Friday, October 23, 2009


Still more slow progress out here, but past the 500nm mark which is a bit of a milestone. We spent last night completely becalmed next to Lord Howe Island drifting along at less than a knot. But when we finally did get a light breeze as the sun was coming up it made for a pretty amazing picture which I have included in this blog for you. . The water was completely glassed reflecting the rising sun, so as we started picking up a little wind it was as if we were gliding along a sheet of glass.
Today was more of the usual stuff for me, playing with cameras, catching up on a little sleep, keeping us moving, carefully monitoring my power ins and outs, feeding myself, the usual tiding up, lessening to music (there's noone to complain about my taste or volume I like to play it at!) and sending a few emails. It probably doesn't sound all that exciting but its keeping me happy and I still can't see myself ever getting bored, there's always something to do. Sailing around the world sure isn't all high action and excitement but quiet days reading are part of what I signed up for.

Not much wildlife around today, just Ella's Pink Lady, myself and lots and lots of blue, what more could anyone ask for?! We are not moving too badly again now, doing 6knots under full main, headsail and staysail.

Sorry I'll have to keep this short today because I better go and turn the HF on for a radio sked. As always, thanks to you all for all the support, I can't believe how many people are following the blog. It means a lot to me knowing you're all out there thinking of me!



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Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica,

Great Photos - I hope you get favorable winds soon.

Regards from North Georgia - USA


Unknown said...

For those who have not been at sea before can't believe that the middle of the ocean can be glass smooth. I have seen it and its absolutely beautiful that way. Your pictures are proof of that. I am wishing that your entire journey be like that and pulling for your successful completion. Would it be possible to post your position in your daily blog? Would love to track where you are at.

KP Norm
Cape Girardeau, Missouri USA

Peter (Sweden) said...

Intresting to know how you handle power, do you have a daily consumption ration or just checking battery staus. Do you carry extra battery and or extra power source system would some part of your system start failing?

Just as an advise, practice on emergency routines so they become part of your basic skills the day you need them,. just like experienced divers do.
Go Jesse Go

wani said...

Thanks Jess for the beautiful photos.. snap more for us.. if you don't mind, i would like to see the whole world turns pink.. Take care..

Chip said...

I wake every morning and read your blog before the newspaper.I'm staying w/ you till the end.Good luck!

Anonymous said...

hello sailor girl , you are doing a great job, I hope you get some decent wind tomorrow so you can get going a bit, you probably have a kind of timetable regarding the area you cover so your trip isnt any longer than planned. the photos were great. Many are asking for your position , I hope we get one soon wishes from Tasmania

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse, I wish you all the best.

Greetings from Germany


SethG said...

Greetings and Godspeed from Washington, D.C.!!!

Please be careful - you're in more peoples' thoughts and prayers than you know. Have fun....

Fair winds and following seas!


Espectacular, te sigo todos los días y es como estar ahi. Gracias por compartir tu aventura y sigue disfrutandolo.
Buenos vientos
Quito -Ecuador

Don said...

Go for it Jessica, good pics, An ocean of glass is a beautiful site.. The silence must be awesome..(a bit like mcdonalds without children)..Keep up the good work, What is the night sky like?? cheers Don..Gold Coast said...

Hello Jessica from Lafayette, Louisiana USA.
Saw you on Foxnews today. It's a wonderfully exciting and brave thing you will be doing. My prayers will be with you.

I am an Inmarsat Technician and would be will to donate to you a complete Sat-C system for you as a back up for your GMDSS.
Mr. Soto from Japan had a Trimble Galaxy 7001 on board his boat when he traveled around the world.

Contact me through Naviagation Electronics 337-237-1413.

Good Luck,

Paul from NZ said...

Hi Jessica, fantastic pictures and video's! I have triplet 6 year old girls and amn 8 year old boy who are fascinted by you and your dream. we log in eb very day. One of the girls is a born sailor and wnats to do the same as you "when she's ready". She comes out with me all the time. The kids would belive me when I said it could be falt way out there. Your pics proved it is (well today anyway!) Keep your dream going you are an inspiration to us all....

Anonymous said...

A new friend following your wonderful travel.A friend who knows the time, the clouds and the stars , wishing you the peace and the steadiness in the silence of your everydays life on board .A navigator from Réunion Island.

Mayes in Manhattan Blog said...

Amazing. Had drams of this adventure in my teens, but no way to pull it off. Good for you. I will experience the joy and challenge vicariously. Hold on to the memories of the calm when the storms come!

Craig- NYC

Steb said...

Hello Jessica. Once more from Spain.
Very beutyfull foto's. I've never sailed, and I think I would like it very much.
I agree with Mark, I think every day of you, and I admired you a lot.

Molly said...

Beautiful pictures.
I hope there will be more.
You are in my prayers every day.
Following your journey is inspirational.
May the Angels be your wind,

Phil said...

Hi Jessica,

I appreciate your well written blogs. The day to day routine may seen dull to you but I and many others enjoy reading them. It gives us a picture of what things are really like out there. I expect to follow you around the world and am looking forward to learning of your adventures.

Unknown said...

do you ever get to go for a swim? if so how do you manage that without watching the boat sail/drift off into the distance?

Anonymous said...

