Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Slow Day, Communication and Website

It's been a quieter day today, a bit too quiet actually. For most of the day the wind has been a bit non-existent. Any progress we did make could probably be put down to drift more than anything! But there's a nice breeze again now so off we go again. Rolling about not going anywhere started to get a little frustrating today, so I kept busy doing some school work and I finally put the fishing line out. No luck catching anything but there's always tomorrow. I also didn't have much luck with school work. After completing the first English assignment I sent it off to discover that I'd opened the wrong bag and have been working on next year's assignments, oops!
To cheer myself up I had scrambled eggs for lunch, made with powdered eggs and cream, really yummy! So I'll have to have them more often. Powdered eggs aren't exactly an off the shelf item, but all the effort Mum put into tracking them down was well worth it! Last night I brought my sleeping bag out in the cockpit and managed to get a bit of sleep under the full moon. It was a pretty cool sight with the moonlight making the waves sparkle and lighting up the sails. I have to keep reminding myself to make the most of nights like this as things are certainly going to change when we head back south and into the Southern Ocean.
For everyone who's been curious about how I keep in touch with the rest of the world I thought I'd explain the communications equipment on board Ella's Pink Lady. First off, I'd like to say a huge thanks to Satcom Global, the amazing guys who have provided all the satellite gear for me. To start with, I've got two handheld satellite phones (one lives in the grab bag ready for me to take with me if I ever had to abandon ship). Most days the satellite phone is a completely clear line and it's as if you're right next door to the person you're talking to rather than out in the middle of the ocean! Then I've got internet connection through a small satellite dome on the stern called the sailor 250. This is what enables me to send video clips, pictures, blogs and emails but it can become pretty costly so I can't exactly just browse the internet all the time. Ella's Pink Lady's also got a HF radio which I use for skeds and listening in to see what other yachts are in the area. Other than that there's a tracker which sends back a constant signal to the appropriate people and all my different EPIRBs (emergency position indicating radio beacons - a signaling device in other words), but they come under the rather extensive subject of safety equipment, so I won't got there tonight!
Talking of communication, the other day I was having a major cheese craving and couldn't find the cheese anywhere, so I called Mum to ask whether she knew where it might have been packed. Mum was actually in Melbourne having lunch with Jesse Martin and his Mum Louise at the time. My quick casual call about something as unimportant as cheese really highlighted the difference between my voyage and Jesse's. Back when he sailed around the world satellite phone calls were so costly that they were saved for pretty much only emergencies and Jesse certainly didn't have luxuries like cheese! Anyway they all had a good laugh at my expense and it sounded like they were having a good time.
I hope everyone in Australia had a win on the Melbourne Cup today. I hear some of my shore team picked the winner Shocking, so that was good news. I'm not really sure what I can do to celebrate it out here, any ideas?
Finally, I hope you all like the updated website which now has a tracking map so you can all keep an eye on me.
It's going to be long night out here tacking around another reef but all part of the fun!



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Roy Lee said...

Hi Jessie,
Love the Google Tracking with notes.
Great use of ineternet technology.
All the best from us, and hope you have a peacefull and enjoyable day.
Roy & Jenny
Sunshine Coast

Anonymous said...

Great going Jess, the google map is great, really shows the distance you are going.
Keep save. Best Regards Jill

GlenF said...

Thank you for my daily inspiration.

It makes me think of "Those who tell you that something can't be done are often interrupted by those doing it."


"If you think you can't you can't and if you think you can, you can."

Catch a fish.

Anonymous said...

love the website. and love the tracking, its like the sydney to hobart one.
maybe you could have a bet about catching yourself a fish for dinner.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,

keep up the good work,

"Age is something that doesn't matter, unless you are a cheese”

Youra legend

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,
Everything is going well and will continue to do so, because you and your team have prepared really well for this epic voyage.You are proving just what an adept sailor you are Jess.There will be plenty of rough weather ahead,but you and Pink Lady will take it in your stride.Keep on keeping on Jessica. Thanks for the rundown" on your communications set-up, it sounds great.Have a good day Jessica, you are in our thoughts and prayers.Dougal

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,
The tracker is a great addition to the web site. Good work team! I love the nonchalance associated to your blog today..."hey Mum I can't find the cheese!" Were you looking with boys eyes Jess?

