Thursday, December 24, 2009

Christmas in the Middle of Nowhere!

It's still been pretty foggy and gray out here but we've been able to make good progress with 15 knots of wind from the west. Both the air and sea temperatures have dropped a few more degrees and this morning we pretty much sailed right over Point Nemo, which is known for being the point of ocean furthest from any land. You really could say that I'll be spending Christmas in the middle of nowhere!

With pretty steady conditions and a reasonable forecast for the next few days I took the Christmas decorations in the cabin to the next level, there's now tinsel and little bauble-balls everywhere swinging in time to Ella's Pink Lady's motion.

Well that's it from me as it's getting late and I'd better get going to bed or Santa might catch me awake, I really hope he can find me out here!

Till tomorrow!



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Anonymous said...

Let me be the first to say Merry Xmas to you! I read your blog all day and I really like what you're doing! Have a safe and calm christmas evening... Greetings from Germany... Mic

Anonymous said...

I hope Christmas day isn't too lonely for you. Well done on getting this far. Have a good one!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jessica
Try and enjoy your Christmas.
I am on my own. No parents, no family, so Christmas is a hard time of year.
Keep smiling.
Special girl.
Luv u
Richard (QLD)

Janet said...

Hi Jessica have a great Xmas tomorrow will be thinking off you out there in that big ocean, take care.
Janet Sunshine Coast

ET Gurl said...

Hi Jessica

ha ha ha 1st to say MERRY XMAS & Bobby is on his way on the sled ha ha ha

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse, sorryto hear it is still foggy out there, good that you are still making progress towards the horn. MERRY CHRISTMAS for tomorrow, watching the Christmas Carols from Melbourne tonight, hope you don't feel too lonely. I'm sure lots of people from all over the world will have you in their hearts tomorrow.

Bron Central West NSW

LUCIO PLEM said...


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jesse! I wish you great success in 2010!

Rick & Nick said...

Hi Jessica and a VERY HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU!!!! We reckon you should be Santa's first port of call! We love your blog and look forward to each update as you enter the really exciting part of the ride. Go girl!

Anonymous said...

Jessica Watson, I don't know you but have followed this blog since you left Oz, I am am so proud of you I could burst. Take Care sunshine.

Reto said...

Hola Jessica.

Merry Christmas to you from Fuerteventura!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jesse....

Wobbler said...

Merry Xmas tomorrow Jesse. i'm sure santa will find you in the middle of nowhere. Safe sailing and I look forward to seeing you back home safely

More power to you, your a legend !!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year Jesse!!! Best of luck for the New Year and may your every wish come true!!! :)


P/S It's ok u didn't bring any bid book..u can always google it on the net...can't wait to see u circling the Cape Horn soon.. :D

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica
On Wednesday I sent a Christmas card to you via 5 Oceans Media. Although you will not receive this until you arrive back home I look upon it as something tangible that you will be able to keep as a small memento of your Chrstmas at sea, and as a recognition of support for you in your journey of discovery.

I hope other blog followers will similarly snail mail their Christmas wishes to you in addition to recording them on your blog. It is a way we can all show support for Jesssica and her family and all involved in Team Ella’s Pink Lady.

The card is a homemade card with a photo of my all Australian ratbag, larrikin, Kelpie dog wearing a slouch hat on the front, and a small photo of a 36’ yacht I once owned on the back. He is trying to look like a farm dog but we don’t live on a farm and he’s actually a bit of an indoor dog much of the time. On the front it has the words “To Jessica” and inside it says:

“Wishing you an enjoyable Christmas
and wonderful sailing conditions
through the New Year”.

I have no idea whether or not you like dogs but I hope you will appreciate it. To your family I also wish a memorable Christmas with lots of fun on the Sat Phone -it will be a Christmas they will never forget. I‘ll bet they have hidden some presents for you in some very strange places all over the boat, and I hope Santa finds you. Beam him in with your masthead nav lights.

I hope the weather at sea is pleasant for your Christmas day and I hope “Ella’s Kitchen” - the best in the Pacific - serves a great Christmas dinner, and if not I hope “Jessica’s Takeaway” does almost as well.
Tony L (Mt Martha VIC)

StuntTrader said...

Living your dream is possibly the best Christmas present anyone could have, everyday is Christmas for those that do it.
You're doing it well Jesse

Peter and Sally on the Gold Coast said...

Hey Jess

Merry Xmas, we are all thinking of you out there, you are doing all those Aussie girls proud.

a gift for you

Stay Safe
God Speed

Peter and Sally

Mike said...

Merry Merry Christmas. May you experience all the your hopes and dreams. I guess you get one great gift this year, the ability to experience this wonderful place we call home in the most magnificent fashion.
Our thoughts and prayers to you and your family. Your parents gift is having a daughter with a huge heart with the strength and persistence to do that which is most important to her.

Smooth sailing.

Mike Atlanta

Rosemary, Kingaro said...

Jingle Bells,Jingle Bells
Sailing all the way
Here's a sparkly wish for you
At sea on Christmas Day!
Hi Jesse, Happy Christmas and all the best for the next part of your wonderful voyage.Don't eat too much!
Happy Christmas to the Home Team too.

Anonymous said...

Wow, what a magical point in your journey. The loneliest place on the planet. I hope you will mostly smile a lot, tomorrow and think of all the people that would like to be you, if even for a little bit.
It's 'proper' Christmas here with cold and snow! And lot's and lot's of people to have to go see,, :-(

Jim said...

Hi Jessica,

Saw a report on the news today about all the sailors, most with years of sailing experience and considerably older than yourself taking part in the Sydney to Hobart Yacht race starting Dec. 26th being briefed about likely weather and sea and thought to myself how that is nothing compared to what you're doing.

It's probably going to be slightly difficult for dear old Santa to manoeuvre his reindeer somewhere around Ella's Pink Lady in order for him to drop you a present onto the deck, if he misses his throw and it lands in the ocean it would be very risky to try and jump in and retrieve it so please don't risk it, anyway sure Rudolph and the other reindeer would love to pass by you as Santa heads in to South America. Read in the latest news report how well you are doing, getting closer and closer to Cape Horn, you are so Amazing!!! I'll be on the look out for the video on it's way.

Have a wonderful Southern Ocean Christmas Jessica, tuck in and enjoy your pressies and Your Mum's xmas dinner. Glad you off to get some shut-eye.

Perth, WA

Anonymous said...

nice one jess good luck to completeing your record

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,
Hope you have a fantastic Christmas out there in the middle of no where, we enjoy reading your blogs keep enjoying yourself on your adventure.
Hope Santa is good to you,
Merry Christmas
Shann & Leigh, NSW CC

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Jesse!