Great photos! Also, the geek in me is looking forward to hearing about your "power ins and outs." What are "skeds?" I enjoying keeping up with your trip and your sunny attitude. You're not alone out there, you've got a world of folks cheering you on!

Unknown said...


Enjoyed the pictures. I read your blog first thing in the morning. I look forward to them. Makes my day.

One day at a time.

Calgary Canada

Gillian said...

How smooth it is.

We went on a fishing trip from Lord Howe to Balls Pyramid in 15 knot winds. Threw up for two and a half hours on the way out, too sick to fish, came back again, two and a half hours of throwing up the whole way. IF ONLY we'd had a day like yours.

I think it's put me off boats for a couple more years yet. Bleh.

I just remembered though, at the beginning before it got rough...we saw flying fish! Big blue green ones with yellow on their "wings". They were totally magical. Pity we didn't call it a a day right there and then!

Kim Petersson said...

Enjoy your trip Jessica! :) I wish you good luck on your journey around the world! :) I'm a bit intresting in what music you like? :D and btw my name is Kim if you are wondering for some reason :)

take care from sweden! :)

please answear :) (b.k.p_Bamse(a) :)

Helen Mc said...

The photos are awesome. We are keeping up with your blog every day and sending good thoughts also.
H & B
Gold Coast

Justin said...

Good luck from Wisconsin! Saw your story on and well I guess you got my attention! Be safe and accomplish what many of us envy you for being able to do! Love the pictures as myself I love taking sunset/sunrise pics.

Ruddy said...

I too am enjoying your adventure through the blog and am pleased you have had some enjoyable time to settle in. This is the first and only blog I have commented on and its taken an old bugger like me this week to work out that I had to register , so I expect you probably have even more people following this epic adventure than you realise.
I find you are an inspirational little Aussie be proud of the journey you have begun
I hope you find these words as inspirational as others find you in any darker moments of your journey . Over the years when faced with darker moments in my own life I have found this verse "Think" very inspirational

If you THINK you are beaten, you are.
If you THINK you dare not, you don’t.
If you like to win, but THINK you can’t,
It’s almost certain you won’t.

If you THINK you’ll lose, you’ve lost.
For out in the world we find
Success begins with a fellow’s will;
It’s all in the STATE OF MIND.
If you think you’re outclassed, you are.
You’ve got to THINK high to rise.

You’ve got to be sure of yourself before,
You can ever win a prize.
Life’s battles don’t always go
To the stronger or faster man or woman;

But sooner or later the man or woman who wins
Is the man or woman who THINKS they can.
Good sailing good luck little mate Have a great weekend
Ruddy (thats with a J not a K)
Ulladulla Harbor NSW.

Sally said...

Jesse - what beautiful photo's, like you said the pinks and blues are amazing amd so is the glassy water. Dawn is such a stunning time of day - so tranquil. That endless ocean on gorgeous mornings like this would certainly bring you much peace and satisfaction in what you are achieving. Never mind the high action - it all sounds pretty good to me!! Plus I am sure you are in for 'high action' later on in your adventurous journey.

Hey pump up that volume girl and sing at the top of your voice - that's so much fun - especially when you are doing housework!

Do you stop in for supplies at different countries - what happens with that. Do you have contacts that bring what you require out to the Yacht?

Take care Jesse - I will be talking to my dancing students about you today. They all think you are amazing!!!

"I find myself at the extremity of a long beach. How gladly does the spirit leap forth, and suddenly enlarge its sense of being to the full extent of the broad, blue, sunny deep! A greeting and a homage to the Sea! I descend over its margin, and dip my hand into the wave that meets me, and bathe my brow. That far-resounding roar is the Ocean's voice of welcome. His salt breath brings a blessing along with it." ~Nathaniel Hawthorne, "Foot-prints on the Sea-shore"

Sally In Sydney

Pete & Nancy in NH said...

Like some of the others on your blog we too have concerns for your safety and well being. Enjoy your adventure and be safe. Just want to let you know that we here in New Hampshire USA are watching you and reading your blog every morning. Have fun and be safe

Troy said...

Hi Jessica. Lovely pictures. Keep them coming. It is giving us an even better idea on what it is like for you out there. Most inspired by you and your journey. Followed Jesse 11 years ago and am know reading his book again. You both remind me what is possible and to live your dreams and passions. I am looking at a sailing dinghy today. I haven't sailed for 15 years (since my early 20's) and am going to get back into what I truly love. I am really enjoying seeing your story unfold. Look after yourself Jess.


Anonymous said...

Nice pics. I look forward to you updates everyday.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse,

hopefully the wind will pick up soon, it looks a bit boring out there!

See yah Jesse,

Gabi,the 10yr old aussie.

peter m said...

You sure are an inspiration, I am now contemplating getting my yacht up to scratch and heading out into the big blue, nowhere nearly as fabulous and adventurous as what you are doing though. Thanks for the updates. Peter, Lake Macquarie

Anonymous said...

Lovely Photo's Jess, thinking into the future after you complete this marvelous adventure what's next on your agenda will you contine your education find suitable employment or take a vacation to recuperate from the voyage ? Hope you took some Slim Dusty CDs to listen to he's one of my favorite artist !

Bebie said...

G'day Jessica ...lovely morning here at Caloundra, and where you are at present sounds very pleasant. There's time enough for rougher seas so enjoy the glassy water. Love the pics. Take care and God bless.

Anonymous said...

