It hasn't been the most amazing out here today, overcast, squally and the sea has been a bit of a mess, it must be a lot like the inside of a washing machine! Bob predicted that the swell would become a little uncomfortable with an east going current clashing with the south easterly wind and believe me, he was right! I have to admit my mood was reflecting the grey sky for a while this afternoon so I had to give myself a good talking to, it didn't take much and I'm right back to feeling 100% positive again. No point in wasting a single minute of my time out here feeling miserable! I really don't have anything to complain about because even though the sun hasn't been shining we've made great (and slightly bouncy!) progress south. Oh and even when things were looking a little blue I still couldn't think of anything I'd rather be doing. I'm sure that there's not many people who can say that, so I'm a pretty lucky girl!
It's still such a long way off but I've already started counting down the miles to Cape Horn (5450 nm to go!) it gives me something to stay focused on. Can't wait to see Albatross again and to see what those huge southern ocean swells are really like!
Sounds like there is already Christmas decorations going up on land so there's another thing to look forward to!
Should be plenty more fast sailing over the next few days and plenty of lovely sea room, apart from when we pass quite close to a little island called Starbuck Island. If I wasn't doing this unassisted, I'd put in a stop for coffee!
Time to go find out something for dinner again, I'm thinking something along the lines of Spaghetti Bolognese and then maybe having a good dig in the goodies locker to see what I can find.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
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«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 284 of 284Hi Jess
Congratulations on your yummy catch!
I hope you are enjoying your journey, you get to see some of the most amazing things i bet.
Have fun!!!!
Love your attitude Jess. Stay strong. Mind over matter :) Love the imagery of the sea being like a washing machine - but can imagine it was a little rough! Hope you remembered to close your ... err, windows! Can't remember what you call them ;-)
And love the Starbucks line.
Stay safe in those rough seas and hope you enjoyed your dinner.
Hello Jess
Its Keith here in Melbourne.
I have never posted before to anybody or for anything, but here I am posting to you.
Before you bumped into that ship, or vice versa, I had already taken a keen interest in what you are doing. Its absolutely fantastic, something I would like in principle to do but know I never will. You are fulfilling your dreams and aspirations, and you have inspired many - and will continue to do so. After the ship bumping incident, all the doubters who came out just made me wish, from a deeper place, that you succeed. Not to prove them wrong, but to help inspire them as well. Whether or not you are able to complete your physical journey fully, I am sure your own mental journey will take you to a place where few have been. When you find that place, never lose it.
There are an amazing number of people following you......until next time, stay strong, be happy, and I am just a tad jealous. And little else does that to me.
Good luck from Keith
Hey jesse,
Hi are you having fun out there,
my grade and 4\5c read your blog every day.And we injoy what you put up, have fun for the rest of the days around the world injoy your trip.
From Maka!!
Starbuck Island?
I love Starbucks coffee, the espresso one! You know I am from Italy and we have great coffee here!
Cheers from Italy,
This is for Caves Beach Andrew,
a bit patronizing,
'you are a girl and a girl just doesn't survive without moods - especially bad ones.'
What statement is that?????? Sweeping, all encompassing remarks like that are not a good idea!
You offend me, as a 62 year young girl!!!!!!!!!
Jessica wasn't talking about repeated downers, it was a fleeting moment of feeling blue.
She could be excused for feeling like that in Neptune's washing machine!
I hope you realize, you are preaching to the choir!
Jessica is not learning a great attitude, she is living it!
A vast difference!
She is not trying or hoping to make this journey, she is doing it!!!!!!
Had she not already the strong foundation of focus, drive, will, balance, clarity, believe in her ability, she would not even be near Starbuck Island at this moment!
She'd be at home watching television and often boring herself silly, as many other teenagers do and definitely we would not have the fabulous opportunity to witness an historic event!
In my opinion, she is already a heroine for having gotten that far!
So give the woman a break and don't bounce your believes off of her!
Trudy, Austria, now in Mackay
hi jess
nice going girl you are doing great ... keep that smile on your dial and believe in yourself cause we all do...
ON the wide sea of sleep
I launch my gliding boat:
Over the rhythmic Deep
On flowing tides I float.
The curving shore around
Fades in the pale starlight--
A slumbering, sleepy sound
Goes drifting through the night.
It is the music of dreams
Along the horizon blown,
It stirs the glimmering streams
Where the pale stars lie strown.
