Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Ready For Some Wind!

I've been having a busy few days doing jobs and double checking everything before we get too far south, all the while flying along in great sailing conditions. Of course possibly the most important job of all had to be the installation of a safety strap for the crew, my stuffed toys! Hope you liked yesterday's pic.

The cabin has copped a full re-arrange, with everything properly secured, light wind sails shuffled to the bottom of the pile to be replaced with the storm sails, all my warm clothing has been dug out along with wet weather gear ready for easy access. Sorting out the bow area had been something I'd been dreading as it had become a bit of a dumping ground, a lot like the way I've always shoved stuff under my bed at home! But it turned out to be good fun as I discovered all sorts of things that I'd forgotten were there, including all my Christmas presents! Don't worry I managed to restrain myself and save them for Christmas.

Turns out to be good timing as it looks like I'm going to be in for some pretty strong weather tomorrow. Although the wind has been nothing severe today, the clouds have slowly been rolling in and the wind is expected to start picking up any time soon. Chances are that things are going to get pretty bumpy for me tomorrow. Call me crazy but hearing that Ella's Pink Lady and I are finally going to get some rough stuff was in one way a big relief, as it's been keeping me in suspense waiting!

I'm a tad nervous but mostly just excited knowing that I've done everything that I can. Well that's it for me, I'm off to have something good to eat and to try and catch some sleep while the going is good.



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Unknown said...

My post to you from yesterday evening seems to have gone AWOL, so I'll try again.

You sound all organised and ready for whatever is thrown your way by the winds and weather! I gotta say that I would be a bit scared by rough weather warnings, especially being by myself, but you sound pretty calm and collected.

I was once one of those 'doubters' who didn't think you could do it, but reading your blog each day, plus the updates etc, has given me a new respect for you and your determination to see this through.

Good luck to you as you face this next part of your voyage.
Stay safe and eat and rest as well as you can.

As for resisting the urge to open Chrissy presents.......good on ya!

Smooth sailing, safe travels.

Lily in Hervey Bay, Queensland.

Manu said...

Hi Jesse,
Now finally things are looking like they are going to get more 'lively' for you.
You've got every reader focused on your progress and all excited with you. What a blog! And Blimey, what a "girl-with-the-shoulders-of-a-giant you are !!

Go on, cap'tain Jesse, go on. Sail on, Missy, we're all in our thousands right behind your back.

Stay safe and enjoy.

emgb1 from South Wales, UK, GMT+0

Unknown said...

Good luck Jess as you face your first big weather fronts. Batten down the hatches and enjoy the ride mate. Take care and we'll be thinking of you.


Dr Blaise Tonar said...

HI Jessica

This is finally what you have been waiting and looking forward to...I mean to get this part of your trip over with!

May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob bless you and keep you throughout your trip and especially as you go through this leg of your trip!

Please post some pics of those big waves if you can!

All the very best!

Dr Blaise Tonar

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,

“When you suffer an attack of nerves you're being attacked by the nervous system. What chance has a man got against a system?”

“The sad truth is that excellence makes people nervous.”

Hang in there

Anonymous said...

Were this world an endless pain, and by sailing eastward we could forever reach new distances, and discover sights more sweet and strange than any Cyclades or Islands of King Solomon, then there were promise in the voyage.
Herman Melville (1819 - 1891), Moby Dick

Unknown said...

Ms. Jessica, I see that you had some time for 'moping' as I asked you to, that will help on the next few days to the Horn. How far from the Horn are you now? Have you got any new fish lately? How is the water & air temps doing now? Colder is to be expected. Now double up on the list may not be enough, try once more and finish before you move forward and see what happens. I had a thought, we keep telling or pushing our music on to you, I think you should tell us what you are listening to for a change btw did you have a change to listen to 'sailing the wind'? by loggings & messina
Robert - San Diego CA USA
Again do what you need to do, before the US at the Horn.

Jim said...


It's been great to read about your adventures. I was wondering why you don't traverse the Strait of Magellan, rather than rounding Cape Horn. Is that against the rules?

Butte, Montana, USA

Glenn Bathurst NB Canada said...

Hey Jessica- Glad too see that you are doing so well...hope the see gods will smile on you and give you some good winds without pushing you around to much...hey how about a vid of the southern waters...happy to read your blog every day and see your progress...happy sails...take care...Glenn Bathurst NB Canada

Anonymous said...

Jessica, we have all turned into "weather forecasters" it is going to get colder and windier as you sail south,but it is quite possible that you may experience a quieter ride than you are anticipating.Whatever you get you &EPL will handle it ok! Jesse you continue to inspire many people,maintain your attitude and focus,eat and rest, stay "clipped on"have a great day's sailing.God Bless,you are in our prayers, Dougal

Dusty from dubbo said...

G'day Jess

really late today...Christmas is coming and things are getting busy. Professionally this time of the year is really really busy....great news it is raining today putting out fires and settling the dust ...have to fly today...great to see you are organised for the rough stuff...I just admire your concentration to detail and of course your great Aussie spirit

Stay safe

Dusty from a wet Dubbo

Mark and Jude Thomas said...

Hi Jess
Just wondering if you could do a video of your harness, and all the parts of the boat that you need to access with it on? Do you ever need to climb the mast? Do you need to need to sleep with the harness on in case the boat rolls too far? Someone mentioned a parachute anchor? Sounds obvious, but what is it and do you have one? Do you need to use it often, or just in an emergency? I haven't written for a while, but check your blog everyday.

The Down Under Diaries

minnesota mom said...

Dear Jessica, I live on a lake in northern Minnesota in the US. I have dialup--and I was yanked offline while sending you this message and I hope it arrives. I was watching the 25th anniversary concert of the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. Simon and Garfunkel sang
Bridge Over Troubled Water and it's the first time I paid attention to the lines:
Sail on Silver Girl,
Sail on By,
I'm sailing right behind,
So, now I am thinking of you as
the Silver Girl and all of your adopted parents and grandparents sailing right behind you. I have a daughter myself and I would wish to pass along all the love and
hugs I would send to her on such a voyage. I know you will see troubled waters but..........we're all sailing, metaphorically, right behind you!! Sail on Silver Girl.
Minnesota Mom

Franklin said...

Weather may get a little rough but just be glad you aren't 1,000 miles south of where you are as it's very nasty there tomorrow and even worse Friday. After that it looks ok for abou 10 days and another strong one coming. I hope you have a good window for the cape.

Chimli said...

Good luck Jessica

Ian Crawford said...

keep your head in the game, be prepared(and secured) for anything..and mostly...enjoy the heck out of it. Cheers from Canada.

Robin @ Tia said...

Hi Jess
You are having a great trip normally with such passages if luck is with you it generally stays with you hope you dont get your ass kicked through the next leg its a tricky one i have done it it all depends really on luck and having good weather these are out of your controll. hey nervs are good they keep you alert you are ready for this go for it. Cant wait to hear your future adventure.
Robin Tia

Anonymous said...

Jessica let it be said that the Horn was your finest hour that you & Ella Pink Lady rose to the challenge and brilliantly rounded the Cape passing the test with a solid performance ! Best Wishes

Brumbyy said...

Another Jessica poem

I’m Jessica

Ha, so now the breeze is picking up
At last a need, to hold hard my cup
The clothes prepared, they’re are warm & all dry
Set out there ready, for when the winds fly

I know my Lady, t’is a fine sturdy ship
And together we’ve checked, just every wee chip
With number 1 stowed, for three in the bow
My sail compliment’s planned, it’s plenty ready now

If it rises beyond, just a simple squall storm
I’m trained and I’m ready, and dressed to stay warm
I’ve had 5000 pass under as test
Not of my sailing, but to learn how to rest

The deck is a place when the going gets tough
A place where my training, has taught me it’s rough
But when its gone by, as all weather does
I’m Jessica the sailor, watch my blogg come abuzz


Sally said...

