too!!!


Newhaven College
Year 7's
Findley, Kelly, Zoe and Katie.

Anonymous said...

All the best, enjoy every second, eat well, sleep well, take care of yourself, of your boat, of the sea. I'll be following and supporting the great girl you are!
ana from France

Anonymous said...

I hope you were clipped on while you slept

Anonymous said...

Hey jess! I found out about u cause all the media choppers in syd woke my friends up the morning u left! We were then debating whether u were stopping along the way or not...the room was divided so I decided to look u up to end it - then I discovered all about ur journey!

wow, ur an inspiration! When u get back I'm sure schools around the country will be booking u to speak. Young people need positive role models to teach them how to follow their dreams! Brings tears to my eyes! Good on u!

Best of luck, I will be following you on your journey!

Lauren xx

Anonymous said...

You Go Girl GOOD LUCK from Beverley on the Goldie

Anonymous said...


Wow it all sounds so amazing. Thank god so far its been pretty calm, I would hate to be out there in a storm, which i guess in your time you will encounter. Stay strong little one, you are an inspiration to us all chasing your dreams like that. Good luck and stay safe, don't be scared to call it off if the sea's get to bad and scary, safety first always remember that, you are already our hero for begining the trip! Come home safe and well little one, have a blast enjoy your time out there.
Take Care

Unknown said...

Jessica my all wishes are with you. Jessica you have done a very brave job.Really no one can imagine a 16-year-old girl can sail around the world alone. Jessica u will definitely be the one.

hotels in niagara falls

paul said...

Hi Jessica it is so emlightening to read of your progress as you journey into our history book. All the best we are thinking of you paul

Anonymous said...

can you give us you lat/long regularly so we can plot you more easily?

Kayla Gagne said...

congrats on getting your journey underway! i live in the states, going to college in boston.. desperately wishing i could be doing what your doing! stay safe.. ill be checking in to your blog often!

Anonymous said...

Well done Jess,you just go girl.

Vicki said...

Good morning Jessica,
I am glad you're settling into a good routine and getting your sea-legs. We are following your progress daily and wishing you a safe and happy journey. Don't eat all your treats at once, save some for later when you really might need a boost. Sorry, that's my mother voice kicking in! We look forward to be able to track your progress soon.
Yours in sailing
Vicki & Michael, and family

Peter, Sarah and Ella Schultz said...

Well done Jess. My wife, 5 year old daughter and I are all behind you... You have made Australia proud mate.. Be Safe!! The Schultz Family, Brisbane Australia

Anonymous said...

You GO Girl!!! While I am in Tampa, FL ..... a very long way away from you.... your determination and inspiration at such a young age make me worry for your safety and yet make me extremely proud of you at the same time. When times get lonely in the open waters, just remember you are not alone...we are all with you! All around the world, we are praying for your success and safety and proud of you for the strength you possess. God Sail beside you and keep you safe!! GOOD LUCK MY DEAR, WE KNOW YOU WILL ACHIEVE YOUR GOALS!
Your friends in Tampa, FL - and all around the world.

David W said...

Jessica You had better lay off all those candies(sweets). There are no dentists out there on the briny!!!
Stay safe and keep cruisin' along.
David. Agoura Hills, CA

Anonymous said...

I just want to say, you rock!! You're so AMAZING
As we say in sweden, jag vet att du kommer att klara det här
Please put up som photos=)=D

Mal Lane said...

Hello Jessica,
Thank you for the update, it sounds just lovely out there, and no, you are never alone, with all those stars at night, the fish in the ocean, sea birds who find your vessel a resting place, your family in your heart, your new friends who follow you online, you will never be truly alone.
What a wonderful adventure you will have. I wish you smooth sailing and a safe and well balanced journey.
Keep in touch.

Anonymous said...

A fantastic astrologer made a prediction about you on his home page this morning! See www.cainer.com. He is in the UK and is a very well known accurate astrologer. Take a look!

Also, I've been following your blog with fascination every day. I check in each morning for updates. Such an inspiration.