The stars shine in the Deep,
Reflected from afar;
My eyes tremble with sleep,
Reflecting sea and star.
My eyes look up at me
Out of the mirrored eyes,
And in their depths I see
Mirrored the stars and skies.
My boat whirls with the stream;
I feel a dizzy sound
Around me, like a dream.
Where may I moor my bark?
How may I lift my head?
What is that silence? Hark--
The sound of dreams is fled!
The breath of slumber lies,
Like perfume, on the Deep:
Night with a thousand eyes
Stares at herself in sleep.
thinking of you always.....
Bradd(kiwi in perth)
spag bol is an all-time great comfort food, jessica, good choice!
donna in perth
what you are undertaking, is nothing short of extraordinary...everythings the same back here, don't be fooled, youre not missing anything. Stay focused, discomfort is temporary..regret is forever.
this is the stuff of legends.
Gav. Gold Coast.
Happy thanksgiving Jessica. Are you cooking anything special? Next thanksgiving you will be with family reflecting on this one. May God's peace be with you today and always. duane
Hi Jess,
1st of all, what an amazing job you are doing! I wish I had both your courage and your opportunities!
Just a heads up, Maritime New Zealand is reporting (via the BBC at: that over 100 large icebergs are headed north to N.Z. at the present time. Hopefully your route takes you well clear of their predicted path.
Keep on truckin'!
Spagette below-the-knees is a good scoff under sail. Pasta is one of our faves. We cooked up heaps tonight for our departure this weekend from Coffs Harbour to Perth.
Give the Clippers a wave if you pass them by eh?
Not sure if you will pass them but thought I'd mention it.
A big congrats to your shore crew...sounds like they are worth every penny!
Oh...we really liked the fish pic so please toss a line and pinch another for the cameo spot!
Coffs, NSW, Aussie
Hi, loving your updates! Have a route question - are you, and do you need to, cross the antipode of your starting point to qualify for the record - I have some recollection of Jesse Martin heading way up North somewhere to do this.
Hope you get some more fish!
That's the ticket Jesse,
"when the going gets tough, the tough get going" they say.
Mother nature is testing you and you're responding to that challenge in a positive way
You are one tough cookie who never fails to impress.
Keep up the good work and stay positive.
Ben (Qld)
Good on you Jess,
You're spot on ! If you are by yourself and feeling down, the best way is to talk yourself out of it. Literally listening to your own voice saying something different to what you are feeling is weirdly therapeutic !
It certainly works for me, especially when I fly and encounter unexpected chop in the air or a strong crosswind when I land.....I read my checklists out loud and this keeps my mind calm and in order.
You are mature far beyond your years, young lady.
Stay safe and look after yourself.
Hiya Jesse, you're trackin' along really well. I hope you're having the time of your life out there, you lucky,lucky girl.
I for one would love to know or read a bit more about EPL's performance in various conditions. When Parker's at the helm he's very good at sailing the course you set for him. However, when you take the helm I can just imagine you trying to pinch as much as you can every chance you get if you're still beating into sou'easterlies. Or are you tacking through them Jesse? Or perhaps you're happy to be steering due south until the wind swings round further. How high can EPL point into the wind? Does she do better uphill or down.
Ok enough with the questions. I just hope you get to actually read this. If not perhaps another out there can shed some light.
Keep on keepin' on Jesse. You are one hell of a teenager. Keep safe.
try and find some lollies they make me more than 100%
i forgot to say this yesterday but
jess is cute
To Trudy,Austria, re comments from caves beach andrew.... well said Trudy, had the same feelings and thoughts when I read his comments. Jessica doesn't need that sort of stuff!!
Every time I read your posts I can smell the ocean. It's ridiculous. We're Kiwi's in Cleveland, Ohio and gosh I miss that smell....... I tell my husband that's one of the many reasons I could never settle inland. 21 more days until we fly home for Christmas though!!! I was beginning to feel sorry for myself, working Thanksgiving, while everyone else has a holiday with their family around. Your post helps put things in perspective.
Hi Jess, you have an amazing outlook! Keep it up! You are very very brave! We are praying for you!
Chicago, Il USA
We can all use some good luck at times Jess, and I am happy to give you some of mine for your South American leg.
