Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Just Briefly

Just a quick update, it's been another squally overcast day and tonight's become a bit bouncy with the wind gusting to 30 knots and the seas standing up as we pass over a shallow patch. The winds been very shifty, every time I put my head on the pillow to catch some sleep something always seems to happen and back on deck I go, it's a pity that Parker cant also trim the sails and navigate! No complaints though and we're still making great time south!

The clouds have finally parted a little just now and the moon light shining down on the messy sea makes it look like seriously scrunched up tin foil, only far more shiny and of course moving!



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Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,
Thanks for the update, I truly admire your control with every situation that arises you out there.

Fantastic Job.
Saraya :-)

Kaye said...

Hi Jesse,
OMG, You take care and don't worry about your blog you need to look after yourself and Pink Lady in the bad seas.
Think of you please take care.
Kaye Brisbane Australia xxoo

Kissyfrott said...

We are all on the deck with you, Captain Jesse!
Sorry we are all as impotent as Parker... but our hearts are trimming hard.
We wish you some smoother weather and a good nap asap... Keep on! You'll make it... Milles are being swallowed by Ella's Pink Lady, and the moon admires you too!

Tim09 said...

Hey Jess,
Hope you get some rest soon
Tim and Rosie

Anonymous said...

What an awesome description of the moon light shining on the sea. You'll have to write a book one day all about a young woman named Jessica Watson and her solo adventures around the world in her little pink yacht named EPL ...........

Take care Jesse and I hope you can get a little bit of shut eye.

Jan (Auckland, New Zealand)

Anonymous said...

This is my first comment, though I've been closely following your progress from the beginning. I am 61 years old. You are an inspiration. You've heard it all before - because it is true. Such courage. My thoughts are with you. Best of luck.

samurai said...

Hey there Jess, I hope you're well.
I apologise if I offended you or anyone else when I shared some of my experiences on seasickness. Having said that, it is all part of the whole picture of sailing around and if your love for sailing far exceeds you hatred for feeling seasick then you just have to work it out and adapt. It's always a good thing if you can still laugh about it, no?
Anyway, glad to hear you're making good progress south. I take it Parker's not so keen on those standing up seas hey? Maybe he could use some Sao crackers. :-))
Thanks for posting another great photo. I change my screensaver with every new one you post, thanks and enjoy the new food bag. I bet the surprise from granma tickled you face.
You're doing great Jess! Don't forget to clip on everytime you get back up there, no matter what. Take good care of yourself and good luck with the ZZZZ's...Sam

Unknown said...

HI jess
I have been following your trip with interest and have come to the conclusion that by the time its finished your going to hate the colour Pink
Best of Luck

Debs said...


No rest for the must be very kidding

Hey makes for interesting

you can always sleep later.

I missed yesterdays blog ( One of my older guinea's had a stroke and has been taking up much of my time....shes doing pretty well considering)....
A new food bag woohoo and toblerone as well...yummmo

I bet you will be eating well for the next few days.

Honestly....i dont think you will get Cold Cold down south.....not at this time of year.....yeah you might have to pop a jumper on andd some wet weather gear....but it shouldnt be too bad...i wore thermals and a sound like your still having a ball out there....your doing keep it up

Catch you soon

Deb and the guinea's

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica
Stay safe - I hope you you get a bit of sleep. Your blogs are fantastic.
Caught anymore fish?

Attitude said...

Hang In there Jess, You are doing fine!

Bruce from Brisvegas said...

Hi Jess

Sounds like you really have your hands full. Enjoy the speed. The bumps sound a bit, well,ur, bumpy!Great to hear that you are clocking up the NMs. Stay safe.


Anonymous said...

Dear Jess!
hope you are taking good care of your health. Do you have an exercise regime?
have a good sleep tonight - good night

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica
“A bit bouncy …. and something always seems to happen and back on deck I go” Reading this little report I get the impression you are just a little excited by the 30 knot gusty conditions you were having when you wrote it, even if you did have to trim sails to keep on course. There is no doubting you and ELP are in a hurry to get South – I hope you didn’t turn the fans off too soon! Your description of the moonlit sea as looking “like seriously scrunched up tin foil, only far more shiny and of course moving” is another gem of description. I am sure many readers will be easily able to imagine what you see.

Yesterday’s photo of you with your new food bag shows you in a very relaxed mood, and presumably the present from your Grandma was the chocolate bar you are holding. I hope you enjoyed it.

Keep sailing fast and don’t punish Parker. He can’t control the wind direction and it’s probably good he can’t navigate too. Enjoy your new food bag and the cooler weather, and the moonlit sea, and ELP bounding along as only she can do.
Tony L (Mt Martha)

jennifer E said...

Hey Jess,
it has been brilliant catching up on your blog... it has been a few days.
my children have enjoyed watching you, which in turn has led to wonderful chats about what your doing... their amazement is noted by their eyes growing wider and wider!! We know you can and will see your dream come to pass...
on those dark days femember that beautiful sun is STILL SHINING not too far away!!
Take care
Jen E Syd NBches

carole (Mackay) said...

Thankyou Jess for the update. Sounds lke you have your hands full, hope tomorrow brings a bit more settled conditions. You as always have it all under control and know what to do and when - I admire your capability.
Keep clipped on, one hand for you and one for EPL. Hopefully you can catch up on some sleep tomorrow. Hey a chance to have your toblerone tonight while on watch.

Fantastic Job Jess.
Carole :)

Clint Jeffrey - VK3CSJ said...

Agree with Tony L, your descriptive view of the sea is outstanding and poetic, I looked up at the full Moon last night and wondered how it must look out on the open sea...

I like the change to your Voyage Map using Google Earth very clever.

I hope you can squeeze in some sleep....

HF wasn't very good tonight, very weak signals indeed!

Clint - Melbourne town

Mikey said...

Hi Jesse
Thinking of you and praying for you as you're out on the water. You're not alone!
Kia kaha! (Maori for 'stay strong')

Anonymous said...

Skip O'hoy.Captain Jessica.Just want to say hello.Good to see everything is going well.Yes the moon light is very strong,looking at it right now.Its wery spooky outside.Best of luck to you and steedy going. Herman.Hampstead.NH.USA.

ben said...

Hope you get smoother waters soon Jesse so you can finally get some well earned rest..fingers crossed.
Cooler weather and a clear ocean await as you continue south, just hope you lose the choppy seas as you've had it a while now...again, fingers crossed. Take care out there and safe sailing. Btw, hope you're enjoying the new bag of goodies :)

Ben (Qld)

Unknown said...

Hope you get some seas calm enough to allow some sleep. The Southern ocean will keep you awake more than you will like I am sure. Love your attitude though! Best wishes. duane

carole (Mackay) said...

Hey Jess
I was just talking about you to some of my guests, they got so excited when talking about what you have achieved so far. Your maturity and skill leaves people in awe. Like a previous message said "The moon is smiling down on you tonight" and lets hope when the sun comes up the seas are flatter for you. Shallow water and steep seas I guess go hand in hand. You will be back in the deeper parts again soon. Hang in there, it will be morning before you know it, and you can curl up in the cockpit and have a catnap, with the odd spray coming over the bow. We are all with you.
Carole (La Solana Holiday Units, Mackay)

Pete and Nancy in NH USA said...