From Karin in Sydney

John said...

Hi Jessica
From an old bloke in Central Queensland where your trip has certainly caused a lot of comment,not all positive,I wish you all the best, fair winds and safe passage.
It's great to see people breaking out of the mould.

Anonymous said...

hey jessica!

best of luck to you. many american tv commentators seem to think you should not have been allowed to do this. i think they should mind their own business, what do you think?


Anonymous said...

mmmm stashed chocolate...always a cool surprise! Hope the stars continue to guide you well!

:) The Homeschoolers

Chloe said...

Hey Jessica,
Do you think that you will last the 250 days????
I sure hope that you do!

chris duthie said...

Hi Jessica !
You are an inspiration to all of Australia and the world!
Enjoy your time at the wheel !
And remember ..NEVER GIVE IN !
All the best
Chris Duthie
World Masters Weightlifting Champion 2003

Chloe said...

Dear Jessica,
Have you encoutered any sharks????

rebecca said...

Glad to hear ur doing well. Ur in my thoughts and prayers daily. Thank u for sharing ur experiance out there

Ryszard said...

Dear Jessica,

it is great that you still have time to keep in touch with the rest of the World since you have to have eyes at the back of your head and hearing of a Cat, working at the school and having sixteen years old around , there is one thing to be said "..... hats off for Jessica Watson..."

Jessica, enjoy the calm waters because Horn will keep you on your toes 24/7

all the Best


Andrew said...

hi Jessica,
my name is Kassandra i am 11 or nearly 11, either way i think you are the best and are very enthusiastic with doing this.
i wish you all the luck from Kassandra McCulloch.

joe t said...

how many miles to go? are you half way yet? ha ha....jokes

keep turning over those miles, stay out from under the clouds, big light patches!

Joe T

Evie said...

If you ever think there may be sombusseneone onboard with you, then it could just be me. I am in awe (spelt wrong) of you. Go girl. live your dream

DougMcC said...

Hi, Jessica. Rooting for you from Palm Beach, Florida. Have you considered adding a track map to you site to show where you are and where you've been.

Doug McCurrach

Unknown said...

Jessica - we live in Buderim and we just wanted to say we support you and send best wishes for a smooth passage (relatively speaking) My daughter is half your age and I could not imagine her at 16 sailing around the world; so what you are doing is an inspiration for getting out there and leading your life. Good Luck and we want you to prove all the naysayers wrong. Stay strong , fair winds and friendly seas.
Phill Sonya and Olivia Downey

Anonymous said...

best of luck with the traevls!
Is there a way I can see where you are? Like a Google Earth add on? Would be cool wo see exactaly where in the world you are!
All the best.

Poli said...

Enjoying the posts! Safe travels and may the wind always be at your back. (I hope that's a good thing for you sailing types)

Anonymous said...

This is amazing. Good luck Jessica. Thinking of you lots.

Tassie Chris said...

Good to hear all is well and you did not have any probs with those big floating steel corks. ;-)
You don't want to give those useless media people any more ammunition to knock your wonderful experience.
Will keep following you on this "trip of a lifetime". Cheers

Hugh. said...

As a old drover, I know as much about sailing as flying to the moon. The most sailing I have done is paddling a floating log across a creek, but we are riding with you girl. Hang in there, take the good with the bad and I know you`ll get the job done. Just take care.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica, we read your blog in tutor group each morning. Good luck for the rest of your trip.

Year 9Y
Moama Grammar School

PS Is there a way to see where you are on google maps or something?

S.A.M.R. said...

t's gratifying to know you are doing well and everything is going smoothly for you, so hopefully you'll get to keep up your routine as much as possible before reaching the next leg.
I'm sure a lot of people would love it if you had brought a camera with you, to document your daily life and the beautiful sunsets and sunrises you must see out there!

Joolz said...

Hi Jess

Good to see you settling into a routine and enjoying the days. Don't go through all those treats too quickly!