Referring to your washing - Here's a tip worth trying, at least with a rag to start off with. Secure the article to a heaving line (rope) and trail it in EPL's wake for a spell. The time dragged is dependant on your boat speed through the water, a little practicing will soon tell you. No soap necessary. I heard of a sailor who forgot to retrieve his clothes so left them in the 'wash' overnight, the next morning he only had shreds attached to his line.
Sunny side up - Cheers from an old tar from the other side of Woodford Queensland.
Happy American Thanksgiving! I'm thankful for you and what you are doing, for all of us. You're in our prayers. Blessings and fair winds Jessica Watson.
Missouri, USA
If you were still in Northern waters You'd be smelling Turkey and Stuffing and pumpkin pies for sure..along with the coffee! Wish we could send you some of our Thanksgiving Dinner! Be Blessed though Jessie as you steer toward the Horn. I looked over the charts yesterday evening..Take an easy ride..
Gary & Jan
From the Texas Gulf Coast, I'd like to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving, Jess.
Hi Jess, it's nice to read your blog.You're not only a good sailor but also a good writer!
Have a nice time!
Best whishes from Holland.
This is my first post to your blog but I read it every day.
As others have said today(your yesterday) is Thanksgiving in the USA. You have much to be thank full for. Thank you for sharing your journey with us.
Others may have commented on this before but you should be able to publish your book about 2 weeks after you get home! Copy and paste the blog, add a few edits and pictures and send off to the publisher! Your a great writer with a fun sense of humor.
Our prayers and best wishes.
WOW!U travled a loooooooong way! I hope the ocean is going easy on u.Best wishes,Natalie.
Happy Thanksgiving from Seattle, WA USA. I'll be putting Christmas decorations up tomorrow - I always hold out until after Thanksgiving Day here. I'm grateful for your blog, which I always enjoy reading everyday. Keep up the amazing work and God speed!
Seattle, WA
Forget about Starbuck Island. That American mob is broke, you won't get a coffee served there.
Did you mention Christmas decos are going up on land ? THEY ARE UP, it's all in full swing, 4 weeks too early, if you ask me...
If you think, you are in a washing machine, remember your stove has a 180deg. swivel. Hope you don't have to use it to that extent.
I know you're not American, but HAPPY THANKSGIVING from the United States!!
- TJ
Julie (Mum),
Keep rolling out that barbed wire in the landing area in Sydney. It will be messy when the virtual fans will rock up in reality to touch "Saint Jessica..."
4 weeks from now we will witness Jess tiptoeing her way to the "Goodies Locker" on Christmas Day morning, grabbing a beautifully wrapped parcel, opening it with excitement... staring at the content in disbelieve... and yelling out (louder than her stereo):"ALBATROSS, COME AND GET YOUR A L B A T R O S S..." (in a Monty Python's Flying Circus Fashion, of course...)
your positivity is an absolute inspiration.. for such a young person your maturity is astounding. What an inspiration you must be to so many people, your siblings and possibly even your parents! You definately are to me :)
Aye, Jess, a bit more to the East. Wrong current and you might hit NZ...
Dear Jessica,
Do you think Santa's reindeers will be able to paddle through the water to find your boat and leave you presents in your stockings?
Dulcie Sayers (age 4)
Hi Jess Keep sailing .one month to Christmas.Out there with no Chimney Santa will come down your mast.
You might be alone out ther for Christmas but 20 million Aussies will be thinking of you .at least they should be I know I will.I'll set a place for you at my table.
May your skies be clear and your winds fair .
Ian G
Good morning Jesse
Another Friday here bad storm in Dubbo last night trees down wind etc Empire of the Sun won the ARIA's last night. Does your music collection have their CD? They have their dream come true and you are creating yours. Houses here are getting ready to light up for Christmas one has already switched on. more later the she/he client says g'day
Dusty from Dubbo
Anything that we have to learn to do we learn by the actual
doing of it... We become just by doing just acts, temperate
by doing temperate ones, brave by doing brave ones."
-- Aristotle
Hi Jess, Your journey is touching so many people in so many different ways. My 77yr old Dad is in hospital with a brain tumor and every day I print out your blog to read to him. It is one of his favourite things and he loves to hear of your adventures. He often says your courage and spirit is what being human is about. He sends his best wishes :)
Hello Jessica:
What a privilege it is to be able follow you via your frequent blogs and pictures! Many thanks.
Two questions: 1) Are you sending daily meteorological reports to Bob McDavitt, such as wind velocity & direction, air & water temperatures, and barometric pressure?