So how long til you cross the international dateline? That mist be coming up soon...


Anonymous said...

nice blog where do ya live

Buddy Blanton said...

Hello Jesse,

I was wondering if you would be seeing the same full moon as us in the Northern Hemisphere. A full moon on the open ocean is absolutely beautiful. I was in the Bahama Islands in May on a full moon night this year, and it was so beautiful. I was also glad to hear that you got a chance to fish; better luck next time. That would be some great protein if you get to catch some; provided you have the facilities to clean them, for it can be messy on a boat. It is neat to see your chart online now, and I think it is very smart that you are not giving exact locations for the world to see; general area works just great and it keeps your location somewhat secure. I worry about your safety, for there are some crazy people in this world. Keep up the great work and be safe.....you are amazing!!! buddy

mike, ca said...

you know the best thing about your homework is if you get stuck on a math problem you could post it too your blog and somebody could answer it anyway the site looks great keep up your spirt and have fun

Anonymous said...

Hey hi Jessica

Congrats on your voyage. Hoping you are well and all. I think it's fantastic what you are doing . Good on you.


theoldhillbilly said...

The tracker is an awesome addition, glad your doing well. One question I have not knowing the conditions of the route is will encounter any cold weather sailing down there? Or does that even happen along the route?

M Home Skoolers 5 said...

Hi Miss Jess Oowwwer! You seem to be heading for minerva reef. Try trolling for surface fish. 1: Let out a fully floating baited line as far as u can 2: then reel it in reel fast. You might get lucky. 3: Look for dolfin fish near floating logs or stuff. You wil need a meaty 0r fishy bait like those squid. 4: Have fun and thanks for the traka

Mark Pearce said...

Thanks for the "technical" information Jessica. Sleeping under the moon sounds idyllic.

Bruce from Brisvegas said...

Hi Jessica

You and Ella are doing a brilliant job clocking up the nautical miles. Keep up your fabulous work.

It must be so much fun sailing Ella. Years ago my dad got cancer and became too ill to sail. I used to take him out on his Columbia into Sydney harbor and a little beyond. He would just sit in the cockpit, do nothing except enjoy the experience. Despite not being set up very well (at all) for single handed sailing (we didn’t even have roller-reefing), I had a great time doing it all myself. Being great in heavy weather, we used to take her out when southerly busters came in and everyone else had headed for shelter. As you know, storm jibs, reefs and trim can be lots of fun and a real challenge when you are trying to safely make changes - he survived the cancer and my single handed sailing technique. It also gave me a special feeling of being able to handle a yacht, a similar size to Ella, in all sorts of conditions – it’s just such a great feeling to do it all yourself. I can SO understand the buzz you must get from sailing Ella by yourself. And your huge adventure must just give you a feeling of being on top of the world.

When I read your blogs I always think about your well being and you keeping safe and what I call my three Bs of safety at sea. Body, Brain and Boat. For me the ‘Body’ element relates to good nutrition, good hygiene, good rest and moving around the boat and doing thing in a way that always promotes and maintains personal safety and wellbeing. The ‘Brain’ element comes down to two things really. The first is staying happy and confident and the second is not banging your head on anything in rough seas. If you are having a less than good day, we can all help you with that!!! The Boat element. Well that’s just about treating and maintaining Ella with respect, like you do, so that you and she come through the Heads in Sydney as planned. Won’t that be amazing!!!

Just on the school thing, as a parent I was just wondering where you are going with it all? Will you go into year 12 on your return? Are you planning on doing any tertiary studies at uni?

Sleeping under the stars on a warm nigh – wow! I guess there are plenty of shooting stars for you to make your wishes upon. My most favorite place that I have ever sailed is the Beagle Channel. I love it down there. Although, being from ‘the Coast’, you may currently be on the most climatically comfortable leg of your journey. South of Tierra del Fuego may be more of a case of ice on the deck than you in a sleeping bag on deck.

With you sharing your thoughts with us I think it is great that we, your around-the-world-fan club, share our thoughts with you, and help you along with your adventure. Keep up your great work.

Go Jess, Go!!!

Best wishes


mbasscat said...