Psalm 19:1-2
A psalm of David.
1 The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. 2 Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge. 3 There is no speech or language where their voice is not heard.

Jess, what a great post, and what beautiful images. Am continuing to pray daily for you, for your safety and health, your boat and equipment, for good weather, seas, and progress, and that you will know that you are not really alone, that the Creator is always with you. Today's unique morning images just pour out His glory and you are in a special and unique place to drink it in. Wow!

LFR said...

Thanks for the pics Jessica. I don't know a thing about sailing or boats, but you have me captivated with your adventure; it's all so interesting. Thinking of you and looking forward to more blogs and following you on your route. You are amazing. Happy sails.
Phila., PA USA

melnrob said...

Hi Jess,

Well done on 500nm milestone. 500 down 22 500 nm to go. Hey Jess have 2 questions for you.

1. what advice did Kay Cottee give you on your preparation for this record attempt?.
2. What is the rule in terms of using your engine?
Stay safe Jess a nation loves you


Fran said...

say hello to Lord Howe, our honeymoon destination ten years ago!

smithy said...

Hi Jess, have just read your blogs for the first time and amazed at your courage. Dont think my 2 daughters could stand the solitude. I am currently rewriting a draft book my father wrote before passing away about his sailing adventures in the South Pacific just prior to WWII and I know he will be looking out for a kindred spirit from above. Your parents have shown such courage supporting your dream. May God speed and keep you safe through 'fair winds and foul' Look forward to keeping track of your adventures in the months to come.

lilshawnee said...

Hi Jess, Wow your so so brave and thankyou for the pics i will fallow you every do to the end.

Anonymous said...

Well done Jess on the first 500.Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,
Just another person looking over you, take care.

Vicki, Caloundra QLD

Spud said...

Hi Jessica

You have so much inspiration to share with the world and you write with much maturity.

Your blog is very compelling reading and I will be following your entire trip with interest.

BTW...With so much courage and determination, are you sure you are not a Kiwi?

Just kidding :-)

Cheers from Palmerston North New Zealand.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica, My wife and I are in awe of your spirit in attempting such an incredible trip. We know that you will accomplish your goal. We wish you well all of the way. Don & Doris Carson City, Nevada, USA

TonyD said...

Hey Captain Australia, if you could be bothered to look at Jess' route, you'd know that she's not going anywhere near Indonesia, South East Asia or North Africa. So I'd say the chances of pirates are pretty slim. You should be more worried about possible multiple knock- downs in the Southern Ocean.

Attitude said...

Well done Jess, great progress so far!

trentgs said...

Beautiful - What an eye full!! I love the water when its like that. I've taken some where its hard to tell which is the sky and which is the sea.. Thanks for sharing..
Traking you at work and home--even getting some co-workers hooked on tracking you.

Blessings...Again Thanks!

Gary & Jan

Smiley said...

Thank you for going ahead with your dream in spite of the storm of protest here in Oz. Live life.
Wishing you well in your daily adventures!

Wolfhound said...

Go Jessica! Greeting to you & the pink lady from the Netherlands

I hope the wind turns to your favour X Michel!

Unknown said...

Going great Jessica. I think all Australians should be extremely proud of you.

Unknown said...

You're going well, Jessica. Have a blast!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse! Just wanted you to know that up here in Sweden I am followingb you and your blog. Best of luck and fair winds!

Unknown said...

do you have a google map of your daily positions. I hope you get a nice steady breeze from the right quarter. You'll get wind soon enough. take care.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse

Great pictures posted today!! Hoping you are taking care of yourself. Probably not much "jogging" but be sure and stay stretched and limber! Amazing how many people are watching you!! No longer a dream, you are well on your way now!!


from central Ohio, USA
Doug, Hannah & Tristan

calvi said...

If you ever get tired of the trip just let me know...I am ready to take over!

Anonymous said...

The residents of Lord Howe Island over the years have seen much change in the weather and can see mother nature at its worst. Unfortunately, the wind factor is something that we don't have any control over and it's good to see another update which is being carried in today's Courier Mail. Let's see what Saturday brings for you. It's also good to see the reference to the H.F (high frequency) radio and your skid. But this challenge is just starting.

David said...

Onyah Jess
Live that dream!

Unknown said...

Awesome Jess!! I love your courage and determination. You're an inspiration and a role model for other teens to LIVE LIFE TO THE FULLEST.

I can't wait to see further updates and some tracking on your site.

Brian said...

Thanks for sharing the beauty of the sea with your pics. They are truly an inspiration along with you. Stay safe and keep this blog going. It is a great record of a snap shot of time that will be read for years to come.

Lakeland Florida USA

Raul from Texas said...

Hang in there..we're rooting for ya!!! My family will pray for your safe passage and for your waiting family in Australia.

From Houston, Texas Raul (10/23/09)

Tony Roberts said...

Hi Jess, from sunny Scottsdale,Arizona. Would be interesting to know some of your upcoming waypoints even if they're just lats and longs.

ZOE BAX said...

Hi Jess,
My name is Zoe and I'm 8 yrs old. I'm watching your trip, your amazing, and I love the colour of your boat. Let me know if your see any whales.
Zoe (Nambucca Heads NSW)

Anonymous said...

You are the best kid , keep up the good work. An inspiration for all old , young, female & male.