Morning Jess

Looks like your support crew are all in order - strapped in and ready for the challenges ahead. Buckled up for those high seas that you are looking forward to!

So you found the Christmas presents!!! I used to do that - find them on purpose, squeeze and shake them, even unwrap them and then re-wrap them and place them back in the hiding spot again... Still do now actually, even though I am supposed to be a grown-up.. Shhhh don't tell my partner and family!!! So now your challenge is to STAY AWAY from them until Christmas Day!!! That's so funny.

I think we are all a little anxious as you now head into these southern oceans, although you do seem quite excited about it all. Take care Jess - stay safe and warm and make sure you eat well. Look forward to hearing from you REGULARLY! So that we know that you are OK.

“The bravest are surely those who have the clearest vision of what is before them, glory and danger alike, and yet notwithstanding, go out to meet it.”
Thucydides quotes (Ancient Greek historian and author, 460-404bc)

Sally In Sydney

Andrew said...


I was reading the news section on your site. It outlined some checklists that you are using. Can you provide some detail? I am also interested in understanding the processes that you follow.

Good luck in your preparations for heading south. What do you think will be the greatest risk during that part of the journey?

Best regards,

Andrew and Vicki (Queens Park, NSW)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessice. I have read your blogs from day 1 and work in Aged Care, we are tracking you on our map we have completed from a zigsaw puzzel. We would like to wish you well, as you head south.keep warm and keep safe.great photos of your conditions! you a very brave young lady.From Us all !!!
Dee58 SSC QLD Australia

trentgs said...

Call You Crazy..I don't think so..crazy people plan these trips but never take them..There are so many out there that bought incredible boats to do just what you are doing..but they've never left the Intercoastal thats' Crazy.

I'm watching the weather and it Does look bumpy all around that area..but EPL can take it...and Capt'n and Crew too..

Gary & Jan

Chris said...

Sounds like you have adopted the 7 P's.
"Proper Planning and Preparation Prevents Piss Poor Performance"
Always been my motto.

Good luck with the rough stuff. We've got 1 metre seas on a 1/2 metre swell here. We'll be out diving on the weekend. We'll save a cray for you :-)

Chris and Gina.......

Astroglide_Australia said...


Good Luck as you head ino worse weather. Never take a short cut, its better to complete after your birthday, if it make you safer

trentgs said...

Still looking for that postal address...any hints?

Gary & Jan

Unknown said...

Hey Jesse,
glad to hear you are well and you sound very prepared for the forthcoming decline in conditions. Don't worry about posting too much if you're busy, wouldn't want you to overlook an important task just because of a blog entry.

Anyway, stay safe.


Scott said...

It's exciting you're going to get to see how EPL handles in rougher weather. What are your thoughts about colder temperatures? Be glad you're not here; -3 F this morning (-19C) plus windchill.

Scott, Denver, Colorado, USA

katsola said...

Good luck and enjoy yourself!
Vaya con dios.

randy said...

Howdy from frigid South Dakota and the "steamy" Missouri River. As I sit and stare out the window at the frozen wasteland my thoughts constantly return to you. Your journey becomes my focus. Your adventure, mine. Of course, I'm comfortable, safe and bored. On the contrary you are living. Really living. You are living the life that you have chosen. You are following the course that you have plotted. Wherever that course leads be secure in the knowledge that you are doing what no human has ever done. No one. Nada. Zippo. You are the first. Already you are unique. In the entire history of planet earth's some 109 billion homo sapiens it is Jessica who stands and sails alone. Sail on Jessica and may the wind gods smile benevolently on you and your humble craft.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jesse - Since a "Quite / Quiet Sunday". It looks like you are finally getting a break on wind direction, to make some progress to the east. I was beginning to think you were going to have to go close hauled and beat to the east.
Glad to see you are putting the boat and crew in order before the winds pick up further south.
In Chicago, today, we had 30 knot 0°C winds out of the west gusting to 40 Knots along with blowing snow and travel advisories since our roads are snow and iced up. So no one here is out enjoying Lake Michigan today.
I really enjoy your upbeat updates and pics.
Take Care,

Anonymous said...

This is for Georgia Guy, et. al. -

Here is the address for Christmas cards:

220, West Street - Crows Nest

Thanks again to RichieParis for coming up with such a beautiful idea!

Pastor Jamie said...

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord's face shine upon you and be gracious unto you. May the Lord's countenance fall upon you and give you peace....

Wal said...

Maybe we won't hear from you so often when you hit the big winds! Your voyage is going so well, so I am glad you are up to the challenge of the Southern Ocean. Is it ready for you though? Cheers, Sarah

derek said...

HI jessica you are doing just great ,it must be very exciting knowing you are about to sail into some rougher conditions,and that you have checked all your gear and clothing and feel ready for some high seas God Bless always thinking of you Cheers for now Derek NewZealand

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica - I can't wait to read your blogs each day and enjoy reading about your adventure. You are an inspiration and I wish you a safe journey. Take care.

Kaleen said...

Hi Jessica,

Allow me to introduce myself to you since this is my first time writing to you, (altho I have read every blog since you have started) name is Kaleen, pronounced with a short 'a' and a long 'e'...and I am from Erie, PA in the USA..I'm about to turn 50 next yr...I have no children, altho I was married & divorced once, human mama to my 5 yr old kitty named Cuddles.

First, I must tell you, the gals in my office and myself had a long conversation about you when I found out about your trip...I was honestly one of those naysayers. I thought you were too young... that your parents were not thinking straight allowing you to do this...and you lacked experience and the strength needed for such a journey...well sweetie, I am wiping a whole lot of egg off my face since you have proved me so wrong. Every evening I look foward to your blog, praying for your safety, but confident per everything I have read so far, you have the abilities to cross the finish-line back in Aussy next year. You have become an inspiration to much so, I actually composed a list of 50 things I plan on doing in 2010, the year I turn 50...this is not a bucket list, since God willing, I don't plan on kicking the bucket, but a list of things that are out of the ordinary for me to do... needless to say my adventures won't be as extravagant as your journey, but it will be just as equally important to me because I will be leaving my comfort zone, just like the way you have by stepping foot onto the Ella.

So as everyone wishes you well during the rough seas, I just want to say thank you...our paths may never physically cross, but our hearts have already made a connection. So like the way I adopted my Cuddles kitty when he was 6 wks old, I have adopted you. Yep, another blog, land bound mama, has came out of hiding!!!! (and yes, I have the capabilty in me to worry just as good as the others!!)

Anyway stay always safe & connected to your fine vessel and when things get really tough, look upward to the Heavens for comfort cause the big guy in the sky has the power to calm the roughest seas and He will bring you peace.

Thank you again for sharing your courage with myself and others. You are a Sailing Angel...God Bless. Kaleen

Sam said...

Good luck Jess our thoughts are with you!

"As they that go down to the sea on ships..."

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse

Follow your progress every day ... not sure whats more amazing ... your incredible effort for youngest to sail round the world ... or that fact that we can all follow your trip via the Internet ... stay safe tomorrow ...

New York

Darren Achim said...

Hey Jess,

haven't left a comment in a while been crazy busy at work, still @ work actually while I'm typing this so don't tell anyone :) Looks like you are all prepped and ready to take on the Southern ocean kudos!!! We had our first big snow storm of the year here in Toronto so while you are dreaming of colder weather I'm longing for warmer days. Looks like you've got a heap of great sage advice on here so I'll say cheerio. Still awestruck and inspired!!!

Stay safe!!!

Darren Achim
Toronto Canada

Mary said...

Just keep doing what you have been doing, you have great attitute without having attitude. I just love logging in to see where you are and what life has been like and especially how you handled situations you might have been facing. My admiration of you grows daily!

Kaleen said...