Hi Jesse,
WOW! What a tracking map, all those pink boats and of course just click on them and you can read your daily updates...how awesome is that. Yes we are now all keeping an eye on you.
You are ahead of schedule even with the light winds, and OH my now you are way ahead in your school work...next years, how funny is that.
That communication equipment sounds just amazing and you do really need the best out there, make sure you utilize it to the max, for your safety.
Thanks for the updates, and now I'm so happy that I can track your progress, keep up the Great Work and keep your head high, your such an awesome brave young lady.

Safe Sailing
Marion from Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

alex said...

Sounds like heaps of fun! The melbourne cup was a letdown for me. No winning tickets. but stinker of a day in Sydney. 40degrees or something! sounds fun out there. Do other yachts beep horns and signal as you sail by as many people havr clued into this epic aventure that you have embarked on.

kobe said...

hey jess i hope you have fun sailing around the world

Anonymous said...


I work in Meteorology and I am interested in knowing what weather reports/forecasts you use.

I will keep an eye on your location when I am analysing the charts!


rod said...

you are endeavouring to prove to the older and younger generations that there are other things in life besides drugs, boredom & old age,i commend you for this.i am monitoring your progress daily,and i look to the day you achieve your goal.
take care 16 year old adventurer.
best wishes and kindest regards young lady.
blackbutt qld

rod said...

you are endeavouring to prove to the older and younger generations that there are other things in life besides drugs, boredom & old age,i commend you for this.i am monitoring your progress daily,and i look to the day you achieve your goal.
take care 16 year old adventurer.
best wishes and kindest regards young lady.
blackbutt qld

HAWKEYE said...


Hey Jesse, another descriptive post and EPL has a WOW of a communication system on board. The more I learn the happier I am you have the technology in place to keep in touch and quickly. No more of that talk about "abandoning boat" it frightened the hell out of me!!

Good to know you are into the school work albeit a little ahead of yourself. Never mind whatever you are working on it stimulates the brain and that can only be good.

Hope you found the cheese otherwise the local mice might help you out although I have no idea why there is likely to be mice on board. Although I must say while on food - the scrambled eggs sounded OK.

Keep up the spirits, continue to fuel yourself with Mum's food packs and have plenty of fluids. Jesse, no more frightening comments please take care and when I am out on the board waiting for a wave I think about you out there and always send you a few 'take care' messages.

"til next time be happy and stay safe.


DeWitt said...

All the comforts of home eh jess?
Not really of course. lol.
And thanks to those responsible for getting the tracking mape up and working. It's great to be able to follow your progress. You're doing great. I'll pray for a little more wind for you.

Steve Peters said...

Good update - and what a great idea - do next year's homework this year so you can pass next year's school early and have a longer holiday LOL.
Just loving the tracking map - great work to your team. Sail on.

peter G said...

awsome job jessica. i look foward to your updates. stay safe and dont forget to take it all in. pete

Katie said...

Hi Jessica,

Everyday that I read your blog I am overcome with emotion. It is truly an amazing thing you're doing. I am a 28 year female living in Sydney (originally from Brisvegas) and I can't imagine doing what you're doing.
My mother said to me the other day that what you're doing is "irresponsible" and "what if you needed to be saved and what a waste of the tax payers money and blah blah blah" (mothers say things like this sometimes just after they've hidden the cheese).

I had to set my Mum straight. What about all of those kids who sit around watching TV and playing their Nintendo and eating chocolate after chip, what about the burden they place on the tax payer when they're obese, diabetic and have a heart condition in later life. And then I also asked her what was ever achieved without the spirit of adventure, without some great risk... very little.

People are afraid of what the don't know about. Don't be afraid out there Jessica because you know it all. You know Ella's Pink Lady inside and out, you know the sea by your charts and equipment, you know your family and support crew back home and you're beginning to know all of us. There is nothing to fear.

To finish my rant (yes, I am procrastinating at work), I leave you with my favourite quote, "It will be all right in the end and if it's not all right then it's not the end.



Anonymous said...



john, Canada

Michael Kent said...

hi jess

photos are really good take a photo of food pack so can see how big they are, and how many do you have stowed away?
keep the dream alive and stay safe


Anonymous said...

...hi, jess! i am so glad the tracker is up on your site. really puts into perspective of this tremendous journey you have embarked on. i say SCRAP THE SCHOOLWORK!!!! you're getting an A+ at the University of Life!!!!! you go, girl! love ya!

castro valley, ca, usa

Bridget Larsen said...

