Saturday, November 7, 2009

Trade Wind Sailing

Really loving the way Ella's been chewing away the miles over the last few days. With the wind sitting on 20-25knots from the south east its good trade wind sailing, even if the sun hasn't been doing too much of that shining business lately.
We're also really starting to make some good progress north. The GPS readout now puts our latitude well into the teens.
The temperature is just starting to get a little warm in the cabin, but with so much water over the deck, having the hatches open is completely out of the question. But I'm sure this is nothing compared to how warm it will get over the over the next few weeks!
With a bit of a headache, plenty of sea room and Ella's Pink Lady not needing much attention from me today, I pretty much just spent the day wedged into a comfy position working away at a book and staying dry. Apart from the odd flying fish and bird there's not really been a lot of wild life around lately and still no luck catching any fish. Then again we have just passed over the Tongan Trench one of the deepest places on earth. I'm not much of a fisherman but maybe it hasn't exactly been the greatest place to catch fish? I'll just have to keep trying!The overcast skies have been making for some dark nights out here.
The sky and sea are completely black with no way of telling them apart. It's completely pot luck whether or not I get a face full of spray when I stick my head out above the dodger for a look around. But even if I do get un-lucky and cop a wave, I can't say it really bothers me. Normally I'll just laugh or squeal, even if I'm half asleep!
So it's all going well and at this pace, we'll be passing Samoa in the next few days and from there it really is a clear run to the equator.



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infiniteblue said...

It's good to get wind speed and direction in your posts Jesse. Looks like your really covering the miles at present.
Enjoy it.

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jessica.
You are doing well.
Luv u.
Richard (QLD)

Mike said...

Some nice pics you have Jessica. if you need any photography help head on over to the Australian Photography Forum and you can be sure ther will be lots of people there to give advice and keen to see your photography

Crocks said...

Go girl, you are a champ. Following you every day and have my world globe next to the computer tracking your progress.
Stay safe.

Shaun. Sydney.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, been following your adventure from Brisbane!

I don't think the trench has anything to do with poor fishing, perhaps you need the line deeper/shallower, or a different lure? God bless

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessie,

You're moving along nicely there. Ella's Pink Lady and yourself make a good team.

I had never heard of the Togan Trench before so googled the name and found that it is 10,882 metres (35,702 ft) at it's deepest point!!! That is a long way down. I also read that the trench is the last resting place of the Radiosotope Thermoelectric Generator from the aborted Apollo 13 mission.

So there we are Jesse. A little geography and history lesson for you all in one.

Keep safe and God Bless you heaps Jesse. You are doing so well. Jan (New Zealand)

Anonymous said...

I'm still cracking up over the " where's my cheese" incident. Love the positive attitude, hope you keep it up over the rest of your travels.


carole henry said...

Fantastic Jessica. You are going great. Its also good for you to have a lay day when you can to rest. You sound happy and so many people talk about you in conversation, everyone is soooo proud. You are a real icon. I love reading your blogs, can just picture myself there. Enjoy the freedom. Theres something special about being alone with nature, it is food for the soul. Keep up the good work. Fair winds. Carole (Mackay, QLD)

Alison said...

Cheers for the update Jess, you really are moving along. I can't believe your about to pass Samoa. Happy Sailing

Ali :)

yarnek said...

Wow! You're really flying! Adding a few hours to the tracker you are getting a bit close to Samoa for my liking. However, I'll leave the course to you and your support team as I couldn't navigate my way out of a bathtub. BTW, thanks for the great pics....makes us seem a little closer to you.
Stay safe, stay dry, clipon.

Kind regards, from The Old Bloke

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,

My 11 year old daughter wants to know how you keep 8 months worth of water on your boat? Jan (New Zealand)

carole henry said...

Keep tryin to catch a fish - that will be special to eat fresh fish for dinner. Loved the look of your cupcakes. How did you do it? I cant create anything so nice in my kitchen on land, and you did that at sea. Love your blogs, I log in twice a day to see how you are going. Keep smiling. :) Carole (Mackay)

Dave on Seren said...

Hi Jesse,

Can you post a picture of the lure you are using for fishing? Someone might be able to give you some feedback on how to make it work for you?
Sounds like everything is going well and you are doing a fantastic job out there.


Molly said...

Sounds as though things are going along so well for you. That's good to hear. But even better to hear that your spirit is still bright. That is what will see you through.

"And the voices in the waves are always whispering, in their ceaseless murmuring, of love - of love, eternal and illimitable, not bounded by the confines of this world, or by the end of time, but ranging still, beyond the sea, beyond the sky, to the invisible country far away!"
~Charles Dickens

Blessings, safety and happy thoughts,

Alex. said...

Sounds like a blast. Keep up the good work! x

Gemma Wiseman said...

Love your special way of saying things like..."even if the sun hasn't been doing too much of that shining business lately." It creates a real bubbly feeling in your writing!

Hope the weather gods keep carrying you in the arms of smiling breezes!

Anonymous said...

If you find any more squid on deck, try using that as bait.


Rob Hardie said...

HI Jesse,

You are certainly into a routine now. You have had all sorts of weather of the past 3 weeks.

As usual your writing is so descriptive. The dark nights would be very intersting. As you say you have quite a few more days of warm to hot weather coming up. It would be nice if the seas calm down a little for you so you can spend some time outside under the dodger.

Hope the headache is not too bad and quickly goes away.

We all appreciate the effort you go to post your blog each day. It further goes to show what a fantastic young lady you are.

Keep safe, always thinking of you.

Ingleburn NSW

Unknown said...

Glad to hear the wind is pushing you along nicely. Before long you will be wishing you could have some cloud cover. Hope you brought some sun screen. Thanks for the updates, as always look forward to your report and am never disappointed with your narrative. Happy sailing and God Bless. duane

Unknown said...

Hi Jesse,
I've been feeling fairly crappy myself today so I must be going out in sympathy, or it could be all the alcohol last night, lol. Even on your bad days you still sound upbeat. Oh and keep the photos coming, we love them.

Stay safe


Lea said...

Hi Jess,
Sounds like it's all smooth sailing for you young lady.
Enjoy the chance to relax and read while you can (I kinda understand -I have a toddler!). I love the pics and the idea of cooking cupcakes on the lovely Pink Lady - what a thought!!
Stay safe

Pete and Nancy in NH USA said...

Safe sailings Jess. We love starting our morning checking in too see your latest notes to us all. Glad to see that you can get some rest every now and then. Have a great time, stay safe, and stay clipped in

Nico said...

It's always very interesting for me to read your detailed descriptions about your equipment, e.g. the radio connections. Now one question just crossed my mind when I saw the pic of your cockpit shot from the foredeck: Moving around on that foredeck (or any other exposed place on board), do you have any kind of safeguard (beside the life jacket you're wearing on every picture) in case a sudden movement of Ella would throw you overboard?

I'm no sailor (although I had very basic training some 30 years ago) but I know that falling overboard always is a mishap to be kept in mind and which easily can turn into an outright desaster if there is no one to stop the boat and help you getting back aboard.

For now: good luck and good wind!


Georgia Guy said...

Hi Jessica,

Wow, from Bouncy Cupcakes to the Picture Blog fix on your tracker, you really covered a lot of miles.

I am an early riser here in Georgia, now 6:00 AM and have been up since 5:00 and I find one of my first daily habits (after grabbing a cup of coffee) is to get on the computer and see what has come in overnight on your website.

Clearly an almost due north track now to American Samoa. I am even learning places online to check your weather and one site, seems like a good one.

I just looked up Pago Pago in Samoa and it had a weather water bouy reporting 91 F sea temp. Can this be correct? That's like almost hot tub temp.

Anyway, keep on keeping on.

Safe sailing and Godspeed.

Georgia Guy

Anonymous said...

I also was worried about the Tongan Trench you had to cross. But that's silly isn't it.
When I googled it I learn't a lot of stuff I did not know before. You really are the teacher here. Thanks.


Rosemary said...

Hi Jesse I noticed the Tongan Trench on the satellite track of your voyage and thought about you sailing over that deepest of all deeps.Who knows what might be still down there to be discovered?The satellite view of the ocean on your web site is awesome.
A report in the Courier Mail today said that the 25 knot Trade Winds would be your first major challenge.Interesting therefore that Ella's Pink lady didn't need much attention from you today in those winds so you spent the day curled up with a book!!
Sorry you missed the full moon!
Sail on Jesse.Rosemary

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess

Following you everyday. I am a keen sailor and pilot.