Hi Jessica,

Kaleen from Erie, PA / USA again...
my last note was to introduce myself to I want to share with you a poem that has always encouraged me thru the years & I hope it does the same for you and the other bloggers out there...It's from a book that I own with a 1931 copyright called "Selected Poems" by Edgar A. Guest. The poem is entitled "It Couldn't Be Done"

Somebody said that it couldn't be done..but he with a chuckle replied
That "maybe it couldn't," but he would be the one...who wouldn't say so till he tried...
So he buckled right in with the trace of the grin...on his face. If he was worried he hid it...He started to sing as he tackled the thing...that couldn't be done, and he did it.

Somebody scoffed: "Oh, you'll never do that, at least no one ever has done it"; but he took off his coat and he took off his hat...and the first thing we know he'd begun it.
With a lift of his chin and a bit of a grin, without any doubting or quiddit...he started to sing as he tackled the thing...that couldn't be done, and he did it.

There are thousands to tell you it cannot be done, there are thousands to prophesy failure... there are thousands to point out to you one by one, the dangers that wait to assail you.
But just buckle in with a bit of a grin, just take off your coat and go to it...Just start in to sing as you tackle the thing... that "cannot be done", and you'll do it.

Written again by Edgar A. Guest

Anyway Jessica, I think this poem just fits you perfectly altho it was written almost 80 yrs ago... so keep buckled in, keep your grin, and keep on singing...and YOU WILL DO IT!!!

God bless you Sailing Angel... Kaleen from Erie PA, USA

sloop john b. said...

hi to jess' team back home:

i'll 2nd (3rd, 4th, and 5th) the motion to request a post office box where we can send cards and perhaps a gift to our "hero of the seas".

john b.
sloop john b.

Larry said...

Hi Jesse,
The conditions you are about to experience are those that separate the young sailing girls from the seasoned sailing young women which you are a member of. You don't log 10,000 nm without experiencing a blow or two. Having gotten this far under less than ideal conditions should give you all the confidence you need to handle anything this old world throws your way. The Pink Lady is obviously a blue water capable boat. So rely on your boat and your own outstanding ability and we will all have a good laugh about this when you pull into Sydney Harbor. The boat has to be getting somewhat crowded with yourself, your little crew, the spirits of your family and friends, the spirits of your land-based support group and the spirits of possibly millions of people world-wide. The wind is pushing the boat forward and the rest of us are pulling it towards Sydney. Sail safe, Jesse!! Your long distant friend, Larry (

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica! Glad you're making good progress and that things are going well. Your updates are a highlight of my day. I'll continue to keep you in my prayers as you get into this next phase of your journey. P. Weber, Fort Worth, Texas

ToSeeTheSea said...

It's good to see you starting to get some easting.

There is not much footage of yachts sailing with storm sails on the internet, so I took the liberty of posting a new video on Hope your followers like it.

I see what you mean about getting ready for some wind. A bit of a squash Zone in your area. Looking at this site is interesting;

hezakiah299 said...

12-09-09 @22:17
Hi Jessica,
Hope everything is going smoothly for you. I was glad to see that EPL's flags are turning to the east. Next Mon. and Tue. look a little active to me(Passage Weather)but you might just enjoy them. LOL.....
Since you've done everything that you can, now you just have to sit back and enjoy the ride. Hope you ate well and got some sleep. Just be careful and move cautiously.
Had to laugh when you said that you found all sorts of things you had forgotten were there but you didn't mess with the Christmas presents. Good for you.
Hey, I’m old enough to be your great grandfather, so that would make you my “GREAT” granddaughter, Yes?….. Well you are great.
Take good care of yourself, Ella, the crew and be safe.
The last I read Abby was in a bit of a quandary as to which way to go. She has considered the canal but isn’t sure yet. Lots of pressure on her.
Always proud of you and always thinking of you.
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full. I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (74) from Kingwood, WV

Anonymous said...

Ship,Ohoy.Captain Jessica.So its going to get bumpy tomorrow,not that much I think I ordered the weather g-d,s to go take a hike somplace else far from you I know they listen to me.hehe.Just do your thing and you be fine. Best of luck. Herman.Hampstead.NH.USA.

Mary said...

Hiya, Jessica!

Early winter in Maine sends you greetings, from snowy grounds and gray skies. Soon it will be the Winter Solstice and then we welcome the lengthening days again. Ah,lovely!

In the meantime, I'm keeping you in my thoughts, steadily visualizing you riding your stallion through thickening seas with the wind whipping your hair.

As if on a roller coaster, I hope you scream with delight as your EPL sails to, knowing that your wind is bringing you briskly home.

Mother Earth LOVES YOU, Jessica. You are truly one with the elements. Keep your head, keep warm and fed. You are NOT alone.

May you be guided by God's light and love, on this day and always.

Mary, Maine, USA

Stevo said...

Great pics Jesse,
don't forget to send some snaps of the 40 footers around the Horn O.k!

Stevo said...

Come on you idiots!
Do you really expect her to read some this?
Poems? Personal stories? and sailing advice?
LEAVE HER ALONE, that's what she wants and likes.

Mary said...

Welcome, Kaleen!
Love the poem.
Mary, Maine, USA

Anonymous said...

...hey, jess!!! looks like the seas are looking rough ahead. we all know you're prepared for this. you can get through just fine! hugs!!!

castro valley, ca, usa

Susan said...

This is a good website to see what the weather conditions are in the area where Jessica is:

Susan in Oregon

Cameron said...

Still watching you from Tucson, Arizona. USA. Wishing you a very merry Christmas, my dear. Please be careful, sweetie.

Tracie Lynne Hall said...

Well, if you don't already think I'm goofy, you will after this, but the clouds I saw on my way out the door from work before hopping in the ol' PT Cruiser to head home, looked like a whale's tail.
What's so goofy about that? Well, nothing. The goofy part is that I actually wondered if it might mean you would see one by your next posting. That would be a particularly goofy thing to wonder if there is a whale "season" for where you are and this isn't it---or worse, if they don't frequent the waters where you are ever. :-) As you can see I don't know much about whales. I think they migrate but have no idea when or through what waters.
Alrighty, whale...I mean, "well," maybe I should just wish you a whale of a good time!
Yes, goofy AND corny. That's me.
Take care and blessings,

kellie said...

Hello jesse
glad to hear that you are prepared for what is coming i hope its not as bad as it might be i am sure your crew will be a great help


Anonymous said...

Please take care Jessica, we're worried about you! Good luck as you move south. D.J. in Iowa, U.S.A.

Brumbyy said...


Standing on the deck I see
Dark clouds building massively
They’re puffing high with anvil crown
Yet under sky, just faintly brown

I know that wind is coming there
Yet swell is different than that air
Though storm is just a rugged squall
That swell predicts, a different call

As last light dims out from the day
My Lady reefed and secured away
I look upon that darkening sea
I learn just what, is being free

I’m not afraid, I’m not concerned
This weather I’ll show, a quartered stern
And if it gets to tough to track
I’ll hove the helm and just sit back

For yes I know, what lies ahead
This little blow won’t test my cred
But most important, I’ll get to see
Just what it is, that might fly free


Gary Patton said...

Hi Jesse,
I imagine that as the conditions become more challenging that the time between blog posts will become longer. Kerryn and I want to wish you all the best for the time ahead I couldn't help but feel from you post that you're ready to "take the bull by the horns". All the best stay safe, have fun and clipped in. Thanks for sharing your journey with us all and remember that the rougher it gets the harder the world is praying for your safety and success.
Cheers & Best Wishes
Gary & Kerryn, Traralgon VIC

Anonymous said...

Dear Jessica
My name is Romy and I am 8 years old.Nanny has been telling me about you and how she sends you pictures so I made this Christmas tree for you.Have a Merry CHRISTMAS and a HAPPY NEW YEAR.
You're doing an excellent job.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica, Some nice handy work there securing your shipmates. It looks like shock cord, I guess so they can scramble when their captain calls for 'all hands on deck'. Best wishes, Mike

Noela, Gold Coast said...