2) How often do you plan to start up the diesel just to make sure that it is operating well, get some oil up on the cylinders, etc? Or might that nibble away at your fuel reserves against the time when they are really needed? (Recognizing that you still have many months at sea ahead of you.)
by the Big Cold lake
Congratulations to you (+ support team) for conquering the first leg (shake down) of your journey.
Passing the International Date Line, Equator crossing into the northern hemisphere, passing by Kiritimati Island (Line Is.), then heading southbound back into the southern hemispere a second time.
I am sure Neptune appreciated your melted chocolates. In return he will give you extended sunny days, bluer oceans, more favorable winds, less currents with more ocean space.
Don't blare the music to loudly, you might give Neptune a headache.
Keep yourself occupied, even if it is just little tasks to keep your mind sharp and alert on the EPL.
Keep up the outstanding blog reporting throughout your sailing adventures.
Tampa, Florida
Keep on at it Jess, I'm having such an amazing time imagining what you're experiencing. Oh, and it's OK to have down days but I love how you pull yourself out of them. Mark, Plymouth, UK
hi jess,
my class have been going on your blog ever day my techer an my class mates think that you can mack it also we love your videos we can't what for a another one
from jordan'wa'austrila
Jess you're an inspiration! Keep up the great work, and I wish I was there. And Happy Thanksgiving to you as we celebrate in the USA!
I know it must be hard for you out there, all alone in a confined space with the constant vigilance required and the anxiety ever present. You have taken on an extraordinary challenge that most of the other six billion people on this planet would be unwilling, or incapable, of doing.
But you are not alone. Your family is amazingly supportive and there are 1000s of total strangers, like me, who think of you constantly and are willing you on.
I have taken on some challenges, like walking across the Himalaya alone, and experienced a similar solitude to what you are experiencing now. My moods and emotions went up and down like a rollercoaster; but through it all I could always think about those that loved and supported me. I learnt to understand what that statement "you are not alone" means.
You really are not alone.
11-26-09 @19:45
Hi Jessica,
Hey, I was just sitting here at my computer, looking at this and that, checking on Abby and Laura. Abby’s boat is on the way from Ft. Lauderdale, FL. And should arrive sometime in the first week of Dec. at Ensenada, Calif. She’s going to cruise up to Marina del Ray by herself to get further acquainted with “Wild Eyes”. Right now, Abby and her Mum (plus a few more) are going through the preparations for the voyage. Just like you and your Mum did not to long ago. They’re all getting excited. As for Laura, it seems like the courts still have her on “hold”, but she to is anxious to get started.
I just read that West Virginia is expecting some snow for this weekend, about 7 to 8 inches in the eastern counties above 3000’, I don’t think I’ll see any of it since I’m further west and at about 2500’.
Just a little chit/chat.
Have you done anymore fishing, you should be ready for another helping of Fish & Chips.
I hope everything is under control and that you are having a good time.
Take good care of yourself and Ella, and don’t forget to wear your tether. LOL….. I’m just teasing, but wear in anyhow.
Always thinking of you. How’s the thumb?
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full. I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (74) from Kingwood, WV
G'day Jesse,
This url is the method I use for filleting rainbow trout. Works on salt water fish as well. Note that this guy is left handed and is using a mesh glove on his right hand to prevent cutting himself. It is not necessary to gut the fish as all that remains after you fillet, is the backbone and rib cage and the guts. All that is discarded. Just be careful with the knife and always push away from yourself.
This may be of some help some time. Smooth sailing and hopefully the Southern Ocean will be kind to you. Cheers.. Russ/Byron Bay/ Calgary
Hey Jess,
Great to know that you listen to yourself and can take good advice! Makes me think that I should be doing the same!!!
It's encouraging to know that you are able to focus on the journey ahead and not dwell on the moment, a lesson to us all.
Must admit that I'm a bit apprehensive about the southern oceans, not being a sea going person I don't really know anything except the impressions are that they can be very rough, guess you have a little while to go before you are right into that area.
As you have guessed, Christmas build up is in full swing now, lights and all! Hope you have some fairy lights to string up and a santa bag hung over your.... what?? Don't reckon you'd have a mantle piece onboard!
Jess, keep sailing - keep safe!
God bless.
Sunny Coast Qld
"Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness,heart, talent, guts. That's what little girls are made of; the heck with sugar and spice."
