Friday, November 27, 2009

Flying Along and Mangos

Heeled over, under full sail and throwing water everywhere Ella's Pink Lady has been flying along today. It can't just be me that's busting to get south! The wind has come round to the east a little more, meaning that we've been able to ease off the wind a little, making life a little more comfortable and reach along directly south.

While giving the galley a reorganize today I was pretty thrilled to come across a stash of tinned mangoes! I've been hearing all about how lovely the mangoes are back home at the moment, so finding I had my own supply on board was a lot like Christmas! Sure they are not quite the same as fresh but they're not bad either. I have a feeling that this just isn't something that I'm going to be able to ration! Oh and I think I can safely say that tinned mangoes are every bit as messy to eat, as the fresh ones or maybe that's just me?

Nothing too much else to report out here today so I thought I'd explain a little more about the plan for the next leg to the cape. The distance (5450nm) that I gave yesterday as the distance to Cape Horn is the distance in a straight line but weirdly we're actually going to be sailing a slightly shorter route, I know it sounds really strange but it's all to do with something called the great circle route and the curvature of the earth. I'm probably not the best person to explain it but as an example, if I were to plot out our course directly to South America taking in to account the earth's curvature the fastest way to get there would actually be to sail in an arc to the south. Our great circle route or the fastest way to get to the cape is to sail south and then gently arc over to the east (5130nm). So if we can keep up an average speed of 5 knots, eta (estimated time of arrival) at Cape Horn should be around the first week of January, but who knows there's every chance that we might pick up a little speed down south and get there bit earlier?

That would all be easy enough but then there's all these annoying islands and reefs in the way! And to add to the fun, it's not like the wind ever just lets us go where we want to.

I'm going to finish up by apologizing to all the people my explanation maybe just completely confused!

That's me for the night, Parker's wondering off course a little as the wind is dropping off slightly so I better go set us back on course, then I'm faced with a bit of a tough decision, do I or do I not open another can of mango?


P.S Thanks for all the Happy Thanksgiving's from America!


1 – 200 of 213   Newer›   Newest»
Unknown said...

Keep going Jessica. My Family know that You can do it. Wogy from Latrobe Valley, Victoria, Australia

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse -
I say yes! to more mango. Go for it!
Meanwhile I'll be reading up on the great circle, sounds interesting.

You are amazing Jesse!


Tim09 said...

Thanks for the update Jess. You explained it quite well
Tim and Rosie

Anonymous said...

sometimes you eat so gourmet it blows me away!! enjoy those mangoes!! might go and buy some for myself tomorrow... enjoy journey south, sounds like you have it all well and truly under control (as always!!)
keep your spirits up, we are all with you,
happy and safe travels,
mel of yenda

Tim09 said...

Oh Forgot to ask,
Did you have a coffee at Starbucks?
or where they closed :-)
Tim and Rosie

Unknown said...

Oh mangoes! Don't you just love 'em. They're in the shops here in Brisbane but they're far too expensive for me to buy. I remember them on the farm when I was just a kid and I remember the generous farmers when I was a deputy principal of a high school in Proserpine urging us to help ourselves before the flying foxes got to them.

I used to teach great circle geometry. You are experiencing it. Your lessons will be much more enjoyable than learning from a textbook.

It's lovely tonight in Brisbane. We have hot days and then a lovely cool breeze at night.

Thinking of you always!

Ian from Brisbane

Anonymous said...

Great to hear of your tremendous progress South, I see in my atlas a myriad of islands to sail through, particularly the French Polynesia, if you are down at Cape Horn around first week of January that is truly amazing progress!!! plenty of long sunlight hours down there too at that time of year! How cool!!!

Following your inspirational ocean journey is FAR more interesting than listening to bickering Australian politicians on the radio news today.

Keep up the fantastic sailing you're doing,wishing you safe seas and fair winds.

Perth Australia

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse,
You kind of confused me, but Dad reassured me and I understand now.
Jan-Feb is a good time to round the Cape, there is islands and wind but what about ice bergs ???
Be Safe
Saraya :-)

Babs said...

First time I have read a blog with no I am not fooled there will be plenty before me!Great going Jessica, this is my first try at communicating with you although I have read your blogs every day. I love waking then heading straight to the computer for the latest. It is fascinating to think you are out there in the big deep ocean and we are able to keep track of your journey. You are amazing and I am sure you must pinch yourself to remind yourself this is real. Good on you take care and look forward to reading more news of your journey............Babs

Georgia Guy said...

Hi Jessica,

WOW . . . Cape Horn the first week of January !

What better way to ring in the new year than "rounding the Horn". I've wondered do the rules state you must round the horn or does transiting the Strait of Magellan count just the same?

I thoroughly enjoyed your explanation of the great circle principal in navigation. You are doing the same thing aircraft do in going from point A to point B when flying long distances.

Here is an idea you might consider. Since you have your computer and some idle time, would it be possible to pre-write blogs on certain specific subjects such as; navigation, food preparation, cooking, housekeeping, maintenance, communication with your team, etc, etc. and save as files. Update these sections from time to time as thoughts and ideas come to you and then have them to upload?

JW watcher's are very interested in all of these things. And they would be handy to have when you don't feel like writing from scratch on a slow day.

Just an idea.

Safe sailing and Godspeed.

Georgia Guy

Gary Patton said...

Hey Jesse glad to hear that you're flying along and as I write this I imagine you're into your third tin of mangoes lol.
Thanks for the explanation regarding distances and Im sure that everyone is really keen for you to share some of your knowledge and technical information of your voyage. Take care, Stay safe and we look forward to you next blog.
Gary & Kerryn, Traralgon VIC

Ron said...

Gday Jess,

I have been wondering how I was going to ask you this. I have decided to ask you straight out. Are you a JW?

Still Bus'n

Kev said...

I enjoy your Blogs Jesse as you enjoy your Mangos.
Keep sailing safely and enjoy it as you go.
Cheers, Kev, Sydney.

Georgia Guy said...

Hi Jessica,

Totally forgot to ask. Did you or didn't you? Open the mangos that is?

Inquiring minds want to know.

SS and GS

Georgia Guy

elizabeth said...

Hi Jessica,

Tinned mangoes- what a great treat and you are right there are mangoes everywhere at present and they smell divine and no doubt the tinned ones smelt pretty good too.

I wonder what other treats have been stashed away, you will have fun discovering them in the coming months.

We thought of you last night- fish and chips on the Mooloolabah spit, listening to the ocean and trying to conceptualise your life at sea.

It is good to hear that you are flying along and enjoying the ride.

You are amazing.

keep on smiling and dont forget to laugh every day- its great for the soul.

happy days


elizabeth said...

Hi Jessica,

Tinned mangoes- what a great treat and you are right there are mangoes everywhere at present and they smell divine and no doubt the tinned ones smelt pretty good too.

I wonder what other treats have been stashed away, you will have fun discovering them in the coming months.

We thought of you last night- fish and chips on the Mooloolabah spit, listening to the ocean and trying to conceptualise your life at sea.

It is good to hear that you are flying along and enjoying the ride.

You are amazing.

keep on smiling and dont forget to laugh every day- its great for the soul.

happy days


Kenneth said...

Jess,I read your info daily,I live at the Gold Coast,and Send you the Mantra to keep you safe.It is a Mantra for the Universe
Renge:Lotus Flower
Kyo:Teaching of a Buddah
Sweet sailing

Anonymous said...

Maybe keep some mangoes for xmas dinner.

Hopefully you will steer clear of wild conditions around the cape.

Nasdaq 3X said...

Hi Jesse,

your explanation are all about excelt annoying, I liked when you describe the arc plot to reach faster the Cape Horn. basiccally, it's the same principle adopted by jet liner flying from europe to US: the rout is an arc that passed from Island and New Found Land.

Here in Italy we don't have the ThanksGiving Day. I try to thank every day for the beautiful things that there are in my life, even if sometims I forget them and I think my life is not so good and exciting.
Sorry may be I am annoying you!

I am sure you can open a new mango can, no one is able to say you "no"! :-)
Enjoy your mango and your great sailing today.

Cheers from Italy,


Rob Hardie said...

Hi Jesses,

Thanks for another fantastic update. I am sitting in the Qantas lounge in Singapore airport waiting for my flight home and my mind drifted to you. It does a lot of that lately!! ;-)

Mangoes in any form are great so just enjoy them and worry about the mess later.

The trip south sounds like it will bring fun and challenges for you. No doubt you will handle everything that comes along brillantly.

I look forward to reading more as you post. I have not missed one of your blogs and I really do feel a part of your journey. It is truely wonderful.

So very proud of all you are doing.

Stay safe and watch the sunburn

Ingleburn NSW (about to leave Singapore for home)

ET Gurl said...

Hi Jessica

What u think
/ 1
/ 1
1 _____________/

jo from perth said...

Hi Jesse,
I don't think my post went up...I was encouraging you to open the other tin of mango and if you have cream left enjoy them together. Also thanks for teaching me about the how the curvature of the earth affects your sailing route and of course i wished you Good Winds and Safe Sailing. If the other one does go up sorry to repeat myself!