Cheers - Joolz - South Australia

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess

Thinking of you from central Ohio (USA) and hoping all is continuing well. Beautiful meteor showers this evening, coming out of Orion!! What a way to spend an evening!!!

Godspeed from USA

Doug, Hannah and Tristan

Anonymous said...

Well done Jess, we are so proud of you. I am reading your blog every morning to my 17 month old daughter so you are now part of our morning routine! Take care. Kym & Milla, Lara Vic

Leeroy said...

Hi Jess,
Good to hear you got a bit more wind and are starting to make more progress.
Cheers, Leeroy

Mitch said...

Good morning Jess - glad to hear you have a bit of breeze finally. Is there any way we can see where you are? Your website does not seem to run to this.

Tracy said...

Congrats!!! Enjoy yourself and be safe. I am enjoying your posts.

HMB said...

don't forget to save a little chocolate for those hairy moments - don't take any notice of the use-by date, I mean, it's chocolate! It can NEVER taste bad!
You must really love sailing... have a great day

Ally said...

Reading your blog Jess & Im so excited what your going to experience. The beauty of this world!! And to add an achievement onto your ever growing list of "to do" things.
As a mum I pray for your safety & well being. Enjoy every possible moment. Create lots of memories to share with those not so fortunate.
Your being thought of by so many people, me included!& will be watching your progress.
Stay safe & enjoy.

James from Auckland said...

Take care Jessica, and wish you a safe and exciting journey.

Unknown said...

Good to see you are moving now. I've been becalmed out in that neck of the woods for 3 days coming back from Lord Howe and it can be beautiful and frustrating all at the same time. save some sweats for Christmas :-)


Eric =)) said...

YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!!!!!!!! YOU ARE AN INSPIRATION!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Save some of those sweets girl! You may want them in a few months. Barbara from Elk Grove

Anonymous said...

Wishing you a safe journey Jess. I'm so amazed at what you are doing, I can't imagine being out there all alone, especially at night! How courageous you are! I look forward to keeping track of your progress as you go along.
Kathy - Gold Coast

Anonymous said...

well done on the progress to kick it off, long way to go, but think about when youre 25 and thinking back to this momment in your life.. cherish it.. good luck

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica,

As everyone who is following your journey are hungry for news of your progress can you suggest to you support crew that they provide us with details when you do your radio skeds twice daily?

It would be great if we could obtain details of your current position (lat & long), how far you have travelled since departing, boat speed, heading, current sea conditions etc etc. I am sure that I am not alone that I am constantly checking your site for updates so it would be great if a yacht tracker application with a map and a track of your course could also be added to the site as well which would provide all of your followers with these details Here is such a site for consideration by your onshore support team. http://www.pangolin.co.nz/yotreps/index.php.

Keep up the great work heading towards your goal.

All the best,

Steve of Caringbah Sydney

broadie said...

Hey Jessica,
I will pretend I am not jealous of you catching some naps under the stars plugging along on a sparkling ocean - sounds magnificent and you will know all too well that these quiet moments are to be treasured and stored away in the memory banks to recall when things are not so quite :-) And as for discovering prezzies and little yummy food parcels arent they just the best. Its great reading your updates, thanks for taking the time to include us in this amazing adventure, take care

Annie said...

Wonderful Jessica, you paint such a vivid picture with your blog entries I feel I can imagine you out there so clearly and it sounds amazing. We are very, very proud of you, you make all of us strive to do better and try harder in our own lives. The Universe has you safely in her hands.

Annie from Buderim.

Col said...

In the words of Mr Burns "Excellent"

I think what you are doing is fantastic Jessica, and I can't wait each day to see how you are going.

Stay strong and safe

Anonymous said...

Good work Jess.

I never thought I would be so interested in sailing. Keep up the hard work, and make sure you keep enjoying your time on the water.

Taylor said...

Hi Jessica!One of my readers from Australia told me about your story, and i think what you are doing is amazing! I'm going to cover you in my blog so that girls from around the world can be updated on your progress.