-Bethany Hamilton, world-class surfer
Thanks Jesse!
Hi Jess
Just wondering it looks like you are coming back on your route. Was this the plan?
Stay safe!
San Diego, CA
I would like to second the suggestion put by another blogger that if Jess is too busy to put up a blog, or doesn't feel to or is taking some time to chill out, it would be great if her support team could leave a message just explaining Jess is quite okay and all is well on ELP. It would put many of our minds at rest.
Hi Jesse,
Well done on the catch the other day - nice one! It's hot and humid all along the east coast back here so you're no alone in that!
Christmas Tree goes up in Sydney's martin Place this weekend and all the ads for christmas have started on TV. I'm hoping you brough decorations for the boat!
Take it easy :)
Tarnee J
Gday jess,
My name is Sam and I have been watching and reading all your blogs and videos. Im glad that you finally caught a fish. i would like to know if that is your first ever fish or have you caught one before. i hope you have a MERRY CHRISTMAS p.s good luck I hope you make it. p.s good luck making it to the end
Dear Jess,
Hello my name is Danni, and me and my class have been reading your blogs, we love to read your blogs and looking at the photo's and video's.I like to read the parts in your blogs when you tell us about how you cook everyday, I find it interesting how you can cook on a rocky boat and in a small area. I also like when you tell us about your sleeping patterns because I know I wouldn't be able to keep waking up 20-40 mintures in the night like that. I would also like to say good luck for your trip.
From Danni
hey jess,
Im Georgia Pearson and im 12 years old and im in year 6 and in class ever since you left we have been reading your blogs. We have read just about all of them.
When you announced that you were gong aournd the wold solo i was saying "that would be silly" but I think you can prove me wrong now and show me that you can sail around the world solo.
my questions.
how much sleep do you nomaly get?
what did your cupcakes taste like?
how much wild life have you seen?
how much do you miss your family and friends?
i hope to read some more of your blogs and it all goes well.
from Georgia Pearson
Dear Jess,
My name is lachie and i live in Echuca Moama. My class reads your blogs nearly everydaymy favourite part of them is your pictures.
I also have a couple of questions for you. My first one is is the time changing constantly? and have you ever thought about pirates taking over your boat?
I dont think pirates will take over your boat so dont get stressed about it. But good luck with the rest of yout trip and I hope the weather is good for you.
hi Jess,
my name is Gracie I am in year six I go to Moama Anglican Grammar school.I just want to say that I think it's great that you are sailing around the world solo.I have read your blog and I am inrterested in chocolate, I was just wondering how long have you been sailing for?.
I hope you are having fun out at sea. I like your bird silly, has he been to see you lately?. i hear that you like camping, I do as well.if I were you i would love the sound of the ocean but I would get a bit freaked out by all the other big boats going past.
I hope you are having a great christmas when it comes of course and a happy new year
this is my christmas to you.
hope you have fun for the rest of your journey.
Gracie:) :) :)
Dear Jess
hi my name is Gabby i go to Moama Grammar in Moama i'm in year 6g and my teacher is Miss Gass.
I'm glad that you caught a fish.My teacher Miss Gass put's up your blog everyday and we read it. I hope you have fun in ella's pink lady i think that ella's pink lady is pretty. I was happy that you got a bird friend,'silly'.
Got to go,bye
from gabby
p.s have a merry christmas and a happy new year
Dear Jess,
Hi, my name is Chelsea. Wow, I can't belive you're doing this, it's really good. You are doing really well. So, are you missing home? I sure would be! I'm 11 and I live in Moama, N.S.W., our class have been reading all your blogs, and I get really interested in them.I loved your stories about tring to catch fish, and also about silly the bird. You live in Queensland, don't you? My family drove there last year, I'm not sure where the Sunshine Coast is though. Do you know, it's almost Christmas, so have your presents been packed? How do you like the food on the boat, is it yummy? Other than your yummy looking cupcakes, of course! What do you eat? Is it hard to cook on the boat? I love cooking, it's really fun! I've just recently made some biscuits, but they had like 500 grams of butter in them, but it did make 30 biscuits. So, thats it from me for now, but I'm going to keep reading your blogs every day!
Bye, from Chelsea.
hi, i'm Lucy, i'm 12 years old and i live in Echuca, Victoria.
my class has been reading your blog and i am finding the stuff i didn't know about boats very interesting.
i have a few questions though; what has been the best part of your journey so far, what has been the hardest thing to leave at home and do you have heating and air conditioning on Ella's pink lady?
hope the rest of your journey goes well, from Lucy.
p.s. congratulations on crossing the line and catching a fish!