Anonymous said...

Jessica -
I forgot to ask, how is your thumb? I hope it's healing nicely by now, and please keep it clipped on! (ha ha)

Definitely have more mango, the memory of splurging will be better than rationing it.

Is the great circle route kind of like going around a hill instead of over it? I'm still reading up on it.
Thanks Jesse!

p.s. you are amazing!

Peter Vickerson said...

G'day Champ,

You're doing great as usual. Great to hear that you're getting along at a good rate of knots and that you can ease sheets a little as the wind backs to the east for you.
Your mango story reminded me of a trip through Bowen (where they grow all the mangoes) a few years ago. I stopped at a servo for a comfort stop. The Gents was labelled "Mangoes" and the Ladies was signed "No Mangoes"...LOL.
Anyway, wishing you all the best and we pray for you each day.

Good onya and God bless.


Kestrel said...

Hey Jesse,

What sort of decision is that? Of course you open another can of mangoes! I hope you find many more stashed in various hiding spots. With that, I'm off to the F&V market tomorrow to see if I can get a tray or two ... oops, sorry.

Keep an eye on Parker. As per my previous post, he might be heading for that secret South Pacific island!

Sail on,

Anonymous said...

hey jessica, did you know that when an adult hippopotamus has it's mouth wide open it can swallow a 3 year old child, trouble is when you are standing in the checkout queue at the supermarket with a your 3 year screaming it's lungs out there's no hippopotamus around!

Alex. said...

Mmmm, mangoes! Sounds delicious.

Keep up the fabulous work Jess. We're all cheering for you.

Cam "H" said...

Go girl go, and yes the tinned mango's are just as messy as the real ones, you are realy flying South, we might see you when you cross the SA Vic Boarder, we chase the Southern Bluefin Tuna out off the Shelf in the Autum.
Cam & Annie "H"

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

I have just arrived home from fishing on the lake but whilst there my thoughts were with you on EPL.

There was this amazing sunset over the lake and I recalled on a previous blog you commenting on what the sunsets were like at sea.

It must be really spectacular out there.

You never cease to inspire me.

Wishing you a safe and happy voyage going forward.


pestinfo said...


I always said the best way to eat mangoes was when your sat in a pool of water. It saves washing all the dribbles off. there is not way you can eat mangoes without making a mess.

Watch out for those reefs.

Sail safe
Allen, Hervey bay, Qld, AU

magpie said...

Hi Jessica,
Happy Thanksgiving? I wonder how the indigenous population feels in these politically correct times. I noticed last time on The View Whoopee Goldberg and company gave us Australians a hard time about our treatmant of the aboriginals, lol. Pot Kettle! guys and gals!!!
This blog family is starting to bicker in a similar fashion I notice, lol.
I'm loving how poor old 'Caves Beach Andrew's' getting told to stop blathering. It's tough for us Dad's we sometimes get lost in our thoughts, lol.
Tahiti is looming and I thought you might like to take EPL over to the odd Coral reef break there. You could even give Teahupoo (Chopoo) a go (nice rhyme? lol). This would be one gnarly ride for a Queensland girl. It's the perfect time too since the waves come from the North swells you are riding in the summer season.
☺☺☺I wish a lot of blogger's...
would stop spacing soooooooooooo much, cheers.☺☺☺

Amazedbyou said...

Hi Jessica, Messy Mango eaters of the world unite...!!

Definitely open up the tin of mangoes.

It is also a requirment when eating mangoes to have it dripping from your cheecks, chin, and the tip of your nose.

The finished product is the "hairy between the teeth" mango smile. I like your style.

Sounds like you are making some good time, good for you. How far over do you heel when catching major air?

Was very interested about the curve of the earth and how you come around. Makes sense really. Bring on the Cape, how long will it take to get around there? Is the Cape just the Drake passage part...(did i just say "just") Well you know what I mean. Would love to know.

First time I have ever really looked at Cape Horn, because of you. (to tell you the truth, I had heard about it, just never knew where it was) I now know why sailors respect it and love to sail it.

Thanks again for taking us with you, how exciting. Mango smiles to you. Talk again soon. Cheers.

Peter57 said...

Love reading your blogs Jess! I have my chart of the South Pacific out and enjoy tracking your daily progress, checking what is coming up - any chance of you or your support crew giving latitude and longitude?

KP said...

Hello Jessica
Following your tracks each day and am finding your journey very inspiring. I would love to see some video footage of Ella Pink Lady performing under full sail, if that is at all possible. You have me intrigued regarding the great circle.
Paul Brisbane

carole said...

Hi Jess
Yes - one more tin of Mango wont hurt!! LOL LOL
Great to read your blog - you are amazing, heeled over, under full sail and still able to reorganise the galley and sit at the computer. Sounds like you and EPL are getting along nicely.
Yes you explained the curvature of the earth equation very well indeed. Are you sleeping during the night, or on watch and taking catnaps during the day? Love the title to your blog, when I first read it I thought it said "flying mangos" my first thought was - theres no mango trees out there..LOL LOL Have a good night and nice easy sail for the weekend. Fair winds and blessings to you. Keep smiling.
Carole (Mackay - QLD)

Helen said...

Save them for when you round cape horn! Great to hear you're making fantastic and slightly less bumpy progress.

Stay strong
Helen - UK

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess

I am back in Brisbane reading your blog. Told many friends when I was back in Borneo and was able to read your blog too. Fantastic stories that you provide.


Molly said...

"The journey is my home."
— Muriel Rukeyser
I read that yesterday and thought of you.
You seem so at home on your journey.
Like you are right where you are supposed to be.
And enjoying every minute of it.
Good winds and a mango surprise.
Sounds like you had a delightful day.
Sending blessings and wishes for safe travel,
Maryland USA

Dom said...

Hi Jess, interesting explanation about the curveture of the earth, some thing else that'll put you ahead of schedule is that now that you are heading south, you're heading down hill.

Take care

Dom :)

Anonymous said...


Hi Jesse,
I guess whichever way you look at it,it's all down South from here.
Smooth sailing.
Sally from Melbourne

John F said...

Hi Jessica,

There's only one problem with tinned seed to suck on!

Enjoy them anyway!


John F

gsimmons said...

Hi Jessica
Go for it Jesse, it would drive you crazy knowing that the mangos are just sitting there waiting to be eaten. I bet there's no more chocolate left, or have you got some hidden away for a rainy day or when it's colder so it's not all melted.
Thank's for exlpaining your plans for your next leg to the Horn, I think I know what you saying, the further south you are the shorter the distance around the world it is.
By passageweather you should have some nice easterlys for while, cross those fingers.
So keep having fun and keep safe.
Cheers George Simmons
Lots of love from Exmouth WA Australia

Toni McLean said...

Save the mangoes Jesse, you will really be hanging out for them later. And see, I did tell you it would be downhill! Glad you've got a nice reach, it does feel so good doesn't it. I think that's what boats were meant to do. So the next 5 weeks pointing more or less south, huh? You might get bored and change direction just for some variety - wear the gear out on the other side for a while!

Are you planning a quick stop in Papeete? Or maybe if you just pass by they'll toss you some mangoes.

Happy sailing and enjoy your weekend :-)


terryc said...

Is that like folding time? LOL

Great explanation, King Neptune will be proud of you.

All the best Jessica

rod said...

good day young lady,
great to hear that all is going well.
keep up the good blogs and take care.
until next time.
blackbutt qld

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,

Do you sail at night and if so, how do you do it? Can you explain that one time on your blog?

Kind regards from The Netherlands.

Kissyfrott said...

Hello Jesse,
Much pleased to read the good news. As always, a well written and catching blog, we love them all!

Mangoes and progress, that's great news.
Thank you for the explanations about your circling route! I was started worrying about not moving east enough, but I had forgotten our planet is not really ball shaped, but more like an apple or a big tyre. Going south makes you find a shorter horizontal way.
Using the winds while they can push them the most is just wise, and your team gives good advice!

I love the image of EPL flying on the waves, with her Captain well clipped on and savouring mangoes.
Do you still have time to re-pink your toenails?

Much love and best wishes to reach the Atlantic soon!

Unknown said...

Hey Jessica
When you get back get yourself a job in journalism - you are a natural & funny writer on the absured in normal life. I have laughed out loud on a few occasions - keep it up.
Stay safe & don't speed! The cops will get you! Joke - they are doing a great job on idiots.
Kind regards

Bruce from Brisvegas said...

Hi Jess

What a find! After getting into a mango this evening, and yes they are good at the moment, I think that I speak for many of us when I say that it is compulsory to get into a mess! Isn't it?! Well at least a bit of a mess. I think the only animals that don't get into a mess eating mangoes are the fruit bats which fly from East Brisbane a few ks down river to settle in a huge mango tree across the road from my home. They never seem to get into a mess. Noisy though.

So did you bring any tinsel and a really little tree with you? Any plans for christmas? Maybe a bit of sailing!