Ted Lockwood
On Lake Michigan
Northern Michigan , USA

BobbyDan said...

Wish I was there to see the sunrise, you lucky lady.
Calm seas, fair winds.

Joanne Boyne said...

Hey Jess

I heard about the "green flash" years ago and some say it's a myth. Apparently when on a deep sea at sunset you see a green flash as the last of the sun's ray's travel through the water.

I swear I've seen it sitting on a Perth beach at sunset. If you see it can you let us know perhaps.

Enjoy :))

5metreswell said...

Keep up the good work.

Gary said...

I admire your determination and courage. You are an inspiration to the young (and not so young) of Australia and the world. Wishing you a safe trip.

rajendra said...

hai jess
your blog is very interesting.your achievements giving an inspiration to us.this is my first comment in this blog.on day by day your journey is very intersting.i'll watch this blog on everyday,because it's very interesting.that pictures are very nice.thank you so much for sharing your trip with us on everyday.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica
First of all like to wish good luck.
please keep us updated with these amazing photo's,I'm sure you will have awsome photo's come up on your blog.
Cheers Joey from sydney

BroncoDave said...

Great pic's. Godspeed my friend.

BroncoDave said...

Great pic's. Godspeed my friend.

Maria said...

I've got my 7 year old daughter reading your blog. She's learnt all about nm's and knots and spending quiet time're an inspiration! Go strong.

Trev said...

Hi Jessica,
Great to read your updates,
The pitures are great, it like we are going around with you

Rob Hardie said...

Hi Jesse,
Great pictures. You have really settled into the swing of things.
Love reading your blogs.
Keep doing what you are doing. it is working well.
Take care
Ingleburn NSW

Barry, said...

Hi there Jesse

Your parents must be so proud of you and who you are growing up to be. even without asking I'd think you would have done most of what was asked of you at home and you thrived on learning at school.

There are two basic categories of you people in today's world and you fit into the higher one of motivator, challenger, achiever.

It's the motivated people who make the World a better place to live in, they get things done, they inspire others, they work hard, they're inovators are problem solvers and become our leaders. the other category are the one's who expect everything to be done for them.

You only need to look at the response you've got to what your now doing. you are inspiring people, making them dream, imagine and in sadly just a few cases you will motivate them to take that next step into their adventure. the rest of them won't even be reading your blog because they're to busy watching TV or playing computer games while they're waiting for their next hand out.

You may not agree but you are in the same category as Barack Obama, Martin Luther King, Jesse Martin, Oprah, Kevin Rudd and they all have the same motivation, drive and think like Barack's quote "Yes We Can"

You are at the beginning of a life that a lot of people will be envious of but if they change their way of thinking they can achieve a goal as well and only need to start small.

Their adventure maybe to start a business, start their first job, stay with that diet or buy their first home. the challenge doesn't have to be big but it's the setting the path to what you want and not letting anything stop you from getting there.

We all stumble and fall as you did and as I did when I was learning to walk but we stay focused on achieving the target.

You go girl because you have a wonderful life ahead of you and I know I will hear your name often in the future.

It's a great big sea out there isn't it, but oh what a great place to be.

I spent some time outside the continental shelf trawling for fish and you get to see all the extremes of nature. but even when the seas tower over you it's a magic place.

Soak up this calm time to become one with Ella because you will be relying on each other some days. it's a good way to start on gentle seas but remember to practice working with tether and safety kit so your comfortable with the bulk when the seas rise.

All the very best from an old sea dog.

Bribie Island

Laurie said...

Hi Jess From NZ. Great to see a young peorson with so much courage and drive. All the best to you, and happy sailing from a couple of real oldies in NZ

Jessika said...

Beautiful pics Jess :) you're doing great

mikeb said...

So glad to see you doing well.
You go girl.
My familly is watching and reading with great interest your progress.
Wishing you well


Mick Moore said...

It is amazing to see how calm the water is. Good luck out there.

Hal said...

Hi Jess, I must admitt to being one of the people that thought you to young for this. However your well on your way and coping well.
A long way to go but Im sure you will take it in your stride. good Luck Jess. Fair Winds and Blue Skys. Hal Brisbane.

Phil in Idaho said...

Great photos. Enjoy the peace and solitude. If the Southern Ocean is anything like I've read, she will keep you on your toes.

Pete and Nancy in NH USA said...

You are an inspirition to all who dream. We are praying for a safe and successful journey...Thank you for taking us along for the ride.

Crank up the music..we want to hear it in the USA!!

Deb said...

Hi Jess (from all of us here in Brissie)

I have begun following your blog and really enjoy the updates. You write intelligently and informatively and I am actually learning some things I did not know about yachting and sailing in an interesting way through your blog. Thank you.

We all think you are very brave and congratulate you on your determination. We are 'with you' all the way. Praying you have a very safe and smooth adventure.

Looking forward to reading more during your voyage.

cheers and blessings,
Deb from Chandler - Bris - Qld :o)

goldcoastguy said...

hi jessica , you sound like your really enjoying it out there, i am so jealous , you stay safe and keep us up to date.


Gold Coast

Anonymous said...

hi jessica hope your doing well good luck and hope the winds pickup for you michael

Anonymous said...

Have you seen any WHALES or DOLPHINS yet????

Raelene Pritchard said...