I have read lots of Tristan Jones books and wonder if
you have enjoyed his writing too.

He has inspired me to venture into the oceans
and skies but there is nothing better than reading
your messages and living the journey in real time.

Go girl go!!!!


Rodney said...

I guess with the help of GPS it makes navigating easier on the starless nights! Imagine being one one of those tall ships where stars and the moon were the ONLY way of navigating at night!!! Some great photos the other day too, looks amazing way out there!!! Keep up the great work! MMM, cupcakes.....

David said...

Jess, another great blog from you as you are finishing your third week. A question for you: how often have you seen any big container or other large ships?
Take care.
David In Indiana

Clint Jeffrey - VK3CSJ said...

Gezz..I just opened the my Laptop and I was splashed with water, how strange is that!....anyway

See..see! I knew it was deep!...didn't I say it a couple of blogs ago..DEEP!...nice one Jan from New Zealand, Google Earth didn't tell me it was 10.8K's deep! maybe 8K's - not to mention the lost property from Apollo 13 mission, that was really interesting to learn!....

And that water - Black - whew, try capturing that on the Video Cameras Jess!...

I hope you can clear that headache too, I hate headaches any slightest indication and I'm taking panadole!....

I love the fact you don't mind whether you get a face full of spray or cop a wave, you and the sea are one!

Keep up the fishing exercises you'll catch something soon...

onya Jess!

Clint - Dandenong

John and Janet said...

Fair winds, Be safe!

John and Janet
Older sailors,
Ontario, Canada.

o0oooooo0o said...

Hey Jessi..

One good thing about being out in the middle of the open ocean is that you have a zero likelyhood of getting stuck in the mud. And that could be a fortunate thing!
Case in point:

A husband and wife were driving down a country lane on their way to visit some friends. They came to a muddy patch in the road and the car became bogged. After a few minutes of trying to get the car out by themselves, they saw a farmer coming down the lane in a four-wheel-drive truck.

The farmer stopped when he saw the couple in trouble and offered to pull the car out of the mud for $50. The husband accepted and minutes later the car was free. The farmer turned to the husband and said, "You know, you're the tenth car I've helped out of the mud today."

The husband looks around at the fields and asks the farmer, "If you are so busy helping people out of this hole, when do you have time to plow your land? At night??"

"No," the young farmer replied, "Night is when I put the water in the hole."


And see, that is yet a whole other bonus to being where you are. No idiot jerks around to foul up your day! None! Lucky you!!

I don't suppose weekends mean much different to you at this point, but, just in case... Happy Weekend!! Hope all is dry and cozy 4U!

~Al yer pal~

Russell @ Sunny Coast said...

Hey Jess,

Thanks again for your great writing and really painting a picture in words for us again.

I'm glad to see that you are in such great spirits, I guess the reality of what you are doing has really sunk in now and the journey ahead, so you keep going, knowing that there are a lot of people constantly thinking about you and wishing you well on your incredible quest, you rock!!

Thanks again for your inspiritation and showing the way to so many people, you are a legend!

Keep safe, God bless.
Will keep praying for your safety and wisdom.

Sunny Coast Qld

Marcoo Byron Bay said...

Hey Jesse I love checking into your blog every night, making sure everything is alright and willing to lend some words of wisdom if ever you need them - but you never seem to! Good onya! You have an enormous (and growing) extended family of people who care about you, that must help you when you're out there on your own.

Hey something I always wondered about when I go on my future ocean sails is what if I hit a submerged something - have you reinforced the bow of Ella's Pink Lady? Or do you reckon there's not much of a chance of that?

Also what do you do for exercise? Must get pretty cramped on board all day long...

Anyway just something to pop in your posts on of these days. I'm glad you've caught the tradewinds and are making good time!

Marcoo Byron Bay

Bobby from South Carolina said...


Love the pics...very happy for you - your doing an awesome job!! Always sending prayers & happy sailing your way... have an awesome day!! Safe sails....

Bobby from South Carolina

Beverly, Tasmania said...

Evening, (11pm, Beverly here in Tassie). Just caught your new blog b4 I head off to bed. You really are a super "girman" (girl-woman). I can't imagine being in the pitch, pitch black. I leave my curtain open a bit so the street light shines in! Plus, not having anyone around, eek. Course, no one can get on-board cause there is no one around you, huh?

Seems like you are giving lots of people history lessons as one commentor said. I, also, have to go now and look up the Tongan Trench. Your teachers should just give you all "A's" as you are teaching the world...

Take care, tether on - safety first or there is nothing else to worry about.

God Bless You as He always does and will keep doing and remember He will Never give you more than you can handle but that He won't give you the Grace to handle it. I live by that statement, especially when things are going up-side-down and backwards.

Night, night, God Bless. Beverly & Andrew Penney, Bridgewater, Tassie

Richard Lathrop said...

Nice blog. Great progress.
How are your pesky cabin leaks? Did you manage to slow them down the other day?

I like the way that you describe the sea at night.

Today's position hasn't been posted yet, but the last one had you sailing almost due north.

I reckon you'll be on the equator a week from now.

Fair winds.


rod said...

good day kid,
still travelling with you,enjoy your blogs.
sorry your fishing line wasn't long enough to catch any fish in the tongan trench, however i'm sure you might have some tuna in your pantry.
take care young adventurer.
best wishes
blackbutt qld
until next time

gsimmons said...

Hi Jessica
You have at the moment perfect sailing conditions. I know it might be a little choppy and wet but use these conditions to put as many miles under EPL's keel, because around the equator you may get a few calm days, which will be ok anyway.
I bet you will be looking at the GPS alot, just watching those numbers getting smaller and smaller.
I'm sure you will catch some fish soon, but I'm sure it's not a big issue with you. But just in case, when a flying fish does land in your boat, tire the mouth closed and put the hook down through the top of the head, between the eyes and out under the chin and put it about 30 metres out the back of EPL, these are the favourite food for most of the pelagic fish in your area, best of luck, I think all the people following you are just waiting for you to catch a fish.
When the water is warm getting a face full is not a big problem, but wait to you get down near the Horn, the language might be a little more colourful.
It's a little hard to imagine that the seabed is 10.8 klm's below EPL keel when you crossed over the Tongan Trench, not to many people have done that, another milestone.
So looks like all is well on EPL, keep having fun and keep safe.

Cheers George
Exmouth WA

Kissyfrott said...

Great job, Captain Jesse, for writing as well as for sailing.
EPL and you are gliding on the map, like real skaters, and your blog is so good! Not only all what you tell us is very interesting, but you say it with a witty tune and well selected words that are a delight to read.
Thank you again and again for letting us, poor landstuck people from all over the world, share your fantastic journey.

Gary said...

Hi Jess,

Glad to hear all is going well, sorry there is no snapper to sizzle in the pan, but I'll keep my fingers crossed.

How do you keep cool when the temp is on the rise and how do you keep warm when you head south into the southern ocean?

Lets hope there is plenty of wind to get your power up to scratch. So stay safe.

Till next time

Gary from Carrum Downs.

Macca said...

welll done jess its gona b good wen u get over the equater


p.s jess is cute

Trish said...

wow!!!! You really are an inspiration to us who are intently following the "Record Breaking Travels Of Jesse and ELP". I have just finished night shift, turned on the computer and there you are filling us with inspiration to follow our dreams.
ELP is trundling along on a broad reach by the sounds...heading towards that imaginary line ... Gooooooooooo Jesse!!!
Trish Cairns

Summersailor said...

summersailor said: Hi Jess, boy it must be cool when you look out your hatch at night and see nothing but black sky and water. That fee of the pink lady moving through the water at a good clip must be a thrilling experience. Dreams are made of this, lucky you. :-D

'different Drum said...

Hi Jessica,,,Wow ,you are doing so well,,i have only sailed 'trade winds' once and it was 6 days of bliss,,scones and cream and no sail changes,heaven.If you run out of chat ideas,please tell us about your fresh water maker,i presume you have one on board ??
Keep floating,,11,000 metres of water in the 'TT'
'Different Drum '

dwarakanath said...

Hi Jess,We are happy to learn that wind is heping to sail smoothly towards the equator.myself and my wife LALITHA SEND YOU OUR BEST WISHES

Anonymous said...

I hope your enjoying the voyage as much as I enjoy following it :) Keep up the good work and keep finding ways to have fun out there.(how were the cupcakes?)

Anonymous said...