I created girlzlikeme.com here in America when I was 12 years old. It's an online magazine for girls 6-16. It is seen in over 100 countries! I've included a link to my first blog post about you. I think what you are doing is really great! You go girl!


Unknown said...

Sounds like things are moving along. You have a routine, and that's good.

Fair winds!

Cpt Mar
iLean Windward
Longport NJ USA

Anonymous said...

Jessica, Our Chesapeake Bay sailing community is very proud of you. Good luck, gal!! Dan L.

Grant Horner said...

Moving is GOOD!!!

Sailing at 12-20 kts is just the best, isn't it? Fun without being tense, exciting in the sweet silence that slowly becomes a little bit of 'woosh' from the standing bow wave and the apparent wind -- just great stuff! Savor those wonderful moments.
And there's nothing finer than snoozing just a bit in the cockpit under the stars. How magical. Most people your age are melting their brains in front of a TV or video game. Instead, you're doing your impression of Odysseus, Aeneas, Magellan, Cooke, Lewis and Clark, Shackleton, Neil Armstrong, and everyone else who has had the guts and desire to launch out into the unknown.
Good for you!

Have a lovely day, Ms. Watson.


Richard said...

Did you end up going with the wheel or the tiller?
What are "skeds"?

captain@virtualvoyages.net said...

Ahoy Jessica,

Nice job.
Did you end up going with the wheel or the tiller?
What are "skeds"?

Captain Dick Lathrop

Neville said...

Hey Jess
Best of luck girl! We need more spirited adventurers like you. Like to give away the Frequency and times you use for your skeds. Just interested in listening if allowed.

Peter Odelhage said...

Take it easy and god luck!
// peter odelhage Sweden

paranha said...

Your going well, all the best of luck and calm seas. Have been a cray fisherman for 42 years and I know how lonely it can get.

wanga naulago said...

Hey Jess! Good on you mate and well done being out there by yourself and enjoying God's beautiful creations all around you. I love sailing too. I am praying for you girl and you certainly will achieve your dream. You go get it!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica
You really have my imagination working overtime with the vastness of your adventure.... I would love to be able to watch your progress across the oceans .... how about your latest plot as you sign off your very readable posts?


mullawa said...

I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky,
And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by,
And the wheel's kick and the winds song and the white sails shaking,
And a grey mist on the seas face, and a grey dawn breaking.
John Masefield.
I hope you continue to enjoy your voyage as much as you are now.
Good luck, Craig F

SWANY said...

Wish you could post pictures....Have a safe trip and good luck, I plan to follow your blog all the way through..
Ron from Texas

Walt Balenovich said...

Great to follow your progress Jessica! I have travelled the world alone, my own way, but not all at once like you.

I hope that lots of people your age are following you.

I wish you calm seas, and a wind at your back!

Cheers...Walt Balenovich
N. America's Disabled Adventurer

Anonymous said...

Great to hear. I am tracking you every day. Will you be posting pics? So proud. xx Tams

Pete said...

Hey Jessica!

I noticed on one of your vids you're a left-hander! I always knew us lefties are the adventurous go-getters of the world! Hehe :)

Anyway - much respect all the way from London, It's an awesome thing you're doing. And you write your blog so well too! All that water must be seriously inspiring.

Just one question - what do you do all day? It must get quite lonely. Hope you've got a decent book.

Well stay safe dude... i'll keep thinking about you till you're safe on dry land.

Four Girls in Indiana said...

We are so glad your are doing well right now. We are keeping tabs on you as you travel around the world.

My girls like that your boat is pink. :) They think it is cool that you know your way to travel.

Looking forward to more pictures and videos.

Anonymous said...

Good luck with everything. You can do it. I wonder how you stay on course when you are sleeping?

Have fun and be Safe.

Jack NJ USAnoted

Lisa said...