Thanks to you little brave lady and the Pink Lady I am going to have a wonderful 8 months of free geography lessons that I didnt take much notice of when I was at school. Boy your scrapbook will be awesome (I hope you make one or someone else does)

Bridget Larsen said...

p.s. I went and googled Minerva reef and found this, did you see the reef at low tide? Its pretty cool and I was born in Fiji and never knew about this, see I told you I'd be having a geography lesson from you .

kim, USA said...

Hi Jess, Thank you for sharing your experience with all of us out here in internet world. I have no doubt that you will be successful with your goal. You are bringing back good memories of my "sailing" childhood. Especially when you mentioned the powdered eggs! We ate them (and baked with them) regularly while we were cruising Central and South America. My mother, father, sister and myself lived aboard our 36' sailboat for about fifteen years. I wouldn't want to trade that experience for anything! Take care and best wishes....Kim from Florida, USA

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse, I'm also a grade six student at Williamstown Primary School in Melbourne VIC, like a couple of other kids that have sent you feedback from my school, I love what your doing right now but I don't think I would have enough courage to do it! our grade 5/6 have been following your blogs on your website and wish you all the best, good luck Jesse,


Unknown said...

Hey Jess ! Yay for the tracking map, that is brilliant, Thanks to the team ! It sounds like Mom did right by you in the food department, she's the greatest. I'm so glad you can call and ask her where the cheese is, that must be a huge comfort ! I hope you catch something delicious for your next meal ! Always thinking of you, stay safe.

Sherll, Georgia, USA

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica!
My name is Jessie (cool name huh!)
My Grade 5/6 class is tracking and following your journey around the world and we are making a book of all your blogs! I think you are really brave and extremely adventerous to be going out there all on your own. I am 100% behind you and Ella's Pink Lady and can't wait for your arrival in Sydney in 2010!
From Jessie!

Anonymous said...

Yomust be getting near the equator Jess. Had a map of the Minerva Reefs one time and a photo of a yacht that ot stuck there. so good you are past it.

To while away your time some maths questions:
1 what is the squre root of minis one;
2. What baranch of mathematics it ie whole numbrs etc;
3. What part of your boat/system is that branch of maths applied to ie engine sails etc

Regarda Graham fron NZ

Layla said...

i read your postings daily - I am fourteen and live in Decatur Alabama - I am totally amazed with your journey and hope to keep in touch during your trip - hope the squid didn't smell too bad :) May the winds blow your way - Best of Luck - Layla in Alabama

Len said...

God speed you on your way Jess

from bluff NZ.

gsimmons said...

Hi Jessica
Still going strong, as you know there will be so many different ocean moods. When the going is quite, enjoy this time, I know you make up any lost time when the wind picks up.
I wonder what you have said to your mum if she served up powder eggs for dinner at home! would be interesting to know what you have said.
Out on the ocean all by yourself, you can't be to choosey and food does always taste better.
On the fishing side, you would be trolling lures out off the stern I would think, (bait hooks would be useless in the deep water) so to catch fish like mackerel or tuna you need to moving along at about 4to 6 knots.
Not sure what type of lures you have on board, but if you have any silver slice or spoon lures, they should do the job. Any type of bibb lure will work ok also.
There is nothing better than being on a flat calm ocean under a full moon at night, most people never experience something like that.
So let us know when you do catch a fish and how you went cleaning your catch, most girls draw the line when it comes to cleaning fish.
You are certainly well set in the comms department, I'm the comms officer at Exmouth Marine Rescue, so I know that they have done a good job in setting up your EPL. Comms are I believe is one of the most important parts of a adventure like this. So keep talking to your parents and friends, keep having fun and keep safe.
Cheers George and lots of love from Exmouth WA

Caves Beach Andrew said...

Hey Jesse,

First of all, it is always good to hear that you are still safe and well, and most importantly, still in good spirits!

I can see how it must be frustrating sitting in the middle of the ocean with no wind and not much else happenning out there. Caves Beach was like a lake yesterday as well, nothing worse than having a hot day, getting down the beach, and finding absolutely no waves bigger than 6 inches rolling in!

It's good to hear that you are disciplined enough to be working through some schoolwork, even if it is next year's! Personally, I would have told my parents and my teachers where to go, if they insisted that I do schoolwork in the middle of such an epic voyage! Or was that a trade-off with your parents, in order to be allowed to go on this trip.