I read your blog every day Jessica. You are a talented writer as well as sailor and cooker of cup cakes!
You make it all sound easy but I'm sure you are ever vigilant.
It seems so scary from here, you all alone out there on the huge ocean.
I'll be glad when your adventure is over and you are back on dry land but it's wonderful that you are gutsy enough to get out there and make your dream come true.
All the best to you and you are always in my prayers.

Anonymous said...

I love reading your blog and I'm tracking your course on Google Earth. What a historic voyage you are on. I am rooting and tooting for you from Atlantic City, New Jersey.

Des said...

Hi Jess, Well you are really showing your critics that you can do it, I would be so very proud of you if you were my daughter.
Take Care & Be Safe.

Anonymous said...

1 Thessalonians 4:11-12
11 Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you, 12 so that your daily life may win the respect of outsiders and so that you will not be dependent on anybody.

Good morning, Jessica. The description of your day in today's great post makes me think of this text. Your quiet, accomplished life out there has won the respect of so many outsiders, and you are not dependent on any of us except maybe for that little bit of connected feeling you might get every day. Today I will be praying for complete relief from that headache, your continued good progress and safety, and for your family back at home. Looking forward to hearing from you next time!

Unknown said...

keep safe young girl


Brian Riley said...

Your personallity and character are really showing up when you squeel when a wave hit you in the mush, I love it. Don't forget to exercise when you are down in the cabin wedged in a spot reading,hope you stretch the legs about every hour.
The sailing is realy good for you at this moment and as you say making good progress.
Safe Passage,Will talk later.
Hervey Bay, QLD

Attitude said...

You have inspired us Jess, just the fact that you are not scared in the darkest of nights is admirable!

Mary said...

Dearest Jessica,

How fantastic to hear such wonderful news from you! I'm so happy to hear of your fearlessness through dark of night. Absolutely shining on, you are!

Your supporters' blogs are as wonderful as ever. Where would we be without Jessica's Jokester, to start?

Godspeed and marvelous days to you, Jess! May you and EPL be safe.

Mary, Maine, USA
PS. My word verification letters this morning are "crosser". Yes, Jessica is a crosser and she will accomplish her goal, toute suite!

Muhammad Asim said...

Hi Jessie - Just read the updated blog. We have got a habit now. Blog seems incomplete when theres no mention of whats in dinner today. Hope Pink Lady cook is doing well. Pls forward my sincere regards to her. She is pouring in taste to all the sailing.

Matt Carl said...

Cheers from Washington, DC!

lilshawnee said...

Hi Jess,enjoy the heat Jess its going to be real cold in the south.
Jess today its -5c on the tip of south america so let us know what you are going to do about the heat.
I sure hope you had planed good for the cold.we worrie about you to.
it it real lonly out there at nights when its pitch black? out.Dont you ever get sea sick?
your only 16 and your a long way out hummmmm your real brave lil girl. But we watch your glog every day and i help spread th good news all ovr the usa.
your such a hero Jess. Keep up the good work keep the nm. going.
we all are cheering you on. be safe lil Jess.

trentgs said...

.."The sky and sea are completely black with no way of telling them apart.".. Sounds like a good reason to stay inside! Do you have some really good strong deck lights for these days? Are they LED? Carrying spares would be a bummer but as a Marine Electrical Inspector (Primarily US Navy Ship construction) thats the kind of thing that captures my attention.
Then the usual thing I do after I read your post lately is..listen to Lili Haydn playing her violin and singing 'Sunset Serenade'(It would be so great to listen to at sea!)while playing Scrabble against the computer, and of course Katie Melua singing 'If You were A Sailboat' would be pretty cool too..Keep on making history Jess..We're all with you..every nautical mile!!

Gary & Jan
Savannah Ga

Anonymous said...

Love reading your blogs - you go girl. You have so much courage!
Stay safe

Anonymous said...

We check in on you everyday Jesse. Watching your progress from here in landlocked Indiana USA. When your done will you teach me how to sail?

Keep up the good attitude.
Dave usa

Jaime said...

Hi Jessica,
My name is Jaime, I hope you are enjoying your trip and I want to know what has been you farourite view, so far?

Love always Jaime 2nd Grade,Canada

Sally said...

Hi Jessica

Another great blog entry and I loved yesterday's photos. Stay safe and I will look forward to your next update.


john b. said...

hi jess,

good morning from virginia! i'm so glad to see you continue to do well and make great time.

enjoy the warm weather over the next month as you know it's going to get cold as you make your way back into the lower latitudes.

be safe, keep your harness on, and keep EPL happy!!

all the best,

john b.
"sloop john b."

Harold Thompson said...

Although we don't post everyday we're here; imagining the spray and all the rest. No doubt sparking a lot of interest in sailing and the S&S34.

nutralady2001 said...

Hello lovely! Can't sleep (it's 1.00am here in South Oz) so thought I'd check your blog didn't expect to find another so soon.

Have been thinking about how you have planned for medical contingencies.Did you just have the usual array that's in a medical chest bandaids/Panadol etc. or have you taken along anything special......antibiotics say in case you get an infection if you cut yourself or similar, not trying to be morbid but 8 months is a long time.

But then you are 16 LOL I never went to the doc at that age. I'm an oldie who seems to have taken up residence in the corner of the doctor's surgery. Take care sweetie xxxxxx

margaret said...

Hi Jessica. Good to hear you are still doing great, and still enjoying it out there.
Take care and come home safe.
Love from Margaret at Deception Bay

Unknown said...

Hey Jess
Stay with it. You will get plenty of fish! Waiting for your next blog. Want to see your Maths. Your English & IT are so great.

Anonymous said...

I'm read your news and blog regularly, am from Chicago, Ill, USA and am fascinated by your courage and voyage. Congratulations.


Phil in Idaho said...

Absolutly fantastic! How is school work coming along?

Keep going, stay happy! You will be a world record holder mid next year!!!

Anonymous said...

Safe sailings and god bless!

From Bavaria,

Anonymous said...

Love your special way of saying things, i follow your blogg every day.
I'm so impressed of you, so young and so brave. Your journey around the world have so far got like a dance.
And i hope it will last untill you coming back home again.
Stay safe!
Hug for you
Mia from Sweden

jeffwith2fs said...

Hi Jessica, my wife and I love what you are doing - a little jealous too.
I'm a minister with young people and find your attitude of positiveness and the way you are embracing life incredibly powerful and a great role model for others. Our youth don't need more over paid sports people to look up to, they need more people who embrace life and seek to understand themselves better through the experiences this world has to offer, if only they seeks them.

Good on you. And Godspeed ahead.
Grace and Peace
Jeff. Perth WA

HAWKEYE said...


Hi Jesse, you may have many days when there is not a great deal of sailing activity for you so it is important you keep your mind active and stay positive. Don't get me wrong there's nothing wrong with a good book but the brain needs constant activity/stimulation and reading will contribute positively. Suggestions: write some poetry, write some song lyrics and think up a few novel melodies and see what fits together - perhaps other bloggers could make some suggestions as well. You have the beauty of sunsets, starry nights, crazy cloud formations, the motion and sounds of the boat and your tenant squids - I'm sure you can build some fabulous ideas from your wonderfully unique experiences.

I think as time goes bye it's going to be important for you to have a secondary but rewarding project(s). Your focal attention, of necessity, must be the boat but having another interest will give you other things to which you can turn your fertile mind.

Still waiting on feedback re the leaks. I need some sleep so when you've got time please report in on that one for I'm sure I'm not the only worrier on this journey with you.

'til next time Jesse thinking of you, be happy, don't forget the fluids and most of all stay safe/ buckled up.


Wolfhound said...

Hi Jessica,

Sounds like you're flying along ! Sorry to hear about the headache, which might not be helped by the heat. But the heat shall pass as you come back down south. Just make sure you're getting enough sleep and drinking enough water - fresh, that is !

A little trick to help with the headaches is to use some acupressure. If you put your hands on your top of your head, with each thumb at the base of your skull - like holding a football - then massage.
A second exercise is to just pinch the fleshy area where your forefinger and thumb meet. Do both exercises for a couple of minutes and it should help.

All the best from NY,


RICHARD said...

following your progress via your website map, you have crossed the dateline!

Congrats. You have made Neptune proud!

It's today again for you! Seems like just yesterday we were all sitting here around the table discussing your trip and learning about the islands you are passing by. And now, here it is yesterday again and we are about to do the same. :)

My oh my, the things one can accomplish when the days are 48 hours long.

The concept of the Dateline has proven to be slightly confusing to a few on our decks, but I think we are now sailing with all reefs to the wind, back on course and tacking to Samoa.