Like so many others, I am following your progress every step (splash?) of the way, and really urging your on.

May the new year bring good winds and smooth saiing


Anne said...

Merry Christmas Jessica!! Take care of yourself and have fun opening your pressies. Thinking of you here in Brisbane.

Molly said...

A little Christmas message from me to you.
Cut and paste in your browser bar.

Santa is all knowing.
He will find you.
Wishing you "visions of sugar plums".
Merry Christmas Sailor Girlie.
Maryland USA

Anonymous said...

hi Jesse,saw you had no comments,so here I am.
Have a great christmas ,and enjoy opening pressies from your loved ones.go well Jesse from Alle in sweaty Brisbane.

trish said...

Dear Jesse, Here's wishing you a Merry and Safe Christmas and do hope you have a day you will always remember. Lovely to hear your blog today and hope Santa is good to you. Cheers will be thinking of you.

Trish from Sydney

dwtruland said...

Merry Christmas. I followed Zac and Mike daily and now am engrossed in your endeavor. You help all the rest of us get some thrills. Best wishes.

Rob Hardie said...

Merry Christmas, Jesse!

Hope Santa was kind to you and you managed some comfortable sleep.

I have been thinking about you today and wondering how you were going. You blog came through just as i refeshed your blog page.

Again I learnt something new....Point Nemo. Amazing to think land in all directions so far away.

You have a great Christmas day and we all will be thinking about you during the day.

Also, Merry Christmas to your parents and your entire support team. What a fantastic group of people all quietly doing what they do in the background.

Keep safe and stay warm

Ingleburn, NSW

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica

Is it possible nobody posted today ? Everybody is preparation for christmas. It´s also grey and raining here in germany, no white christmas. Merry Christmas and a happy new year. Safe sailing

allanj.w47 said...

Hi Jesse,
Santa has already blessed you for your courage and individuality. However, firstly, I suspect that you would like a strong wind to give you a comfortable ride to the Horn, Secondly, family and friends, and thirdly, Chocies.
I'm sure there's a million of us out her Wishing you a Very Merry Xmas and a Happy and Safe Circumnavigation.
Rgds, Al.

Anonymous said...

Have a great Christmas Jesse- thanks for keeping us posted we are following your blog on a regular basis and are inspired :)

Michael, Bec, Belle, Mills and Letty

Anonymous said...

If you've been good he'll find you where ever you are--no worries.
Merry Xmas Jessica.


Katya said...

Merry Christmas and best wishes from Saint-Petersburg, Russia!

Unknown said...

Hi Jess
You have a great snooze - I'm sure that Santa will find you:)Have a great Christmas - I'll bet you will have a lot of contact with your family tomorrow.
Kind regards

Latitood said...

Heya Jess

I'm yet another that's been following your journey closely since your departure; I'm not generally big on blogging but just *had* to convey to you my very best wishes for tomorrow.
I'm also another that’s living a long-held dream vicariously through yourself; you seem to be getting a bit of that :). As a young boy I dreamt of sailing the world; when I was 10 or 11 I actually scored, very deeply with the pointy end of a compass,(the circle drawing kind..)the path I would take on my globe - not that dissimilar to your own, 'cept I planned on taking a sharp left east of the horn to take a rather looong detour via the Bermuda triangle (was fascinated with the mysteries of the triangle like many 10 year olds!!). My mum still has that globe and it brings back lots of childhood memories to see it whenever I'm back home (Tassie boy originally)..
Of course, "life" happened (as it does) and so the journey didn't.. Anyhow, I totally get why you are doing this and good on you for having the strength of purpose and resolve to actually make your dream happen! (and of course your parents for supporting you.. You probably didn't give them a choice, lol).

Woops, sorry, this was just meant to be a short note to say Merry Xmas, so I'll stop with the life story and simply say a very Merry Xmas to you Jess!! And know you'll be in the thoughts of thousands tomorrow.

Fair winds, Latitood

Lazy Deaf said...

Your description made me think of Disney's A Christmas Carol for some reason.

I hope you have a fun & adventurous Christmas despite the fog.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas! Hug from Maria in Sweden

Sue HEYER said...

Dear Jesse
This my first comment, but we've been following your journey from the day you left Sydney. Exactly 25 years ago on Xmas Eve my husband, our cat Sanara and I made our landfall in English Harbour, Antigua after 27 days at sea on our 29ft sloop Landfall II. Strangly enough, the hectic of being on land again was almost an anticlimax after the peace at sea, so enjoy it while you can, Jesse, your doing great, but remember to always keep one hand for yourself and one for the boat! Merry Christmas to you and Ella's Pink Lady and a broad reach
from Sue + René, landlocked once again in Wolfwil, Switzerland

Anonymous said...

Merry Xmas Jessica. Thinking of you and stay safe.

Unknown said...

Dear Jessica,
Have a wonderful Christmas - Santa will find you out there. I am sure he has been following your journey like the rest of us, and would be as proud of you as we all are.
Take care,
Infinite love, peace and harmony,
Tom, Tasmania.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jess! I've been a quiet admirer but I'm in awe of your achievements to date. I check in on you every day. Keep up the good work.
Jude x

carole (Mackay) said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS JESS. You may be in the middle of nowhere, but you are really in the hearts of many many people around the globe.

I wish you the happiest of days yet on EPL, great you are expecting nice conditions. I chucked at your baubles hanging from the cabin and swaying to the motion, lets hope the clatter of them banging each other doesnt keep you or the fluffy crew awake!

By the time you read these messages I am sure you would have already dived into your pressies - another milestone in your journey. You have carried these presents 7000+ nm waiting for this day!

Blessings Jesse, fair winds and calm seas - even tho its Christmas Day - keep clipped on and put some tinsel in ur hair !!

Carole (Mackay)

Ina said...

Merry Christmas Jessica. Don't worry, Santa is magical, he will find you. I will be thinking of you and picturing you opening your gifts.

danma said...

Hey Jess,

Merry Christmas to you way out there in the middle of nowhere....
We will have a toast to you tomorrow you are doing a absolutely amazing job, I hope that Santa finds you on his trip around the globe....maybe you should tag on to the reindeer's for a bit of a fun ride....

Stay safe, happy sailing & you will be in our thoughts on this very special day.....

Alan said...

Jess, I have been watching your progress and you are an inspiration. I wish you a safe journey, and a happy christmas. I hope you have a little something stowed away to spoil yourself with. Take care - The Raycrafts of Western Australia

Anonymous said...

have a wonderful xmas, although it will be just you out there in the big wide ocean. Thinking of you always and stay safe.
Perth West Australia

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess

Merry Christmas mate. Hope Santa finds you out there!!! Enjoy your gifts tomorrow, I hope you haven't peeked :-)

Take care and smooth sailing.