Jessica stay safe and sail fast. Get back to Aust and show all you did it!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love your blog Jess. Thanks so much for keeping us up to date. Happy sailing!

wikidwanda said...

Hubby & I used to have a sailboat & dreamed of one day sailing the world. We wanted to hit all the "ports" tho. You are doing it the hard way!!
Thoughts & prayers are with you. I intend on checking in with your blog every day or 2.........You're an awesome young lady.
Hugs.........lots of hugs........

Campfire said...

Good luck Jesse,loved the pictures and hope to see more of them. I will be following you all the way until you get back home.
Ric in Cairns

Anonymous said...

I follow your blogs everyday and it's just awesome that you're living your dream. I travelled around the world for 15 years (10 of it at sea working on cruise ships) and I never regretted following my you go girl!

The Nagles said...


Our family have watched your progress, however slow just enjoy it, slow and steady wins the race. Your journey shows the young ones that dreams are only dreams until acted upon.

Safe sailing...

The Nagle

mcgoro said...

Following you from Canada. Immense courage and fortitude needed to embark on this adventure. Congrats and good luck. Keep blogging.

Mikey said...

Thanks Jessica. Whilst we may be trudging our boring routes back and forth from work each day, at least we know when we come home in the evening we can sail along with you from our armchairs.

Anonymous said...

We're so happy for you! It's so exciting!

Good thoughts from Bloomington, Indiana United States

CCSLC said...

Beautiful pictures! Prayers are with you from Salt Lake City, UT

Anonymous said...

Jessica, did you bring along a couple of golf clubs and a few dozen golf balls? I would think that a young, athletic girl like yourself, with probably a lot of pent-up energy to release, would have thought of practicing for a back-up career during the trip's inevitable doldrums. Maybe someone could chopper the necessary gear to you before you slide too far past Lord Howe Island. Just look at all the great Australian male & female golfers (tennis players too). And those dolphins you mentioned the other day could be surrugate caddies and shag the balls you hit into the briny. (They'd likely stay with you the whole way.) Then voila! Downtime is made even more productive and you're set to make even more millions on the LPGA Tour in America (after you reacquire landlubber status).
I'm just having fun with you - I can't stop thinking about the immense vastness you find yourself skimming over and figure that, from time to time, you may want to think of something the polar opposite of what you may be experiencing at a given moment.
We're all following every word of your blog, and I'm tracking you on an old National Geo world map.
So you go girl and Godspeed.
Tom in Music City, Nashville, Tennessee
(Egad, I'm long-winded!)

rabreezway said...

Every one at Annerley Lodge in Brisbane is with you and we wish you all the best from Ron Anderson ,Annerley Lodge

Unknown said...

Beautiful pictures Jess....
I love reading your blog. I will be checking this everyday. Please upload more photos when you can


Brandon said...

Nice pics! Are you liking the Lumix? Be safe out there.

terryc said...

Hey Jesse,

Love your 'I can do that spirit', your a real inspiration to everyone.

Wish you all the best and our thoughts are with you, from us here in Melbourne.

Have a great time.

Kevin Tobin said...

Hi Jessica, Saturday morning in Victoria. Read your blog late last night. It is now becoming part of our lives so thank you. Have a great day sailing. God Speed and take care, Kevin Tobin, Portland

MAX said...

The first picture is awesome!

jennifer E said...

goodmorning jess!
thankyou for the shots, my kids and i loved them. enjoy the new day that lays ahead, absorb every moment and thankyou for taking our little family of 4 on this incredible journey with you!
have a beautiful beautiful day!

Matt Parker said...

Congratulations Jessica!! I'm loving the pictures and all your blog entries!! I really admire the courage you're displaying keep it up, from all the crew at

Alan and Lena said...

Great pics! Friends on Lord Howe liked your music too, they said it carried across the smooth water beautifully ;D

Alan and Lena, Gold Coast

Annette Mulgrew-Fowler said...

Hey Jess, our thoughts are with you and I am so so glad you have had such a terrific first week.

May your travells be blessed with the same great weather and smooth sailing (well the majority of the time)What a girl! You'll be fine just keep up that wonderful enthusiasm and positive energy you thrive with. As another Shinecoaster, and Mooloolaba regular beach goer - our blessings are with you each day.

Have fun, enjoy, discover, and go with those insincts - they are always right. Take care. Annette & Fowlers @ Palmwoods.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

Following your blog and progress and sounds like you and EPL are doing great! Hope the wind picks up a little for you but, at the same time, I'm sure these quiet days are really enjoyable too. Looking forward to hearing more about your life on the boat. Stay safe!

Sydneysider :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,
Love your blogs, and you are very brave,
Sale safe
Barry - Caloudra

Antonio said...

Hi Jess,
I'm so glad that your getting all of these comments of support after some negative media.
You deserve to be encouraged and inspired!
Am so happy to see a new blog entry every day so we all hope you can keep it up! Will surely be there the day you sail back into Sydney.
Enjoy cause time flies!
Take Care and All the Best!
Antonio Sydney

paul c said...

Hi Jess
Congrats on the 500nm milestone. We are reading your blog nightly to our 3 girls (8, 10, 12)or when a new entry comes in. Thanks for blowing a breeze of inspiration into our home.
Paul, Julie, Bridget Alison and Lucy

Trixine said...