Dear Jesse,

Great pics. Glad to see the crew is ready for the action. You are a mighty young lady. I'm sitting here at home looking at the pictures of the sea and already my stomach is churning. I have so much admiration for you. You are strong, capable, thinking, organised and brave. You looked at peace in the photo too and that's encouraging for me as a mother. My son is eighteen and is looking for adventure. I've been telling him about you and he is impressed with your journey and strength of character.
Keep focused on the challenges of the rough weather ahead. I can understand your relief to get to the rough stuff. Waiting can be worse than the actual experience.
You are well prepared, so now it's getting on with life.
Praying for you.

nicheyniche said...

Hi Jessica

I wish you all the best on your travels, be sure to keep safe! Your little crew look like they are all set for the bumpy weather. I can understand having a partner in the army that when you have trained for something for so long, all you want to do is use that training. Be careful what you wish for and keep the blogs up when you can.
My thoughts and well wishes are with you everyday!
Niche x

Bruce Watt said...

Good Luck Jessica as you sail into the rougher weather..take care and sail on.

wakeupamerica said...

Aloha Jessie,
I've been following you from the very beginning and really admire your courage.You are a very brave young lady and are always in my prayers.Hoping that your ride will continue well and that your crew stays secure.God Bless you.
Best Regards,
Don Haren

Dark said...

Hey Jesse

Make sure you keep the safety up we don't want any waves. It's a big ocean so be very carefull. Hope you settle in to the turbulent conditions ok.

jennifer E said...

I've got to say- I love the passion and fearless attitude of you jess.
There mere fact your excited about the rough stuff says to me you will be fine no matter what... You'll come thru... Let Ella carry you along, she's up for it!
Take care and can't wait to hear more.

Cat Harbour said...

Hi Jesse,
You're doing great, and now aiming straight for the Cape. Best wishes on good weather and a swift passage into the Atlantic.
Just to satisfy my curiosity.... were you close enough to see any of the islands you passed since you rounded Christmas Island? Meet any out boats or ships lately?
Rex Gibbons from Newfoundland, Canada

Kaye said...

Hi Jessica,
Well what more can I say well done girl and I think William Watson said it all in his blog well said William and ditto.
stay safe Jesse Kaye Brisbane xo.

Anonymous said...

Have just looked at your site, Where abouts are you? We do not get much info here in Auckland.
Good luck very brave.

Jenifer Auckland NZ

Helmut said...

At the risk of repeating what everyone has said, you are the best-prepared circumnavigator I have read about. God be with you, Helmut

Anonymous said...

The break from the humdrum and heat of the tropics must be very welcome - nothing like a bit of cold to snap the reverie and get some energy. I've had a hell of a day with my computer and have only just managed to get it going again, after all day at it - I hope you never get these sort of problems out there - we wanna hear from ya !

It's good to be nervous, it keeps you on your toes. Take care - and don't upset computers !


Sharron said...

way to go jess! keep safe. Look forward to reading your next blog.

Kissyfrott said...

Re: to Trentgs, sloop john b and others who wouldn't have seen the posts yet:

Snail Mail ADDRESS for greetings to our hero:

Captain Jessica WATSON - c/o 5 OCEANS MEDIA
220, West Street - Crows Nest

PHD said...

Good Job Jess. I can see by that photo that you have one heck of a storm coming. Glad you got your crew all buckled in. Now, batten down the hatches and rig for heavy seas.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica !
Have been checking you blogg comments both here and on facebook and it looks like your "fan´s" are fadeing away a bit and from what I can see they are starting to get a bit dissapointed att your lack of both response and no thumbs up. I just would like to sugest that you at least pop in on facebook now and then it will only take you a few minutes and a few clicks here and there if you like to mantain you popularity....hope you dont take this as bad critic....You will for me allways bee the "Princesse of the 7 seas " and I will keep reading your bogg every day and your Logg on facebook to...YOU ARE A heroine to me. Take greate care down there hope you have the time of your life when you start the down wind surfing. Cheers for now.....

Bev from Ingham said...

Hi Jess
I must admit I was guilty of thinking this adventure was beyond somebody of your age when you first headed off, but reading your blogs, I have changed my mind and can see how well prepared and determined you are. I wish you all the best and will continue to follow your progress every night as it has become a ritual just before I head off to my comfy bed for a good night's sleep to see what you have been up to during the day.

Kissyfrott said...

Re: hezakiah299

Thank you Michael, I had read all the shore crew introduction, of course... What I wished was a boat's crew introduction!
Big Ted, Little Ted, Mrs Chick, and the others may have personal names and specified "jobs" on board. Nightwatch, Chef's assistant, Parker's assistant, and so on. Well, just a "lol suggestion", to spend some funny time while Jesse was on still waters.

Tony said...

Hi Jess
You are cruisin along nicely by the looks of it Aussie Aussie Aussie you know how it goes lol...
Quick Question; why did you have to go so far north beyond the equator? I would have thought that once you passed over; mission accomplished?
Keep Positive m8; Aussie and the world are behind you champ!!
P.S. when I find myself winging at work I think of you and what is ahead and think I am doing fine; I am on solid ground (my destiny is in my hands lol) hope that came across right...

minnesota mom said...

To Susan in Oregon,
your suggestion of was great.
Minnesota Mom

Wendy said...

Hi Jessica, Well you are all prepared and ready to tackle the southern ocean! Well done and keep up your great sailing. You and your crew are ready for it. Have fun, stay safe, I love your blogs and pictures. How did you not open those presents :) You are Very strong willed.

Macca said...

im callin u carazy


p.s jess is cute

carole (Mackay) said...

Hey Jess
Thinking of you out there tonight. Im sure you and EPL and fluffy crew members handled everything that came your way beautifully.
Well done - hang in there, look after EPL as well as your good self.

For all the bloggers far and wide there is a great website: it has wave models, wind models etc for the area jess going into, its interesting and updated daily.

Jess try get a cat nap when you are able and keep snackfood and water bottles handy, as youve heard it all before from us lounge room sailors LOL LOL better to have to little sail up than too much! and put your reefs in early.

Have a good night, thoughts and prayers with you. You are an amazing capable, smart girl, look at what you have achieved so far, WOW you must be proud as we all are of you too.

Anonymous said...

top of the morning to you jesse.. sounds like we are getting to the juicy part of the trip and i wish you well!!! you are so incredibly prepared for this and i take my hat off to you yet again. just do what you do best,
take care out there,
mel of yenda nsw

Steven Hays said...

Jess! Sail that Pink Lady right on through the weather... That Sparkman and Stephens will carry you safely through. You may get to use your storm trysail! Adventure awaits. Hays family is praying for you! GO Aussie!

Bengt said... forecasts that one week from now a storm with 50+ knot wind will be south of New Zealand traveling east. If Jessica goes in good speed southeast it might hit her the weekend after. I hope her weatherman makes sure she avoids such storms.

The wind she experiences today is around 30 knots, much less.

Bengt I Larsson, Sweden

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,
I have been reading your blog messages over the last few days so I thought it's about time I replied.

It sounds like your preparing yourself for some bumpy weather conditions so I hope all goes well for you.

Just take your time and don't take any unnecessary risks when dealing with the rough weather elements as it’s better to be a little slower and safer than rushing and making an error. That’s how I apply myself to life issues and I have survived okay.

Best wishes keep safe.
Peter (Canberra)

Phil in Idaho said...

Good Luck with the hard weather. Sounds like you are prepared for it mentally and physicially. Glad the crew is strapped in. Don't want sombody flying across the cabin.

Thanks for the pics. I use them for my screen saver. Hope you don't mind.

Mike D said...