See ya Sailor!

Stevshadow said...

Jessica: Could you include a Lat/Long in your blogs?
This request from a Circumnavigator (my voyage took 4 years!)
Aboard a 46 ft. sloop-"Carina".
Best regards and safe jouney to you....

Darren Achim said...

Hey Jessica

I'm sure you learned about this in your medical training prior to leaving but thought I'd share what I know

Some cures for headaches

1. Hydrate yourself
2. Relax and try to take a nap
3. Try massaging your neck and face
4. Try simple reflexology - massage the fleshy part between your thumb and forefinger with your thumb and forefinger from the other hand then switch
5. Not sure if you drink coffee but caffeine in small doses can cure headaches
6. Try to stretch regularly - your muscles are constantly working keeping you balanced on a bouncy boat, muscles you never knew you had will start to ache.

I really loved your sun not doing its shining business comment that was brilliant. Do you have something planned when you hit 16 degrees of latitude? 16 at 16!!!! I've been night sailing, it is awesome but it's never been pitch black that you couldn't even see, that must be something just sailing away into the big black void. Really great writing!

Stay safe! sounds like the speed thing is taking care of itself for a little bit anyways.

Darren Achim
Toronto Canada

Mike Kay Avon Indiana said...

Hello Captain Jessica,
Thanks for the update, sounds like your making good progress.Thanks again for letting us go along with you on this epic journey!! We are praying, cheering, and worrying for you! Here's to more smooth sailing and good days ahead! Godspeed. Mike

kevmeister said...

you go girl

mbasscat said...

Hi Jesse,
GREAT! You are making good progess, try to stay cool.
Maybe you should try some night fishing if the water is calm, seems like the fish come up shallow night night when I fish...just a thought.
Enjoy all that freedom out there, just you and Ella, keep up that positive attitude, and keep smiling. :) :) :)

Marion from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Eric Sonnen said...

Keep chewing up the miles!

Eric, GA, USA

Cassy W. said...

Hi Jess, Its me again! Please post a new video!

Thanks, Cassy W.

aj-pandabear said...

Hi Jess, great to see you are doing so well.I am sure you will catch a fish, and what a beauty it will be.cant wait to hear about it.
stay warm and safe.

Konstantin said...

One question I have today, how is your progress at night? Is there some automated way of sailing, doesn't the boat need frequent attention? How do you get sleep at all?

Greets from Germany, Kon

SaltyDog said...


I've fished my entire life and have always said that what makes for a good day of fishing is just being on the water. If I accidently catch fish, that's a bonus. So by my standards, you're already having a great fishing trip.

Have fun, stay safe and happy sailing.

From Seattle, WA, USA

Anonymous said...

...hiya, jess!!! you're really moving! was checking out the tracker and boy, oh boy, you're in some deep deep ocean! i can't even imagine how black it is at night. keep up the good spirits! until tomorrow! sail safe!

castro valley, ca, usa

Paula said...

Terrific progress, Jessica!

About the fishing...maybe you're just going too fast to catch anything? Do you ever heave-to and try fishing that way? This isn't a race, after all...and I'm sure some nice fresh protein would do you good.

Anonymous said...

You are such an impressive young lady, just amazing. You seem born for this with the right attitudes and composure as well as skills. Glad to see you are taking care of yourself. It's a long haul ahead but I know you can do it.
Take care and enjoy,
LG Seattle,WA USA

Skitmtm said...

Thank you Jessica. I hope for you fair winds and following seas, and a dry place to rest and wisdom they're not. I look forward to your inspiration every day.

Anonymous said...

Good morning,
"The Doc" here, on housevisit, no charge. Regarding your headache, I suggest to completely vege out, if the situation will allow less attention. No books, no loud music ("6 MONTHS IN A LEAKY BOAT...!!"), just relax.
Furthermore a headache could be a sign of oversupply of Carbondioxide or commonly known as used air. I am not familiar with the complete layout of your cabin, but insufficient ventilation could be part of the problem, especially when cooking with gas in an enclosed space.
On the nutritional side fish is highly recommended, except when the species caught display more than 2 eyes, are severely blistered and feature other abnormalities the presence of nuclear waste, nuclear fallout materials and chemical waste could be part of the reason.
So,to say it in a traditional "Monty Python's Flying Circus" way "IT'S ALBATROSS,COME AND GET YOUR A L B A T R O S S..."

Anonymous said...

Jessica could you tell us what your longest daily run has been just been wondering how many nm you completed in a days run?Also wonder if you have an instrument[anemometer] on board that measures wind speed and direction ? hope you stay cool in the heat of the equator imagine the even the sea temperture is too warm for comfort . Wonderfull Blog ! Happy Sailing

Bob said...

Been following your blogs thought I should leave a comment. Can a 70+ year old man have a 16 year old girl as a hero? He can if she is doing what you are doing. I'm just one of the many cheering you on, and hoping you have the best voyage ever. I'm very interested in sailing and have never been, it's on my bucket list. I live close to Tucson Arizona USA. Kind of like a person that loves sailing and lives in Alice Springs. More later.

LScottG said...

Hello Jessica
Its nice to wake up and have my first coffee reading your posts. Call me crazy if you want. But back to the cupcakes. In the pic, the top one, due north if you will. Is it decorated to look like Australia? If one were to take into consideration the bouncy seas while you were decorating them, its pretty close.
As you can tell from the posts we all love pics. If you felt like it maybe we could get some more of the inside of your cabin. Like galley and such. I think we would all love to see more of what your little home on the sea looks like. Heck we would probably be thrilled just to see a space where your food is stashed

Take care

Scott - PA USA

Anonymous said...

Keep up the great work Jesse, glad to hear you're going strong and safe.

Can you tell us how you are fishing in detail, maybe some photos of your rig, bound to be plenty of advise out here to improve your fishing prowess. It might be more productive near islands and edges of reef, or over shoals.

Its going to get both hot and humid below decks. Gets like that even here in the Whitsundays at times.

Happy sailing, keep well and safe. A hell of a lot of people thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

Hello Yachtmaster Jessica!

Thanks for the pics, very nice to see how calm or rough the ocean might be.

Will you be preparing to bake bread later? Nothing better than the smell of freshly baked yeast bread! Or maybe more chocolate cake - I vote for chocolate.

Since you have your Master of Yachts certification, I was wondering if you could write a bit
about your training.

Is your certification Master of Yachts Unlimited Ocean (200 ton) or did you do the 500 - 3000 ton course?

I know there are the yacht training courses in first aid, sea survival, social responsibility, fire fighting, etc. with an oral exam and written exam (just like FAA training in aviation).

Since you are already a famous person, and you are on Wikipedia, I was wondering if you have been writing a chapter a week of your memoirs about your sailing experiences. By the time you sail into Sydney, your book can go right to the publisher! Cool!

Phoenix, Arizona

Unknown said...

Whomever manages Jessica's Blogs please pass this on to her.

Hello Jessica

I think what you are doing is awesome. For some reason I am drawn to your adventure. And tonight I found out why. Jessica the Lord told me to ask you a question.

Do you know Jesus Christ as your personal Savior?

Please email me back and let me know at

P.S. I am praying for you.

Act 16:30b,31a KJV - …what must I do to be saved? And they said, Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and thou shalt be saved…

Jhn 3:15-18 KJV - That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved. He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

hezakiah299 said...

11-07-09 @12:45

Hi Jessica,
Yes, you really have been chewing up the miles over the last few days, good for you. I finally found a map with lats/longs on it. That makes it a little bit easier to understand where you are and where you are going. I was surprised that google didn't have something like, maybe they do but I couldn't find it. Oh well....
Glad to read that you are doing so well and even with all the responsibilities you still have time to relax and catch up on some reading. Now that's organized. Sometimes being cooped up as you are can bring on a headache. If you could get out on deck for some fresh air that might help. But you would have to brave that faceful of spray. At least you'd have a little giggle or a squeal. LOL But I do hope you get rid of the headache.
Somebody suggested a picture of your lure for further assistance. That seemed like a good idea, try it.
Well Jessica, you certainly sound like you are having a good time, not letting little incidentals bother you and laughing at the little annoyances. You were definitely born to be a sailor. God Bless you. Looking forward to you passing Samoa, and that will put you in the single digits, hooray for you. (see, I'm learning)
Take care, be safe and stay alert and don't forget your harness. (did I forget anything).
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full. I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (74) from Kingwood, WV

Maria said...