Grant @ Coolum said...

Hi Jessica,
Been following your progress since day one and am astounded by your maturity and toughness and I am looking forward to you proving your critics wrong. It has been a fantastic thing watching your blog family willing and encouraging you on not that you require it as you are so positive in the challenge you have set yourself.

I would like to wish you and your support crew a very Merry and safe Christmas and look forward to you sailing through the Sydney heads.

Best wishes from the Sunshine Coast

Grant @ Coolum

Clint Jeffrey - VK3CSJ said...

Hey there Jesse,
I haven't said Merry Christmas to you yet, but now I will....

Have a MERRY MERRY CHRISTMAS Jessica!!!...

You gotta take a picture of your cabin...

"happy christmas Jess"...OXO

Clint - Dandenong

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jesse!

You will always remember this Christmas for the rest of your life. Hope you really appreciate it. There are very few of us who could ever say we spent a Christmas on a boat in the middle of nowhere.

You truly are an inspiration to all of those who are following your journey and living it with you.

From Adelaide

Anonymous said...

This is such a special Christmas for you Jess - on the way to fulfilling a dream. Keep going, keep safe, and enjoy.

Marg, Bayswater, Vic.

Kimmie said...

Just wanted to wish you a very Merry Christmas from my family on the Gold Coast. We're loving reading your entries and wish you all the best for your trip. Take care out there! Kim and crew

Unknown said...

You may be in the middle of someplace but you are not alone. Many are with you and you are in our hearts.

Merry Christmas.


Karen Storer said...

Well done and keep up the great work Jess. We all hope you continue to enjoy great safety and happiness on your voyage. Our thoughts and prayers are with you, enjoy and travel well. Merry Christmas.
Samantha, Karen, Mick and Aileen Melbourne/Tully

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jessica

Be safe,
Terry from Tampa, FL

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica
Your an inspiration!
Merry Christmas
keep safe
and bring it on home :)
<3 <3 <3
Nicole said...

Ich wünschen Ihnen frohe und besinnliche Weihnachten! Viele Grüße aus Germany...

Summersailor said...

Merry Christmas to you. You certainly not alone, many of us are there with u. Your right to go to sleep, because Santa will be making one of his first stops to u, I am sure, so please, don't peak. His colors are little darker than pink.
Fog as u know is part of this adventure + maybe it will be clearer when u wake up. I also see u are moving right along. Enjoy!!


Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Jessica.
May you be blessed with Fair Winds and Calm Seas.
Peggy from Pennsylvania, U.S.A.

Anonymous said...

Have a great Christmas in the middle of 'no where', always remember one thing, “does not matter how far away you are you are never alone. Someone some where will be thinking of you”.

The Hunter family, Geelong Victoria

tommpa (enungman) said...

Of course he will find you (even in the middle of nowhere)! :-)

I've been following your blog since you left Australia and it's really fun to read about your journey.

Wishing you all the best, and a Merry Christmas (from sweden) :)

// Thomas

Anonymous said...

Hello Jesse,
I love the sound of the baubles swinging with the motion of Ella's Pink Lady, that is very cool.
I'm glad the breeze has picked up for you, I hope you have a forecast for some sunny weather very soon.
Have a great Christmas Jesse, I hope you get lots of presents and enjoy your Chrissie dinner.
Thank you Samurai (Sam) for your kind comments in the last blog. I don't think there is a blog anywhere in the world at the moment where there is so much love, encouragement and genuine and heartfelt words of support. If ever I want to feel uplifted I simply read the comments. I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas.
Bluefin, Buderim, Queensland.

David said...

Thank you for telling me about Point Nemo.. I will now go learn more about it! Glad you have picked up speed. And remember, whether in the middle of the city or the ocean, when it comes down to it, we are alone and yet we are one at the same time.

Keep up your wonderful sail and share with us as you can. Needless to say, many of us will want to see those decorations!
David E. in Boston MA USA

Old Iron said...


Merry Christmas to you, your family, "your crew" and your shore team too.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Jessie, Yes it's Christmas eve and all our thoughts are with you. I hope Santa finds you out there in the never never land.
Good Luck from Col & Jan in Tumut

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,

Merry Xmas to you, your family and support crew. Have a great, safe Christmas day out there bobbing around in the middle of nowhere.

Is it possible that at some points on this amazing journey you are in fact the most isolated person on the planet from time to time? That's some feat in itself when you think about it for a minute.

The Horn becon's - keep your gaurd up and as I said, have a great Christmas day.
Keith and crew Auckland NZ

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas mate, thinking of you and your adventure from Brisbane. Safe travels

The Sandgropers said...

Merry Christmas Ms Watson and i'm sure Santa will find you...
From Carl,Tania,Jacko,Sarah,Harrison,Oscar and little Chase

Jaap said...

Merry xmas in advance! (though I have no clue about timezones out there).

All the best, from Holland (Europe).

Mike said...

Hello and Merry Christmas Jessica!
I know you may feel alone out there in the middle of no where, but I promise you, we are all with you in thought and prayer. I think you have been provided the greatest gift of being where you are, doing what you love and dreamed about. I hope your family and friends hearts are warmed knowing that their investment in love and time has gotten you to this point. What a wonderful thing to celebrate on Christmas! As you sail along, go out on deck and yell out Happy Birthday Jesus! And thank Him for His gift!
Enjoy your Christmas! I'm sure this will be one you will remember forever.
It is a true pleasure to be able to follow along on your journey. Thanks to you and your team for providing that opportunity.
Lifting you and your family up in prayer.
Merry Christmas!
Mike Kugler
Grace Fellowship Church
North Stonington, CT. USA

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas Jess!
Keep up the awesome work and keep having fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,

I wish you Merry Xmas and a good, lovely and healthy 2010 and a continuous good voyage.

greeting Els from the Netherlands

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jessica!!!
Hope Santa brings you everthing that you wish for!!
Enjoy your Christmas day.
Debbie (Sydney)

Ullebulle said...

Merry Xmas from Sweden! have a awesome and miss Pink lady!

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jessica! I (and thousands of others) will be thinking of you out there in the middle of nowhere. Just think - you will probably be the only person ever in this great big world to spend Christmas Day on that bit of the ocean (unless Santa drops by). You will also probably have more people thinking of you this Christmas than ever before ... that's special!
Love, Fiona in Tassie

ben said...

Hi Jesse, looking forward to your video msg tomorrow. Hope ya show EPL all decor'd up and some of those prezzies too...and maybe a chrissy tape playing in the background lol. But most of all a happy, cheerful, smiley Jesse will suffice. Anyway, sleep well tonite
and hoping for ideal conditions for a special day in 'the middle of nowhere'. Wouldn't it be great if tomorrow was a record breaking blog's hoping :)
Be safe out there Jesse and cya 2moro!