Good morning Jess,

(At least it's early am here.) Hope fully you got a chance to get some sleep and things have calmed down a bit. Be safe and stay clipped in up on deck.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess

A sail thru Sydney Harbour and across the heads last night in 20-25kn winds with 30 knot gusts as we brought our boat back from a bottom cleaning and re-antifoul, was a great reminder of what you are facing on your own. The wind was blowing, the spray was all over the deck but the moon was out and the sea in the harbour was trying to be wild but had to be contained!!

Glad you have some treats in your food bag - good to have those little surprises.

We have been seeing lots more little fairy penguins in Sydney Harbour lately and even a seal up in Middle Harbour past the Spit toward Bantry Bay ... just resting! We love listening out for the penquins - reminds us of how clean the water has been getting.

We are enjoying that people from all over the world have been following you and sending you comments. Great to see.

Safe sailing.
Gabrielle, Sydney

Gary Patton said...

Hi Jesse
We hope it doesn't get too bouncy for you and that you get a chance to get some rest.
Stay Safe Have Fun, Live the moment, we are all with you in spirit, thanks for taking us on a trip around the world.
Gary & Kerryn, Traralgon VIC

Anonymous said...

Hello Jess,
That surprise from Grandma must have made your day! I hope you can catch up on some sleep soon, that sea sounds a little demanding. As usual your writing is brilliant. Enjoy the beautiful full moon, you are making terrific progress.
Thinking of you,
Bluefin, Buderim, Qld.

rod said...

good day young mariner,
thank you for your reply regarding the disposal of rubbish on board.
we,your crew of wanabes, follow your blogs daily and thank you for our free passage around the world.
all it costs is a few moments of our time to read the blogs.
keep up the good work, and remember to keep buckled up when required.
just remember don't become complacent in striving to reach your goal.
as always take care young one
until next time
blackbutt qld

curryfamily said...

hold tight for a rough night

magpie said...

Hi Jessica,
Seas standing up with a scrunched up tin foil structure.

Sheesh!!! Talk about putting the pressure on our blog-poet laureats ♦Brumbyy 2009(WA) and ♦Sally (Syd).

I wonder what prose will be on offer for us with a full moon and that ISS(space station) buzzing overhead, lol.
☺☺☺ Cherio everybody ☺☺☺

curryfamily said...

hold on tight for a really rough night

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,
Keep up the great work, maybe a bit of a hard day, but it is one day closer to getting home! Take care, Leeroy, Bne

Emma said...

Hey Jesse,

I know you probably get this too much but please be careful! =) Try to get as much rest as possible. Ok, again, stuff you know. So I'll just say good luck!


Ant @ Townsville N QLD said...

Hi Jess,

Would you know how far ahead the sunrise would be compared to Australia at this point in time????

Also have you finished that Toblarone yet? I sure it would not last long in me house.
get you sleep when you can and stay safe.
I see you have some regulars that post blogs often like me.
We all want to encourage you and want you to for fill your dream.

Go girl :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,
I guess a trip like yours will at some point test your skills to the max. I remember reading how Sir Francis Chichester battled some heavy seas when he sailed Gypsy Moth) solo around the world back in 1967.

Having said that I'm sure you will get there eventually as we are all following your progress back here on land. I think when you are on the last leg of your journey sailing up the east coast of Australia towards Sydney Heads this country will be cheering you home...just some incentive to keep focused.

Stay safe,
Pete (Canberra).

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica--you got gimbals on your lappy?
Those shallow spots need watching.
Stay safe.


Danielle said...

stay safe out there Jess, thinking of you back in Oz.

Anonymous said...

Great to read all your latest news. Hope you get some sleep soon. I am up with my refluxy boy for yet another nighttime shift - it's been 3 yrs of sleepless nights...

I believe this trip will prepare you well for eventual motherhood. The sleep deprivation will be no worries for you - you will already be a pro at that one!

Keep up the great descriptive writing.

Bianca (NZ)

Mike D said...

Hey Jess,

Sounds like you’re making great progress despite the chop! I'd have hove-to long ago. You’re a genuine trouper. I'm thankful it’s finally cooler for you. The sweltering equatorial heat must have been truly draining. Hoping you find some deeper water before long, and some peaceful slumber too. Keep up the good work!

As always, be safe,

Mike D
Landlocked in Philadelphia, Pa, USA

Mary said...

Hi, Jess,

You are brilliant. I LOVE that you're enjoying writing your posts to us. Thank you!!

Wishing you some sleep when you can get it safely.

May you continued to be guided and connected with your Divine Light.

With admiration for all that you are,

Mary, Maine, USA

Bruce and Allyson Kuehn said...

Hey if Parker did everything for you it wouldn't be much of an adventure would it?

Enjoy the ride.

Anonymous said...

You are absolutely the best, at your age you can operate quite well with a bit of sleep deprivation, you will catch up a bit before you reach the roaring 40’s, make sure that you are clipped on every time that you are top side. Thanks for the blogs, safe passage through French Polynesia.
Cam & Annie “H”

Richard Lathrop said...

Dear Jesse,

Sounds like maybe the doldrums of the sea are past. But perhaps the doldrums of your heart are not.

The remedy, I think, would be a good sleep, easier wished for than achieved.

My vote goes with staying on the southern course long enough to get some real rest, because east leads you toward French Polynesia and more challenges to keep you awake.

When you glance up at the large moon tonight remember that thousands of folk world round are seeing that same moon and--gazing upon it--reflect their admiration back to you.

If only we could help with the sails!

Fair winds,

Richard Lathrop

Beth (Fairfax, Virginia) said...

Love your blog (read about it in "The Washington Post"). Was walking along the beach at sunrise in the Outer Banks of North Carolina last week. I looked out over the horizon and thought of you out there somewhere and wished you safe travels. Keep on blogging...

Anonymous said...

Hello Jess
I love reading your blog each evening stay strong and thanks for shareing your journey with us

Beaver Mansfield Vic

Phil said...

I was told as a young soldier ( I am now 58 ) that if you never take a chance in life, you will never get ahead. Sometimes you will cop a smacking but it will leave you more the wiser. Good luck little lady. You are an inspiration to many people young and old. Look forward, never look back. Your future is ahead. What is behind are merely memories. . . some good, some not so good. Bon voyage and Bon Chance

Ben Sultan said...

I'm sure we're all wishing you a safe journey through the squally night. This entry reminded me of something out of Hemmingway's "The Old Man and the Sea", because his constant battle with catching the large fish keeps him from being able to go fully to sleep.

I'm not too worried though, I know you know what you're doing. Looking forward to the next entry.


Charles Dodgson said...

I reckon everyone who regularly reads your blog, Jesse, anticipates your updates and derive immense enjoyment from following your adventure. However, I an equally certain that all us regular readers want you to be safe, concentrating on your sailing and not worrying about writing updates on your blog if you have other things to do. I can not tell you how much I like reading your blog, but I for one do not mind if your updates are brief or irregular when there are all those French Polynesian reefs and islands to think about. Take care.

Anonymous said...

You've won my heart kiddo!

Brace your self and ride it out. Stay way way clear of the reefs.

Slow and steady wins the race.
Take care Jess!

Caves Beach Andrew said...