"Go Girl! You are the best. Oprah."
December 10, 2009 7:34 AM

Nah, couldn't be... LOL

Mike D
Landlocked in Philadelphia, Pa, USA

EJ US Virgin Islands said...

Ahoy Jesse

Batten down the hatches, close-down the galley, harness and tether captain and crew and let the wind blow!

Be safe.

US Virgin Islands


Hi There Jesse,
Sorry I haven't Commented on your Blogs for a while, as I promised to try to Comment on each of them, or as many as I could. I've been having trouble with my PC and Internet, but most of thats been sorted out. I'll Sift through the Blogs that I haven't read yet and try to comment on them in any case, so I hope you still get to read them.
I also said that I was going to attempt to contact as many people around The world who might be within Sight of your route, and try to get them to Take Photos and E-mail them to me so I could Put them Online and send them to you: Unfortunately, I haven't had any luck with that yet; but I'm not going to give up.
WOWWW!!! ... You are Looking More Mature and Confident in Each New Photo. It's hard to believe that it's been almost two months, since you departed Sydney Harbour.
Really great to here that you finally caught a fish. YAAAYYYY!!! ... Keep It Up !!! ..... Did you see where I mentioned in one of my earlier Comments, (well I think I did), If you have any Chewing Gum, mix it with Bread that has been moistened with water, and make a Putty like mixture and Mould it around the hook: It's great for Leather Jacket; and the good thing is it's really hard for the Fish to STEAL IT !!! ... LOL ... so you can sometimes use the Same Bait Over-and-Over Again.
Anyway, I'll Sign off in the usual way, Jess.

Have a Safe and Happy Trip, but Most Of All, HAVE FUN !!!

" You CAN and WILL Do It Jessica Watson !!! "


Anonymous said...

To All,

Once again, the snail mail address to send greeting cards to Ms. Jessica Watson can be found listed under the "TERMS" section of her web site "" at the bottom left hand corner of her main page.

Found under TERMS:
The term 5 Oceans Media or “us” or “we” refers to the owner of the website whose registered office is 220 West Street, Crows Nest NSW 2065 Australia.

So if you want to send Jessica holiday greetings via snail mail (regular post),

Ms. Jessica Watson – c/o 5 OCEANS MEDIA
220 West Street
Crows Nest NSW 2065, Australia

Happy Holidays!

Workerbev said...

Hello dear Jessica (girman=girl/woman)Beverly here in Tassie. WOW, I just keep loving you more and more every day. You are so absolutely amazing!! I see you are going to be in for a bit of weather. are trained for it so I'm sure with God beside you at the wheel you can handle anything. When I was in basic training for the U.S. Air Force, I sometimes wondered "why" we had to do some things, I'm sure you have asked yourself that same question at times--I'm also sure that during this quest you will encounter times when that knowledge will leap into your head at just the right moment that you need it, and that is "why". From what I have read of your training and skill, I have no doubts that you can handle anything out there, especially with the capablity of Ella's Pink Lady. (I'm not in pink today so I didn't think of myself all day as a "big, pink boat", LOL).

For some of your fans/bloggers:

Mary, Maine, USA - Thank you so much for the kind words. You can't know how much that meant to me. God Bless You!

Grant Fjermedal - Seattle, WA. You always have/give Jessica such great, great reminders and other tips/hints. Sometimes we have to revisit our thoughts and be reminded of the mundane and that is what gets us through when the going gets tough. Keep it up, please!

Richard Lathrop - somewhere around Eastern Long Island Sound - you did have a pretty good storm moving in, huh? Great blog entry.

Ally (fm dusty SA) with the new nails - you are too funny about the bathroom bit - do be careful!

Brumbyy - Dec 10, 9:31am & 3:44pm. Super fantastic poems for Jessica. I like the one "Secured" a lot. Are you published? I would love to read if you are. If not, you really should be!

Pastor Jamie, Dec 10, 10:20pm. Your entry says it all. What a beautiful Blessing for our little Jessica. May God Bless You also.

Kaleen fm Erie, PA - the poem you entered for Jessica is spot on. Now you want me to go to the library and get the book by Edgar A. Guest. Hmm, think I will, he seems to be awesome. Thank you.

Michael(74)Kingwood,WV - I "always" enjoy your blogs to Jessica - you are so kind and considerate. I'm sure she enjoys them as well.

Anonymous: who sends scripture in bold - as always the scriptures are right on for Jessica and they always Bless me as well, Thank you and God Bless You.

I miss Jessica's Jokester "Al yer Pal" also. Where are you? Come out, come out wherever you are!

Well, I've taken enough space, seems like this blog is for the bloggers more so than to Jessica. But please, please Jesse, don't take it as a personal slight - I couldn't go through a day in my right mind (mind? which mind?) without your wonderful blog.

That said - with the weather you have coming girman (girl/woman) please don't even "think" about writing as you will have so much to do. If people can't understand that there are so many things you have to do and think about, well...

I will look forward, with bated breath, for your next blog when you have time, after you get settled from the "blow", get your breath back, and REST. Above all, REST for the next one to come in. And eat properly. Your "crew" might sit there silently, but you never know what or to whom they will say when you get back home, possibly to your Mum, that you didn't eat properly. You must be careful of the silent ones, especially with Attitude!

Be safe, CLIP ON ALWAYS, and know that God is right beside you AT ALL TIMES and the Angels are all around EPL and all your equipment. Safe sailing and have fun! Beverly & Andrew Penney, Bridgewater, Tasmania

laurei said...

hey hey! don't listen to these people (they want you to go outside and take photographs in 40 footers, WHAT???? recon I wouldn't stand in the rain and feed the cat:)) and lol @ most people who tell you what the weathers gona be like (windy, rainy, oceany) its an inhospitable environment out there kid (kinda like that movie Total Recall - and ya make it seem livable) Hope they make a movie 'bout you (and it has a happy ending!)

You're a mad woman, I'm super impressed, you're talented!

oh I er.. marry me :)

Richard in Maryland said...

Hi Jesse,

I hope you are doing well now that you are into the heavy weather.

I thought of an old proverb that good for all of us to remember.

For Want of a Nail

For want of a nail the shoe was lost.
For want of a shoe the horse was lost.
For want of a horse the rider was lost.
For want of a rider the battle was lost.
For want of a battle the kingdom was lost.
And all for the want of a horseshoe nail.

I'm glad that you have seen that all of "Pink Ladies" horseshoes are properly nailed in place and ready for action!

I salute you, Captain Jesse!
Richard W

Jose Hernandez Fl, USA said...

Hey, awesome pics :)
Glad to see you have some friends aboard. Stay safe in the rough weather and as always...
Straight Ahead !

Anonymous said...

Good Luck. Our thoughts are with you all the way!

Mike D said...

What Jessica is most likely facing at present?

As compiled from info on today 12/10/2009 10:39 AM EST;
At times in Jessica’s general Lat/Lon, waves as high as 6 meters (approx 20ft). East/Southeast winds upwards of 40 knots and probably higher gusts. Confused sea state with wind waves running against the usual Eastward running ocean swell. A rough ride indeed!

From Wikipedia:
When directly being generated and affected by the local winds, a wind wave system is called a wind sea. After the wind ceases to blow, wind waves are called swell. Or, more generally, a swell consists of wind generated waves that are not — or hardly — affected by the local wind at the same moment. They have been generated elsewhere, or some time ago.

Mike D
Landlocked in Philadelphia, Pa, USA

Disclaimer: I'm not a weather man; just my best estimation of the current conditions to help you visualize.

Anonymous said...


Good Luck to you. I am amazed at what your are attempting to do and have the most respect for you. Please, Stay safe and have a great time!!

Eric USA

Wolfhound said...

Hi Jessica,

I hope you make a point of keeping Santa updated with your GPS coordinates, or otherwise he might not be able to find you out there !

Glad to hear you're continuing to rest in advance of the tough business to come. Just keep eating and sleeping, as much as possible, and you'll be fine !