I'm a spanish sailor girl and I'm ecstatic reading abourt your adventures everyday!

Lots of good luck and good wind for you and Ella's Pink Lady (love its pink all pink stuff!)

Go, girl, go!!!


Michel said...

Goodluck Jessica!

Best wishes from south of FRANCE near Mediterranean Sea.
Now time has come for you to enter in the guiness book of World records!
Take care :)

Michel (FRANCE)

Chicago Jim said...

Hey Jesse,

Keep up the good work! And try a little of that cheese on your hook. Fishies like to eat well, too. :)

Anonymous said...

Hallo Jessica,
it is always so good to see your entry and have your cheery self echo in my mind and heart!

So far, you are having a dream voyage, except that you have your eyes, ears and all other senses awake and on the alert!

I have read all of your posts right from the beginning, anything and everything I can find on the website, all videos and ALL commentaries as well. Most enjoyable.

All these give a pretty good overview of EPL and a bio about you, your family and your team.

I enjoy tremendously your description of your journey and let you surprise me, with what you choose to share next. Exhilarating!

Hope the headache is gone. Drink loads of water and hold the chocolate for a bit!

I saw a docu the other night about sharks and it was extremely upsetting, that for the sake of shark fin soup, only the fins are taken (in a most cruel way) and the rest thrown back into the sea. I was horrified.
Man can be so cruel, for what......... the sake of money?

Are sharks as visible as dolphins sometimes out there in the deep?

According to the commentator Hannes Janneke and a lady who has swum and worked with sharks for 20 years without cages etc., they are not as aggressive as we have been made to believe in movies and through the media.

Not the time and place to try that one out though! :-)

Black as you describe it, I have only experienced while meditating in my walk in closet, when I covered all the cracks under the door!

Keep well, happy and safe!
Sail on Captain Jessica,

Trudy, Tirol, Austria

Sarah M said...

I'm so glad there is a tracker up now so we can see where you are (without me having to google search for the islands you mention passing). The cupcakes from earlier looked good, especially for being on a rocking boat! I told my sister about you and she said she will be reading this blog also and following your journey. Take care!

Sarah said...

Great to hear you're making good progress!! Hope the fishing goes better next time :). xo.

bernie777 said...

this story gets better each day go Jessica...we are all behind you...what are u reading by the way....please let us all know soon ...cheers Bernie777

Manu said...

Hi Jesse,

One of the best blog around for a long time.
One of the best humane adventure we are witnessing for a good many years.
A rare descriptive writer you are.

There is a helluva lot of people following your progress every day, be sure of that.
And I'm one of them.

You'll become legend at that rate.

I'm sorry not to be able to advise you on fishing in Tongan area. I'm not familiar with Tongan fish species and I'm a useless fisherman anyway

Be safe and Enjoy

(emgb1 in South Wales, UK, GMT+0)

Anonymous said...

Wow, I am so impressed of you! You are truly a source of inspiration for young girls all over, proving you can do whatever you want in life as long as you believe in yourself. I am almost twice your age and you are my idol! Two questions: Do you do any exercise at the boat? What do you do with the garbage that you produce during this time?Wishing you the best! Lisa from Sweden.

cousinpete said...

hi jess, just wanted to pop in and say hi, nice work, and pleasant sails.

elizabeth said...

Hey Jessica,
You are weaving a beautiful picture with your words- are your also using a pencil and perhaps a little water colour to create a pictorial record of your trip too?
I like the fact that your finding things to laugh at ...good for you keep on smiling.
happy day

Anonymous said...

Hi! My friend told me about you this week and I just had to check out your website! This is so cool! I hope all goes well and hope the sea will be smoother soon. And also hope the sun will start doing more shining business ;) That was funny in your blog ;)


Bebie - Sunshine Coast said...

Love all the pics, and your patty cakes look deliciously wicked. I guess they're a thing of the past now?
Whenever my thoughts turn to you and Ella's Pink lady, I hear waves sloshing the sides and slight flapping of windfilled sails with tinker of metal, as you hit the books or plot your course as you dip and rise the ocean waves.
God bless you with safe sailing Jess.

Anonymous said...


I'd really be pi**** off if I tottered out of the cabin at night because I have to and then be washed completely.... ;-) thanks a lot!

But as u told us before, you are sleeping fully equipped maybe that can "water it down".... haha

Keep your motivation, Jessica.
You're doin' a great job!

bavaria, GER

Anonymous said...

Keeping trying. One of these days your going to get a fish on the line.
Thanks for the great postings. O
I look forward to reading about your adventure daily (well almost daily)
Allan - Hawaii

Dusty from Dubbo said...

g,day Jess
Sitting in my car in the carpark at work with the laptop! It's Sunday and as usual the wireless telstra tower that serves my home some K's from here has bombed out as it does quite regularly. Nice morning in Dubbo slight breeze and beautiful sunrise.No more school just a book? What no music? Bad luck about the fish then again I know you don,t like gutting much! Hope the headache is not due to lack of sleep. Stay well and enjoy the sea spray. Dusty from Dubbo

Anonymous said...

Is it possible to have your tracker give your lat/long daily? It would be nice for us landlubbers to track your progress in terms of miles sailed and current position! I look forward to checking in with you daily! :)
-Karyn (Indiana, USA)

fnqgirl said...

"The sky and sea are completely black with no way of telling them apart." OMG Jesse! You are so brave! Just reading about that and the trench, I got shivers!

Pete and Nancy in NH USA said...

Hey Jess,
As we write this, it's about 6:00am your time. We hope that you've had a good night on EPL and could get some rest. Love your blog and all the things that you can fill us in on regarding your trek. A few days ago we sent you a message comparing you to Earhart and Armstrong. You are more comparable to Charles Lindbergh. Striking out by yourself in the face of the unknown. We have every confidence in you, your ability and the durability of Ella's Pink Lady. You are definatly going to complete you journey. We love checking your blog every morning and making note of your progress. Stay dry, safe and clipped in. We will check in on you in the am. Sleep Tight...

Sally said...

Good Morning Jess

Another great blog full of very interesting information and written in such a relaxed, easy to ready style, so that we all get a full scope on how you are going. Plus you have answered a question that has been on my mind. The temperature - I was curious as to whether the temp was increasing as you were sailing along, seeing as you are heading towards the equator. Plus, I would imagine, the water temp must be getting warmer also. It would feel like bath water when you cop those splashes!

It's a shame that you have to keep the hatches closed - but then you have the freshest 'air conditioning' up on deck with a great view! Although I think your external air conditioning is about to become very warm as you travel along!!

Glad that the wind is with you and that you have had time to grab some 'time out' and read. Hope the headache has gone!

The Tongan Trench - well that's a newie for me. Another new thing learnt from you the school of Miss Jess. I googled it - "10,882 meters (35,702 ft) deep at its deepest point, known as the Horizon Deep' and I found out it's the 2nd deepest trench on the earth's oceans & seas. (only by 29ft). Something else I can drop into a dinner conversation and sound like I know a thing or two!!!

The weather is starting to warm up in Sydney again today - the sun is peaking through the clouds this morning! Phew! Need to get some washing done. As you already know Jess - the chores have gotta be done! Then I may do the same as you and kick back and read my book.

Take care Jess and stay safe.

'A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step' Lao Tsu

'The young do not know enough to be prudent, and therefore they attempt the impossible, and achieve it, generation after generation.' Pearl S Buck

Sally In Sydney

Anonymous said...

Dont worry about not catching fish we went out of broken bay yesterday and got zip, but thats normal for us anyway. Fair winds and god speed Jes

Noel said...

Hey Jess

Good to see those miles tick over.
As soon as the sun gets its act together, you will be in for some warm days.
Keep up with your fishing, you will get one soon.

Meanwhile good winds and safe sailing.

Noel Novice sailor Canberra

Sydneysider said...

Sounds like you're making great progress Jess! Hope the good winds continue.

I think you should have thrown in a very, very long fishing line when over the Tongan Trench - curious as to what you might have caught! I'm sure there are still species out there that mankind hasn't discovered yet.

Otherwise, skip the fishing and stick to the bouncy cupcakes - I probably would :)

Hope the headache went away. And thanks for taking the time out to write us these daily blogs - they're great.

Stay dry and safe sailing.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

We are following your adventure from the Netherlands. Stay safe and enjoy,

Judith and Leo

Anonymous said...

I'm looking forward to selling my house and getting out to sea myself. Your daily blog entries are an inspiration.