Jessica, you are such an inspiration! A couple of weeks ago I was looking for something long term (like a trip around the world) to hold my students' interest this year and the next day, there you were, highlighted on the news! Perfect timing. Celebrate and enjoy each day. We'll be thinking of you!

Anonymous said...

God's speed, Jessica!
Would it be possible to add your Longitude and Latitude? I am following you on Google Earth.

Tom in the USA

Emile said...

Congrats. Great progress and nice photos. Best to whistle up a wind maybe. Stay safe

Kestrel said...

Hey Jess,

Enjoy the conditions, they will give you something to look forward to again when the going gets tough.

Nice pics, keep them coming when you can.

Good sailing,

Alan@Shellharbour said...

Hi Jess
Jen from "Raffles" sent me your link. Will be following your progress. Great pics and love the idea of you writing about topics when you have the time.
162 days before she starts on the trans Tasman Solo race.
Enjoy the rest while you can.
Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

Love the pictures!! Please keep posting more of them. I'm looking forward to the new section of your blog you mentioned, where we'll be able to see where you are on your route. I'm thrilled to read all your entries.

Kerry from Texas

Kelley Ryberg said...

Greetings from Kansas City, MO. I'll be following your journey and telling all my friends to do the same. Sending you much love and support.

Stay safe :)

green gables girl said...

How beautiful that sounds!
Have a nice day!

Anonymous said...

Magpie here,
Hi Jessica.
There's plenty of love in the blog room, lol. We're worried, happy, excited, cautious and incredulous all at once.
Talking records, why do the Southern hemisphere yachties travel via Panama Canal? Is that because they think we get a head start downunder? LOl.
I don't blame them though, the rounding of Cape Horn, closest turf to Antartica, seems to be like swimming the English Channel with all those currents and a freezing ocean.

Kelley Ryberg said...


You're a loser. Don't mess up Jessica's experience with your ideology. There are two kinds of people in the world; those who go out and do, and those who sit on their butts complaining about everyone else. You're in the latter category.

Anonymous said...

I check your blog everyday. Wish to give you a hug when you come back to Australia.

Darren Achim said...

Hi Jessica,

Congrats on your reaching the 500nm mark! Good idea to break such a long journey into smaller milestones! Great pics, videos, and blog entry, thanks for sharing. Checking your blog is now a daily part of my routine! My boat comes out of the water tommorrow for the winter so SAD, your pics and videos will have to be my eyes to the wonderful world of sailing for the next couple of months. Keep on keeping on!!!

Stay well rested!

Forgive my commenting but in your video your lazy jib sheet seems pretty tight on the inner stay and port shroud remember that chafe and vibration are Ella's enemies.

Be Safe young lady and Godspeed!!!

Darren Achim
Toronto Canada

~j~ said...

spectacular is such a remarkable sightto see your boat on that vast beautiful ocean, it seems as though on days like that one might be able to hear a pin drop? ;))

Anonymous said...

Well, you'll be past Lord Howe by now and heading toward the top of NZ. I'll give you a big cheer as you go by, *grin*.

Anonymous said...

Hy Jesse
I wish you all the best from germany! I follow your blog every day!!

nutralady2001 said...

Thanks for the photos Jess, see what you mean about the sea being "glassed".
Yes co-ordinates would be great so we can see where you are on Google Earth, no pressure though know you are extremely busy! to you x

graemek2 said...

Love your pics Jessica.
So Pacific !!

We came back from Europe on a passenger ship via Panama,Acapulco Hawai Pago pago NZ once.
Was a real pleasure cruise.

Have you seen flying fish?

Have a good day today...lovely weather here (Illawarra)

Really enjoy your blogs !!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica

Great to see some photos today.

I know you are getting a lot of requests, but could you finish each blogg with your Latitude and Longitude so we can follow your progress?

Keep up the great job.

Team Free

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,
So glad you are following your dreams. Enjoy the whole experience.
Love your blogs.
ex Buderim now NZ

Anonymous said...

wish u all the best and wish hear the news that your are back home.
all good wishs for you

Unknown said...

Love the pictures. Keep em comming. let us know how the power works when you get time too. Sailless in Seattle

Unknown said...

Great pictures, keep em comming. Tell us about the power thing when you get time too. Peace

Max, Zoe and Sam Crow said...

Dear Jesse,
Great photos today Jesse amazing sunrise. We are following your progress each day and we are really proud of you. Stay safe and have heaps of happy fun.
Cheers Max Zoe and Sam
Rose Bay N.S.W

Shara said...

Jessica, what an amazing young lady you are! Love reading your comments no matter how mundane they may seem to you :) Way to follow your dreams!! I admire you!

Stephen Lyons said...

Jessica, I for one have never met you but I number among the many hundreds of thousands of people who admire you from afar. Your courage, determination and sheer wonderfulness (is that a word? it is now) set you apart from us mere mortals. However the pride we feel for you will go on forever.
I wonder just what Jessica, Princess of the Seas, will do next in her life?

Stephen Lyons, Jervis Bay

Cheryl and Steve said...

Awesome photos. Hope the weather always stays as good for you. It is amazing to see so many people from the young to the elderly keeping track of you.
YOu are in our daily thoughts and prayers. Hey, you were even in the local Sydney newspaper this morning. Nearly forgot to tell you that.
Our love - Cheryl and Steve from Anna Bay NSW

Monika Denmark said...