Ben (Qld)

Matthias said...

Hi Jessica,

I found your blog a few days ago and since them I regularly checked your progress.

I wish you a merry Christmas.

Keep going!

You're awesome!! :)

Matthias, Germany

KP said...

Merry Christmas Jessica
Have a merry day on your own out there in the "middle" of the ocean. Wow! it's pretty amazing to think about just where your at on this globe in this life at this time. For certain, Santa will not miss you.
Paul from the west of Brissy

Alan M said...

Happy Christmas Jessica
You have done exceedingly well to date
Keep up the good work
It would have been hard to pick a better boat to do this voyage than an S&S
From S&S 24 owner (little sister)

Unknown said...

Hi Jess
Hope you have a wonderful Christmas out there, just know that you're not alone, many are travelling with you every inch of the way.Lots of love Sharron, Brisbane.

Marnie said...

Merry Christmas Jessica. Hope you catch a huge fish and cook up a feast for Christmas dinner

Sueby said...

Keep cruisin ... happy Christmas

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jessica. Keep ticking off those miles and Stay safe.

jcwyatt said...

Hi Jessica,

I don't suppose I'll get to a computer tomorrow so here's wishing you a great Christmas day and a Happy New Year. 2010 is set to be an amazing year for you, both out there and when you get home.

God bless you and bring you home safely,

Jason Wyatt

Ken Merry said...

Hey Jessica
I check your blog everyday and just want to wish you Merry Christmas. I'm sure all of Australia care about you and are very proud of you. Have a good one.
Ken Merry

Jimlour said...

Thanks for the update. Be safe! Have a nice Xmas sail.


Felipe said...

Feliz Navidad!!! Bien viaje!!! Felipe.

David and Joy @ Sippy Downs said...

Happy Christmas Jesse.
There are thousands all round the world wishing you well this Christmas.
No way are you alone, even if you are in the middle of nowhere

Jony the Pony said...

This time I am the first!
Happy Christmas over there!

The McGraths said...

Hi Jesse,

All our family want to wish you and your family a joyous Christmas and wish you all the very best for the New Year.

I'm sure you can feel the warmth and love from around the world giving you hugs and kisses for Christmas.

To Jesse's support team, thank you so much for the wonderful job you're doing and we hope you have some time for celebrations with your families. All the very best...

To the rest of the blogging family, where ever you are in the world and how ever you spend it we wish you all love peace and happiness always.

Till tomorrow Jesse xxoo,

The McGraths, Nowra NSW

Véro said...

Joyeux Noel from south Chile and all the best for the rest of your trip. It is a pleasure to read your blog. Véro

John Pender said...

I'm sure he will. Merry Christmas Jess!

Anonymous said...

Fair sailing and Merry Xmas Jess we are all thinking of you keep up the great attitude and you will be able to handle anything that Huey throws your way.

Kevin / Perth-Aust

Tim09 said...

Merry Christmas Jesse,
Hope you have a great day.
From Tim and Rosie

Anonymous said...

In the middle of nowhere you may be but many will be thinking of you tomorrow, Jessica. It will be a Christmas you will never forget for sure! Have a wonderful day out there on Ella's Pink Lady. Celebrate in your own style! Have fun!

Jill (Newcastle)

Unknown said...

It is hard to imagine being as far as possible away from everyone and yet be able to communicate with everyone around the world. Thanks for all the blogs Jessica, I look forward to your wonderful descriptions and am never disappointed with your narrative. This Christmas might seem a little lonely but next year you will have an exceptional Christmas I am sure. Best wishes always and may our dear savior's birth fill your heart with joy on his birthday. duane

D.Ingsbums said...

Hi there,
the middle of Nowhere sound a little scary.
Glad you are doing well and all prepared for Christmas.
Santa finds everybody anywere on the globe, even in the middle of nowhere, so no worries.
Merry Christmas and Happy sailing into the New year,

Joolz said...

Merry Christmas Jess! Hope you get some great pressies when you wake up!

Love Joolz & Family (South Australia)

FunCoTech said...

Hi Jessie - I know these comments must be incredibly boring (That's why I don't make any normally) but I ran into a friend of mine Jack and he said to say merry xmas to you - I don't know if you know Jack but he's been in love (secretly - don't say anything) with your sis Emily forever.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jesse. Hope you have a great day. Wishing you all the best for the rest of your journey.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,
We have been enjoying your blog. Have a Merry Christmas.

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas Jesse ... you will have such a unique day!! Love that you took Christmas decorations with you - just wouldn't be quite right without them! In the morning, you get to open your pressies - yay!! Have the best day and enjoy the fact that so many people will be thinking of you too! Happy sailing!

Brenda - NZ

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas Jessica. We'll all be thinking of you. Did you take the Christmas Pudding? From the Pearson clan in Brisbane.

tasdevilcol said...

Merry Christmas Jessica,

follow your blog every day, you are an absolute inspiration, hope you find something nice to eat and some good presents hidden away there somewhere


David and Una said...

Merry Christmas Jess!!!!!!!!!
I checked the Australian Air Services web site and put your name into the Santa Site. Good news, it came back with a message saying you were not naughty but nice so santa will be coming. The site had a photo of his latest equipment and I can assure you he will find you but you must have some shut eye or he can't leave any presents.

Stay safe and motivated and remember that millions of people around the world will think of you tomorrow. We will toast you at Manly in Queensland.


Spud said...

Merry Christmas Jesse.

I love reading your blog and find that I am checking more than once a day just to see if there is any new postings.

Palmerston North
New Zealand

Tom said...

The gifts he will drop off this year are the ones that you will cherish the rest of your days. The well wishes from friends, families, and strangers the world over.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jessica,
thanks again for your blog, always enjoyable and inspiring, and we are
wishing you a wonderfully happy Xmas day, lots of exciting treats and lovely surprises, good winds and calm seas and what a wonderful year ahead with the biggest of dreams about to be delivered ?

Congrats on your progress so far, you do everyone proud and while you are apparently alone out there, you are far from it, all still thinking of you and wishing you a safe journey from there back to us here in Oz

take care and one step and day at a time...........

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,

Merry Christmays to you and your pink lady! The Cap Horn comes near!
You are amazing, i wish you all the best!

Brooke&Dad Melbourne. said...

"Pink Boat, pink boat pink boat" is what my two and a half year old daughter named Brooke keeps telling me. I've been following your progress and Brooke always wants to see the pics of your boat, she gets so excited. You have a new fan here in Melbourne Jesse and Brooke now has her own dingy and wants dad to take her out on the lake over the chrissy holidays so she can be like you. I guess we'll name her boat "Nemo" as you've just passed Point Nemo. Thanks for inspiring my little girl and have a safe Xmas. Stay safe, From Brooke & Dallas.