Jimmy, Louisville, KY USA

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse

Really enjoying reading your blogs, looking foreward to the next video diary, the trip sounds like a blast, and you'll have so many stories to tell, i was just wondering do you have 8 months supply of food stored away on Ella? or do you get more supplies and freh fruit delivered to you along the journey?

Matt from New Zealand

Tom in Cali said...

Keep up the great work. Enjoying your posts and following your progress. Proud of you!

Tom in Cali

Al said...

Well Ms Jessica you are looking great and the cupcakes look soooo good.I am amazed at all the messages you get, you surely shouldn't be too lonely. How long does it take typically to send and receive your e-mails on the sat phone, or whatever you use?

Keep dry and safe. I assume you always have a safety hitch when you are topside?

Al P

Roger and Lou Dwyer said...

Hi Jesse, two beautiful ladies together out there, take care of each other, hope you have stopped the leaks in Ella and all is dry in the cabin and below decks, and I hope your headache has gone and you are feeling better this morning, stay safe Jesse, Luv U xxxxxx, Roger and Lou Dwyer

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a good day to me Jess, just reading & relaxing. Surely you will catch a fish soon, although on second thoughts maybe you should bake extra cupcakes just in case.
Jess, I can't stop thinking about learning to sail even if it does look a bit scary, but it looks pretty awesome too. When I mention this to family & friends they crack up as I'm 52yo & a Nan. My husband thinks it's too funny that I could be the worlds oldest sailor to do a circumnavigation. Well maybe not around the world, but a little calm island I would love.
Take care little one!
The McGraths Nowra NSW

Angus. said...

Hey jesse,
Your really making good time by the sound if it. you wre in the Sunday Mail today , saying some nice things and pointing out your 10% into your trip. Ess noone has forgotten you.Some politions said the other day that we (as a nation ) should not wrap our kids in cotton wool and try and keep them safe, we should let them grow and extend there horizions. Your sure doing that.
It will sure get a bit warmer as you got north, but the nights are great. glad your getting such good conditions. I think you'd do well even if the conditions wernt so good. Enjoy while you can.
Fair winds and following seas.

Chimli said...

Must say you have a great approach to your business Jess. I'd be pooing my pants in the black night you described, lol. Good on you and by the way what r u reading?

el grande said...

Keep at the fishing, maybe you'll accidentally snag a fish. Great job clipping away the miles anmd enjoy that warm weather - you'll be cold soon enough!

Stay safe!

Meechree said...

Looks like everything is really working out! Certainly hope it stays that way!
-Dimitri, USA

Peter Flynn said...

You look like you are having a great life!. So much so that I think I might buy a boat and do what you're doing too. So I did a little looking around and stumbled on this (extract of) story and it promptly changed my mind. I thought I would post it here for your entertainment (a break from schoolwork) and for the benefit of anyone else, who, like me moments ago thought that what you are doing is as easy as a walk in the park: :-)

(This person was on a round the world like you, a little older, not trying to break any records, just having a good time...)

"...Imagine you are sitting on the long metal or plastic bench in a bus shelter. I know this may be a difficult concept for some of you, but indulge me. In front of you, about a metre away, is a similar bench parallel to yours, just far enough away so that you can brace your back against the wall of the shelter and your feet against the opposite bench. Your arms are spread as wide as possible away from your sides so that the heel of each hand is braced against the edge of your bench. Imagine that the wall of the bus shelter is cut off at the height of the middle of your back and the left hand wall (as you sit) is just high enough to duck your head behind. It has a little canvas awning (called a dodger) you can just get your head under. This is a rough approximation of Berrimilla's cockpit.

Comfortable? Close your eyes and imagine that the whole contraption is moving at a fast walking pace from your right to your left. There is a wind blowing from your left front into your face. Someone is throwing buckets of water up into this wind and you have to duck behind the dodger to stay dry.

Now for the fun part. Count slowly to six and fix this period in your mind. During this time, the cockpit moves vertically up and down about three metres, sometimes with abrupt changes of direction and there is a longer period - about half a minute - during which there is a background lift and drop of perhaps six metres behind the shorter motion. At the same time, in the six second period, the cockpit is rolling around the length of your bench, perhaps 20 degrees each way, so your legs and back have to keep you in place as your face alternately looks up at the stars and down at the water. The points where your backside and back are in contact with bench and wall are subject to changing pressure and the force of gravity which tries to slide you off the bench and back on. And the really fun part is that the cockpit is also pitching in time with both periods, quite violently over the short one, so the ends of your bench are lifted and dropped over perhaps 40 degrees, often with severe and abrupt stops as the left hand end pitches downwards. As it stops, you get an extra bucket of water directly in the face unless you duck...

Bracing against the pitch is very difficult and tiring and your backside and back tend to get very sore and battered, and the salt water is squeezed into your skin unless you have waterproof pants on and it's really too warm for them - each cheek of your backside in turn takes the pressure and tries to slide forwards, sideways or backwards - your skin stays locked to the bench, but your pelvic bones move inside it against the muscles of your backside. Same effect with your back - the spine moves against the big muscles going up your back and they move against your skin.

It's all very tiring and difficult. Going to windward in these conditions for long periods is always like that in small boats but it wasn't in the brochure for this tour. I hope it stops soon..."

====end of extract=====

Good luck and kind regards,

Peter Flynn

Emile said...

Hi Miss Jess, Good Going and we know just where you are. Maybe a little deep sea diving?. You have to troll for pelargic fish. Troll in real fast. Look for logs and floaties and maybe some luck with a dofin fish. Keep warm and dry. Sorry a boutyour headache. Good luck.

LJ said...

got caught up on your latest posts today. Jesse you are doing great and I am so proud and just in awe of you! Thank you for the pics as different here in the Ozarks of Missouri, USA. God Bless and Continued fair winds and following seas.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

All sounds fantastic with you ... except for that damn headache!! Hope it has moved on! Love reading your blogs - you are fantastic.

Stay safe .... stay happy.

with love,
Jo from Eton, Q.

Lissy said...

Hi Jesse,

Great blog today...although the part about not being able to tell the sky and the sea apart..hmmm not sure if I could handle that!

When I used to see things on the TV about sailing & boats etc my eyes would normally glaze over LOL...but now I actually find myself interested & watching!

Do you have the song "Sailing" by Christopher Cross on your IPOD? Great song but at 16 you probably have never heard of it! :) (I'm showing my age)

Fingers crossed for more smooth sailing ahead.


Peter Flynn said...

to the blog editor:

in case my extract in my previous blog might be too long, or off topic a little, perhaps this sample might be better:

(note, I'm not trying to frighten jess, but certainly raise awareness - and a little pending tension ;-) for the viewers...)

"...Conditions awful - 35-40 kt NE, short steep sea, 10 - 20 metre wavelength, boat rolling wildly and pitching thro perhaps 40degrees. Cant sit, cant relax, every muscle group in action, dreadful sore backside from salt and pressure. Everything wet, sun burning down, hands white, nails starting to peel off. Fun. Bloody south atlantic- cant wait to get out of here. Motoring @ 2 kt just to keep bow @ 45 degrees to wind and swell. Proper answer perhaps the trisail as steadier, but too difficult to get it up at the mo. Wonderful seaboat she is but Berri just too small for this stuff. Only other option is to heave to and lose meagre gains from yesterday. Shit. Time to call for The Doctor..."

thanks, and feel free to edit as you wish..

Peter Flynn

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,
sounds like heaps of fun, I know my kids would love to be able to do School Work when they wanted. Were right behind you all the way following your adventure, your blogs makes us feel like we are somehow there with you. The Shaw Family. Beerwah, Sunshine Coast.

Kestrel said...

Hey Jesse,

Great report as usual. Don't worry about the fishing ... I never have much luck either. (Maybe I should put bait on the hook!).

It's great to see the support you have now compared to when you set off. Remember that any negativity comes from those who don't understand that if you don't take any risks, you don't achieve your goals.

Take care and sail on.


bernard said...

Regarding the fishing, you have to look at it from the fish's point of view:

First it sees this huge "pink fish" zooming past at 10knots (20km/h) and it looks like it is being chased by a tiny "lure" doing the same speed!!

Which fish in its right mind would try and have a go at such a brave lure?

Until you slow down, get used to eating baked beans :-)

pestinfo said...


American Samoa is the Pacific base for a huge tune fishing fleet from many countries.

If you can't catch a fish, radio ahead and get one of the boats to put a couple of freshly caught ones in a small float, so you can pick them up when you pass by.