Sounds like you and EPL are flying along. Clearly you have the need for speed as it makes you happy. I used to crew on Tornadoes. When pulling on the sheets on a broad reach is was like setting the speed to Warp Factor 9! So it sounds like you are doing a bit of ocean treking at maximum warp. The Thunderbirds or Star Trek, it's all good M'Lady.

Your physics/navigational lesson was really good.

Take care Jess. Have a great weekend!


mikenz said...

Hey Jess! If there's a sudden shortage of mangos over the weekend we'll know it's all your followers satisfying their cravings that you created.

Be safe and have fun.

- Mike :-)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,

Interesting to hear about your plans how to get as fast as possible to the Horn. I have Googled on the curvature of the earth. With the information you tell us, many will get knowledge what's going on out there.Thank you.
Tinned Mangos is new for me. I don't think we can buy it in Sweden. Fresh, we can.
Winds in the sail and nice meals. Sail safe and keep smiling Jessica.
Ingrid, Tyreso, Sweden

Macca said...

well i now understand what a clear explanation


jess is cute

Anonymous said...

Great explanation Jess, I did not know about the circle route, you keep educating us. I definately know about mangoes though, have been enjoying them for about a month and I say enjoy that next tin!
Glad to hear you are flying along,
great blog as usual.
Bluefin, Buderim, Qld.

Unknown said...

Awesome blog Jess,

Sail on

Alice, Kenya

Anonymous said...

SkipO'hoy. Captain Jessica.I see that everything is vell as it should be,yes Mangos is good stuff,a lot of people like them including me.Any Albatrosses yet?.Remember from a Gasstanker in the South Atlantic one morning I found that Albatross on deck,it could not get off,so I got a broom and gently pulled it under its chest and the Albatross steppet up on it,what a big and heavy bird,slowly I walked with it to the back of the ship,to the lifeboat deck on starboard side where the wind was coming inn.I hold the broom and the bird into the wind and he spread its wings and off he went,he did a a circle out there and come back and glidet right by me,he give me that thank you look and went on his way.Never will forget that.Have a nice day go on and do your sailor stuff and dont forget too take a break.Best wishes from Herman.Hampstead.NH.USA.

Unknown said...

Sounds like you are making headway and having a good time. I have been spreading the word about you and your voyage. My fourteen year old niece was amazed and will be checking on your site. My brother keeps tabs daily as well. We are all proud of you and wish you the best. duane

Anonymous said...

I know you miss a few things from back on land but it is great to see that you are really enjoying your adventure!!

"The hardest part of sailing around the world? Stepping onto dry land." Ellen MacArthur

Jill (Newcastle)

Anonymous said...

Go EPL and oh---hang on Jessica.


Unknown said...

Hey Jesse

Ill let you eat all the mangoes....i cant get them past my nose to my mouth cos i just cant stand the smell....Smile

I luv having an estimated time for arriving at a gives me time to plan a celebration on your

Maybe you will make it to the cape by New years day!!!!!

Enjoy your sailing, sounds like your moving along nicely, dont let parker do all the

Stay safe and have fun

Deb and the guinea's

Kissyfrott said...

Hi again, Sailor J.,
I had a question in mind, about gathering the words "unassisted", "fishing" and "mangoes".
When you fish, you get some extra food supply. OK, you get it by yourself. This means that if you found some floating box, with mangoes (or chocolate or anything inside), you would be allowed to fetch and eat them?
Such a hope is not bigger than the message in the bottle, but if you were closer to some coasts, I bet your followers might well drop little rafts with trats for you! Well, as you are surfing in the middle of nowhere, I don't think any of us will be able to do it.
But be sure thousands would like to! ;-)
Enjoy you quick march!!

Alex said...

Keep it up Jess - I thoroughly enjoy your blog and following your progress on the map.

I'd keep the second can of mangoes to make a chutney to accompany your next fresh fish.


Captain Jack said...

Hey Jess,
I'm about to sail down the west coast of the US. This will be my first time going down the coast in a 32 foot (9.7 m) sailboat. I've done it many times on a ship. It's not the best time for winter weather is setting in. Swells have been around 10 feet (3 m) to 23 feet (7 m). I'll be thinking of you when I go down south.

Captain Jack

Anonymous said...

Thanks, Jessica.
Happy sailing.
Luv u
Richard (QLD)

andrewVA said...

hi jess,

DEFINITELY open another tin of mangos!!

be well. be safe. have fun.

richmond, VA

Anonymous said...

It's so exciting to read your blog. I'm telling my two young boys how you are sailing around the world. We are watching your progress and rooting for you from Tokyo.


Unknown said...

Hey Jessie,

We are from Dubbo (NSW - Central West)
Been Following your progress, fairly closely. We think what you are achieving is really ground (or sea :-p) breaking. we love your blogs as others do, and we too, in the bush are very proud of your drive to meet your dreams.
You should definitly eat the mangos, you never know when you might get another treat before coming home. It might just help to remind you of Xmas, and of those you love back home.

all our love
The Bowden's

Brian Riley said...

Your description of the heel and full sail made the hairs on my arm stand up wishing I were there with you it sounds absolutely Awesome, and with nice juicy mango's.
Your explanation was very good and knowing your ability to set sails to suit you could be earlier than you think.
EPL is certainly doing well with your skills.
Safe Passage, Will talk later
Hervey Bay QLD.

Clint Jeffrey - VK3CSJ said...

We love ya Jess...enjoy your Mangos,

No problems in understanding the Great Circle Concept either!

It must be a great feeling knowing that EPL is moving along at a good rate of knots now, it'd be like driving through city traffic and then finally getting onto a Freeway and stretching your legs at 100K's and hour....that sort'a thing...

My map shows a whole bunch of islands you're going to pass by...

time to go to bed...I'm falling alseep at the keyboard!

Keep it full steam ahead...

Cya Jesse

Clint - Dandenong town
12:32am Sat morning

Archie Avacado said...

Dear Ms. Watson,

On behalf of Mangoes Always Get Into Cans[MAGIC]our specialty furit trade association I want to thank you for your recent blog.

You have caused the sale of mangos to jump on every continent and we are planning to double production.

Letters from mango chefs working in the fanciest restaurants are asking for recipies to make mangos even more of a mess to eat than they already are.

The Apricot Lobby is particularly upset by this development and the Banana people are furious!

Visit to view a new product: Great Circle Mangoes, being developed on your behalf.

MAGIC'S GREAT CIRCLE MANGOES are guaranteed to fight scurvy. They are more pleasant tasting than limes and every tin comes wrapped in an absorbant pink bib.

Flamingoes Forever,

Archie Avacado

Ernest From NH (USA) said...

Hi Captain Jesse, I'm hear with the family visiting on Long Island, New York, for the Thanksgiving holiday.
I gave a toast at dinner giving thanks for all we have
and a special request that you remain safe in achieving your goal. I understand about the arc that you explained to all of us. Well done! Be Safe! Be Happy! Godspeed!

Rob said...

Jess or Jesse,
Do you have a preference? I've been writing to you as Jess but I think you have been signing your posts as Jesse more often than anything.
I'm really pleased to hear the wind is keeping you at a good pace.
Mangos, that sounds good! We have mangos in the grocery store where I live but they are somewhat of a novelty fruit. Sounds like they are very common at your home. I think you should save one can for when you round the cape. Of course you might have a bag of treats for that milestone.
Speaking of which I'm glad you explained the distance to the cape. First week of January, that almost sounds like a challenge! could you get there a few days early you might be able to round it for the new year!
You gave a great explanation of great circle routes. basically, as you said, it is faster to go around the earth than over it.
Thanksgiving is over and now most everyone in the US is going christmas shopping. My brother and I have other things to do. We have to spread grass seed at our farm.
How is the fishing?
Columbia, Missouri, USA

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica
Stop speeding - the cops will pick you up! Joke - they are doing a great job.
Stay safe and well fed! Sounds like you are good on the tooth?
Kind regards

Unknown said...

Thanks for the post Jesse. I'd love to say more but just got home from work and have to be back in 6 hours for O/T.

Stay safe


Anonymous said...

On the off chance you are online, if you look up around the next 20 mins you may see the space shuttle reentering over you - a big bright streak of reentry (13.56 - about 14.30 GMT)

Anonymous said...

Thanks Jess
You did a good job about your trip to the Horn I never new about using the bend in the earth to make a shorter trip.
You are on a great trip and this trip will make you a real winner in life.
I am 4 times your age and school work a great start but living life is what makes you smart, your doing a great job and love reading your blog.


Mike Kay Avon Indiana said...

Hello Captain Jesse, glad to hear of your mango discovery! Enjoy! The explanation was interesting and something us non sailors appreciate.Hope all continues well. Thinking of you and EPL, Godspeed. Mike

Cobrarog said...

Hi Jess,

There is no doubt that you know what your doing in the nav department.Unless folks have a globe and a piece of string, they will not understand what the great circle route is. Don't even try to explain it.