It must have been great to be able to sleep outside in the fresh air, looking up at the stars and having the moon give everything a nice glow.

I have only ever heard of, or seen powdered eggs once before, and that was in the movie "I Am Legend". I cannot imagine what they taste like, I would have thought that they would be pretty tasteless!

Thanks again for sharing some more technical info - all this added information makes it easier and easier to visualise yourself in the Pink Lady, coupled with the video tour that you showed us a couple of months ago.

I found your cheese craving and the effort you had to go through to find some, very funny. I can fully understand what it's like to have a cheese craving, my son (Michael) and me have these cheese cravings all the time, and for all of you that do not understand, only one thing can cure a cheese craving, and that is cheese, and plenty of it!

Now, for celebrating on the Pink Lady, I will have to get back to you on that one.

There is one obvious choice though, on celebration nights, you should open a new food bag and pick one of your favourite meals for that night, transfer one of your less favourite ones from the old bag into the new one, and then put the new bag away again.

One quick question though - did you bring a Santa or a couple of streamers to put up in the Pink Lady at Christmas time?

Anyway, I don't want to take up too much of your time - keep safe around those reefs and have a good night!

Caves Beach, Australia

Anonymous said...

More photos Jess please. Loving your daily blog. I'm also tracking you via google earth which is fun.

Gisela said...

Hi Jessica

Did you find the cheese? I'll be with you all the way by blog. You go girl!

maara said...

hi jessi l hop you brok the record all for wagaman school maara

maara said...

hi jessi l hop you brok the record all for wagaman school maara

Wendy said...

I am most inspired and in awe of your courage and maturity Jessica... I have been following your blog and am most impressed...
Youre a great role model for old and young and it just goes to show what strength of character you have!! I also think your parents must be amazing for raising such a strong and spirited young woman and citizen... you make me proud to be a woman and an aussie! Well Done!...Wendy :o))

afroditi said...

jesse thes is afroditi agenn saying god luck.

Jaimee said...

dear Jess I am very interested what you talk about on the blog. Can you talk about next time do you feal lonely on the boat and are you scared. I come from Wagaman Primary School my friend is Nikky she is on the blog too. My favrite coulor is yellow Nikky's faverit coulor is red her second favrit coulor is black then her third favrite coulor is purple bye got to go.

nikky said...

Dear jessica my name is nikky
my favrite colour is red let me
guess your favrite colour is
pink because i check a photo of
in side your boat or if you
call it your home.I go to wagaman
school and my best firend is
jaimee.She gose to my school as
well.iam 8 years olld and my birthday is june the 16 and now that i telled you my birthday has passed.bye

rae in DC, USA said...

So many people around the world are 'tuning in' for the next episode -- your journey is fascinating, and your blog compelling! Thanks for including all of us!

Anonymous said...

Hello again, Jessica.

Sounds like you're getting along nicely. I'm sure your mum packed plenty of alternate sources for the nutrients you won't be able to get from fresh fruit. I'm glad that she was able to find powdered eggs and that, combined with cream, they are tasty. (I've heard less favorable reports of powdered eggs but that may have been without cream.) It was ingenious to package your food in two-week bundles so you can't eat all your favorites first and then face 4 months of food you're less fond of. I guess you have to exercise self-control not to dig into an unopened bundle for a goodie, but self-discipline must be one of your strong points or you wouldn't be doing this.

In just a 2-week pack, though, it's hard to see how you lost the cheese, so maybe some foodstuffs are not in the packs.

Thanks for the blog, and thanks to your support crew for the tracker. Such a neat tool; it ties into your blog posts! Up till now I'd been Googling all your location clues so I could keep track (Minerva reef almost stumped the Internet); this is much better.

Enjoy the peaceful nights under cloudless skies; as you said, rounding Cape Horn probably won't be like that.

Best wishes,

Michael from Texas, USA

gsimmons said...

Hi Jessica
I did say bait would be useless in that deep water, not quite true. The squid you found on EPL's deck would be good trolled baits as would any flying fish you may find also.Best of luck with your fishing, by the time finish this adventure, you will be a expert fisher.
Exmouth WA

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, The tracker is great I love being able to follow you progress on the map.Sounds like you have your daily routine and am loving it.Looks like the cockpit doubles for a girls bathroom with all the cosmetics on it.Fantasitic keep having the time of your life.
Take care
Yeppoon QLD

June and Richard Thorn said...