Unknown said...

Merry Christmas for tomorrow Jesse. When I'm out having a swim in the surf tomorrow I'll be thinking of you. Stay focused. There's plenty more christmas in the future, but few opportunities to be written in the history books.

love the photos.

Gav. Gold Coast

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Jessica.
May your wishes come true and may all christmas angels guide you in the Middle of Nowhere !

Herbert, Austria

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jess, will be thinking of you tomorrow.Love to see a picture of your decorations in the cabin.
Regards: Mick

rod said...

dear little adventurer,
i have had my xmas drinks with my staff and they have now gone home.
my first thought when they left was to see if you had made a new blog,it was good to see how you are going and as always i pray that all is well with you.
young jesse i wish you a very merry xmas and i hope that you don't over indulge in all the good things that you may have on board.
i also wish your crew and the pink lady a wonderful xmas and thank you very much for allowing me and all your other followers the oportunity to travel with you.
as always take care young lady
regards and a very merry christmas
blackbutt qld

Anonymous said...

Christmas how I would give my left arm for some solitude at this time.

“I lived in solitude in the country and noticed how the monotony of a quiet life stimulates the creative mind” Albert Einstein

Merry Christmas Jessica.

Sydney, Australia

Dan said...

Merry Christmas Jessica!

Big greetings from sweden.

Anonymous said...


I'm sure Santa will have some nice gifts for you. Sending you my warmest hugs and wishing you the Best of times! Merry Christmas. Antonio

bernie 777 said...

A very Nutrient
And Lovely you happy winds you are getting there but you are nowhere near Easter Island I wish u a peaceful world at Christmas...Bernie 777

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Jesse.
Let all your dreams become true.

Sofia - Bulgaria

Brian Riley said...

Hi Jesse, MERRY CHRISTMAS in the middle of nowhere, Santa may pass over you with the foggy conditions.
Nice to hear the sailing conditions are holding and you are making good sog.
Safe Passage, will talk later.
Hervey Bay. QLD

Reg said...

Merry Christmas Jessica, just think of all the money your saving, no shop... no McDonald's... no KFC... your got it made I may go build a boat...

How the fishing going any luck?


Unknown said...

Merry christmas Jesse, thinking of you. Stay focused, there will be plenty of christmas in the future, but few opportunities to be written in the history books.

love the photos

Gvai.Gold Coast

Brad "SANTA" Morante said...

This is SANTA here.....ho ho ho,boy i am tired but i will make it to point Nemo i promise just like you will make it home safe.....merry Christmas From Brad Cohen and most of all Madisson Morante........

Mary said...

Merry Christmas, Jess!!

I'm quite certain Santa's been following your journey with a keen eye and open heart since you departed Sydney harbor. My guess is that he's been overjoyed at how awesomely GOOD you've been, especially at taking care of yourself AND Ella's Pink Lady. Santa knows EXACTLY where you are and it is definitely SOMEWHERE SPECIAL!

Wishing you true delight as you sail merrily along, with joy, peace, strength and clarity.

We are all caroling our love to you, Jess.

Merry Christmas to Jessica's family and Shore Team. May you know how deeply you are cared for and loved.

Mary, Maine, USA

Jennie & Danyele said...

Merry Christmas Jess,
I know you feel you have Xmas day all worked out, but no matter how prepared you are it's going to be an emotional day. Your first Christmas away from your family, I remember mine, I cried for the best part of the day and when I spoke to them on the phone, oh my god I was like a two year old child, but your a lot stronger person than I was and I bet your tears don't last as long as mine did.
In reality yes you are alone out there, but you have all of us here on dry land thinking of you, and I'm sure your family will be on the phone a soon as day breaks. Like I say to my six year old daughter no matter where you are in the world Santa knows, and he knows where you are to Jess, so don't worry he'll find you. Don't forget to leave a glass of milk for santa and something for the Reindeers, they will be hungry and thirsty by the time they reach you
Enjoy your day Jess and eat lots of bad bad food.
Love Jennie & Danyele, Brisbane Qld

Anonymous said...

Merry X-Mas , Jessica
from Germany .

Ant @ Townsville N QLD said...

Hi Jess Merry Christmas to you and the crew. Don't worry Santa finds us anywhere.
We will be thinking of you when eating and drinking on Christmass day.
Keep it up Jess we are all reading your blogs.
Stay Safe
Anthony North Queensland

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jess, you maybe the most isolated girl on the planet physically but I bet your close to one of the most thought about girls on the planet on Christmas day- stay happy and bright- Best wishes.. XXX

Anonymous said...

As our family prepares for Christmas, we are thinking of those who cannot be with family to celebrate tomorrow. Jesse, you may not have your family with you, but you have Australia with you all the way. Merry Christmas. The Hill Family, Sherwood

John F said...

Hi Jessica,

Best wishes for Christmas.......are you planning any sort of New Years Eve party?!


John F

Georgia Guy said...

Hi Jessica,

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Let your heart be light
From now on,
our troubles will be out of sight

Have yourself a merry little Christmas,
Make the Yule-tide gay,
From now on,
our troubles will be miles away.

Here we are as in olden days,
Happy golden days of yore.
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more.

Through the years
We all will be together,
If the Fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough.
And have yourself A merry little Christmas now.

Safe sailing and Godspeed.

Georgia Guy

Joe M from Massachusetts said...

Merry Christmas Jess :)

lilshawnee said...

Hello lil Jesse,
Merry Christmas from the Lalondes in the USA.
Its the eve here but Christmas day for you i guess.
You have a merry christmas and we will be thinking of you and we will keep you in our depest prays.
we will keep up with you lil one
Try to have a good Christmas keep sailing you are still our hero.
Our family dreams are to meet you one day,,,no chance but its a dream.
Have fun keep sailing your one smart girl.
love you lil Jesse,Your friends from the usa
Robert,Ellen,Autumn and Alison

Peter Vickerson said...

Merry Christmas Champ!

All Australia (and probably the rest of the world) is proud of you.

My only concern is what on earth do ou do after this? Only 16 and half way around the world solo already. It's a hard act to follow but I'm sure you'll come up with something and surprise us all.

It's a trite esxpression "You can do anything that you put your mind to" but in your case it's true.

Good Onya and God blessya

Enjoy your pressies

Bryan said...