Just remember; the perk of being the captain of the ship is that: if you want to open another tin of mangoes for a "right now urge" or just save them for a rainy, dreary, day to remember what a sunny day looks like, it is your decision. You are the boss!

No matter what, keep your head and press on. We are all right behind you!

Wishing you safe and smooth sailing in the weeks and months ahead!
Cobrarog from Hervey Bay

samurai said...

Hey there Jess, I hope you're well.
It's such a liberating feeling to be able to ease off the wind a little isn't it? Instantly, you feel more comfortable and you can almost feel the boat breath a sigh of relief as you ease off on the jib sheet a little.
I must say your explanation of the great circle route does make sense because, unless you believe that the earth is flat, I doubt it's possible to sail a straight line to the horn from where you are now.
You'd probably end up on the coast of Chile somewhere, no? favourite. I love this time of delish! I can just imagine the look on your face the second you found those tins. Enjoy! You deserve it.
I hope weather conditions continue to be favourable for you as you progress south. You're doing great. Keep your eyes peeled for those reefs as they can get very tricky to negotiate your way around. Take care, stay safe and bye for now...Sam

Russ, said...

Your explanation of the great circle route is bang on. January is probably a good time for rounding the Cape. Just keep plugging along and January will come fast. The mangoes sound delicious. Enjoy and they are a great food.
Smooth sailing and a safe trip...Russ (VE6VK)

Shirley Cape Town said...

We here at the tip of Africa - in Cape Town are waiting for you to pass our way - so hurry around Cape No1 and come to us! Please know that there are thousands of peeps wishing you well in South Africa - you go girl!

Ron said...

You lovely little messy eater! I know the hidden mangoes were delicious. Go give Parker a spanking and enjoy the rapid pace you're making. Thank you for the happy Thanksgiving wishes. I pray and wish the utmost best for you each day. I'm jealous of your parents because I don't have a daughter like you. Maybe they'll loan you to me for a couple of weeks sometime.
Ron - Alabama USA

The Bendigo Sailors said...

Ha Ha Jesse,

When I was a kid growing up in FNQ during the 1950s, mangos were ammo. Mango fights at Parramatta State School in Cairns were seasonal fun. I still smile every time I pay $2.00 for a mango at Woolies.

You can eat yours, having no one with whom you can engage in mango throwing fun.

Fair winds and the calmest possible passage through the Great Southern Ocean is our Chrissie wish for You and Ella.

Cheers from Splash


Carlos M said...

Greetings from a Puertorican living in Louisville, Kentucky. My prayers are with you. What a wonderful experience to share when you grow old. Enjoy the ride!

sam said...

You're an inspiration to us all!
I have read all your blogs and look forward to them at all times.
I would love to have the courage to attempt such a journey :) All the best!
Safe sailing.
Sam, Hobart

Anonymous said...

Hide those Mangos somewhere to find later when you're in the Southern Ocean. You just might want a ray of sunshine while you're playing hide and seek with the iceburgs.

Phil in Idaho said...

Your explanation of the great circle route was very good. Many pilots of old flew great circle routes to Europe from the states.

My vote is NO do't open another tin of mangoes. In about 3 months you will be glad you saved them.

Bravo to you!! and Happy Thanksgiving back to you.

Donna Hanson said...

Hi Jessica,

Four years ago today a friend and I were enroute from Cape Town, SA to Receife, Brazil on his 33' CAL. Standing watch at 0200 I first saw the Southern Cross (can't see it in the States)and my first whale. I look forward to reading your blog daily and keep you in my thoughts. May this be the first of many wonderful adventures. (P.S., I'm a commercial pilot and flight instructor -- good job explaining great circle navigation!).

Anonymous said...

Ta Jessica
Your writing is the best!
Stop speeding the cops will get you!Ha

RICHARD said...

Your explanation was more than on target. Kinda opened a few eyes about the strange looking NASA orbits.

We'd love to get a peek at that splashing sea. Perhaps if you get a second.

You were the topic of conversation yesterday at the family Thanksgiving celebration. It was great to hear the level of interest, support and knowledge regarding your trip, you and EPL. We have an ex-Navy sailor in the family and he was over the top with admiration and support. He really captured the attention of the many children and set your quest and fortitude as an inspiration and example for them to emulate.

Well, that's it for now. Gotta get to the store... I have a sudden craving for Mangos.

See Ya Sailor!

mstrblakely said...

Jessica, I'm impressed with your voyage wish I had that kind of drive but I presume if you can do why can't I. No I'm not trying to sail the 7 seas just get up and do something different. Off point I hear you are quite the fisher person yet how do you eat your kill hot plate, grill, portable fryer, just curious the fish must be ideal yet the preparation is where I become stuck

Anonymous said...

Hello Jesse,

Great writing....thanks for the update. Glad to hear you and Ella's Pink Lady... and Parker are well.

I hope the mango "mess" did not require another bucket of sea water over your head.

By the way I was reading that a variety of apple called PINK LADY is grown in Australia....did MOM manage to incorporate some into your food bags? Dried fruit I hope.

With regards to Christmas decorations going up I noticed that your "The Voyage" google map is starting to look like a string of pink Christmas lights. Who else but Jessica Watson could break another record for world's largest Christmas display....Australia to South America. hehe

Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario, CANADA

bernie777 said...

wow Jessica hi its me again Bernie 777....its amazing how you have already answered my next question...why are you not heading south guys have it all worked out....I hope you get to see the Moa of Easter Island as u go past,,,,,and I hope you get more fish to cook add some of the tinned mangos to spice it up a bit...I have been thinking of a good song for you,,,its called Ichycoo Park by the Small Faces its a great song to go with Rod Steward We are Sailing...I hope you can download them to your harddrive,,,u can be an Internation Pirate nobodies going to catch u out there and u can clean them off before u come ashore,,,,and u probally could even watch a film too if you get bored..I watch them all the time...I like Myril Streep her new film is amazing...its all about Julia Child who would be 102 today but she died when she was 92,,,she did a program about cooking in the 60s called the French Chef...its amazing..18 episodes are 4.2 giga bytes..I hope you get to see this check it on boomerangs are fun made from cardboard three pointed ones are the best...cut a few out and flick them around the cabin...I hope you have scissors///well cheers Jessica...I have a fix on your position you are clocking away the southbound nautical miles at a rate of knotts...well done...go 4 it so u can snub your nose at all the Naysayers...and hold your head high....

Unknown said...

Good luck! and stay safe!

-Francesca of London/California

captmikem said...

Think of it like cutting a globe in half and flattening it out on a table top. Any straight line will now appear as a curve.
You seem to enjoy beating to weather. I beat for 5000 miles once (Broom Aus to Antalya Turkey) And I never wanted to go to weather again.
Hopefully when you get about 35 South you will start to get some westerlies.
You are doing great Jess, I truly admire you.


blairmouse said...

Yer blog is making me hungry.

Smooth sailing :)


Dark said...

Hi Jessica

I've missed a few days due to getting ready my first ever proffessional training presentation and delivering it (successfuly at 59). Bit late and quite nerve racking.
It occours to me when you get back that you are going to be asked to due lot of public speaking and TV/radio shows.
Do you need to study any interview or presentation skills I wonder as it's likely that you will be pretty rusty in the publick speaking by then.

Keep having a great time there


Anonymous said...

Peter Vickerson's
Mangoes or No Mangoes
is just too funny!

Jessica - As a special treat, save the last tinned mangoes for the home stretch!!


Anonymous said...

Hi jess I wanted to ask about your route around Cape Horn ? Do you consider this the crux of your trip? I must have been nice to find the mangos
Thanx Blake

SaltyDog said...


Thank you, Professor Jess, for the great info regarding the great circle. That does really help us to understand the route that you're taking. I found an easy to use web site to graphically display a great cirle route. Even without having exact coordinates, you can just point and pick two locations on a map of the world and it will display the great circle route and calculate the distance in kilometers, miles or nautical. miles. Sort of fun to play with.

Thanks again, Jess, for updating us when you can.

Have fun, stay safe and happy sailing.

From Seattle, WA, USA

Summersailor said...

Hi Jess: If u have enough mangoes go ahead + spurge, open another can. If not wait and celebrate for rounding the Horn along with ringing in the New Year with other goodies u have on board. :oD


wojo said...

Mangos are the best but it's hard to think of food after a traditional American Thanksgiving celebration!!! All the wonderful food is kind of great and kind of gross at the same time. But, having football on all day makes it one of the best lazy days of the year. Doesn't sound like you get to have much lazy time though? Ok, where are the whales? Are you seeing any? Not in the right area yet for seeing any? Just curious...cheers from Columbus, Ohio.

Bruce and Allyson Kuehn said...

This is exactly why I support your effort to sail around the world. How many 16 year old girls have an understanding of a Great Circle course? You are developing an understanding of physics and mathematics that simply can't be learned from cracking books in a classroom. And you are developing an understanding of yourself that men and women twice your age are just coming into. I fully expect to see the likes of you, Mike, Zac, Abby and Laura to be the hope of our next generation. You will make up for the shortcomings of my generation that was so pampered by our parents that our education was greatly stunted. We were able to get away with not learning Mathematics and Geography. You have to have an understanding of both to have any hope of surviving your voyage.