By the way, in another of my occasional historical notes, Dec 11th saw the first trans-Atlantic yacht race, back in 1866.

All the best,

Brian in NY

Anonymous said...

You are a very smart young lady to organise everything in preparation for the upcoming rougher weather. Best to be well prepared. Nice going!
Safe and smooth sailing for the next portion of your eventful trip.
Best wishes...Russ Calgary

mike said...

Hi friends of Jesse

Now that there is an address to send a Xmas (or similar) card to Jesse (see Anonymous blog Dec 10th 10.12am) then that is good news for those who want to send a card to Jesse. For those who want to post a blog to wish Jesse a Happy Xmas or merry festive season can I respectfully suggest that you do that by about 23rd Dec so that the team checking all blog entries has time to finish their checks before the 25th (and hopefully have a day or two to relax themselves and open their own presents!). Just a thought folks.

Mike (from Canberra)

Anonymous said...

Dear Jessica,

Good luck with the wind and we hope you catch some fish soon!

Mrs. Hardman's Class
Wood Middle School
Wilsonville, Oregon, USA

SDSpike said...

Nice pics of the "Wilsons". :)

It hit -23C hear at my place last night. If you see them temps, turn north, you've gone to far south.


Chicago Jim said...

You're doing great Jess, and I see you're inching East as your moving farther South. Wishing you great sailing on the big seas. Yikes!!

June and Richard Thorn said...

Hi Jesse,

Another hot Friday morning in Brisbane.

It does look a little like rain though.

Hope that you have been playing that music loud out there to keep your spirits up.

Take care. Safe winds.

June and Richard Thorn

hezakiah299 said...

12-10-09 @15:29
Hi Jessica,
Just wanted to wish you good luck and smooth sailing. I know the smooth sailing is an understatement since your going into rough weather, but at least have a safe ride. I hope you're enjoying yourself, I hope the crew is also.
Take care of yourself and I'll be praying for you. Sorry but I worry!!!
Always proud of you and always thinking of you.
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full. I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (74) from Kingwood, WV

Unknown said...

Hey Jess. Doing well. Just remember to enjoy it. Photos all look good. When it gets shit get the gear off and clip on and all will be good. Keep the good stuff coming.

From Team Alabaster.

hezakiah299 said...

12-10-09 @ 15:40
Re: RichieParis

When I read your post I wondered what was going on. I know how much you follow Jessica and how interested you are in what’s happening. I coulldn't figure you missing that information. I even read it a couple of times but it just didn’t sink in. LOL…….. Sorry about that, but I don’t know their names. LOL…….
I gained a lot of information from your well written posts, thank you.
Michael (74) from Kingwood, WV

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica and land Team;
Thanks to your team member for giving your adopted family in the world your NSW address so we can send you our Xmas wishes from far away,it most likely come via ''SNAIL MAIL''.But maybe I can email Santa and get him to ''air drop '' a letter bag as he flies over you on the 24th,I am sure he can put his sled in ''idle'' to make sure he makes ELP'S deck.
Thanks for the past pics,you look a lot more settled and ready to take on whatever the sea has to offer.Enjoy the cooler weather for now,we here in the US are getting our first cold blast of the winter.
I so much enjoyed going to Bondi on xmas afternoon when I lived in Sydney in my younger day's,I still dream of those day's which keep warm on our winter nights.
I hope you find some ''down time'' to read all your well wishes from your adoptive world family.
Stay safe,god speed and hug your ''crew'',I am sure they come down off those shelves and fine their way into your arms,if not they should,they make great companions.
Jessica,that's all from me for this day from the US.
Hope you get allot of xmas wishes and you get to read them all in the future.
IF you don't have,get some ''Jimmy Buffet'' music that will always keep you going,oops showing my age.
Take care young lady,the world is pulling for you,I know Santa is and for sure the man upstairs.
God speed,sail true.
Adoptive ''Transplanted Aussie'',
Stephen M. Maryland,USA.

Philip said...

Hi I will just say that it is an fantastic idea too sail around the world. I made in english an essay about you (Jessica Watson) and if anyone wants to read it then here is the link:

(Please comment on my blog if I am completely wrong)

Anonymous said...

Good luck and all!

Philip said...

Hi I just want to say that it is really cool idea to sail around the world. And I made an essay about you in English and if you want to read it or if somebody else want to read it then here it is:

(please comment)

der said...

You are SO cool!
I’m on your age, and I could never imagine myself sail around the world alone.
First of all I would be scared as hell, but of course I don’t really have experiences with sailing. It’s a huge responsibility; I would never dare to do it!
I can imagine how many skeptical opinions and how much resistance you’ve met on your way from people around you. You must have fought a lot to make this ‘dream’ come true! You must have been very stubborn 
I heard about you last week, and started reading your blog - you’re famous even here in Europe 
First I didn’t really like what you’re doing, it seemed too risky and unnecessary. I thought you where one of those teenagers who just wanna get famous. But when I read more on your older blogs I realized that this is a dream to you, and I really admire that. I’ll wish that I had the courage to do things like that. But I still think it would be dangerous if all teenagers did things like you do, you always have to be aware of the dangers and the risks of what you’re doing.
-But I’m sure you are!
I really admire your courage; hope the best for you in the future!!
I’ll wish you a merry x-mas, to you and your boat!

Anonymous said...

Dear Jessica
Sounds like you are doing well on your trip. And it sounds like you are ready for the big sea, since you have done safety preparations. I wish you the best of luck getting through the rough weather.
I’m wondering how it must be, to be alone on such a trip. It’s good that you can keep yourself entertained. Your crew probably also keeps you company :).
I think it’s very brave of you to go on such a journey alone. I don’t understand how you manage your ship? But then again I don’t know much about ships and how to lead them.
Anyway, keep up the adventurous spirit, and the positive attitude.
I wish you the best of luck

der said...

HI JESSICA! Hope you and the sea is doing good…
I’m SO jealous!
Wish it was just me and the sea, you´re lucky you got that idea before me, now I’m too old to beat you.
Just kidding, Good luck with the weather and so on…

Dusty from Dubbo said...

good morning Jesse

Well TGIF in AUS and where you are to...are you on QLD time still...where you are there is really no need to change or is there ???? How is the rough stuff ? Has it started yet? Not trying to upset you but tonight is the first of the Christmas ones of my clients..some good some bad..tonight could be disaster knowing some of those who are going...could get as ugly as Mrs Tiger Woods dealing with her husband!!!! If it get likes that I"M out of there so quickly I'll raise sneeking little peeks at the Christmas presents OK what a hypocrite I am I do it all the time.

Have a music day today...why not

As always stay safe

Dusty from Dubbo

Anonymous said...

Nearly due east of Sydney by now?

sails said...

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"The past does not define you, the present does."

-- Jillian Michaels


Russ said...

Great stuff Jesse
Rope down that crew.
You know what happened to Wilson in Castaway.
Stay safe mate.

Anonymous said...


Keep your witt's about you and a clear head and think of what to do next when things start to seem like they are goin bad, and you'll come through it fine...

God Be with you girl, and don't ever for get to Pray,

God Speed


captjohn&patsy said...

My wife and I want you to know that we are fallowing your progress from San Diego, Ca., USA. We picked you up just before you got into the N. Hem. Your blog is delightful and your determination heroic. We are praying for your voyage.

Kaleen said...

To Mary, Maine, USA

Thank you for the warm welcome & enjoying the 80 yr old poem I had posted.

While our Jess is fighting winds of her own...we are doing the same in most of the USA right now, but with blizzard conditions...I know Erie, Buffalo, & Syracuse region is getting our first big blast of winter with a lake effect snow storm warning up around the Great Lakes. They're talking about 2 feet of snow or so.