Hey Jesse,

Good to hear from ya again, sorry I haven't responded for a couple of days, been very busy with my business - you can certainly tell it's Christmas time!

It's good to hear that you are making good solid progress south, albeit meaning that you are missing out on sleep but I am sure you will be able to catch it up again soon, once everything settles down again.

It was nice of your grand ma to to give you that Toblerone - I am sure that you will hate being forced to eat it all in one sitting! LOL

Hmmm, let me see, tinned mangoes and toblerone chocolate while listening to loud music and looking at bright stars - geez it must be tough for you out there!

I am sure you are enjoying the bouncier conditions, that is what you want, all part of the fun of sailing.

Anyway, it's 12:30am and time for bed.

You take care gorgeous girl!

Caves Beach, Newcastle

andrewVA said...

hi jess,

good going!

the only thing i got out of your last pic was the fact that you were holding a Toblerone bar!!!

you look great; keep up the good work and get some sleep when you can.

be safe. be well. have fun.

richmond, va

Mike Kay Avon Indiana said...

Thank you for the update captain Jesse, I always look forward to your journal of your day. Thanks to you and those commenting I have learned a great deal about the ocean,sailing,geography and so much more. I think that you impact the world much more than you realize and I for one am grateful. So as you navigate this next leg we can't go up and trim or check the charts but we are with you in spirit. So safe sailing and Godspeed. Mike

Georgia Guy said...

Hi Jessica,

You are sailing into some of the most beautiful islands in the South Pacific when you approach French Polynesia. Hundreds of them; both habited and uninhabited.

I know this is not in your nature or game plan but were I you, doing what you are doing, and with the erratic sleep thing I would find a way to do the following.

Somewhere in and around FP, there has to be an uninhabited small island, with a quiet sheltered cove and I would tuck into that cove, drop anchor, and take a 24 - 36 hour rest stop and get some real sleep before plowing ahead to the cape. But that's just me. I sense that you are ahead of planned schedule so what could it hurt?

Does that break a rule to anchor up somewhere?

Thanks for the food bag photo. All looks good except for the canned Del Monte carrots I spied. I was never into cooked carrots. Raw yes, but cooked . . . not really.

Anyway, hope you can find a way to get something more than a cap nap here and there. As I write this, our cat "MT" (stands for Mighty Tiny) is curled up in my lap sleeping which she seems to do every morning when I read your blog. MT is all of 3 1/2 pounds at age four so she is tiny but knows no fear. Kinda reminds me of you and this journey.

As a funny aside, when we're drying clothes in the dryer, and she hears the buzzer go off signaling that it's done with that load, the moment you empty the dryer she hops in and stretches out on the warm inside surface and just dares you to try and remove her. If you try, you run the risk of getting bitten. Other times, she just stretched out on the dryer top and soaks up the warm while it's running.

That's probably more information about our cat than anyone wanted to know.

Safe sailing and Godspeed.

Georgia Guy

Alessandro Machi said...

I love your descriptions.

Sol-Britt said...

Take care, Jessica.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,

Love your way with words. Your writing skills are clearly up there with your sailing ability and it's a great pleasure to read your blogs. Thank you for sharing your adventure with us in this way. Stay Safe and Keep Well at all times!

Best Wishes, Martin, Canning Vale, W.A.

Anonymous said...

Great how you are coming along Jessica!In my opinion, you are now in one of the most beautiful areas of our blue planet. All these picturesque islands, colorful reefs ..... and so dangerous. Please Jessica, BE VERY, VERY CAREFUL! Safe passage!
Hans from Switzerland

Tom/Sue Hofmann said...

Jesse, A famous author wrote "You cannot dream yourself into a character: you must hammer and forge yourself into one". I'd say you're doing a fine job of building your character. Stay strong girl, you've got thousands of folks behind you and pushing you on with their well wishes, hopes and dreams. And Thank you for sharing your experience with us. <3

Ian Crawford said...

Courage, smiles and a chocolate much better can it get than that. Keep up the good work, and continue to write. very interesting reading indeed. Cheers from Canada!!


SunAqua said...

Can you tell us how you have enough food for your whole journey??? What will you do if something breaks, will that cancel the 'solo' part of your trip?? Are you getting lonely?

Unknown said...

Hi Jesse,
Just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed your diligence in maintaining your blog.

What are your plans for navigating the Polynesian islands?

Wishing fair winds and smooth seas.

Summersailor said...

Hi Jess:
It sounds like your making some nice progress south and catching up on some much needed sleep, that is important when u round the Horn. U will need all your wits + energy when that happens. Nice photos and guess your mother made sure her daughter was going to have enough to eat. :-D Sail on Jess + wish u well. :)

Phil in Idaho said...

I've linked your website and blog to my Facebook page so everybody I know can follow you. What was the present from Grandma in the new food bag? Hopefully you can cath up on your sleep soon. Everything looks better when you are rested.

HAWKEYE said...


Hi Jesse sorry to hear about the sleep because you obviously need more than you are getting at present. Nevertheless, you are dealing with whatever is being thrown at you and that's what we have come to expect from our Jesse. That wind is doing the right thing by you anyway and you seem excited about that. When I saw your food bag the first thing I saw was the Toblerone - god I love those things!!

I do hope with the 'tooing and froing' to visit Parker you are well and truly clipped on and taking all the care you need to.

'til next time, special one, given the conditions keep the mind in the moment and please get some shut eye when it's safe to do so. Clip on and be happy!!


jo from perth said...

Hi Jesse,
thanks for taking the time to post even though you are so busy. I'm going to do some reading about sailing so I have a clearer idea of all the things you have to do out there, I'm a little patchy with some of the terms etc.
The moonlight on the water sounds divine the way you describe it. Fingers crossed for a longer sounder sleep next time you lay your head to rest, and as always I wish for you Good Winds and Safe Sailing.
Goodnight Jesse.
ps for some reason of late my posts are going up twice I apologise in advance if it happens again tonight

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess

Great story and very articulate. You sound wise beyond your years and I can't believe you are 16! Love your attitude. I read your blog everyday and love it. I was actually with a client at work today, meant to be working with them, but I was secretly checking your blog for an update and drifted off reading your latest post, so I must be addicted...

Danny from Perth Au


Its dreary today here in North Carolina. Thinking of you and wondering how you are doing. It sounds like you are real strong in your resolve. I look outside and only think of my dogs dirty feet as they come in out of the rain and trapse their muddy feet on my kitchen floor. We each have our own housekeeping problems but mine certainly don't match yours in the large scheme of things. Any way you continue to be an inspiration for me. Thank you for what you are doing.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,

I have checked how much 30 knots is here, and I'm so impressed how you can cope in the rough sea, and at the same time see how the moonlight plays in the sea, and describe it so perfect so we can see it too. You are a very special person.
It's a full moon outside my window just now, and everytime I look at it, you are in my thoughts. We struggle with you.
Try to sleep when ever you get a chance, and I do hope the weather forecast is good for the coming days.
Safe sailing.

Ingrid, Tyreso, Sweden

Jo said...

Hi Jesse it's 3.11am in Sydney as I write this and I'm hoping you are asleep having wonderful dreams!! I'll be heading off shortly too...You will have to share with us what was in the present your Grandma gave you :) and was that a Toblerone I spied in your hand... mmmm one of my favs that I only think of around Christmas time... enjoy your yummy treats. Take care, 'til next time.