Hello again "Jessicaptain"

Here we are 4 hours to go in Western Australia to midnite and the start of Christmas Day as we think of the peoples of the world especially the children just about to celebrate this festive season and like thousands of your admirers - we cast our thoughts to YOU and your amasing challenge for a person so young and what appears to be so well prepared. You have made - especially the older folk among us - so proud to be a part of your entorage, albeit passive.
You are an awesome lady and we ALL wish you and your adoring Parents and support team a very happy, and safe Christmas and New Year. Congratulations to all concerned as we blow favourable winds to keep your sails full with Gods speed to a successful conclusion.

Christmas Regards

Bryan - Perth - Western Australia

leslie said...

Oh come now Jess!! do you really believe the jolly old man in a red coat can't find you "running about" in a pink boat!!
Well young lady I have it on very good authority that he and his team have all the latest in technology for the job of finding those in hard to get to places, but I do hope he gets to you first before my place as he always helps himself to the contents of my fridge and more besides(the cheeky blighter!!) and without a care in the world!I think he must have joined a union as he is helping himself to more and more each year and the mess the reindeer leave is getting beyond a joke no "pooper scooper" no such laws in Lapland me thinks!!
We will all be thinking of you (as we do) Have a terrific day and take some comfort in the knowledge that some of us have to work!!
Take special care Jess and A Very Merry Christmas and enjoy your opening of your presents and your Christmas meals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike D said...

Merry Christmas Jessica Watson! ´<(:)}

And a very Merry Christmas to the whole Watson family and to Jessica's shore team and her sponsors.

Merry Christmas to all of Jessica's followers too.

And a Happy New Year to all!

Be Safe,

Mike & Kris D
Landlocked in Philadelphia. Pa, USA

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jessica.

Ron Rader
Council Bluffs, Iowa, USA

Angus. said...

Hey Jesse,
Merry Xmas, in the middle of nowhere. you might be out there but there are a lot of people thinking of you, and wishing you a great Xmas, so you definitely wont be alone. I see that a lot of the old usuals have sent you a message and I bet a lot of new ones.
I would love to see a photo of the cabin.
Say hello to your oldies, they will be wishing you more than ever over the next few days.
Well so long princess, keep chipping away at that mountain and have a great day tomorrow.
Fair winds and following seas

roger and Lou Dwyer said...

Hi Jesse, Have a wonderful Christmas Day Sweetheart , we will be thinking of you out there, Roger and Lou

Brooks Fam said...

Hi Jessica,
We have followed your journey from the beginning, and have sent your blog to many of my friends overseas too! Love all the photos, I am a keen photographer so thank you for sharing. My kids are fans, and you are giving them a different perspective on life - thank you! My admiration and respect for you has grown every day. You are truly an inspiration!
Enjoy your Christmas - I'd swap with you any day (except that I am a very nervous sailor!) – but very envious of the peace and quiet! You go girl, live your dream, so many people go through life never realising their dreams - congratulations for having the courage to go after yours.
MERRY CHRISTMAS and a safe and calm New Year - we will be there to welcome you home in 2010.
Don't forget to leave beer and cookies out for Santa!!!
the Brooks family

Kissyfrott said...

Middle of Nowhere... That should be a peaceful place.
Nemo (No one) should disturb your celebrations there!
Maybe Captain Nemo (20,000 Leagues under the sea) won't pop out of the water in his Nautilus to invite you for a special Christmas dinner aboard his submarine? If it were to happen: don't go! First, it would ruin your attempt; Second, what would Mum say about a supper for two with this Old boy?

The fog has an explanation: It is Neptune's beard, that he let flowing around you, because he is jealous of Santa and he hopes to prevent him to find you... He is a very old God, and has no idea that Rudolph has a GPS. Well, these old white-bearded men are all in love with you! (as all the other bearded or unbearded men, even not old).

Beware beards, submarines, whales and your imagination. Enjoy a nice meal and the most deserved pressies ever. Have a happy and peaceful Christmas, Jesse, with your cute crew around you,, and a hot phone line!

The Griffs of Hillarys Perth WA said...

Hey Jess

Have a wonderful Christmas Eve in the middle of nowhere. One to remember for ever.

Hope Santa finds you and your special cargo of toys.

Best Wishes

The Griffs of Hillarys Perth WA.

noelthebigboy said...

We all hope you have a very Merry Christmas out there. Don't forget to tell us what Santa brought you?
Ho Ho Ho.

Susan said...

The picture I have in my mind of you sailing along, as far as you can get from land, in a little pink boat decorated with Christmas baubles and tinsel makes me smile :)
And with the fog, you'll have a white Christmas!
There's lot of love coming your way from all corners of the world, so I know you'll be having a happy day with your crew... and we know the chef has something special planned... can't wait to hear about it!
Merry Christmas Jesse!

And... I have to say I 'see' all your mom has done, and your dad, with the preparations and thinking ahead and planning...even down to baubles and tinsel. Merry Christmas to them too, and to your whole support team.

Susan in Oregon

Here's a slightly altered Christmas carol for you:

Sailing through the waves,
So far from land and pave-ment
O'er the swells you go
Just where has all the time-went?

Baubles and tinsel's hung,
Making Pink Lady bright,
What fun it is to ride and sail
With Ella on the sea tonight
Jingle bells Wind fill your sails
Stay clipped on all the way(!)
Oh what fun, sailing along
Out here on Christmas day.

Gisela said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS Jesse! You have the best present ever this year, fulfilling your dream out there. It will be a Christmas you will always remember. I think of you every time I see the ocean and horizon. You are with us all this Christmas, in our thoughts. Glad you are getting into the spirit of things with the decorations, I'm sure Santa will find you. Wishing you a very safe and happy journey, Sydney Australia

Kissyfrott said...

Oh Georgia Guy, Oh Brumbyy...
Beautiful poems.
Mary (Maine) Clint Jeffrey,
always the right words.
What a pleasure to meet you in this heavenly bog.

Anonymous said...

Somewhat pointless as I will be lost among the many comments, but best wishes. You are doing fine girl.

Péter said...

Merry Christmas Jesse!
Boldog Karácsonyt Jessica!
Péter from Szeged, Hungary

Anonymous said...

merry christmas jess always look forward in reading your blogs me and my family thinking of you out there on your own have a good day. and happy sailing. marty. (vic).

Peter Stockwell said...

Have a great Christmas. One you'll never forget.
Best wishes from a snowy UK.

Peter and Robyn

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jessica. I follow along with your voyage every day. My very best wishes for a successful journey.

Graham, USA

Anonymous said...

Happy Christmas Jesse and we wish you all our love for 2010. MV Whittley Lass, Gladstone, Qld, Aust.

Sharkman said...

Merry Christmas from Philadelphia

Santa said...

Hi Jessica

It's Santa here, now don't you worry my dear child, Me and my reindeer team have magical powers, we will find you. You will be included in my Southern Ocean sector of deliveries. So fear not - You won't be missing out your present.