Really fresh tuna is beautiful, cut out the red meat and cook the white meat. Best chicken you'll ever get from the sea. You would really enjoy a fresh food feed

Sail safe

Hervey Bay, Qld, AU

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica,

Lesson 2
If we believe in Him and receive Him, Jesus gives us power to become the sons of ___ by a supernatural birth. John 1 verse 11-13

Shane said...

Wow, keep up the positive attitude, you are going real well, our whole family watches your progress.......

The Trimby's In Cairns

BAW said...

You are quite an inspiration to everyone. Stay safe and in good spirits. I check your web site every day to review you progress. I may be trying to live my dreams vicariously through you (LOL).
I'm waiting to see the next milestone, the Equator.
Smooth Sailing.
Bruce W.
Delaware, USA

Unknown said...

That Tongan Trench, Jess, is deeper than Mount Everest is high! Wow! I tried to catch a fish off Mt Everest, says Jess! LOL

I love to hear that you're working on a book. I assume you're telling of your adventures. I want to wish you all the best on that little enterprise - you're in just the right place to write such a book. No annoying mobile phone calls! Paradise!

You have a lovely gift for description. A few people have commented on that. Black seas and black sky, water in the face when a hatch is open ... lovely stuff.

It's Sunday morning here and already I'm getting the hurry-up signals to get my act together and go out to do the dreaded shopping. UGH!

Best wishes and God speed!

Ian from Brisbane

boost said...


I heard u have a headache how is that going. Why are u taking this risk.U could die anyway whats the weather out there sorry i have to go my innoying sisters want to get on to my computer.


Russ said...

Jesse, try putting your lure out about 100 feet and just let it drag behind you. You are going about the right speed for trolling but don't get pulled in by a big one :) You are doing great! A fresh fish would go well with your diet. Best wishes... Russ. Calgary Alberta, born Byron Bay, 1924.

M. Shawn Gonter, PA-C said...

Jesse, our family here in Tyler, Texas are closely monitoring your progress and enjoy your blogs each day. We are wondering what you are doing for fresh water? Be safe!

Your Fans in Texas

The Gonter Family said...


My family and I are following your progress from Tyler, Texas and wish you the best. We are wondering what you are doing for fresh water. Please keep up the blogs as we enjoy reading about your progress together as a family.

Your Fans in Texad

Vijay T said...

You are doing well Jess - thanks for the update - stay strong & travel well - and "Happy Sunday"
So proud of you

Vijay - Brisbane

Unknown said...

Hi Jess
re the headaches, just make sure it is not due to dehydration or worse still mild carbon monoxide poisoning from poor ventilation when you're cooking, etc. (easily remedied if suspected!). cheers Jess & keep on rockin'.
Mark, Plymouth UK

yeppcurlz said...

heh jess, we aint catching any fish either here on land. hope the weather keeps on your side. i really like the way you describe things, you put a smile on my dial, miss 2 years says, 'go girl on boat!' and mr 7 years says "i hope you dont see any pirates" well jess stay safe and as dry as possible, cheers, the yeppoon gang

Mary said...

You're doing great, Jess! Your posts feed our hungering curiousity and caring for you.

I have no illusions about what you're up against, especially as you redirect southeast, sailing around both capes and across the southern Atlantic.

This is why I and most of your blog supporters are offering you our encouragement and prayers; we're not asking for anything FROM you. We know you have your hands full staying healthy and strong in body, mind and spirit.

Keep on Keepin'On, Jess.
May your senses be clear, your tummy fed, and your mind comforted by friends and family. Bless them all.

Mary, Maine, USA

PiecesofQuiet said...

Gidday Jess,

Just wanted to say :

"Go you good thing".

Australia has a lot of tall poppy syndrome - but when u get back and break the record - there will not be enough room on the Watson band wagon for all those that do a back flip and become your supporters to fit.

Wishing u fair winds and following seas.
On on...

magpie said...

Hi Jessica,
Great to see you're moving along.
Make sure you look out for the Samoans they're driving on the other side of the road now. I hope that doesn't apply to yachting as well, lol.

Tony said...

As usual I'm late,I just discovered your blog Jesse and now I'm looking forward to watching your progress.I've read all your previous posts to catch up,and I'm amazed at how gutsy you are, what an adventure, what an adventurer.Tony (Shipshape and Bristol fashion) Bristol UK

Mary said...

Cheers, Jess,

Another quick post from me. I just checked the time zone converter and your time is, indeed, "behind" the USA's East Coast time by 6 hours now. Wow! I will certainly understand your needing to adjust to the time zone changes. Knowing you, you'll adjust brilliantly, respecting your need to take care of yourself and EPL.

"When the music changes, so does the dance."
~African Proverb
Hugs, Mary, Maine, USA

EJ US Virgin Islands said...

Hi Jesse,

Great winds!

In an earlier comment I had written how things have gotten cooler up here in the US Virgin Islands. That of course is all relative. From the 90's in the summer to the low 80's now. Its chilly! So, yes, your mention of how things should be warming-up as you approach the equator are of course true. Likely more sun and stars too I suspect.

It's exciting to see your progress!

US virgin Islands

carole (mackay) said...

Hi Jess. Just a thought on the headache.... drink lots of water, sometimes its a sign of dehydration, keep the sunnies on to reduce the glare also... Have fun, look forward to more piccies. Glad Ellas Pink Lady is performing beautifully. Make sure you treat yourself once you are past the equator.. maybe some more cupcakes LOL LOL

marg cutty said...

Hi! Jess,
been following your progress dayly, the pics are great . keep it up . Your doing great,a real inspiration.
stay safe
marg... warwick QLD

Peter said...

Hi Jesse.
Great pics you post. Would be interesting to know how you have established your sleeping pattern now when you've been out for a while.

I read you blog every day and recommend it to all sailors I know. The blog will be a great book once you're back...

Go Jesse Go
Peter, Sweden

Anonymous said...

Message to the Webmaster:
You're doing a great job presenting this mix of opinions to us. Keep up the good work. Silly request for after the journey's been run. Given the consideration of multiple copyright claims, is there a chance to have a compressed summary of the BEST of these comments published ? Waste of paper, I hear the critics whinging. We won't get our money back, is what your accountants will be warning. Yeah... great... top blubber... were do we start ? How to select ? How to avoid legal trouble ? There we go,it's easier to follow your dream sailing solo around the world,than trying to unite the onlookers on their contributions. Does Jess have access to some of this junk or do you filter it for her ?
Pankratius Schlotterhose, Berlin,DE

Ken said...

I was really worried about a young girl being out on the water by herself. But you are doing an amazing job. Keep up the good job, and may the winds be with you. I am going to send the link to my grandkids so that they can learn about what you are doing.
God Bless.

Anonymous said...

Gustav Haffner, have you dropped your calculator and gone to the eternal navigation board ? We miss your educational contributions,mate.

GlenF said...

Hey Jess,

Thanks for throwing out a line again today. You may not have caught a fish but you've still got us all hooked.

I stayed up to watch the Wallabies have a win last night and checking your blog was my first priority. I'm up at Mooloolaba from Brissie - we have a sunny day back home.

I'm looking forward to seeing you move into movies when you get back : "Dude, where's my cheese?", "A trench called Mariana" and "A cupcake called Desire"

Stay well, clip on, check and check again.


Rob said...

sounds like you are really settling in. I can't imagine the inky blackness of the sea and sky. Around here we don't ever get anything that could compare. Being in the middle of the US whenever it gets really black it seems there is always some lightning to light up the horizon.
Your description of sticking your head out around the dodger reminds me of when I was in Wyoming. I worked on a ranch and took tourists on pack trips into the mountains. sometimes at night when the moon was new you couldn't see anything on the trail. The horses always managed to duck but sometimes I'd take some branches to the face. Nothing big but it sure would surprise you!
We are sitting here talking about your amazing adventure, we are all very proud of you.
Columbia, Missouri, USA

Geoffrey Hilliard said...

Some questions remain unanswered. How much fresh water do you obtain by distillation? Do you take down the sails when you are sleeping or having a bath or doing your schoolwork or sending your blogs? Whose music do you listen to?
I'm looking forward to your safe return.
Geoff,54 (Melbourne)

Richard in Maryland said...

Hello Jesse,
Pink Lady is "a bit cute and tough as well", but not as cute and tough as her skipper!

I hope your headache goes away,
Best wishes as always,
Richard in Maryland

Unknown said...