Just awesome Jessica! As I sit in front of my computer for eight hours a day I can live vicariously through your adventures. Thanks mate and stay safe!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica. Sometime last week I finished reading all of your blogs from oldest to most recent. I am very impressed with the time and effort you, your parents, and all your supporters on Team Ella’s Pink Lady have put into enabling you to make your dream come true. I intend to follow your progress with interest. I have done a little coastal sailing and would be interested to read how you have set your boat up. If you get time please tell us about the navigational instruments you have on board, why you changed the boat from wheel steering to tiller steering, how electrical power is generated, etc. etc. You have a growing audience reading your blogs and your audience includes many sailors who would probably be interested in these aspects of your voyage. You and Ellas’s Pink Lady certainly deserve to be successful. The world we live in needs people like you who ‘push the boundaries of human endeavour’. Tony L

Damien Gorton said...

I think you are one of the bravest and confident people and a true ambassador of Australia , What an adventure you have in store and my wife and I send you best wishes and good luck. PLEASE stay safe but most of all enjoy this epic trip of yours!
Look forward to the Blogs.

Damien & Cindy from Perth :-)))

Warren Rice said...

I'm glad everything is going well. Don't forget, Australia's right behind you all the way. Take care.

Anonymous said...

You're a more patient person than me. If that was me, I'd be doing everything to move the boat along as light winds frustrate me so much.

Come on hewy, bring on the wind.

Airlie Beach

3/4r Wangaratta Primary School, VIC said...

Hi, Jessica!
We are glad to hear that you left safely and are progressing along on your journey. We are following your journey everyday with interest and are enjoying your daily reports of life at sea!
Stay safe,
3/4r Wangaratta Primary School, VIC

Azri From Malaysia said...

Hi Jessica,

Be strong and you will succeed! I am praying for your safety and success!

Azri From Malaysia

Tez said...

Hi Jess.
I like the way you keep referring to "we" in your blogs. - I assume you're referring to the team of you and your boat...? - That's a healthy way to think of this adventure, because if you look after her, she will look after you.
I wonder if you could add your Lat/Lon to your daily blog? - Then we land locked sailors could track your progress in Google Earth. That would be cool.
Good luck, fair winds.

Moulis OZ said...

Great to see your making steady progress. Its people like yourself that make even prouder to be an Aussie.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica

A quiet day. Is good to see that you are settling into your routine. I wish I have your space and time to reflect and look within myself. I am sure you will treasure this personal space in the future. Although you may not know it now.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica, we are a group of students from Peel High School in Tamworth NSW. We have been following your blog, and think you are very brave for sailing on your own. We like you pink boat!

Best of luck
From the Senior IO class

DreamWeaver said...

Best wishes from Florida USA. Started following you just before you departed. Saw a news flash on Fox News about your trip.

I'm envious of you and your opportunity.

Good luck and look forward to reading your blog for updates.

Anonymous said...

you go girl if anyone can ag girl can and a girl with kiwi genetics

Anonymous said...

You go girl!!! from Hez Broken Hill

Anonymous said...

very brave,good luck and keep it going

Anonymous said...

keep it up girl!!! you are incredibly brave and amazing in my eyes!

Soojay said...

All sounds good. Hope the progress continues for you and that you don't eat all the surprises left for you - never know when you might need to be surprised by something nice and sweet and soothing! Take care and enjoy the moments.

Anonymous said...

Go Jessica. You are an inspiration Henry

Anonymous said...

Go Girl !!!! Great to see a person following her dream. Enjoy life and live it to the full. Would be nice to see some photos of your journey posted daily...
Good luck and God speed... Have a top journey and I'll be following your daily moves with great interest....
Paul B.

Anonymous said...

Well, you deserve the little luxuries. Rock on Jessica! When your under those endless stars and surrounded by blue majesty, remember you are not alone! We are rooting for you.

Karlie Mc said...

hey jess,

I'm a grade 6 school girl and I really look up to you!
I know your going to make it and don't dout it one bit(excuse the spelling!
If you want you can email me at karliemcritchie@hotmail.com!

good luck,

capricorniasadventuresblogspot.com said...

have a fantastic trip

a life's inspiration and fulfillmeny

fair winds

rob & sue

sv capricornia3

Karlie Mc said...


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