Hi Jessica,
Have been following your preparations and journey since early this year and am increasingly impressed with how you are progressing and appear to be growing and maturing throughout this huge and life enriching experience. Your blogs / writing style are great!
Have been wondering about your route to Cape Horn?
I flew recently from Brisbane to Perth and was totally amazed to see that the flight path took us from Bris and south south west and to east and south of Adelaide, before flying over the Great Australian Bite then North West back over land into Perth. I gather this must the the shortest way to fly between those cities, as measured by the "Great Circle" route. With this in mind I imagining that you are going to sail a very very long way south before you start to head west much. And maybe the shortest way ( and the coldest) might be to even sail further south than the latitude of Cape Horn. I am really looking forward to seeing your path and seeing how your route goes.
You are doing brilliantly Jess
Hi Jess
hi my name is Finn Galvin and I love what you're trying to achieve. Whats it like siting out in the middle of the ocean under the sunset, or working all the time until your energy that you put into help the boat finally pays off?
I have really enjoyed your blogs and I hope you have an exciting naxt few weeks.
From The Galvin Family!
Echuca 3564
Keep the faith Jesse, I guess living by the shore and being in the ocean itself it kind of the same as it is here much of the time..we can get some pretty long gray days making our mood a little gloomy...but when the sun shines it makes everything alright again..and it enlightens me to hear that you talked yourself into a sunny mood..your are just fantastic. Have a lovely dinner because it sounds yummy.
Jersey Shore Mom, USA
hi jess
i'am 12 years old and i like to go out to the river. i have been reading your blog at school with the rest of my class
ha that was a good fish but too bad you lost the first one, cool cup cakes
...hang in there, jess!!!! all your sailing experience is about to be tested and put to use. we all know you will do yourself proud! keep smiling, beautiful!!!!!
castro valley, ca, usa
Happy Thanksgiving from San Diego, CA! What a courageous young woman you are.
Debi McSwain
Hi Jessica, just wondering how many days it will take you to get to cape Horn, will that be before Christmas? Don't have too many goodies, you might run out of them at your rate!! Best wishes Alex and little pain Michael.
Hi Jess
good to see people are writting good comments.
the ocean is a beautiful place, but i wouldn't want to be on it for more than a year.
it would be a fantastic journey, but i would only do it with friends and a lot gadgets, plus a stop on land now and again.
my Dad drove a boat from Perth to Carnarvon a couple of times, and i would love to do that one day, plus going around the coast from Carnarvon to Darwin would be exciting for me, i've always dreamed about doing this, but i probably won't be doing it, because of the cost, maybe when i'm really old.
i love the ocean, but only if i could see land.
keep up the good work, stay safe, think safe
hope your Albatross flys back for a visit
James :)
Jess, It's difficult for us to imagine your day to day trials, tucked behind the warm glow of our computer screens. We cannot truly appreciate the simple joys or constant little annoyances that occur daily for you. I admire how you trim your mind as you trim your sails when the days are long and gloomy. It is tempering your will, and keeping you focused for tasks ahead. Best of all, your sense of humor (Starbuck), makes a landlubber like me smile, and laugh out loud!
Pipefish, California USA
what a fantastic effort. Good luck. wow , at 16 I never even thought of sailing around the world let alone sailing a little dinghy around my creek.
Keep up the good work.
Hey Jess,
I am from India. I heard in the news about your trip. Pretty much impress about ur courage in such a early age. I just want to wish u all the very best.
Simply wonderful Jessica!
Just one more voice in the chorus here. Following and listening, and amazed and happy for your great adventure with yourself and the sailing sea. They call it Thanksgiving day here in California, in the United States a holiday - but any day I give thanks for a world that includes someone like you doing and being who you want to be. I am happy for you. Good sailing!
Neil Reid
Flying cloud
Yes. You. Like
a clipper in the mists
her masts raked
ready for the gale.
They wonder why
I love the sea.
One glance as mine,
they’d understand.
Just as I follow
fallow wind.
Your journey has captured my attention. I read your blogs and follow your progress daily. When I do not see your updates I become concerned. Your safety and well being are my primary concerns the actual nm traveled only secondary.