Hi Jess.
Yo go girl!!!!!! Amazing, courageous, brave. Have a ball. You will someday get married have kids and try to settle.... So enjoy the time you have now! Thinking of you.

Gary said...

Hi there Jesse,

Hoping you are having a good time and I hope all your pets are also enjoying the trip. They are not getting sea-sick are they? You will have fluff and cotton all over the floor.

In your cabin heated for when you get down south.

I hope you have strong winds and calm seas.

All the best girl.

Gary, Carrum Downs Victoria

OutdoorGaz said...

Great to read regular updates. Love the photos!!

Paul said...

Hey Jess,
you have plenty of support from us Kiwi yachties. We will make an offering to the weather gods for you. How about your Lat-Long till tracker is going?

best wishes from the yacht Summerset, Hauraki Gulf, Auckland NZ

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pics. Thanks for sharing them. Thinking of you every day.Phil

Anonymous said...

Your photos are great, amazingly calm, glad to hear the wind has picked up a bit. More of those glassy seas and you might be an old lady by the time you return to Sydney. ;-)

You haven't mentioned anything about exercise, are you doing any? I sure hope you have something scheduled, you have to maintain muscle strength, I'd say at least 1/2 hour per day of strength and stretching exercises, maybe more, time will come when you will need that strength.

Wishing you more wind,

Steve from California

ddwolters said...

Best of luck to you on your trip.
Dave USA

Mark said...

Glad to hear that things are going well again. Beautiful photographs as well. Must be incredible, being alone in the splendor. Yet, not alone, since you have so many with you here. Very proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,
Hope you're having a great day today & thinking of you! I also wanted to say a big hello to your Mum, Dad & siblings. They must be very happy with all the blogs & knowing so many people from around the world are monitoring your progress. Your blogs are so interesting I feel like I'm on EPL with you. Cheers from the McGraths. Nowra NSW

Carolyn from Tassie said...

Hi Jessica,
Hope all is well...your blogs are great. Keep us informed, keep safe, I am thinking of you.
Carolyn from Tassie!

Unknown said...

Dear Jessica,
My family (consisting of a bub, 6yr old boy, 9yr old girl and 14 yr old girl) + husband Russell came down to the dock at the Spit to wish you good luck a week ago. Unfortunately we were unable to speak to you as you were being interviewed for a documentary...but your lovely Mum spoke to us and encouraged the kids to look at your website and keep track of your progress..
We intend to sail around the world in 4 years time (kids and all). Following your journey is very inspiring for the children (aswell as for us). You are never far from our thoughts and every evening over dinner we have a discussion about you and where you are, what you might be doing. It is fascinating for all of us.

Keep up the good work...sending you lots of good energy and 'vibes'.
Lots of Love
The Whites (Tina White)

phil said...

Hi Jessie.
Beautiful pics. Thinking of you every day. Love from Western Australia.

Anonymous said...

Good luck and fair seas young Lady.....having children of my own makes me want all the best for you on a safe journey. You are one gutsy Lady and I trust that the sea and the elements are kind to you......

Ron C - St Andrews NSW

Far Side of Fifty said...

Hello from Minnesota, USA. Wonderful it when you can't tell the water from the sky! Stay Safe:)

phil george said...

I know parker is short for nosey parker because even though he maybe busy steering pink lady he is always keeping an eye on you to make sure your cliped on and watching out for that boom!
great to hear your making such good progress
go Jessica

Tullsta said...

Tooshey Jess, It's great to see the Australian spirit is alive and well. You've allready triumphed over adversity, go get em and shut the dream killers up. You are unreal for doing what youve allready done and deserve all the good things that are gonna come your way. Such balls for such a young girl. Like so many others I cant wait to see your next blog. You'll never know how many lives you've touched and inspired. Pat yourself on the back Jess, you should be so damn proud of yourself! well done girl!
Tullsta, Mount gambier, South Oz

paul said...

Hi Jessica it is so exciting to hear how you are going as though we are journeying with you. Keep up the good work. We are thinking of you as the hours sail past you Paul

Russell @ Sunny Coast said...

Jess, thanks again for your update. What a wonderful picture you paint with your words, even moreso than your photos. Thinking and praying for you again. May the God who controls the seas and the wind be with you again this day.
Sunny Coast Qld

Robert Bender said...

Good on you Jess! Thanks for the picture, the sea looks amazing. And congratulations on your milestone! I'm a Project Manager and every milestone should be celebrated! It is always the little victories that add up to win the game!

Know I am praying for your safety and well being every day.

My day was spent with people from a country in your path. I was working with folks from Walmart's Chile division on integrating their payables systems into ours (Walmart's).

Very good day here in Arkansas, though the weather is cold as it is autum and all the leaves are gold and red.



Anonymous said...

Living where I am, I'm always a day late in sending a comment and good wishes.
Your comments were interesting, as usual.
Hope the winds pick up a bit for you. (not too much though).
Wishing you, most of all, safe passage and also success in your venture.
Be careful, have fun and God Bless you.
Dave in Minnesota

Lindy said...

Hi Jess,

As a mum, I was and am scared for you but think that you are a very, very brave girl and so are your family and friends. I have 3 children, a boy that has just turned 15. I couldn't even imagine letting him do something as brave as this. I will be following your progress around the globe. My very, very best wishes and goodluck to you. Look forward to seeing you back safe and well when you finish your journey. Stay safe and well and keep posting your emails because we will be following you.