Hi Jessie,

Sounds like another wonderful day in paradise.

At least you got a head start on next years school studies.

I’m with you on the cheese department. I just got home from work and I think that I'll go and find some cheese to snack on. I don’t think that I'll rush out for a plate of your powdered eggs though.

Take care of yourself and thanks for the update.

May the kind winds continue to push you along towards home.

June and Richard Thorn

Muhammad Asim said...

Hi Jess !

You are so crazy , last week you said that sailing at night is not charming at all , just waves , clouds and boat. But now you know that it is pretty cool sight.

Pls send a picture of your night sailing . Many thanks in advance.

Anonymous said...

Hi, I was wondering about school work and then you mentioned school work, no escape from that even in the deep blue sea! Thanks for the nice website and tracking, simply fabulous. All the best.


Anonymous said...

Hey jess
you know how you could celebrate i know its a bit late but u could catch a fish then dress it up like a horse!:) would love to c a pic

!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Ruby and 5 Eley
Scotch Oakburn
and Eliza, Aspen and Aleyna
all requested to be put in this morning!
great to hear from you:)


Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,
Cool update.
Sorry I have no ideas for your M.C celebration.
Will you be on Thursday Night Live again on channel ONE HD???
Saraya :-)

Tim Tillack said...

By the quality of your writing it's clear your a good student. I love how your writing comes across so effortlessly and with your descriptive passages it's like we're there with you. Keep up the fantastic work. All the best from Brisbane :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess
Your first book will no doubt be about your trip - but you do know that publishers always want a contract with more than one book, don't you? No problem though - your second book can be a cook book ... all sorts of titles come to mind: Tub Grub; Yacht Pot; etc.
Love your blog....
FS in Tassie

Dusty from Dubbo said...

g'day Jess

Glad to see that sat phone is clear. I ring China quite often and the calls are like yours clear as a bell.There are a heap of people in Dubbo following your adventure and like me they think you are just so brave and positive.

Sleep well and stay strong

Dusty from Dubbo

Gabi (idea-head) said...

Hi Jesse,

To celebrate the cup why don't you:

a. Turn your music up full pelt

b. Cook yourself something odd

c. Do an air guitar and be a rockstar.

See ya,

John (UK) said...

You seem to be making a somewhat northerly track. Is this a distortion of the map and a Great Circle route, or is there a particular strategy (ie iceberg avoidance or wind direction/tides)?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

Been following your progress and wish you luck. Great Stuff! You are indeed an inspiration to many both young and old!
God Speed!

BavariaBlu said...

God I did have a fright, couldn't get any fresh blogs from you since last Saturday until I realized there must have been a mistake in the link installed on my pc. So glad you're alive 'n kickin'.
I like the map your team put up, it's a great help to the imagination, together with all your lovely pics and clips. Really good also the way you're explaining things on Ellas Pink Lady step by step. Thanks a lot!
And what a smile it brought on my face on reading about your 'next year's English book - OOPS!' That's so very teen student indeed! I'm sure when I tell my students they'll have a good laugh, too.
Anyway, with your beautiful writing style and all I don't think you're in need of any more English lessons at all...
Take care and have fun!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesicca

I want to wish you to have a good and safe trip.
For our Greek seamens the best wish is the "St. Nicholas is always in your bow".

Best wishes
Vassilis Kalemanis
Athens Greece

Anonymous said...

My wife and I wish you all the best with your endeavour. You are made of the "right stuff",Jessica.May God bless you with fair winds all the way.
Sam and Marcia Fullerton, London,ON,Canada

Anonymous said...

hi jess
your doin well. my teacher wants to know how the chick with attitude is? hope you and the pinklady make it. bye

Anonymous said...


you are probably having a great time out on the waves. i'm sitting here just being able to manage the 30 degree heat. must be much cooler in the ocean.hope you make it

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessi, have fun traveling around the world. Keep up the good work. We all hope you make it.:)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,
It's the Akacich family [Black Joe's family],
according to your blog it sound like you have been getting pretty good weather, hope it all stays with you.

From the Akacich's :]

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