RICHARD said...

We continue to marvel at your skill. I am sure that the conditions are far more challenging than the calm contained in the words with which you write. You face challenges and hardship far beyond your years and you have our vote for the one to be the youngest to make this circumnavigation.

The conditions may have you jumping, loosing sleep and dealing with a squalling washed deck, but it sounds like you have everything under control. We love your attitude. You continue to be a role model for us all. Better days just ahead!

What a sailor!


See Ya Sailor!

SaltyDog said...

Thanks for taking time to update us. Taking catnaps should take priority over your blog, but we appreciate you taking time to keep us informed. I don't think Samurai needs to apologize for offending anyone by sharing her experiences. Anyone who has spent time on the ocean knows that the unpleasant experiences are all part of the game, and Jess knows that as much as anyone. Obviously, the people following Jessica's blog have a very wide range of boating experience, from extremely experienced, old salts to people who have never stepped foot on a boat, so reading other's stories only helps put into perspective what a great accomplishment Jessica's journey is. And it's fun to see people from so many different backgrounds taking such an interest in what Jess is undertaking.

Snooze while you can, Jess.

Have fun, stay safe and happy sailing.
From Seattle, WA, USA

Dan said...

Ahoy Jess,
I've been following your trip all along. Great job.
For all readers: you're going to pass Bora-Bora. I have learned more geography following your expedition, and seen more places (video). Here is St Regis Resort Bora Bora:

They said come sail away, come sail away, come sail away with me lads (Styx)

Good luck and Good Saling!

Stanlee said...

Great descriptions! Your writing is really improving, not that it needed to, but we all have to remember you are only sweet sixteen. Seems like you are really learning to view everything with great insight. Be grateful for all that comes your way whether you label it good or bad, just remember that it is! Everything is there for its own purpose and you have only the power to react to what is given. Your reactions are what you choose them to be. Choose joy!

Richard in Maryland said...

Hi Jesse,

Your description of the clouds parting to reveal a "tin foil" sea is excellent. It must be beyond awesome to be out there in the wildness of the ocean.

Your the Best!
Richard W

janel said...

Hang in there. I am hoping you are able to get some rest and fix yourself a yummy treat. I love that when I look at the beautiful full moon here in the US, you are looking at the same one! Godspeed!

Kerri said...

Hey Awesome Sailor,

A stomach of steel you must have by now. Sending you wishes for a break in the hash and a smooth wind at your back. I'm thinking you might be needing some zzzzzzzzzz's. It was a beautiful moon last night and it would be nice if the clouds would drifrt away for you to sail a moonlit path.

Happy sailing from California,


Scott said...

I'll bet the heat isn't an issue at all right now. I hope seasickness hasn't hit you and I'll echo everyone else's sentiment about staying safe.

Scott, Denver, Colorado, USA

hezakiah299 said...

12-02-09 @12:20
Hi Jessica,
Sorry to read that your sleep is getting interrupted so much. I for one would like to see you get a good rest, but I guess that's just not to be. I thought you were going to be in for some smooth sailing, but it's not turning out that way. Better luck further along.
I do love the way you explain the way the bouncy seas stand up as you pass over a shallow patch. And the moon shining on the messy sea making it look like scrunched up tinfoil. I can close my eyes and visualize the whole picture.
Keep up the good work. You sound like you are in good spirits and enjoying yourself. I hope so. Take good care of yourself and Ella, stay clipped on, safe and alert. Always proud of you and always thinking of you.
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full. I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (74) from Kingwood, WV

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your progress so far. If you would, it would be interesting for us sailors to hear how the sails are reefed or not reefed in your current conditions each day. That would allow us to see how the boat can handle what you encounter. Thanks, and keep safe.

Anonymous said...

I wish I could time travel back to when I was 16 and do what you are doing. You are a rock star, Jessica. Hoping for better weather and a good, swift wind. Thanks for sharing your log. You inspire me, Captain.


Anonymous said...

Hello Jess:

Sorry I have not posted in a bit. Keep up the great work, you will be in the "roaring forties" quicker than you realize.....
Take Care and stay safe..

Bob and Family From Denver CO

Anonymous said...

Never let the blog keep you from your sleep; Sleeping and eating are the most precious things on that journey to keep you in good health and in a good mood.

From Sea to Summit said...

Following your progress daily. See you struggling with the windvane in shifting winds and choppy seas ... do you have a back-up electronic autopilot? Maybe it takes up too much power?
Lincoln - Sailor from New Orleans

Rob said...

When you say a shallow spot, how shallow? I'm sure it is still deep to a landlocked person like myself but I am curious as to how shallow it has to be for you to notice it.
Seriously scrunched up tinfoil, I know exactly what you mean!!!! I still wish I could see the night sky where you are, it must be amazing.
You know if you give Parker some candy or treats he might start trimming the sails for you, you never know!!
Good to hear from you as always.
Columbia, Missouri, USA

Wolfhound said...

Hi Jesse,

Glad to hear it's cooling down for you. The hot weather would do my head in. If you're cold, you can always stick on a sweater, but with the heat there's very little you can do. Of course, the cold on a boat is another matter, with condensation and dampness. But everything passes - and what doesn't kill you makes you stronger - at least that's what you need to keep telling yourself !

It's a great idea having the foodbags; I'm sure at times opening up a new on will be the highlight of your week ! And of course a great thing about the cold weather ot come is that the chocolate - and those toblerones ! - will taste *so* much better when they're chilled !

You've prompted me to start reading a fascinating bok about the late John Sowden, who circumnavigated three times - and in a 24 footer ! The book is called 'Alone On The Sea', and I am thinking of you as I am reading it.

It opens with a great quotation attributed to Mark Twain :
"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do.
So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Explore. Dream. Discover".

Keep sailing, Jesse.

All the best,

Brian in NY

Dukehaus said...

Howdy Jesse,
With two inches of new snow on the ground and the sun shining in a brilliant blue sky, it is so much fun to read your updates and especially to see your pics!
We may be landlocked here in Wyoming, but following your journey is truly amazing! It's so wonderful that you and your awesome crew are able to make this dream a reality. We are all grateful that you are sharing it with us! God Bless and stay safe!
Kim and Bill

Dark said...

Hi Jessica

I have to say I consider getting enough sleep when it gets difficult because the weather is either too bad for you sleep as you have to be managing the boat or simply too choppy to sleep as perhaps the single biggest obstacle to overcome.

With tiredness comes mistakes and thats the danger, so sleep when you can.


Anonymous said...

Jess, great to see that you are cranking out the knots. You are making great progress.

Just looking at the islands spread in front of you made me wonder what sort of Nav software and charts you are using. Looks from the sponsors list like it is probably Nobeltec and C-Map?

Anyway one day when (if) you are wondering what to write about, I am sure a few of the sailor out there like me would be interested to hear.

Keep up the great work, love the sailing, look after yourself first and EPL second, and dont eat all of that toblerone in one go (probably too late for that) :-).

Tas :-)

Dukehaus said...

p.s. A hardy CONGRATULATIONS on passing the 5000nm mile mark!!
A great milestone!
Kim & Bill

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse
Sounde like your really handling it. Just as long as it dosnt get too shallow.
I think parker is pretty slack not trimming the sails and not wanting to navagate for you.
Hope things smooth out for you soon. Take care.
Fair winds and following seas.