I ran across a website that was mentioned by another reader of your blog ( and was blown away by the current conditions in Drakes Passage. 30 to 35 Kt winds and seas of 4 to 5 meters. I've been in 30 Kt winds (60 kt gusts) and 3 meter seas in a 202 foot sailing ship and I can't imagine being in a 34 foot sailboat in those conditions.

It looks like conditions might settle down a little in the next few days so I hope it's much calmer for you when you get there.

Meechree said...

I originally misread 5450nm as 545nm and when you said you should be there by January, my reaction was ridiculous. I was thinking, WHY would it take you THAT long?!
Then I realized there was a zero after that....silly me.
Enjoy (:
-Dimitri, USA

Anonymous said...

hi everyone,

here's a website with a video series that chronicles Ellen MacArthur's record-breaking round-the-world journey in 2001.

the 4th video has some amazing footage of Southern Ocean sailing.


Mr. Canadian said...

That is very interesting Jess, on how the curvature of the earth works like that. And yes you explained it quite well and I learned something today. In fact ever since I started reading about you and following your site. I have learned a great deal from you and I would like to thank you for that. Ever since you started this Voyage you have taught us all a lot. You have introduced us to your family and friends. In following you on Google Maps, I have looked at so many pictures and read about so many different Islands I have never even heard of. It makes me want to win the lotto even more so now so I could have the chance to visit some of these places.

I can’t read or write very well and I don’t read books but, I have never read so much in my whole life until all this. I feel so compelled in telling you this, and I think I speak for everyone on here in saying. You have opened our eyes and touched our harts to a lot of other great things in this world and we are all for the better of it.

I know this will get mixed in with all the other posts and probably be over looked by many. But I hope you stumble on it and get a chance to read it, even though you can’t reply back. I want to thank you, your crew and all your family for inviting us into your life’s.

Be all the best you can be.

Rick Morran
Alberta Canada

2010 Canada Blogger

Bob from Seattle said...

If anybody wants to understand more about plotting a straight course, type in "great circle" on wikipedia. A chart with parallel latitude and longitude lines does not take into account the spherical shape of our beautiful planet. So when you draw a straight line on a map, it will not represent the shortest path.

You all got it now, right?

I'm buying a mango today !!!

Bob from Seattle

Doug Mills said...

I have followed your blog with fascination. What an adventure! Fantastic!

Can you comment on your electrical power situation when you can? I assume you are using solar panels. What is their area, approximately? How much charging current do you realize, averaged over a typical day?

Doug Mills

kggb.tho said...

Jess's route and the 'great circle route' is easier to understand if you use a globe instead of a flat atlas. If you go 'straight' from Cape Horn to Tasmania you would run into the wrong side of Antartica. Or from Japan to USA you pass just south of Alaska and end up in Seattle. But there is no straight line on a sphere. Those warning you about Somalia and the east coast of Africa must have flunked geography severely & should go buy a world globe for Christmas... and buoy is pronounced boy in case US (booey) speakers didn't get Jess's Mum's reference.

I'll probably be sailing Lake Burley Griffin on a sailboard later today so won't get as far as Jess. You appreciate the coast/sea a lot more when you live inland.

All the best to Jess and the pink lady and the rest of the "we" crowd. GT

Chris said...

Hi Jess,
When the wind dies a bit and Parker is starting to let you down, there is a trick.
When you tape a bit of cloth or small piece of light sail to the back of the vane, it will work much better, as it gets a bit more drag..
Well , you probably know this allready...

Have fun!

StuporDave said...

I have been following your blog since day one and look forward to reading it every day. I am a 68 year old Grandpa and have never been under sail in my life and can only imagine how wonderful it is. The best of luck to you as you head for the cape. Dave

lilshawnee said...

Well,Jess thanks for the update.
I was thinking of you when we were eating turky dinner.
we think of you every day.
wow you a long way from Cape Horn.
Jess since im so old now 51 my girls want me to learn how to sail and go for smallest boat to sail around the world so maybe i will have your back in a few years im working on it now,,,lol
Im so glad to see you are having a good time and for beeing so brave.
We are doing it with you hear in America but you have all the hard work.
Well take care lil Jess,We all love you bunches.
your friends

Marcus Schormann, Germany said...

Hey Jessica, enjoy your fruits allthough they are tinned. Your explanations are always worth to be send on the blog and very interesting for everyone,sailor or not. Go on to tell us the details of your ´single-life´on bard PINK LADY whenever you´re in the mood to do so.
All the best from the opposite of the globe, yours, Marcus

Attitude said...

I take my time.

I move through life slowly and gracefully.

I never rush.

Everything happens at the right time.

I stay calm in all situtations.

I'm great at calmly analyzing situations.

I stay un-emotional in pressure situations.

I think things through.

Good things are worth waiting for.

I remember that slow and steady wins the race.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica,

celebrating Thanks Giving with Mangos! Pretty good!

Your explanations sound interesting, but it seems that wind conditions, islands and reefs will in the end determine when you arrive at the Horn.

I am enjoying J. Slocum's book. Surely another time and space then and vastly different conditions.
Understandably he was very proud of his navigational skills, although he would not say so himself!
On his way from Thursday Is to the Keeling Cocos Is. he sailed 2700 miles and he called it a delightful sail! During the 23 days he had not spent more than 3 hours at the helm.

Wishing, that your experience is the same for most of the journey, so you may say docking in Sydney again...... overall it was a delightful sail!

Enjoy the second helping of mangos!

Keep well, happy and safe,

Trudy, Austria now in Mackay

Kat said...

open more mangoes!
eating an R2E2 mango everyday - they really should be called R2D2.
happy saturday.
(canadian living in australia)

bob said...

Hey Jesse, I have been following your progress daily and would like to wish you all the very best. You are amazing and doing a fantastic job, stay safe and strong,
Fair winds

Ron said...

The easiest way to find a Great Circle route is to take a string on a globe and just stretch it from one point to another, and the path on the globe will be the shortest route, otherwise known as the Great Circle route. Mark the coordinates of latitude and longitude on a flat map wherever the string crosses on the globe, and there is the route.
Keep up the great job Jess!!

Pennsylvania, USA

Nan Mim said...

Hello again Jess.
You are doing so well - I for one am so proud of you. I have not written for time but the first thing I do each morning is to check up on you (and many times during the day!!) I love your writing - you give us so much information which is so interesting for landlubbers like me as well as giving a glimpse into your exciting day to day activities. You go ahead and enjoy those mangoes - they are certainly the most delicious of fruits - my mouth is watering here as I write - I think I will have mango for breakfast today and pray for you as I do. You take care now and "lap up" every moment of this incredible adventure. Blessings fromNan Mim up on Mount Tamborine Qld.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,

don't worry about a little mess while eating mangos. There is no way that you could reproduce the massive disaster that my two daughters (3 and 1 years old) gleefully made while I fed them some days ago with a fresh mango. Papa went for a shower afterwards and Mama had to seriously clean the living room including most of the furniture.

I whish you good luck, and have fun out there!

Alexander from Hamburg

Larry said...

Jess, I am living this adventure through you. There is no "if" word in my vocabulary or yours. There are some four letters words but ours is "when". You have probably imagined in your mind the feeling you will be getting when you sail back into Sydney harbor but just multiple that feeling by a million and you will be getting closer to what the true feeling will be like. Your long distant friend, Larry

Scott said...

Huzzah, an unexpected treat! I'm glad to hear you're making such progress.

Scott, Denver, Colorado, USA

Sally said...

Yummm Mango's

They are such a delicious fruit... What a treat that must have been to find them! Enjoy Jess and I know that I could NOT ration them.. They just gotta be eaten.

Your explanation of the route that you are taking and the earth's curvature makes sense. You get the picture - it's quite logical - another thing I have have learnt from you.

Seems like Ella's Pink lady wants to head south as well, pushed on by all the new challenges of your next leg. Glad that the wind was with you and your have made good progress.

Well it's going to be a warm one today in Sydney and I am off to teach dancing for the day. We have our first Christmas concert today at Sutherland Entertainment Centre. A huge day! Wish me luck!

Have a great day yourself Jess - enjoy those Mango's. Take care & stay safe!

I though this one was pretty:-

The hot east wind blew strongly today
Bringing promises of arid days and nights
Reminding me of Santa Fe summers
Inspiring dreams of a new desert garden

Splashing finches in a leaf shaped birdbath
Hummingbirds buzzing at scarlet blossoms
Bees and butterflies darting a flutter
A baby possum spied creeping out

Inside my turquoise castle of rock and stones
I gather sprays of jasmine, lavender and sage
While dragonfly lanterns softly glow
My sisters dancing in a circle sing and bow,
Cicadas chanting their evening anthem
To the Earth- and her garden, dressed in joy.
Kathy Stanley

Sally In Sydney

o0oooooo0o said...