Anyway, I have my hot chocolate in front of me...a great blog to read...and I am all toasty warm....hope Mary you stay safe up in Maine with the snow that is headed your way...and that goes for all the other readers that's dealing with the snow and low temps in the USA. Take care, Kaleen from Erie, PA, USA

Debbie, Adelaide said...

Hi Jesse, I am so proud of you. At a party in October I was talking about you, and the "camp" was divided as to whether you should have been doing this trip at your age etc. I have an 18 year old daughter and would have been too scared to release her to do such a courageous trip - however if she had been persistent perhaps I may have relented.... In any event I was in favour, whilst many were doubtful of the wisdom of such an expedition. I am delighted to say that 5 weeks later (last weekend) I was at another party where many of the same people were gathered and i had many people asking me how you were going "hows the little sailor girl coming along? etc etc" and I was very pleased to see that everyone wanted to know your progress, and most were very impressed.

So there you go. . . even the doubters are coming around. just remember to stay safe, and wear that harnass. Thousands of people are following you and I feel like I am part of it, so thank you for getting off the couch Jesse, and embarking on this great adventure. it is relatively few of us who stretch themselves and challenge the norm, and seek new horizons and experiences - in lots of areas of life - and those are the people that define humanity, in various ways. And you are one of them Jesse.

Steph said...

You are so brave. Good luck with the weather coming. You sound very prepared. Sure you will rock it!


Newfoundland, Canada

Steph said...

Hey Jess,

Great to hear you are so prepared. You rock!

Keep up the fab updates. It is so cool to hear about your adventures.

Steph, St. John's, NL, Canada

CiCi said...

We check out your blog but don't leave comments much, there are so many comments and we want you to know we are with you in spirit and cheering you on with your incredible adventure.

Anonymous said...

Ahoy Jess,
You are approaching The Mysterious Island (French: L'Île mystérieuse) from a novel by Jules Verne, published in 1874. In the novel the island was named Lincoln Island. The novel is part of a series of adventure and mystery novels preceded by "Around the World in Eighty Days" and followed by "The Survivors of the Chancellor". I recommend them to all teenagers.
Good luck in troubled waters, Jess!

Anonymous said...

Don't forget 'Reef early!!'
Jeff Victor Harbor

samurai said...

Hey there Jess, I hope you're well.
I'm about to get very D&M here and I hope you take it with you through the southern ocean and beyond. "Fantasies of perfect understanding are hard to maintain when you come face to face with reality"...Nancy Friday.
Think about that for a moment and remember not to take any unnecessary risks, NO MATTER WHAT. I did...ONCE! I'm almost too embarrassed to admit this but I climbed to the top of a 130ft mast under full sail without a harness on. Now, I know Jess that you would never be that stupid but think back to the quote above. I did what I did because I had to and there was no time to think about it. That is not an acceptable excuse 'though I did feel very brave but at the same time very, very stupid. Everyone thought I was a hero but I certainly did not and most definitely was not. Needless to say, It's a lesson I will never forget. :-((
Jess, you are already a hero and you don't have to prove anything to anyone. I hope everthing is going well for you. My thoughts are with you, especially now.
Take good care of yourself. Stay safe, clipped on, warm, dry and well hydrated. Fairdewell...Sam

B and Co said...

We are continuing to watch your progress via the blog. Way to go! Keep that crew restrained, for sure. And we are soon leaving Aus., but will continue to watch your progress from Canada.

Eric Sonnen said...

Hello Jessica,
Best wishes in traversing the rough seas! I'm eager to read about it, over the weekend!
Eric, Georgia, USA

Mary said...

Hiya, Jess,
Whatever you're experiencing these last few days, my thoughts are with you. Here's wishing you warmth, a chance to dry out, eat some food and to rest, while taking care of your chores as well.
Peace, continued courage and clarity be with you.

Mary, Maine, USA
(cheers to Kaleen, of Erie, with hot chocolate! Our snow was shortlived since I'm on the coast. Hoping you're safe in the deluge of snow YOU got!)

Anonymous said...

hey jessica, i really just wanted to tell you that you are such an inspiration to all of us in this world, you have shown us all that if you set your heart and head to something that it is completly possible to do it. thankyou for pulling my head out of the ground and to start chasing my own dreams. good luck for the rest of your journey and may the angels guide you(not that you need any help)

brisbane qld

Chris Akenfelds said...

Jessica, we all wish you the very best for the action that is coming your way in the Southern Ocean. Everybody is cheering for you.


Chris Akenfelds
Brisbane QLD
akenfelds @ lycos . com

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
hezakiah299 said...

12-10-09 @11:41
Hi Jessica,
Just getting ready to hang it up for the day and thought I'd say good night, although it's not nighttime for you. Sail on young lady and be safe and careful. Don't let anything happen to that crew of scallywags you have in there. I sure do miss Silly, he/she kinda grew on you.
Always proud of you and always thinking of you.
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full. I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (74) from Kingwood, WV

John, Sue and Lady Sara said...

Go Jesse, your amazing, we are all behind you as you go into the rougher conditions..>WOW have fun

Anonymous said...

I continue to admire your pluck and fortitude!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse, so nice to read your blog daily and to see you're looking after your crew. Look after them and they will look after you. Take care out there, although I have to say I wish for calm seas and sunshine all the way for you.

All the best on the next leg of your journey, looking forward to reading all about it.

Take care.
Andrea, Melbourne

Anonymous said...

I can hear the rain starting outside my art studio, and I thought to check your blog. Glad to hear you're prepared for a bit of a storm ahead and are in good spirits. Cleaning and organizing helps create a "bring on the world" attitude. I absolutely love your sunset color shots Jess. We love to see through your eyes! Carry on, sleep tight!

Pipefish, California Usa

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,
While I followed your track on the map I came close to Tahiti and I started to dig in the drawer with some old postcards. I found a postcard from NZ with the date of 13.06.1961. (born 11.06.1936)
I started out of Amsterdam via the Panama channel and to Tahiti. Of course with a passenger ship. At that time, Tahiti was the Ultimate we could think about regarding south sea adventures. Unfortunately we stayed only 36 hours time enough to rent a motorbike and end up in a field of Banana trees with it. But what I want to tell you: some time you should definitely visit this area: Tahiti, Bora Bora a.s.o. If you have a Google earth on board look up Papete to get an Idea as how lovely those Islands are. Well anyhow I was on the way to Australia via Wellington, Auckland, Sydney and Melbourne. I stayed for 3 years as an emigrant traveling a lot in Australia. For instance – Christmas 61 we spent at the Uluru the 2 of us alone, can you imagine? (A school friend of mine and myself) and an Abbofamilie of 5. We exchanged 2 pullover for a Killing stick and a Bumerang.
On your way towards Chile, as I gather you like warm weather and water, I had a look on some travel information. Water Temp. Approx. 8 Degree. C Air temp. max.13 DegrC. min. 6 Degr. C.
As some other readers suggest: time to search for warm cloth.
We are already prepared we had our first snowfall in Switzerland although the temperature was at minus 2.5 DegrC only.
Looking forward to read your next blog

Best regards willi from switzerland

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse
I love the fact that you have your stuffed toys with you as crew! I know I love mine, and I'm over 60...
Your blogs are great, and you are an inspiration. Safe sailing.

Val X said...

Hello Jessica,
I have been following you during your quest, remarkable!, I am inspired. all the best.


Janell in Oklahoma,USA said...

Great going Jessica! All your preparations will pay off as you come into this more challenging leg of your journey. Someone posted a link to 'to see the sea'. 'Twas a tiny peek at a little storm at sea. Gave me chills, but I'm not a sailor. You are the sailor, one of the best of the best, one who will plow right on through any thing that comes your way. You are one inspirational young woman! You will succeed!

Precious one, keep safe and look toward the rising sun!

Hugs & prayers,
Janell, in Oklahoma, USA

(THX to whomever posted the link.)