So pleased to read your blog and be able to share the journey with you. Hope you're reading your English school books in all that reading! Proud to know you and wishing you safe travels, Cathy Delaney.

Unknown said...

You Go Girl!

Have you been able to plug all your little leaks?

We loved the cupcakes. Bet they were a nice treat!

Cher & Joe
Rochester, MN USA

Warwick said...

Hi Jesse - so hope you managed to polish off all the cupcakes. Oh! the headache I don't think the cupcakes did that. Your doing well and and we're all with you. Stay safe and enjoy it all.


Ron said...

I am so frustrated that Jess has not caught a fish yet. I just had to let that out.

Anonymous said...

I'm really enjoying the femaleness coming through in your posts.

That and the Aussie phrases, it seems you guys have words for things we US people don't have.

I look forward to reading you every morning over breakfast. Keep the wind to your back whenever possible!

Anonymous said...

Following your journey from Naperville, IL. Wish you the best.

chris coles-morales said...

Hi there :)
I think you might have something there with the sea salt facials... hehe.
Thanks for letting us know about wild life or lack of around you!! Kind of wondered of you do read these postings!
Still waiting on getting your homework. :D
Keep up the positiveness... you are one fabulous girl/lady!
I told my dad about you since he is the one who taught me to love sailing,plus I have tweeted about you... should up your stats a bit, I hope.
Hope you're having more chocolate soon,
Chris in Calif.

mike said...

Hi Jesse

I'm glad you are safe and well and I'm enjoying reading your blogs. You may get a slight headache from time to time. I'm kind of hoping you will tell us that you use your hands to gently massage the back of your neck, behind and above the ears and around the temples; and if you feel any tension that you apply gentle to firm pressure with your hands on that area for about 30 seconds to 'ground' the headache. I hope that works for you - better (I reckon) than masking the pain with a headache tablet like a lot of teenagers and adults do.

Keep the fluid up in those hot tropical areas.

Take care Jessica,
Mike (from Canberra)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica
Been following you every day. I know this sounds like sour grapes but perhaps you don't want to catch any fish that would live in the Tongan Trench. Too big for the pan.
Happy sailing

Peter Flynn said...

Did you know that over the next few weeks or months, its likely that the nearest human beings to you will be those on the International Space Station (as they whiz overhead every 90 minutes._

Just a thought... :-)

Peter Flynn

Jeff said...

Jessica, you are just cruising along already you? Great job!

Did you know that the area you are sailing in now has been having a lot of earthquakes? I am curious if you have noticed anything strange or out of the ordinary about the sea life or currents or waves? I am just curious.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse
My Year 5/6 class has been following your progress with delight. It's a perfect opportunity to explore many geographical concepts. There was a little bit of worry the other day when they read you had some leaks. I hope you don't mind but we have been revelling in your use of alliteration, simile and other literary devices in your blogs.
Thanks for being a great example of a wonderful young lady challenging herself and challenging stereotypes. We applaude you!
Anne, Darwin

Carlee said...

Keep it coming girl, love checkin in with ya everyday!

Anonymous said...

i track and read your blog 2-3 times/daily. u can make me cupcakes anytime girl. do you cook w/alcohol? fuel oil? keep saftey line attached ok? you go girl.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

Love reading your blog. I have teenage sons and I can't imagine any one of them doing what you are doing. You should put one of those maps on your site where people who are following your blog could "pin" their location. It would be interesting to see all the readers from all parts of the world.

Decatur, AL USA

Anonymous said...

jesse, u can sail, u can write, ur a courageous bundle of talent girl, keep sending photos, do u have a spinnaker? tracking u on google earth, how do u make fresh water? i sail 470/snipe/sunfish, but ur doing what i dreamed of doing, u go girl, pittsburgh, pa.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, your mention of the Tongan Trench led me to do some research. Wow, the Pacific hold the deepest trenches! Hope you like the little poem....

Pacific Trenches
Mariana, Tonga, Philippine
The deepest of the deep
What mysteries lurk within you?
What secrets do you keep?

Jill (Newcastle)

Eli said...

hey, i'm glad you continue to do well...i pray that you continue to make the most out of your voyage and out of the things you'll end up learning while sailing...may God bless you always Jessica! :D

Brother E (New York City)

Anonymous said...

6 months ago I travelled between NZ and Honolulu in a large cruise ship. I recall thinking how vast the ocean was, as even in a big ship we saw nothing for days. We smoothly cut through the waves - but you must be feeling each and every one! Right on the equator I photographed a beautiful rainbow.
If you catch a fish, will you eat it or keep it as a pet? :-)
Good luck Jesse
Rod (Brisbane)

Martin said...


Following this journey is itself a pioneering event that I applaud you for. You are breaking new ground with the constant contact and updates, and this will be your legacy - what you will be remembered for.

Something that would be interesting would be how long it takes you to get your EPIRB and other essential items into your covered liferaft and off the boat in the event of an irrecoverable situation. I think if you knew exactly how long it would take, and what to take, you would put many minds at ease!


Anonymous said...

Sail on Jessica. Fair winds and following seas, Kathy Bend, OR USA

Eli said...

hey Jessica, i hope all is going well. God bless you always! you're truly blessed by God :D

Anonymous said...

When we sailed from California to Hawaii, we dragged a line behind the boat, trying to catch fish, too. We finally got lucky when we started using the blue and white feather lure (it seems to look a lot like those little flying fish to a Mahi Mahi!)

Keep up the good work, and enjoy your adventure!

Fair Winds

Worldviewer said...


"So very proud of you"...rather odd thing to say to a complete stranger. I often get the 'sideways' look from people with whom I speak when I observe that "My current hero is a 16 year old girl from Australia." LOL
A bit of explanation and you've usually gained a few more admirers!

Peace & safety to you, brave young lady.


Anonymous said...

Jess, you absolutely freak me out! I get goose bumps just reading your blog, your courage astounds me! Pitch black nights in the middle of the ocean in a little boat all by yourself! I can't even comprehend what that must be like. Especially for a 16 year old gal!
Wishing you good health & safe sailing.
Love seeing your pictures, it's great to see what you are seeing :).
Kathy, Qld

Anonymous said...

good luck i am thinking bout you live ur dreams.

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica, i use to check the news first thing every morning now i read your blog, i am just in awe of what you are doing, you are living your dream and so many don't get the opportunity to do that. enjoy every moment. i could think of nothing more magical than watching the sun set and the moon rise over an ocean. Juls

samurai said...

Hey there Jess. I've been your biggest fan since you started. Life is short and it will all be over before you know it so enjoy every moment of the journey and try not to focus too much on the destination. I swear to god, I wouldn't think twice about doing the same given the opportunity. Except, instead of being the youngest, I'd more likely be the oldest. You are literally living my wildest dream. So here I sit and look forward to reading everything you post and will continue to do so until you're safely back home again, which you will be soon enough, so make the most of every minute and stay safe. No doubt you will encounter some hardships which will serve to build your character but also make you appreciate the good or better times. Good on you! I wish you good health, fair winds and calm seas.

Caves Beach Andrew said...

Hey Jesse,

Good to hear from ya again and good to hear that you are still making good progress. Hope your headache wasn't too bad and you have been able to rest up since.

I'm a bit late responding this time - been very busy updating my website - you can tell it's Christmas time coming soon with the amount of sales I am receiving!

So what are your plans for Christmas Day? Has you mum packed a special food bag for Christmas? Where do you expect to be on Christmas day?

So how much water is spilling over the deck - are the conditions that bouncy where you are at the moment?

I wouldn't have thought that you would catch too many fish in the deeper parts of the ocean, I am not a fisherman myself but I would have thought most fish hang around shallower waters, near reefs or islands etc.

So there's not much wildlife about - what about whales - seen any of them around at all?

I hope you have kept the inside of the yacht reasonably tidy so that you have as much room as possible to move about and you don't cram yourself in.

I couldn't imagine being alone in the middle of the ocean on the really dark nights where nothing else can be seen - must be pretty eerie!

You are going great so far, the winds have been mostly in your favour and I wonder if the gods are on your side also.

Keep in good spirits, have a good night and take care.

Caves Beach, Andrew

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica -- My wife and I are really enjoying reading your daily rundown on how things are going. Sounds like you are handling this trip very well. We will keep wishing you the very best on your long journey. Don & Doris - Carson City, Nevada

Aljesh said...

Hi Jessica, glad to see you still going. Have not been able to keep up with your trip cause my wife and I were on Holidays to Victoria and were not able to get to a computer during that time. Take care and have fun. Allan ...

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