Rob Hardie said...

Hi Jesse,

Thanks for the update. I can only admire your cool approach to everything going on around you.
You are an amazing young lady.
Please, above all else, keep safe.
Always in my thoughts.

Ingleburn NSW

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jessica.
Another day closer to home.
Keep smiling
Luv u
Richard (QLD)

Chris said...

Today the Delta LLoyd Volvo ocean racer has set a new record from england to holland, 5,5 hour for about 105 miles.
Pfff, maybe you should get a 60 foot jacht, Jesscia! Imagine running at 17,5 knots average. Then your would be around the world in just over 52 days...
But on the other hand you get more time to enjoy the trip!
Happy sailing!

Marcus Schormann, Germany said...

hey Jessica, dont worry some days on sea are worst but the most of them are the greatest you´ll ever find. And i suppose the more you come south winds were regular and continual so you´ll find more sleep.
Fare winds and many regards from Germany, yours marcus

Russ (VE6VK) said...

Hello Jesse,
It is nice to read all the comments. You certainly have a faithful following of admirers and rightly so. It is, as I said before like a soap opera but all true stories. Keep em coming and wait until things calm down before tackling the fishing again. Good sailing and tight lines. The toblerone will go over nicely. Best wishes..Russ/Byron Bay/Calgary

Anonymous said...

Excellent post sure hope the easterlies kick in as you & Ella Pink Lady are definitly on track making wonderfull progress great picture of you checking out the new food bag ! Enjoy your tucker !

Anonymous said...

Go on Jess...all the world supports safe...GOD bless you girl...(Egyptian Guy).

Meechree said...

Try to get some sleep!
-Dimitri, USA

Anonymous said...


Great update. Reading your blogs is close to watching a suspense movie. Never know whats coming up?

It seems like EPL is flying. Not too fast Jesse. Time is on your side. Please be on the safe side.


Anonymous said...

Keep going girl! I wonder if you have any idea how much world wide support you have? A lot of people wish you so very well

mitch said...

Hello Jess!

Toblerone is good for health:),
well in France too many peoples follow your trip, it's incredible to gather so much people with your blog around the world.Wish you all the best! Go Go Go!
take care xxxxx

Helmut said...

“look like seriously scrunched up tin foil” – what a line! I love it, Helmut

danma said...

Hey Jess,

It's always great to see a new update to your blog, if it was all smooth sailing it would probably be boring.
Hope that you get some good sleep soon, there is nothing worse than broken sleep.

Stay safe & happy sailing.....

Brian Riley said...

Are you saying Parker is only capable of one thing at a time,you have a good man there leave him be :-)
Sounds like the conditions are being controlled by the area you are in at the moment, with the tropic of Capricorn as well as the seasonal rain squalls along this latitude all sounds normal, oh you wanted to get some sleep as well? sounds like Huey has just answered your prays with the parting of the clouds, and the moon shinning through, quick get some shut eye.
Safe Passage,will talk later.
Hervey Bay. QLD

AMZ said...

hi Jess,

I would be TERRIFIED if i was out there in seas like that!!! you are so so brave :)

Molly said...

To paraphrase Robert Frost...

"The sea is lovely,
dark and deep
But I have promises to keep
And miles to go before I sleep"

Your determination is so impressive.
Hope things calm down a bit so you can get some rest.

Bless our Jess,
Maryland USA

kgrinda said...

Hey Jessica,

Saying hello to you from Tennessee. I was reading about how you spoke of the stars being so beautiful at night. I visualize how serene it must be on a vast open sea at night. What a lucky and brave girl you are. I will continue to follow your updates until you make it safely back. GOD Bless, Amy Grindstaff

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess. Thanks for updating. Reading your notes really brings up memories. What a writer you are.

Fair winds and following seas,

HL, Helsinki

Anonymous said...

G'day Jesse....

Your magic 'works' , doesn't it !!!

".... bouncing along
On a tin foil sea.
'Our' Jessica, right where
she wants to 'Be'.. "

That "Being" is so elusive isn't it !

Recall again ( since I'm sure you've read Bach's book ) where Chiang SeaGull asks Jon what he wants to do and Jon replies that he wants to reach 'Perfect Speed'.
Chiang says that "..perfect speed isn't flying at a hundred miles per hour or a thousand miles per hour...or at the speed of light.--- perfect speed, my son, is *_Being There_ *."

This Buddhist concept of Mindfulness, of 'Being", escapes the majority of people, though many seek it.

_You_ , Jessica , have 'found it' !!!..... and maybe are just influencing a few of your followers, too. Though singularly challenged on a 'tin foil sea' is something few of us would contemplate... but all admire greatly your 'Quest' and success and always absorb 'something else' from your words..Especially how you are 'Being' , out there. Such a fantastic inspiration you are !

So... from the world of tomorrow-time ( at +10 GMT) to the world of yesterday-time ( at -10GMT) where 'it' is all happening.. :))) .. best wishes, Jesse, as always..


bernie777 said...

Sail on Jessica you are doing just great so many people are with you in spirit you are not alone....we are all somehow are one with the ocean...get ready for some gritty stuff ahead but you shall succeed.Amen to that....Bernie 777

Chimli said...

That shallow spot must mean Bora Bora's getting close. Hope you've caught up some zzzzz's.

Unknown said...

You get another full moon on New Years Eve...

KP said...

I just checked out the google map of where you are right now and discovered that there are resorts of some sort on the tiny islands you are approaching! What are those islands called? Anyone know?
I feel for you that you can't stop there for a night to enjoy a pina colada. Keep on trucking - your blog is a great job to read.
(canadian living in australia)

Anonymous said...

Good comment: we are all on the deck with you.

So true!

Keep up the good work

Pip said...

Hey Jess,
I'm still checking your blog every day and love the updates. I'm so impressed with your positive attitude to everything that is thrown your way! You definitely have what it takes to make this happen. Keep on smiling and having fun - even a bad day out there must beat a day at work anytime eh? Will keep watching the blog and sending good thoughts your way.

Reg said...

That's funny there must be two moons I seen it here last night, just joking.... your doing great girl we are all with you...
As you well know that part of the world has a lot of areas that the water is not so deep.


Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica,
Oh, what a great 'briefly'!
Thank you! You sound 'seriously' busy!
Aw, you wouldn't like that, if Parker trimmed sails and navigated, he'd have all the fun!
Like driving a dodgem car, where you only have a gas pedal.......boring!!!!!!!!!

I think I might scrunch up some alu foil and wave madly around for the effect! What you describe sounds enchanting!

Keep well, happy and above all else safe,

Trudy , Austria, now Mackay

Andrew said...

Keep safe, keep watch. Thanks for the update Jess. Look after yourself and EPL, all our thoughts are with you.


M Home Schooling said...

Hello Miss Jess, Hang in there. I'm sure you'll catch sleep when you can and best of all you sre young and will recover fast from exhaustion. Good going

Marcus (Germany) said...

Hi Jesse,

when I came home tonight I admired the pretty sight of the full moon, I guess it's the same sight you have, only over the see while I have it over the trees of the forest behind our house. Interupting my sleep all the time would drive me crazy in no time. You are such a brave young lady, I have only admiration for you!