A very Merry Christmas to you from myself, my reindeer and elves team.

Santa, North Pole

Gary Carlson said...

Merry Christmas from Wyoming. We'll have a orange in your name on the table. Good Sailing :)

Gary and Barb Carlson

Sparkie said...

Merry Christmas Jessica! Keep on keeping on....

Anonymous said...

Merry christmas to you Jessica from Finland.
And have safe rest of trip around the world.


Oleg Kalenbet said...

Merry Christmas!!!

Crocks said...

Merry Christmas Jess,
Will have a drink for you today and are thinking of you.
Shaun. Sydney.

Bryan said...

Hello again "Jessicaptain"

Here we are 4 hours to go in Western Australia to midnite and the start of Christmas Day as we think of the peoples of the world especially the children just about to celebrate this festive season and like thousands of your admirers - we cast our thoughts to YOU and your amasing challenge for a person so young and what appears to be so well prepared. You have made - especially the older folk among us - so proud to be a part of your entorage, albeit passive.
You are an awesome lady and we ALL wish you and your adoring Parents and support team a very happy, and safe Christmas and New Year. Congratulations to all concerned as we blow favourable winds to keep your sails full with Gods speed to a successful conclusion.

Christmas Regards

Bryan - Perth - Western Australia

Anonymous said...

Merry Adventurous Christmas Jessica. Although you may be so far from land and the holiday festivities, you are never alone because all your fans and supporters are with you in spirit and that is what makes Christmas special.
Wishing you all the very best.
Arnie in Canada

Anonymous said...

happy christmas jessica I am trying once again to get my message published but so far no luck with any, I seem to be doing it right anyway with some christmas cheer you might see this one are going great good wishes and the best of luck from tasmania

captain said...

Hey Jess,

Have a rockin' xmas! Im heading to Balmain for Turkey but by saturday will be on my boat watching the start of the Hobart race.

U take care .....the world is thinking of u.

Capt'n kelly

Richard Lathrop said...

Hi Jesse! Count your blessings! The folks described below might have wished THEY were at Point Nemo!
Hope you, your support team, your family, and all my fellow bloggers can enjoy this piece and the spirit of the season.

Fair Winds,
Richard Lathrop


The sheets were frozen hard, and they cut the naked hand;
The decks were like a slide, where a seamen scarce could stand;
The wind was a nor'wester, blowing squally off the sea;
And cliffs and spouting breakers were the only things a-lee.

They heard the surf a-roaring before the break of day;
But 'twas only with the peep of light we saw how ill we lay.
We tumbled every hand on deck instanter, with a shout,
And we gave her the maintops'l, and stood by to go about.

All day we tacked and tacked between the South Head and the North;
All day we hauled the frozen sheets, and got no further forth;
All day as cold as charity, in bitter pain and dread,
For very life and nature we tacked from head to head.

We gave the South a wider berth, for there the tide-race roared;
But every tack we made we brought the North Head close aboard:
So's we saw the cliffs and houses, and the breakers running high,
And the coastguard in his garden, with his glass against his eye.

The frost was on the village roofs as white as ocean foam;
The good red fires were burning bright in every 'long-shore home;
The windows sparkled clear, and the chimneys volleyed out;
And I vow we sniffed the victuals as the vessel went about.

The bells upon the church were rung with a mighty jovial cheer;
For it's just that I should tell you how (of all days in the year)
This day of our adversity was blessed Christmas morn,
And the house above the coastguard's was the house where I was born.

O well I saw the pleasant room, the pleasant faces there,
My mother's silver spectacles, my father's silver hair;
And well I saw the firelight, like a flight of homely elves,
Go dancing round the china-plates that stand upon the shelves.

And well I knew the talk they had, the talk that was of me,
Of the shadow on the household and the son that went to sea;
And O the wicked fool I seemed, in every kind of way,
To be here and hauling frozen ropes on blessed Christmas Day.

They lit the high sea-light, and the dark began to fall.
"All hands to loose topgallant sails," I heard the captain call.
"By the Lord, she'll never stand it," our first mate Jackson, cried...."It's the one way or the other, Mr. Jackson," he replied.

She staggered to her bearings, but the sails were new and good,
And the ship smelt up to windward just as though she understood.
As the winter's day was ending, in the entry of the night,
We cleared the weary headland, and passed below the light.

And they heaved a mighty breath, every soul on board but me,
As they saw her nose again pointing handsome out to sea;
But all that I could think of, in the darkness and the cold,
Was just that I was leaving home and my folks were growing old.

By Robert Louis Stevenson (1850-94).

Zhenya said...

merry xmas, adventurous girl! have a nice Eve and get yourself a good dinner :)

Charley said...

HI Jesse,
Crissy deccies on Ella's Pink Lady and you.
Pessies from Mum and Gran and all.The best.
Boil the billy for that hot Choco makes you feel good
also always have a good brecky.
We all will visit you on Christmas Day !
Enjoy Christmas dinner and make us feel good
with you in the galley.
What a year 2010 will be next week.
P S All your piccys are good.
Trust for the best ahead, Charley

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,

Have a wonderful Xmas. Hope you get some blue skies and a bit of sunshine...

Will be thinking of you on our 36 degree day in Perth and very much looking forward to your video...

Best wishes also to your family and support team...

Stay Safe and keep up the incredible effort.

Kindest Regards, Martin, Canning Vale, W.A.

Sergio (Venezuela) said...

Jess, I have to say that I disagree...although I and everyone knows what you meant, you are not really in the middle of put it in some way: you are in the middle of your own Universe, right in the center of this encounter with your own self...farthest from everyone and anyone but, below the stars, closest than ever to your own me it is very significant that life has taken you to spend this time at such place as Point Nemo. This may sound to "mystical" to many but it's the way I think...The victorious Sun God will soon be reborn and show you out of this fog...after all, this is what solstice is all about.

I wish you the best of Christmases (can this be said?), and will be thinking of you tonight, together with my wife and kid...

A big hug from Sergio (Venezuela)



Anonymous said...

Merry Xmas Jesse.
This is one Xmas you'll never forget!
You are a bit further south than us at Cleveland Qld so Santa may take a bit longer to reach you.
Have a great day...

John M said...

Merry Christmas Eve...

Kevin Peterson Melbourne said...

Hi Jessica!
Wish you a joyous, and safe Xmas!
Guess you will be inundated with greetings for Xmas, calm seas and favourable winds - all the way!
Love your down to earth Bloggs
Kevin Peterson- Melbourne

SaltyDog said...

Maybe, physically you're in the middle of nowhere, but you'll be spending Christmas in the hearts of thousands. I would like to wisht the entire crew of the EPL a very Merry Christmas.