Dear Ms. Arcplotter..

Hey, as long as you understand the way the distance and curves calculate to get you there, it’s all good. In the meantime, many of us will probably just keep scratching our heads and wishing we had paid more attention in geometry class!

And, on the topic of calculation, just in case you have been missing any of your math studies.. below is a numbers riddle to work on to keep you in tune. It’s an oldie and widely told so you may have heard it before.. but here it is::

Three men check into a hotel for the night. The room rate is $30.00.. so each man puts in his share of $10.00. They pay the desk clerk and the bellhop shows them to their room.

Later, the desk clerk realizes that he has made a mistake and overcharged the men since the room rate was only supposed to be $25.00. So he pulls five, one-dollar bills from the cash drawer, gives them to the bellhop and instructs him to take the money to the men in their room.

On the way up to the room, the bellhop begins to wonder how he is going to split the five bills evenly between the three men. As well, after feeling insulted earlier since the men did not tip him when they checked in, he decides to tip himself and sticks two of the bills into his pocket and returns only three dollars to the men.. one each. The men were happy to find that they had now only paid $9.00 each for the room and the bellhop was happy that he had finally received his tip. End of story.

So, let’s do the math. We started out with $30.00.

3 men x $9.00 each = $27.00
1 bellhop x $2.00 = $2.00

27 + 2 = 29

What happened to the other dollar??

I just checked in my wallet and it sure isn't in there.. so I hope you have better luck finding it than I have!

Happy Friday!

~Al yer pal~

Unknown said...

Dear Jess, I've been following your blog since you left the heads in Sydney and you really are doing so well. I love reading the technical bits about your journey, as an amatuer sailor myself it's just amazing the number things you have to keep track of. You are doing something I really wish I had done at your age, your courage is amazing. Safe sailing and I hope you find more lovely treats around the cabin soon!

Unknown said...

Now put your empty can to good use. Any food scraps can go into it. Then seal the top (I wouldn't imagine you'd have pantyhose or similar on board) and punch a few small holes around the sides and bottom. Lash a line round it and trail it behind. Your fish may not be attracted by a lure alone but a berlay trail will surely bring some tasty morsels to your dinner plate. Then you can put the scraps into the tin and repaet the process.

Robin said...

You were the topic of our Thanksgiving dinner conversation yesterday, Jessica. My whole family reads your blog (or listens to me talk about it) and we all admitted that we think of you throughout the day and the night, envying you your freedom and courage. Sorry to make you self-conscious with the addition of four more rapt and avid readers, but really, it doesn't get any more exciting for us landlubbers in the cold, gray winter here in Montana, USA.

Nadine said...

Your good at writing. You make it so interesting. Your amazing.


Dusty from Dubbo said...

Hey Jesse

Somewhere back in the dark ages I had circle navigation explained to me at school so your revision lesson on it was great..a very logical explanation. Up where you live and I have a little place there is a mango tree. When I lived in England for a year like you I found tinned mangos at Sainburys...supermarket like Woolies. The "fresh" ones from Isreal were shrivelled revolting dried up things and like you say the tinned ones aren't to bad. Soon I,ll be attacking the my tree. I hope you aren't salivating too much. Have a great Saturday...I'll get around to sending you a fun mind game soon

Dusty from Dubbo

Anonymous said...

G'day Jesse...

Most excellent reading your 'chirpy' words. All is well, seas are good and winds are fair..... Almost as good as it gets !! :))
Those south sea islands require a bit of vigilance, eh, ( looking at map, anyway) but you're the Captain for the job .... no doubts at all!

Spag. Bol., fresh fish... mangoes... Gees, you keep hitting on some of my favourite foods. The only trouble with mangoes is that you can't eat them in your 'best white t-shirt' !! ~Well, I can't anyway, 'corz I always seem wear a fair bit of this delicious fruit 'outside', which is not a good look if you're 'out and about' ( well, if you're over about three years old, anyway!). In fact, I try mostly to eat them outside in the yard at home for the same reason.

The other Banana Bender fruit I Love ( apart from Macadamia nuts) is Pineapple.... and even tinned 'in the round' they are _so_ delicious... and the bromelain content is good for 'Ooc-ie aches' !

Your great circle ref was good. Maybe for the 'serried ranks' it could be added that it's the 'tapering' to the poles of latitude that underlies the explanation and can be seen if you chalk some lines on a basketball ( or, best, have globe) . A Mercator map is so distorted away from the equator even though its direction is good.

And January will bring the exhilaration of 'rounding the cape'. WooHoo!! ~~~~ -though, Could be slower going with the 'weight of the wills' of your serried rankers out here, eh !!... Hahhahhah...No way !.. In fact we _all_ will be supporting EPL so much that even if there was no wind ( most unlikely down around the 50's+ ) you will still fly. :))

Better give a bit of room again ! It's remarkable how _every_ blog-commenter feels as if they're _"There"_, with you. It's like waking to the early morning sun ! This is just part of your Magic in your Quest.....
Hey-- Jesse- Your first book has _already_ sold millions. ( you *are* adding to your 'source notes folder' with your transient thoughts, aren't you :)) )

... best wishes for everything..

.... Ooc.

Randy Lohre said...

pretty cool Jess! Sounds like you're making good progress. What an amazing voyage. I'm gonna study up on that Great Circle too!
Randy in Cincinnati

Anonymous said...

You sound like you have planned this trip out really well and have a great support team behind you. The question I have is what advice have you gone with to handle running with a big sea around the Cape. The S&S is a great sea boat but are you going with a droge, trailing warps or running bare poles.
You hear so many different bits of advice and it would be interesting to hear what you are planning.
I know you have done Bass Strait so good to know you have that under your belt.

You'r going great,

Anonymous said...

Great Circle routes. Get hold of a globe and a piece of string, and stretch the string between any two points on the globe: what you'll see is the Great Circle route.

The problem is in the representation of curved surfaces on flat charts, as in the standard Mercator projection. The straight line on the chart is not in reality the shortest distance between the two points, and the route taken by the piece of string will surprise anyone who's used to thinking about the earth in terms of the flat pages of an atlas.
Good luck, Jessica!

Sarah said...

Yaay for good progress!! It wasnt too confusing, you have a way of explaining it so its understandable. (and by the way I vote YES for mangos!! YUM!!) Hope your day goes well..xo.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,
Great blog again today. Mangoes yum! Your mother has certainly put alot of thought into your food supply. Wonder what has been put in your Christmas bag! Here I am worrying about your safety out on the open seas and yesterday my son had a truck accident on a quiet country road. He is okay thank goodness.
Keep safe.

Anonymous said...

I am following your blogs daily, keep up the good work.
After reading about you having tinned mangos on board brought me to think of how you dispose of your rubbish. Surely not just straight overboard I hope?
Yep we're all getting mangos here at home now - straight off the tree.
Safe journey
Geoff H
Bundaberg Qld

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, yes the mangoes are delicious here at the moment, me and my son devoured two last night, i dont mind the can ones either!!
Am still reading your daily blog and have the world map out on the floor, my 4 year old is following too, and has a spinning world globe on the way for christmas, might make more sense to him! Keep up the good work, you continue to amaze me with your skill, courage and determination!
Ali and Hamish ( Victor Harbor SA )

Kim said...

thanks for the explanation on the route south!! wondered when to expect you to round the turn at the cape! i check in with you daily and love to read your blog. . . hope the wind keeps up and you get a slight easterly push! safe waters and godspeed!

greenville, in

Unknown said...

hey jess knows we are here lol,keep up the good work jessi and see if you can send a shout out to scoobyfitz in new york city im your biggest fan,i do arctic trips im working on greenland at the moment,keep up the good work im tracking weather ahead of you and yes i understand the curve,cape horn awaits you,over and out from new york city :)

sandyhope said...

If I were you I'd hide the extra can of mangoes to find as a surprise again later on in your journey! Although I could see myself going after the stash a few days after hiding them so... eat away!

Good Luck on your bumpy windy course!


anth said...

The mangos are good at the moment, open the tin the're bound to be just as good.


Staffan said...

Your explanation is fine.

Love your guts!!!!!!

Chimli said...

Great description Jesse; a touch of Patrick O'Brian there. You're flying.

Laurie said...

Hello There Jessica, Such courage and spirit you have. You never seem to have a dull moment. Good luck and good sailing. A couple of oldies in Nelson NZ

Maravale H Skoolers 5 said...

Hello Miss Jess, Great sailing and stay focussed. Hope your broad reach sailing keeps your way. Concentrate on getting to the horn with what's close at hand Miss. Above all ENJOY THE RUN

Anonymous said...

Welcome to the Northern Hemisphere Jess! I've enjoyed reading your blog---way to show all of those guys what a real us "real" women are like!! ; )

-Brandy (USA)

Helmut said...