Greetings from wintery Germany (instead of switching fans off I just turned up the heating today)


Dusty from Dubbo said...

G'day Jesse

Glad you caught the full moon. Was the chocolate that you are clutching so tightly the pressie from Gran? pleased to see you are in milder temperatures for a while ...yes it will be chilly by the new year for naps better than no naps you still sound and look in total control..
unlike the political situation in AUS at the moment...I am so over the squabbling among pollies. If any of you are reading this in they aren't...yawn
Hey Jess keep on sailing you good thing loloud
Sea ya
Dusty from Dubbo

~j~ said...

Wow! good for you and honestly how do you maintain all that and throw out a blog post!? Praying for a chance for some rest for you but excited about the time you are making.
Way to go Jesse :))

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,
You're doing fine, the both of you.
And that's a very descriptive blog you are giving us the chance of reading. Well written indeed. Thank you.
emgb1 from South Wales, UK, GMT+0.

James Higham said...

You're clearly on top of it but the South Pacific will be a test.

lilshawnee said...

Well Jesse,I guess you are having a little fun today.
Well the way i see it your the best lil sailer i have ever knowen.You will be ok.
I just feel bad for you no land and on that tiny lil boat all the time.
Well girl keep up the good work.Take care you friends
Robert Ellen Autumn Alison
God Bless you.

Unknown said...

I just found your blog - Making good time South and a new food bag - I'm glad to see things are going so well. Smooth seas to you Jess.

Lake Effect said...

I was watching the full moon here in Ohio in the US last night too. No matter where on land or sea we are, we can all look up at the moon and stars and sun, and realize that out in the middle of the Pacific, you are looking at the same things at the same time.

Go Jessie go!

-DJ; Ohio USA

BavariaBlu said...

Jessy Jessy,
Your description of bumpy speeding on top of a "messy sea like seriously scrunched up tin foil" reminds me of some windsurf ride at the brink of letting go (and beyond ;-). I do so envy you - for the endorphines all over your system, not for the lack of sleep.

Wishing you a peaceful few hours of rest asap enjoying the reminiscence of the bumpy rides.


PS.: We got Full Moon here in Bavaria right now, what about you? :-))

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, If you were wondering what to do after this trip, why don't you think about the Antartic Cup.
Albany around the block of ice and back. Its run by the Princess Royal Sailing Club In Albany West Australia.
Pink and white go well together.
I'm looking forward to hearing about the southern ocean.
Pete from Perth

GlenF said...

Go Jesse,

I hope you get some even sleep, even if you are pitching around. Sounds like you need an auto sail reefer - let's call him Virgil.

Qld time is the same as ever - she'll be right, mate.


Dan said...

Jesse, the moonrise from moreton bay last night was amazing, bet it gets even better out there with no other light pollution.
Keep on trucking...

maxine maroochydore said...

Hi Jesse, what a fabulous description of your journey out there, you must be feeling tired. Col and I are off to Rainbow Beach now that the sun has come out taking Dolly and Abbey with us (dogs) they also love a change. God speed Jesse, you and absolutely fantaboulous Maxine and Colin Maroochydore

Vijay T said...

Hi Jess
Thanks for the update. Enjoy your new food bag & keep positive.
Remember that there are heaps of people out here including myself that's praying for you daily and that all goes well for you.
Hoping the best for you always.
Safe sailing & take care.
Big hugs

Vijay T.

Bob B said...

Looking at your picture from yesterday looks like chocolate in your hand. I could probably go a long way on chocolate and mangos. Jan in her comment said you should one day write a book I wholehearted agree. Sir Chichester wrote about his solo trip around the world. It was before satellite phones, GPS, etc. so it was the only way he could tell his story. Your blogs let us feel like were are there with you. Good sailing Bob in Tucson.

Tim Byrne said...

Hi, made a short video comment, thought it might be more fun, not sure if you can get video, but just wishing you an excellent voyage!
Cheers, Tim Byrne

Maurie said...

Hi Jessica

Will never look at foil again without thinking of you! What a thought to take to my grave! Enjoy the ride - stay safe, always thinking of you, always wondering.... Maurie - Sydney

sails said...

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"The biggest men and women with the biggest ideas can be shot
down by the smallest men and women with the smallest minds.
Think big anyway."

-- Kent M. Keith

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,

Keep up the good spirit and keep us posted.
Question, how many "Parker", as you call it, do you have as spare parts.
Keep your harness on!!


Anonymous said...


The moon is shining down on you
and watching over you. Lovely shiny
seas are magical.
Thanks for your pics and blog Jesse.
Shiny, sailing ,safe ,seas to you.
Sally in Melbourne

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess
It's wonderful to be able to read your blog coming from out inth middle of the ocean. Are you also keeping a tradition log? Would appreciate it if we could see some of your log too.
All the best

nutralady2001 said...

Hi Jesse for some reason my computer didn't load the photo on your last blog when I commented. Now it has of course I see the Toblerone in your hand....... Graandma's surprise?
I seriously hope that you are planning on a book when this is finished. Be prepared for it to be sold world wide to your fan club.
I see you are nearing French Polynesia....... safe sailing sweetie x

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,
You make us all believe we are along for the ride but from our arm chairs and no work on our behalf.

Your descriptions of the sea are fantastic. Hope it is not to rough.
Best wishes and take care,

sheila from brisbane said...

Keep up the great work Jess. I admire what you are doing and enjoy reading your blogs and seeing how things are going. Stay safe and enjoy the experience.
Sheila from Brisbane

Anonymous said...

Dear Jessica have a great christmas for the 25th happy sailing and keep happy you are doing well
Mrs c Yuile AUstralia

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse
Your resilience, positive outlook and control of situations are admirable!
Safe sailing
Lat 12°28 South- Long 130°51 East

Anonymous said...

Keep on keepin' on Jesse. Your doing fine. You can handle anything the Southern Ocean can thow at you! Your my hero.

anth said...

Hey Jesse it was a beautiful full moon over the northern beaches of Sydney last night, must have looked good out there.


Anonymous said...


To echo many of the comments here, don't worry about the blog. Do what you need to do to keep you and EPL safe. If the blog helps keep you sane, go for it. Otherwise, we'll all be here waiting to hear from you when you have the time.

Jim & Becky

Sarah said...

Hope you can catch some sleep soon!! xo.

Sergio (Venezuela) said...

JESS! Sorry about the familiarity...but you are "the" Jessica. Battling against the ocean again huh? Your adventure has brought to mind a memorable film, starred by a fellow countryman of yours, Russell Crowe, who, on board the "Surprise", makes the crossing of the Horn on a stormy night, and whose mate, while chasing the "Acheron", exclaims "She's making a run for the Horn". Well, it turns out that YOU are making your run for the Horn, only this time it is a real one. (The film is of course "Master and Commander".) And your run for the Horn has taught so much to so many of us. Thanks again for sharing "meals", experiences, videos and pics. I envy the freedom you have. I cannot help thinking, please be very careful with possibles fires on board. I know you and your team have it all sorted out, but fire on board is the worst...sorry if it sounds silly...careful with the electrics, extiguisher always handy, and so on, I imagine.
Regards from Venezuela,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, been following your where abouts since day 1 this is as exciting to me as tho I was along for the ride...only problem is I would probably get sea sick...I'm 65 so I don't think my stomach could handle all the topsy turvy.
I wish you smoother weather the way...what did grandma end up giving you...*I'm curious.
Hope you get some shut eye soon.
Big hugs~

cousinpete said...

hello jess.
yes, i would rather be in the big swells, rather than the short choppy seas.
keep up the good work, and now that the fans have been turned off, it should be just fine. not to hot and not too cold. it is just right for baby bear.