Big Ted, treat yourself to some holiday goodies, but don't stuff yourself. I think your waistline might be bulging a bit already.

Blue Bear, share your warm, fuzzy feeling with the Captain. She will appreciate a hug and cuddling up with you.

Carter, I have a hunch that the Captain will spoil you a little for Christmas, but you deserve it.

Chick-With-Attitude, entertain the rest of the crew and sing your beak off even if you don't know any Christmas songs.

Parker, I was going to ask you to make an inspirational holiday speech to the crew, but I'm afraid that you might get a little long winded.

And Jess, enjoy visiting with your wonderful family and know that there is a steady flow of love and holiday spirit being channeled to you from around the world. You have made this a special holiday season for all of us. Merry Christmas as well to Julie, Roger, Emily, Tom and Hannah. And best wishes to Bruce, Scott, Andrew, Bob, Don, Neil and everyone else who have assisted on the project. My appologies for any names of the sailing crew or shore crew that I got wrong or forgot. And may Santa deliver a pair of Jessica's "Happy Glasses" to everyone around the world.

Have fun, stay safe and happy sailing.

From Seattle, WA, USA

yarnek said...

It may be grey and misty out there but I'm sure your smile when you open your presents will light up "the middle of nowhere".
Happy Christmas Jesse.

MollyBee said...

Merry Christmas Jessie.

John said...

Merry Christmas Jesse! When Santa stops by here I will show him where you are on the map. But you know Santa, I think he already knows where you are.

John - from San Franciso, California

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica,
I haven't written before but I've got a link in my browser and each morning I go straight to it to see what's happening. I know Christmas Day isn't until tomorrow your time but I really want to say - have a good one and if you ever feel down just reflect on the joy you have given to so many of us "silent followers" through your substantial achievements even at this early stage of your journey.
John - Melbourne

Keryn said...

Hi Jessica, Merry Christmas. Hope you have a great day opening the presents from your family and friends and chatting on the sat phone. We will be thinking of you out there on the open sea. Take care.
I hope someone packed the christmas bon bons because a paper hat, joke and surprise toy is just what every Aussie needs for a perfect christmas day

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jess.

Best of luck for the coming months. You are an inspiration. Go get em!

Anonymous said...

Have a very Merry Christmas our young adventurer. Many are thinking of you.
John from Florida

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jess! The blessing of the Christ Child will find you no matter where you are. Be safe..Nancy from Monroe, Ga. USA

Unknown said...

Jessica My family joins me is wishing you a Merry Christmas from India. I am sure Santa will visit you and help you complete this brave endeavor you have undertaken. Good luck! Shailesh Sanzgiri -

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jessica! Don't worry about the Fog, Rudolph with his nose so bright will help Santa find you... even near Point Nemo. Just keep the chimney (Hatch) closed as Santa knows how to work around these things.

Wishing you all the best and God Speed!

Vaughn from Michigan (the Great Lake State)

Bobby from South Carolina said...

Merry Christmas Jessica - my entire family & friends all send you best wishes today... we will be saying a special Christmas prayer for you tonight @ our evening church service... safe sails!!

Bobby from South Carolina

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, always be prepared for the unexpected.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas, Jessica, from Oregon, USA.

O Almighty and merciful God, who has commissioned your angels to guide and protect us, may they be our companions from our setting out until our return. Clothe us with their invisible protection; keep from us all danger of collision, of fire, of explosion, of falling; and finally,having preserved us from all evil, and especially from sin, guide us to our heavenly home. Through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

--Roman Catholic Prayer for Travelers

Jo said...

Merry Christmas Jesse, have a wonderful day. Enjoy your Chrissy dinner and opening your presents, Santa will find you out there..... Can we please have a pic of the cabin looking all Christmassy? Thinking of you as always..... Take care 'til next time.

Brendon Andersen said...

MERRY CHRISTMAS JESS, I AM SURE SANTA WILL FIND YOU, he has just visited my lil one all tucked up in bed! Point Nemo, wow, your right u litterally couldnt get further away than where you are however i am sure your christmas will be all the more special because of the enormous pride that your carrying with you from everyone right around the world.

Enjoy the South Pacific as you make your way south to the Cape, and have a wonderful christmas, i really do understand how hard it is after spending Christmas 2007 in Iraq with the Australian Navy.
Our thoughts are with you.

Brendon Andersen

HAWKEYE said...


Jesse darl I sent an extra message on yesterdays blog in case you couldn't post today. However, there's no doubt about you, you have come to the fore again; and let me say once again that you are a very beautiful girl and have demonstrated as much over the past few weeks. Your inner beauty is sublime and your courage unquestionable.

Rest assured your are not in the middle of nowhere but rather in the middle of 'somewhere' and wherever that may be you are not alone. Last Christmas only a few people would have known who Jesse Watson was but believe me that's all changed and dramatically so. This Christmas you are in the hearts and minds of millions of people around the world. I think of you all the time out there and worry like hell but I trust your skills, judgment and good sense.

Merry Christmas precious one and whatever you do tomorrow make sure you keep the head in the present, think safety first and keep yourself tightly clipped on - check and re-check that clip now as you get closer to the big stuff.

Well darl I'm sure Skype will be burning hot tomorrow and I am also sure that your family, friends and support crew will see to it that your Christmas is memorable and full of joy.

Take care and God bless.


David said...

Jess, may you have a very Merry and safe Christmas. Keep the jacket And the harness on for all of us worriers.

David Indiana

gsimmons said...

Hi Jessica
Have a MERRY CHRISTMAS Jessica, the whole world wishes you good forture and best wishes.
Keep having fun and most of all keep safe.
Cheers George Simmons
Lots of love from Exmouth WA Australia

janel said...

I am thinking of you and hoping the joy of Christmas fills your heart AND that Santa finds you in this enormous world of ours. I am also thinking of your parents and know how proud they are of YOU, and that they are missing you too. I hope that knowing all of us are putting our arms of hope, strength and love around you, this Christmas Eve. You are loved and cared about!!

BavariaBlu said...


X X M M A SS !!
.X X MM MM A A S !!
..X M M M A A SS !!
X X M M A A SS !!

... dear Jessica, craziest freak of the seven seas. Love, peace and happiness out into foggy nowhere. We'll be thinking of you and EPL singing about "Silent Nights" tonight.

Libby O said...

Merry Christmas from Arizona, USA! Safe sailing for you in the New Year.

Joseph said...

Enjoy your Christmas at sea and all the best in the New Year with your incredible efforts in sailing around the world. Keep on Keepin on girl!!
All the best from Switzerland.

Anonymous said...

Merry Christmas Jessica!

Sahaja Sam said...

Happy Christmas you brave and wonderful woman.

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