“Heeled over, under full sail and throwing water everywhere Ella's Pink Lady has been flying along”… wonderful, descriptive writing. I can picture it perfectly. But a picture in the mind is not as good as the real view, so I hope you are taking plenty of videos of the many different situations you are experiencing. At the end of the journey, you will splice them together into an award-winning movie.
Stay safe, stay clear of the islands and reefs, and have your warning system up load when you sleep with a belly full of mangoes. Helmut

Wolfhound said...

Hi Jessica,

Glad you found the mangoes ! It's fun that something you take so much for granted when you're home can be such a pleasure when you're out on the high seas.
Maybe you can work them into something you cook - you probably don't have ice cream, but you can use them in cookies, salads - even for a fish sauce !

No worries about the great circle route - your explanation was fine. Just tell people to imagine a basketball : if they want to go from one point, say on the equator, to another say halfway around but also on the equator, then it's quicker to go up at about 45 degrees. It's sort of like how traveling by the hypotenuse on a triangle is shorter than going the two other legs.

I must say it's a little ungracious of you to come visit us up here in the Northern Hemisphere, and then rush off again as soon as you can ! But we forgive you, as we know you're in a hurry !

Hope you have a fantastic day today. By the way, I see that Nov 28th was the day Magellan set out to sail the Pacific - which he named - almost 500 years ago, on the first circumnavigation of the earth.

All the best,

Brian in NY

BavariaBlu said...

OMG Jessica,
what an awesome new map your team has produced now - it's fantastic! So today a great big toast and thanks a lot to all those wonderful people in aid of your adventure.
In fact, the things you're writing about the curve of the earth sounds a bit like Lindbergh flying up to Greenland first instead of crossing the Atlantic straight, but I don't really know about that. All I can say is take care of all those crumbles in your way called French Polynesia. Don't get lovely Ella's belly scratched, will you!
And munch them Mangos, girl!

Unknown said...

Keeping an eye on your progress.. and, for an older American guy who's only been sailing 5 years, I very much admire your fortitude and courage... God Speed and may the Horn be good to you.

Gemma Wiseman said...

You still sound so excited and enthusiastic! We all feel as if we are sharing your passion for the journey! This is a great experience for us all!

Now about those mangoes! I do believe I have only ever tried one in my life! And "messy" comes to mind instantly! Perhaps it's time to try again! My mouth is watering at the thought!

Happy journeys!

Unknown said...

An easy way to understand Great Circle paths if you happen to have a globe of the Earth is to take a length of string and stretch it between two points on the surface of the sphere. For example to go from Melbourne to Los Angeles, stretch a string between the two cities and you will notice that the string leaves Melbourne much more to the east, rather than north east as you would expect from a flat map.

If you ever see a map showing international airline paths, you will see that they also curve one a flat map... following the Great Circle paths.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jessica.
While we have a weekend,
you are sailing, all day, every day. Make sure you relax, when you can. All the best.
Keep smiling.
Luv u
Richard (QLD)

Anonymous said...

Thanks for your description of the "great circle" Jess, it makes perfect sense when you look at it on a globe rather than a map. Good luck!


Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,
Thanks for the update and explanation of your proposed route to the Horn, makes perfect sense. Mangoes are my favourite fruit also and I buy them no matter what the cost. Happy and safe sailing to you and EPL.

Bron C/west NSW

Anonymous said...

... sounds o.k., but what happens, if you sail too close to the edge of our flat earth and fall off it...?

Unknown said...

Dear Jess,

Jessica thanks for all the updates and stuff. I am willing to watch your videos. I was the one who typed for Yr 4 Rm 8 Shelley P.S Perth WA Australia Southern Hemisphere, Earth, Galaxy, Universe XD. Well I hope you succeed and catch way more fish (not a shark I hope!) !

From Arnold

Anonymous said...

Cape Horn in early January ? ABSOLUTELY COOL ! From 04.-14. January the Australian Jamboree at Cataract Scout Park, south of Sydney, will be eagerly watching and backing you up with ~26000 thumbs pressed (~13000 participants)to get you round this most tricky part of the journey. "Test your limits" is the theme of the event and you will be a great example what can be achieved.

Anonymous said...

Haven't got time to chat Jess - have to go eat a mango.

You should see about getting commisson on the mango sales to help your trip.

Travel safe and with good winds. Yes I'll say it again you are an inspiration.

Sunshine Coast Watchers

Unknown said...


Yes, you explained the curvature of the earth thing just fine. It certainly makes sense.
It is funny how us Yanks think that our holidays would be the same as yours. We may as well wish you a happy independence day on the 4th of July!

We are following your blog every day, thanks for the informative and entertaining updates.

The captain and crew of Tiger Lily

Robyn said...

Hi Jessica, I have enjoyed reading every one of your blogs since I saw you on 60 Minutes! What an amazing young woman you are and what a task you have undertaken. You determination and skill are an inspiration.. I love reading what you have for dinner! You eat as many cans of mangoes as you want!! You go girl! And don't spare the chocolate..

Stephen Walter said...


So glad to hear you're going well.
You are quite the hero, and are in my thoughts and prayers.
Oh, and one other thing - Say 'yes' to mangoes :-)

Monique said...

Hey Jess,

Must be nice to find those mangoes!
Good luck on you're voyage. Great to see a girl like you following your dreams.

Monique New Zealand

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse
Gee I wish Xmas was a few weeks further away but it is coming so quickly Xmas cards being sent and tree up and wrapping presents Xmas day will be upon us and here you are talking of the new year wow. Thats not long. Those mangos would have gone down a treat with a fresh fish. Thankyou for the information any thing to make the trip shorter is good.
Take care pet
love and hugs
Evie from Bendigo

Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed this,

QUOTE from Jessica's earlier post:

"Even though Ella's Pink Lady is built and set up for strength, endurance and easy handling when the weather is nice, I've really been enjoying playing around, tweaking the sails for a little extra speed. Of course as soon the weather is up it's all about being totally conservative!: Unquote.

That's what I call thinking out of the box ! and confidence in your knowledge and sailing skills.
Way to go, Jessica !

On the Bras d'Or Lakes, Cape Breton.

Pipefish said...

Live for today! Open that luscious second tin of Mangos! :-p


Sueby said...

Hi Jess, you have inspired me with your blog. I live in Brisbane and am sailing my Sabre dinghy in the Nationals 28/12 - 3/01 at Hobart ... so my journey will be by road and the Spirit of Tasmania ... I have created a blog called Sue's Log for my trip ( ).
I am discovering that sharing my story is an important part of the journey.
Take care

sails said...

Today's Inspirational Quote:

"Envy consists in seeing things never in themselves, but only
in their relations. If you desire glory, you may envy
Napoleon, but Napoleon envied Caesar, Caesar envied Alexander,
and Alexander, I daresay, envied Hercules, who never existed."

-- Bertrand Russell


Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse!
OK, after a bit of reading now I'm thinking that the great circle is about the difference between a flat map and a curved planet, yeah? Curved lines on the earth look straight on a map and vice-versa?
Bet you're glad I'm not your navigator!
How's the heat - hope it's cooling off a little for you.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse, as an Aussie living in America I love logging on to see where you are and what you are up to. Truly inspirational..


hezakiah299 said...

11-27-09 @20:30Hi Jessica,
You sound great, in good spirits and full of spunk. It must be the mangoes. I think you’ll find lots of little surprises during your trip.
I’m watching passage weather and it looks like you have pretty smooth sailing, moderate wind and seas ’till 12/04 but it does look like you'll be bucking the currents further along. Nothing you can't handle.
I realize that the world is round but I never knew that the curvature of the earth would play such a part in sailing. Am I correct in assuming that you could save 320nm by traveling in this manner? I understand what you are saying, but yes, I'm one of the one's that is confused, somewhat. LOL..... I'll try Wikipedia and do a little further research on it. Not insulting your intelligence, by no means, but there is so much to sailing that it really boggles the mind (especially mine). And that's one of the things that I admire about you, the ability to absorb this kind of information, retain it and be able to put it to good use.
I have never been on a sailboat but I do think it would be enjoyable. I may have to try it sometime. I’m to far along to get the fever, but you never know. LOL………….
I had a nice quiet Thanksgiving and didn’t eat to much, turkey, potatoes, peas and sweet potatoes (my favorite) and then a nap. Ho hum…….
Wasn’t that exciting??????

Looks like you have everything under control Keep up the good work,enjoy yourself and stay safe.
Looking forward to your next post.
Take good care of Ella and yourself and wear your harness. Always thinking of you.
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full. I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (74) from Kingwood, WV

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,

You're moving along nicely and doing so well EPL and yourself.

Keep safe and God Bless.

Jan (Auckland, New Zealand)

Emma said...

Hi Jess,

I am a solicitor in Adelaide and after my Dad went on and on about everything that you have written in your blogs, I have started reading it in during my quiet moments here at work.

Congratulations on your achievements so far. Reading your posts is a great little break from work and one of the highlights in my day.

Good luck on the rest of the journey - I look forward to reading your future posts and hearing about your adventures.


Alex said...