Pestinfo said...


A quick 'tongue in cheek' comment about your garbage system.

When we went out fishing.
You know I am talking about proper Aussie fishing; one rod, a broken reel, no bait and two cartons of beer per person.

The joke was "Hey guys, don't thrown your empty beer bottles over the side to pollute the oceans - fill 'em up with water and make sure they sink to the bottom".

Glad your better than that. Smile !

Sail safe.

Allen, Hervey Bay, Qld, AU

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,
Hang in there aussie're doing an awsome job of working with those choppy seas and shifty swells!! We're all cheering for you here in michigan and sending you encouraging thoughts and a few more restful moments.
Love and Steady Winds
Jenny, Gypsy, Tigger, Barb

gsimmons said...

Hi Jessica
Looks like things are much the same, the weather for the next few days may be in the 25 to 30 kts and south east direction. This will give you some good speed but still very bouncy.
It all looks a lot better further south, so you should get a more comfortable sea conditions and north westerly winds, I hope so.
Would this wind direction be better for you and EPL, what is your preferred wind direction and speed for EPL?
My guess would be good beam-reach and about 15 to 18 knots from the north east.
How long did the Toblerone go done, quickly I'm sure and what was your first choice from your new food bag for dinner?
So keep having fun and keep safe.
Cheers George Simmons
Lots of love from Exmouth WA Australia
PS for AMAZEDBYOU, you may have already checked this out, but a Sextant is a instrument for taking a sight to measure the distance of the sun or stars above the horizon to calulate your position on a chart.

Bobby from South Carolina said...


Sounds like your having quite the "roller coaster ride" tonight.... stay safe & I'll say an extra prayer for you tonight.... safe sails my friend, safe sails....

Bobby from South Carolina

Brian said...

I do remember the tin foil look of the sea at full moon. One would think there would not be much to see at sea at night, but it is awe inspiring even at the simplest of things. Glad to hear you are making much progress heading south and soon to turn easterly towards the horn. Think of you every day and pray for your safe return to Sydney in 230 days from now. Best of luck to you Captain Jesse.

Lakeland Florida USA

Eric Sonnen said...

Take Care!

playtheman said...

Dear Jessica,
We pray for 50,000 angels to surround you and guard you.
from Beth & Ian
from Toowoomba

Anonymous said...

Say hello to Maupiti. Was there about 3 years ago, lovely!

Anonymous said...

David Bowie, here.
Congratulations on the accomplishments so far.

All the best. I'm a big fan.


rustydewdrops said...

Hi Jessica,
I have only just found your blog and now know how to leave you a message. I often think of you out there alone and what a marvellous feat it is and how proud you must be of yourself.

I was looking at the moons reflection on Lake Macquarie last night and I can understand your description as mine is slightly different (the dull smooth side of un-scrunched alfoil).

I have read most of your past blogs and have found it very interesting reading and you do have a way with words so I will look forward to your book as you must write one.

Cheers from Wangi Wangi NSW

Unknown said...

Seriously scrunched up tin foil is an apt description. Things seem to be getting busy. Thanks for writing under such circumstances.

Love and best wishes!

Ian from Brisbane

Sue said...

Hello there Jess:
I enjoy reading your blogs. Thanks for sharing your day to day experiences with the world. I have a question...Are you conducting any kind of Marine/Oceanograhy experiments on your journey? Like water flow, temperature readings ect. and how all this "green house affect?
Please be safe.
Sue from Santa Cruz, California

Vince1980 said...

Hi Jess,

everything seems to be pretty hunky dory at present, which is cool. i've been wondering about time zones, sleep patterns and such. Obviously your sleep is /very/ interrupted due to getting up to nav, steer etc. but are you noticing the difference in the time the sun rises and sets (kind of like jet lag, i guess)? or are you moving slowly enough that it feels as though youre always in the one time zone? ...I don't know if i'm making any sense, but if you can figure out my drivel it would be interesting to have an understanding.

Anonymous said...

will you be sailing near Pitcairn
(John Adams) on your voyage south?
I am curious about your fresh water reserves.
What capacity ?
Is it necessary to treat it to reduce mold etc.

thanks for sharing.

Unknown said...

Hey Jesse, thanks for the update.

Stay safe


DJ Zombie said...

fair winds & following seas!!

i think you are a brave girl!!
keep on sailin'!! i am very proud of you!! make that round tha world record!!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work are doing such an fantastic job and we all get down once in awhile, so keep your spirit up. Enjoy your new food bag.
Happy Sailing to you, Jersey Shore Mom

Noela, Gold Coast said...

Hi Jesse,
You're doing great. I love your description of the sea!
Glad to hear you are still making great time south.
Hope sleep comes soon.

k878 said...

Hi Jesse,
Hope the weather cools down for u! And we hope that u get some sleep!!
U are such an inspiration to all!!
Take Care,
Kate & Family!!

Rebecca said...

Hi Jessica,
I can only imagine how tired you must be, but your positive attitude is really inspiring. Lately, when I'm dealing with some challenging situation I've been thinking about what you're up against, and I am reminded of how strong we can be when we need to be.

Glad you're enjoying the beauty of your journey. Thank you again for sharing your experience with us all.

Rebecca in California

Anonymous said...

Jeeez Jessica.. those visuals your giving us are sure scary. You are a very brave girl. I'd be in the drink by now.. Keep safe and happy blogging. Mel Sydney.

Mal said...

Hi Jess,

You're goin' great guns, well done!

Ella's Pink Lady and you, young lady, seem to be handling the conditions extremely well.

Here's an idea - when you get to Latitude 11 degrees South, you will be level with the tip of Cape York. Then you will be able to imagine you are sailing down past all the towns and cities on the east coast of Australia and New Zealand. Think of it as, "Yeah, think I'll sail down from Mooloolaba to 'Brissy' tomorrow" You could do that all the way to about Latitude 50 degrees South, about 2,500 miles - Wow!! Don't forget to wave (I'm sure you have plenty of spare 'waves' out there!) as you pass Latitude 19 degrees 15 minutes south because I'll be waving from the beach at Townsville.

Stay safe, especially over the next few weeks. Mother Nature can be truely inspiring but she demands a great deal of respect.

Sleep well when you can, precious girl.

Mal (Townsville Qld.)

samurai said...