Your journey is already an incredible success and inspiration to many. Each day is another success story added to the previous ones. Concentrate, protect yourself and enjoy your journey.
Hi Jessica
Well done so far! It is good to stay focused and it seems you are looking forward to those huge swells. I am from the PNG highlands and not very good when the boat rolls, but those huge waves...! Please post a photo of those huge swells when you get there.
May the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Holy One of Israel go before you and be your rear guard always!
Hi Jessica enjoy reading your blogs ,keep them coming ,have a great voage and safe trip home from Peter Perth West Australia
Keep up the good work Jess. Yes there will be challenges as you know. Those challenges will be the things you reflect on the most and how you conquered them.
I'm actually in the process of planning a Sth & Central America trip at the moment. Not sailing unfortunately (you would have to teach me :D ) but another of my adventures all the same.
Keep happy, keep achieving and inspiring us all. Most of all, keep enjoying each day for the moment. :-)
“We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm and adventure. There is no end to the adventures we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open.” – Jawaharial Nehru
You must be flying, it looks like you are nearly level with Malden Island. Keep up the good work girl and smooth sailing.
Cam & Annie "H"
Hey jess!! you are doing so well and congratulations on your crossing of the equator(twice)I might add!
Now with Christmas fast approaching you won't have to put up with the shopping crowds!But I think you will be rather busy around that time.You would have gone around the cape would you not or sometime after,either way what a milestone in such a young life.
Congratulations on catching your first fish too ( I am a bit behind in the blogs so I have heaps too catch up on!)
you are certainly proving you have the mental fortitude for such a journey Jess you will definitely need all of that for Cape Horn and beyond but like many others I believe in your ability!!
todays quote
"Whatever women do they must do twice as well as men to be thought half as good. Luckily, this is not difficult.
I have often been asked, ''Do not people bore you?'' I do not understand quite what that means. I suppose the calls of the stupid and curious, especially of newspaper reporters, are always inopportune. I also dislike people who try to talk down to my understanding. They are like people who when walking with you try to shorten their steps to suit yours; the hypocrisy in both cases is equally exasperating".
Helen Keller 1880-1968, American Blind/Deaf Author, Lecturer, Amorist
hey Jess!!a really good quote about ones ability that I found at home in one of my many books
"He is the best sailor who can steer within fewest points of the wind, and exact a motive power out of the greatest obstacles.
Henry David Thoreau 1817-1862, American Essayist, Poet, Naturalist
Hi Jessica. I've just read your site and wanted to wish you a safe journey and tell how gutsy I think you are.
I live in Hervey Bay, however know nothing of sailing but we love sitting with a coldie at the Bayswater pub and watching the action out on the water on nice day. Will now think of you out there next time we do that.
Best of luck. Marcia (Hervey Bay)
First and foremost,You are a brave girl to take on your adventure.I sincerely hope all the rigging,rudder,sails,hold up for ya.Not hardly a "unassisted" attempt. The next time you throw trash in the ocean put the sat phone and computer in with it. Being in international waters I assume this is where the trash is going? Maybe its just me but i have trouble with a "round the world unassisted attempt" when you have all the advice and mommy at the touch of a button. Eight months at sea is not about the boat and it holding up as much as your emotional state.Sorry for the negative post but i think it needs to be put into the right prospective here. Be safe and I hope ya don't run out of batteries.
In Tuesday's post, it was nice to hear you say "if you don't hear from me, I'm just too busy sailing and having fun!" I hope you can continue saying every day is fun, until the finish line.
As a fellow adventurer, mountain climber, I highly admire this herculean task you are attempting. If I was in your shoes, I think what I would miss most would be fresh food, so it was exciting to see your first fish catch on Monday.
I agree with Toni McLean "Starbucks coffee isn't that good so stay well clear!". Try some kombucha when back in Australia. It's much better.
Kombucha a craze, to say the yeast,
Soft Drink for the 21st Century,
The Elixer of Long Life,
Thanks for trying to attempt the "impossible". Your blog is the only one I've ever assiduously followed.
Fred Beavon
Edmonds, WA
YOOOO Congratz ur really brave ;)
Hey Jessica,
I've been catching up on your blog. I'm going to try and write a response to each one, and become a regular on here. I'm a big supporter of what you're doing. I think it's great. Being out there in the tropics in a comfortable boat sounds so cool. Enjoy your fruit and movies. Till next time.
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