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica,

I am all smiles when I read your are doing so much so well! A famous football coach defined "being-prepared" as...."leaving nothing undone"! That fits you for sure. All the best. Cheers from NZ...Currin

Jo said...

Hey Jesse, I just read the update on your site. I'm so glad you are doing well and resting. Keep up your strength for what may come... we are all thinking of you out there in your brave quest!! Can't wait to hear from you again. Take care 'til next time.

matty35 said...

Hi Jess its great to see that you are going great guns.Keep up the good work cant wait to see you sail through Sydney heads as the youngest person to sail solo around the world.
All i know is theres gunna be a massive party in sydney that night.


Hi Jesse

Great to see the slight turn to the left: worried you might hit our Kiwi friends !!!!!!

What a great crew you have: there is no doubt in my mine that you will all make it safe and sound.

Keep safe.

The Leask Family from Forbes

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,
The whole family enjoys reading your blogs when they come in.
One little piece off advice that I learnt in my sailing around is to trust ones initial instincts and don't procrastinate. If you think it's time to reef down then it more than likely is time so do it sooner rather than later.
Good luck and keep up the great work. You are a fantastic roll model for my daughters.

Stephen Walter said...

Dear Jessica,

You are never too far from my thoughts. So happy to see that you are well on top of things. Godspeed and fair weather.


The McGraths said...

Hi Shore Crew,

Thanks so much for the update at 5pm today. We're all pretty confident in Jess's ability but getting any info is much appreciated.

We're glad the predicted 40 to 50 knot winds didn't happen for her & reassured to know she is eating & resting well also.

To "Transplanted Aussie"
Stephen M. Maryland USA

Was just in Jimmy Buffets Bar in Hawaii recently & loved his music. Great choice for Jess.

Kind regards & big hugs for Jess too,

The McGraths, Nowra, NSW

Wanton said...

Hi Jessica,

Looks like all that preparation would be paying dividend today.

I am estimating that you are somewhere in the Pitcairn Island region.A large area between 150 and 120 West. According to forecast that zone has 8 to 9 meter waves in the vicinity of 50 South by 140 to 150 West.

As I have followed you adventure since you left I know that you and Ella's Pink Lady are strong enough and well prepared.

Preaching like a parent, please drink lots of water and try to rest when you can.

Our thoughts are with you.

The Flynn's - Sunbury, Vic.

Chris said...

Dear Readers, also see the news, there is an update from the support team. Jess is doing fine, in 30 knots winds.
Luckily less then expected.

I would like to know how parker is doing, now the waves are 3 meter high..

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica Watson, I admire your courage. To circumnavigate round the world alone, may require much courage. It must be very exhausting, when you have to control the boat all on your own, and when you can’t take any breaks.

Aren’t you feeling all alone on the boat? I think I would, if I was you, and especially here at Christmas time where you have to spend the Christmas alone. I read that you got Christmas presents with you, that may relieve the loneliness a bit, and remind you about your family who thinks about you at home. I was wondering do you have a Christmas tree on board; maybe you have a little plastic Christmas tree or maybe you don’t. But I wish you a lovely Christmas with or without a Christmas tree.

You may think a lot of thoughts on your voyage, about all sorts of things, about what your friends and family are doing at home, what’s going on around the world, and what’s happening in your own country.

There must be beautiful out there at the blue ocean, with the sun over your head and the boat, which rocks as the waves rhythm, under your feet. The sunset is so beautiful at land, but so much more beautiful at the sea, and you see it every day, I envy you that. And not forgetting the fresh air as you breathe. It must be very healthy to be out at the ocean, I mean there isn’t as much pollution in the air, as in the countries.

I really hope for you that you will break the record and become the youngest person to single-handedly circumnavigate the globe. I believe that it is possible for you, if you really want to do it, and that is the impression I got.

I’m sorry that my English isn’t that good, but I’m from Denmark and I’m steel learning it.

gsimmons said...

Hi Jessica
This is fantastic that you have finally got some easterly movement happening, great going Jesse. The photos are great, everyone loves photos.
You have certainly been knocking over those miles lately. The sailing conditions must have been near to perfect, and the winds look like they have finally moved around to the east to north east. This is why you have got some easterly movement I hope.
All the checking and preparation now will pay off later, I think you already know this.
You can't just shoved it all under the bed out there, you have no one else to clean it up for you, mum's not on board.
So keep having fun and keep safe.
Cheers George Simmons
Lots of love from Exmouth WA Australia.
PS I'm not sure if anyone else has answered Richard Lathrop question, but I'm sure the item he was looking at, is Jesse's deck winch fishing reel.
Jesse or someone else may be able to comfirm this.

Kissyfrott said...

30 knots winds, so the hard work has begun...
We completely trust Jessica and her sailing skills. Only too bad we can't actually help her otherwise than cheering her up.
Go, Jesse, go!
It is in adversity that heroes are best revealed.
Think that on land, some people pay for a roller-coaster ride! You have it for free there.
Stay as dry and warm as you can, eat and sleep as you can, and please, blog later. Thanks to your shore team, your adopted family has news to chew.
Go, Ella's Pink Lady, surf and fly!
This rodeo session is part of the game, and you will win it!

Unknown said...

Your build up of the excitement and anticipation of the testing times ahead are brilliant. It's like reading a good novel, but this is your real life which you are cool enough to share.

Do cut out Grant Fjermedal's blog of 8.06 pm Dec 9th, and paste it below deck. I'm sure you know it, but you may not haven't experienced it yet.

When u are told, you agree with it.

When you see it happen, you remember.

When you go through it, you understand.

You are on a profound learning curve.

best wishes

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica
Love reading your blog. I'm interested in your sleeping habits. What is the longest period that you are generally able to sleep in any one stretch?

Anonymous said...

Team Jessica --

Is it possible to update Jessica's position on a daily basis?

On some days Jessica will be too busy to post a daily blog.

If you could update her position on the map on a daily basis, we would at least be able to see where she was . . . and by cross-referencing the weather maps on, we can get an idea about the conditions she is sailing through.

- Grant Fjermedal, Seattle

Jim said...

Hey Jessica...
You are creating your own memories - memories that you will draw on more and more the older you get. Make sure (and I'm sure you will)you take the time to take it all in - it's not a rhumb line. Great adventuring, girl.

Unknown said...


Please try to leave even a brief post/RSS feed blurb every 24hours.

Those of us following your adventure get very worried when you don't check in personally.

I'm sure it can be difficult sometimes, but just a 'Hi, I'm safe' is enough.

You Go, Girl!!!!


Ottawa, Canada

Kaye said...

Hi Jesse,
I am so glad you are going so well and that you are well prepared for this passage and I loved the blog from Grant Fjermedal, Seattle, USA
well said and oh so true.
good luck and stay safe
Kaye Brisbane Australia. xxoo

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse, love the pics your posting. I'm not a sailor myself but find following your adventure very interesting. No rain here on Sunny Coast, its as dry as a chip. Take care and enjoy the run up to Christmas, we'll be keeping an eye on your blog. TTFN

Kev & Dell
Buderim, Queensland.

Steven Brisbane said...

Good luck as you push on. I admire your spirit and as a 40 something who has watched on rather than taking a risk, you are an inspiration. Keep Safe. Steven Brisbane

Darren said...

Hey Jess,

You are an inspiration to many.

Well done and stay safe!

Russelvm said...

Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays, Jessica! I see it's already Christmas Eve Morning where you are, it's going on dinner time Wednesday the 23rd Here. I wish you steady breezes.

Russ, Lake St Clair, Michigan & The Great Lakes.

What an Adventure, Go Girl!

Mark D said...

Hi Jess, Merry Xmas to you and your family. Like thousands of others we are with you every inch of the way. When you need that little extra something, draw from us WE LOVE YOU !!!

Hope Santa found you, we sent him your lat+longs.
Mark D

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