Jey there Jess, I hope you're well.
CONGRATULATIONS! on the first 5000 nauti-miles out of the way. I changed my photo in celebration of your great achievement so far. I hope you get into some open water soon so you can catch up on some decent sleep. Sleep deprivation is a serious thing. I once went 38 hours without sleep and I can tell you, it makes you go stupid. I mean that's when you're most likely to make mistakes. Did you know that while you sleep, and I mean deep REM sleep, your brain is bathed in 80% of your body's glucose? Yep, your brain does most of it's work while you are sleeping. Therefore, sleeping and eating should be top priorities for you to allow your body to process and work as it should.
Well, look at me...I only meant to make a quick comment now to congratulate you but have nagged on instead about the importance of sleep as if you didn't already know it. Take care, stay safe and bye for now...Sam

pandj said...

enjoy your new pack jess it looks inviting ,google must have lost u for a bit as i found u just of the north coast of qld. thought ono she has lost the plot. but know beter, we all will c u at the end on sydney sailing.

kellie said...

hiya jesse
we know it will get better just look after your self and epl will do the rest


Muhammad Asim said...

Hi Jess

My all time favourite quote for you today.

"You can't do anything about the length of your life, but you can do something about its width and depth."

Stay safe , happy and committed.

Unknown said...

Hi Jess,
i see you're eating like a single person, as i eat like i've been sailing around the world by myself for years. as i'm single not by choice, but that's how things are. so don't get down with lack of home cooked meals, as i don't cook much at home myself, and i'm on land in a city, surrounded by heaps of people. i'm looking forward to seeing mum over Christmas, as i'll get well looked after.

take care

James :)

Kuwaiti said...

hi Jessi
good luck we are with you,

will you visite kuwait ;) ?

Nico said...

Hi Jesse,

just a short entry yesterday but nevertheless a lively description and enjoyable to read - thank you for that!

Looking at the map it seems that you're passing through French Polynesia right now and I wonder what obstacles you may meet over there, because from my amateur point of view your route seems to be in a safe distance from all those isles. So when you're safely off that region and have a little more time, I'd be curious to read a little bit more of the difficulties you had to meet over there.

Good luck and good winds!


Dani and Graeme said...

We're all thinking of you champ

June and Richard Thorn said...

Hi Jesse,

Stay strong. Keep the faith.

Safe winds.

June and Richard Thorn

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,
Can't imagine you haven't had any seasickness. Lucky you. I get sick in 15knot winds!!, and going down into the galley at anytime is impossible. Keep up the good work.

Mary said...

You just seem to take it all in your stride Jess, take care,

Mal said...

Jess m'dear,
Your descriptions are evocative and appreciated greatly.
Once on the Murray, with a strong upstream breeze creating a short chop, we saw a remarkable sight. The moon was rising a few days after a full moon and was very bright in the overall darkness. What appeared to us on the surface was a quite brilliant and sparkling staircase.
Our video seen later was very disappointing though, as it was nothing like the reality.
We can only imagine your special moments, but giving us some hints is tremendous.

Michael J Cawley said...

Hi Jess,

Working hard, no sleep,no complaints and still got time to write your blog.

That same determination will get you there.

Go Jess, sail on, we are with you all the way.

Michael in Melbourne

Toni McLean said...

Hey Jesse,
You're really island dodging now. A bit like being at Surfers Paradise on New Years Eve. Haven't been there on New Years Eve for nearly 40 years now, but I expect it's no better.

Pity about the sloppy, choppy sea. You have some lovely descriptions of the sea, she has many faces.

Hope it smooths out a bit for you and you make a good bit of easting as well.


Brian said...

G'day Jess
Take care kid, beware of complacency & fatigue, double & triple check everything before you go much further south.Be prepared & you will beat everything that comes your way.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,

Looked at the big map lately? You're heading home ! Yippee.
V & L (QLD)

Crowie - Rose Bay said...

Hi Jess,
Fantastic progress since leaving Sydney Harbour - amazing speed - have a blast, hope the trip south is quick and no too bumpy. Keep being fantastic - you're blasting away.
Cheers Crowie, Lu, Max, Zoe and Sam

hezakiah299 said...

12-03-09 @06:45
Hi Jessica,
You’re doing great Jessica, I was wondering which way you were going to go past French Polynesia, now I know. Looks like you’re going to give F.P. a wide berth. A way over to the east of F. P. looks like a nightmare, with all the islands and atolls(??).
But it does look like there’s a lot of choppy seas ahead of you by the way the current is moving. As per the picture. I’m just having fun playing “armchair navigator”, it is interesting though. I’ve picked up a lot of information from fellow bloggers and I have been able to put most of it to work. At least I’m beginning to understand it a little better. Maybe some day I’ll buy a sailboat (for my bathtub) and go for a sail. LOL……….
I hope you’re getting enough rest Jessica, and eating well also. You know, when you get into the cold weather it will sap your strength real quick. So you have to eat well to keep that furnace going,(your strength). But you’ll do alright when the time comes. Keep up the good work, it seems like you’re traveling in leaps and bounds. God Bless you.
How’s the thumb???
Take good care of yourself and Ella, stay clipped on, safe and alert. Always proud of you and always thinking of you.
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full. I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (74) from Kingwood, WV

Peter, Susannah, Beth, Benj and Emma said...

Hi Jess
It's been really interesting to read and learn about your journey over the last few months - thank you for sharing your dream with so many. It is truly inspiring to follow your story.
I'm visiting Sydney with my husband and children at the moment. We caught the Manly ferry today and I thought of you many times as we watched yachts skimming across the harbour. Had an amazing view of one of the Sydney to Hobart contenders, Wild Oats, as it tacked across within metres of the ferry. Awesome!
Stay happy and safe.
Susannah & family x

Stephen Lyons said...

Keep up the great work Jessica, you have become a hero, perhaps unwillingly, to many of us. Please above all stay safe out there, especially in the Southern Ocean. We want you back here safe & sound when this is all over & you have truly smashed Jesse's record. I'm sure he will cheer will the rest of us.

Stephen, Jervis Bay xx

The Griffs of WA. said...

Hey Jess

There are probably thousands of new mums all over the world with crying babies who never sleep giggling that you are cat napping. This will keep you in good stead for when you have kids in the future.

Tuck in to the Toblerone in your pack if it gets to much.

Fair sailing til next time.

The Griffs of WA.

Slamdunk said...

Sounds like a challenge. I hope you have plenty of caffeine on hand to overcome the sleepless nights.

Bryan and Paula, Riot II said...

Hey Kiddo
did you sort out a good poling out system for your heady. I sent a discription of ours and some pics of it in action aboard Riot II, but sent it to your email address. Its a strong and reliable way to pole out and easy to use singlehanded. let me know if you can't access it on your mail and I will describe here.
stay safe, Bryan and Paula

Anonymous said...

Life is bumpy sometimes. Keep your harness tight. I hope the water will calm soon. Take care.
Michael B. C.
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Anonymous said...

Desde Argentina, te deseo mucha suerte en tu travesia de la vuelta al mundo. Seguramente vas a leer esto una vez que este hermoso viaje ya halla terminado y despues de haberte convertido el la chica mas linda y mas joven que dio la vuelta al mundo en su velero.
De verdad que te felicito por lo que haces, y admiro tu valentia.
Un aficionado de la nautica, Javier.(16)

Unknown said...

I have just logged on to your adventure, and have sent your story to my grand-daughters! Wow!!!

Do you fish?

JHB in North Florida

Anonymous said...

Ha, Jessica, your Grandma is a cracker ! Putting a toothbrush inside a Toblerone package instead of the chockies...
That's the trouble with the senior generation - too much time on hand to ponder over problems (" what would make Jessica's day cruising out there miles away from the nearest dentist...")

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