Loved your summary of the earth being curved shaped, but I want to know how can the water stay level if the earth is round ? lol
Enjoy the mango, I love mango especially with a little papaya in my yoghurts !

Richard in Maryland said...

Hi Jesse,
Glad your not hard on the wind and can loose the sheets a bit. I bet Pink Lady is great on a reach.

Reading a little bit about great circle routes, I was intrigued to find out that following a great circle route cutting through lines of latitude and longitude means maintaining a course with constantly changing bearing. Makes sense, it being a arc. Neat trick.

As someone else pointed out, those "pesky" islands are some of the most beautiful islands in the world. The great sailor Moitesser withdrew from sure victory in the 1969 round the world race to go to these islands rather than to return to France as a hero. Someday you will return by sea and have plenty of time to check them out.
(If you have enough money on board for a plane trip home, I understand)

For now though, the game is on, and you are focusing like a laser beam on the Horn. Your discipline is commendable. It will continue to serve you well.

Sail on Jesse through night and day,
On rolling swell and salty spray!

Richard W

Maryland, USA

jacques said...

Hi Jessica, I was a navigational officer (mate) for 14 yrs on merchant vessels. Started when satellite navigation was not there yet, so positions at full sea were by stars and sun with the use of a sextant. Maybe you could explain a bit better to people not in the know the difference in distance/course on a round surface by great circle and/or loxodrome
Good luck

Anonymous said...

hi jess, I sometimes find myself singing "peaches mango peaches"
as sung by the oarsome foursome, reading your blog just set me off again.
hope the mangos were sweet and good to eat

gary in MtMartha

Anonymous said...

I just found your blog the other day, and have been facinated reading it daily. I have told the gradd 6 kids at school to follw you journey as I think you are a great inspiration to so many people.

hezakiah299 said...

11-27-09 @21:44

This is for my fellow bloggers.
For those of you who have a lot of questions, I suggest that you take the time to go back through Jessica’s blogs and also view her videos and pics. A lot of your questions can be answered by doing this. The more technical questions come in time,as we have just learned about the Great Circle paths. This would help to take a lot of pressure off Jessica.
I’m not being sarcastic or snippy, but I have found out a lot of information by doing this. Plus it’s a lot faster when you search for it yourself. Fellow bloggers also give out a lot of helpful information. There are just to many to name them all, but to them I say, Thank You.
I like to classify this as “Constructive Criticism”.
I hope this is or will be helpful.

Anonymous said...

My grandauhter is your age and I can only think..Wow. How dangerous. But Then I think she drives the freeways of Los Angles to get to school and you will be fine. Well prepared and with a lot of support. Good luck .

Anneriek said...

Thanks for all the updates Jess, you must be busy enough without...., but you have to know it's greatly appreciated! Great to see you're enjoying your trip south. Quite a bit to go yet but your flying now! We'll have a mango on you today ;-)

HAWKEYE said...


Hi Jesse, God, I love mango - the goo-eee, juicy, sticky feeling it leaves all over your face, the webbing between the fingers, etc. You know Jess when my surfing mates and I went camping at Margaret River (WA) about 18 months ago one of the guys in the group is a real housewife type; so we sent him shopping with a list which included amongst other things 6 tins of Ham for emergency meals. Towards the end of the trip we were low on food so we thought we would tackle the Ham - guess what he bought? Six cans of Spam. Oh god, it was awful - the next couple of days was spam and tomato sandwiches, tomato and spam sandwiches, Spam and leftovers - everything was with Spam, Spam, Spam. I am dead certain that stuff remains in the system a lifetime. So darl with mangoes you're living the high life. Go for it but keep some to spoil yourself down the line.

You sound in good nick out there today with the winds cooperating and ELLA heeling under full sail I conjour a magical sight. Your explanation was very good but as I said yesterday keep the head in the moment and set some goals you can push towards each day. There's a lot of sailing to be done before the Horn and with those annoying islands ahead of you being in the present is critical to your safety. That's all I think about, it doesn't matter if you get to the Horn a few days over schedule, the objective is to get there and safely. If time is important to you then it's always conceivable you will make good time on other legs of the journey. The Horn will come soon enough and each day is different and so far your ability to deal with novelty is testament to your skills and level-headedness.

'til next time special one enjoy the experience, don't be greedy and leave some mango for a rainy day as they say; stay clipped on, think safety and be happy.


Unknown said...

It is so cool keeping up on your posts and hearing your experiences as they happen. My family is very proud of you as you continue to live your dream. It's also a neat learning experience for us as you explain things you are going through. Keep up the great updates and stay safe. God bless you in your travels. Paul, Fort Worth, Texas

Chrie Akenfelds said...


I vote Jessica should get stuck into the mangoes.


Chris Akenfelds
Brisbane QLD
akenfelds @ lycos . com

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,

Just to let you know that I am following your course. I wish you all the best. I do know what the elements are that you are going through.

You will make it.

George Buchan
Ex Merchant Navy
Hobart TAS 7016

Anonymous said...

I hope you cracked open the second tin of mangoes! Here's to you and more great progress Jessica. I really look forward to reading your posts, thank you for giving such a wise perspective on your day to day life. Our family spent Thanksgiving snow skiing but we were thinking of you out there in the wild blue yonder.

Gretchen and family from Southern California

Anonymous said...

Please come visit us here in the "North" again soon.

You have a lot of trip ahead, hold off on the mango's and revisit them again in a month for Chrismas!

Be safe, you have a rough passage ahead of you! Break out the mangos when the going gets tough, you will need the little pick me up.

Newport Beach Sailor

Prof. Grant Horner said...


June and Richard Thorn said...

Hi Jesse,

Thanks for the update and explanation (I think).

Enjoy the mangos and the speedy conditions.

As it is now very hot, with a storm expected in Brisbane today, I might go for a swim early.

I'll just float for a while with my eyes shut and imagine what it must be like to be surrounded by ocean as you are at the moment.

Thankfully, I can come back to dry land a little bit quicker than you can.

Stay strong and keep finding those kinds winds to push you back home.

June and Richard Thorn

Bob from Seattle said...

hey Jess,

tell us some more stuff about life on your boat. do you wear a harness when venturing atop deck or only in bad weather? explain the reefs in terms of sails and what you do when the wind increases or decreases. how many sails do you have? how often during the night do you change the sail configuration? what does "reach" mean?

Bob from Seattle

Russ (VE6VK) said...

The great circle route for those interested is shown in this url. Jesse did a fine job of describing it.
It is used also by Amateur Radio Operators world wide setting their beam antennas.
Jesse your stories are just fabulous. Keep them coming. You have thousands of friends who are following your moves with great interest. I am almost 86 and I feel you are an inspiration to everyone. Great work!

Bobby from South Carolina said...


At my Thanksgiving get together @ my house yesterday we added your name to our prayers & said a cheer to you before we had lunch.... my friends & I talk about your adventure all the time.... your name came up today while we were having a pizza lunch!!! Keep up the awesome adventure... safe sails Jessica, safe sails!!!

Bobby from South Carolina

Anonymous said...

i was just thinking about you, nothing on tv here on the eastcoast ,but its nice to know i can see how your going with the trip on the internet you go girl regards glen.

Anonymous said...

nice post and hope you have safe and peaceful sailing.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jessica,

Your blog continues to be educational. I know about Great Circle Routes, but for some reason I only think of them applying to east-west travel (the shortest way from Europe to the US is to fly up near Greenland). When a route is mostly north-south, I don't think of them as being relevant -- but of course there's a tremendous east-west component to your run to Cape Horn, so naturally the Great Circle principle applies to that.

I'm glad the wind shifted enough to make your sailing more comfortable. I hope it remains strong enough that you can get optimum speed out of Ella's Pink Lady.

Did someone sneak the mango tins onboard as a surprise, or did you unpack them from a food bag and then forget you had them? Either way, it's a nice surprise. And no matter how messy they are to eat, you have no one there to criticize you, and most of the water in the world to wash with.

Best wishes,

Michael from Texas, USA

Fishlips said...


hi my name is bob and im new to sailing
and you my dear are living out my dream.
You have so much courage. Oh my God. What a thing
to do. I just bought my 1st sailboat and
luv sailing. Ive been a powerboat guy all my
life but sailing has become my new passion
i live in san diego california and came across
a article about you in a local paper here in the marina
your in my prayers so have a safe trip and i look
forward to your blogs.
God bless and be speedy in your quest

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

Great to see you are still going great. Have a question when you see boats in the same area do they come close enough to say hi.


Anonymous said...

Awesome job, keep it up !

Love from France

Cleo said...

Love ur blog Jessie I read it everyday and keeping up with your travels it really amazing Eat all ur mangoes and enjoy we in NZ have them too Delicious you go gal
cheers Kiwigal

Astroglide_Australia said...


Keep some mango for Christmas morning breakfast, or I guess that will be Boxing day our time.

Anonymous said...

"Heeled over, under full sail and throwing water everywhere..."
Picture! Picture!
by the Big Cold Lake

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