Darwin NT

Unknown said...

For safety sake I hope you keep your exact location a little vague. My wife and I are following your voyage with excitement. Most of all we wish for your well being. Good Bless, duane & sharon

Anonymous said...

Wow! You truly are amazing. At sixteen I would have never dreamed of attemting such a journey. I think all I thought about back then was school work, boys, and getting a job, pretty basic ordinary stuff. I remember moving to another state when I was 20 and I was scared to death. I missed my family terribly. But that was back before the internet and cell phones so I suppose that would have made my life easier back then. I got so homesick that I moved back home three years later and have never left Kansas for more than a vacation since then. I am as landlocked as they come I suppose. The thought of taking a cruise scares me! I'm in my forties now and you are a rare and delightful inspiration. I love reading about you and your adventure. The pictures you have posted are beautiful. You seem so mature and determined - very desireable traits, I must say. I know your parents are proud of you and yes, probably worried sick. I have a sixteen-year-old daughter myself and there is no way I would feel comfortable in their situation. I just called her because she has been gone for four hours to the movies with her friends and I know the movie ended and I wanted to know where she was and why she wasn't home. I imagine you out there sailing the big blue ocean waters all alone and wonder if you are lonely or afraid. I know I would be - of course I am a big chicken myself!!! I do wish you the very best. I am thinking of you and your safety often as I am certain are many, many others. I pray that you stay safe and the bad weather stays at bay. Oh, my daughter, she was going to the high school football game - it is only a few blocks away from our home, but she could have told me, right? I'm sure you would have told your Mom! You stay safe and enjoy your journey, a once-in-a-lifetime event you'll never forget. You are showing millions of young girls all over the world that they too can be strong and accomplish a dream! I am in awe of you. You hang in there and enjoy the ride! Much love and respect, Connie from Lansing, Kansas, USA!

summersailor said...

Jesse, I'm a long time sailor and owned a S&S design (Ericson 27&35). I also have done lots of soloing and love reading your blog. I sense your excitement and joy in this adventure. I wish you well and know you have the courage and fortitude to succeed. As Amelia Earhart once said: "Courage is the price that Life exacts for granting peace".

Unknown said...

Watching from Tennessee, USA. I'm happy that things are going well for you. I'll be checking your blog daily. Hang in there and enjoy the ride!

Unknown said...

I'm reading too! I sailed on a ship around the world in 2001, during and after the 9/11 attacks and I am living vicariously through you! You go girl!

Love the pics too. Take care and continue to be careful.


gustav said...

Hi Jessica,

I just got my Pilot briefing for Lord Howe Island and it seems there is a change coming:

The high pressure system over your area has now moved further to the east and a Low pressure trough has moved in above you from the south west.

winds from 320˚at 15 knots in good visibility with light showers of Rain, scattered cloud at 2500 ft broken cloud at 3500ft.

There is a 30% probability of Thunderstorms and rain with wind gusts between 20-35knots at 24th oct 11:30am to 24th oct 23:30pm Lord Howe Island Daylight Time (LHDT)which is Universal coordinated time UTC + 11.5 hours.

You can also see the Low pressure trough
near Lord Howe Island and the coldfronts coming up from the polar region (the roaring 40's) quite well on the current synoptic chart:

Mean Sea Level Pressure Analysis:

Radar map:

Learn about the weather:

Pilot Brief:
TAF YLHI 232206Z 2400/2412
T 21 22 21 20 Q 1019 1018 1016 1017

So it looks like those winds could be picking up for Ella's pink lady to help you sail out of the Tasman and thence further north-east across the Tropic of capricorn and into the Coral Sea.

sending you love and our best wishes
Gus,Tom and Serena (pilot-navigators)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse, You are an inspiration... were all with you...

Colin, Trixie, Kylie, Leigh, Ryan and Oliver

Team L said...


Congrats on your 500nm mark! Please keep the pics and updates coming. Our kids really enjoy reading about your adventure as you sail around the world. You are an inspiration to the next generation of sailors!

Regards-Berit, Raegan & Stenar
Chicago, IL

Anonymous said...

Go Girl!! Good luck from Boston Massachusetts. Our whole family is following your trip. God Bless.

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica, Hope all is going well, eventhough its a little slow this will give you time to prepare for those tickyer days when you will probly be thinking "I wish it was a little quieter". I as many, am very proud of your achievements to date. Congrats on passing 500 NM,look forward to hearing about 1000. Anyway stay safe and remember to slip, slop, slap, the reflections of UV can be a real bugger. cheers for now Russell, the boatbuilding (TAFE) teacher you met at the Sydney boat show, if you remember. Go hard, may your sails be full and the horizons calm.

Sam (Melbourne) said...

I bet the hardest part of this adventure will be settling back into regular life and having people tell you what to do again!

Unknown said...

Hi Jessica

My 5 year old daughter Jasmine thinks the world of you and is following your trip intently. Glad you followed your heart and your dream! Go Girl

Adrian & Jasmine

Anonymous said...

Jessica, you're doing well. I hope the 15knot SSE I'm getting reaches you.

Great photos, wish I was there but that would defeat your purpose :)

Geoff from Port Macquarie

Bebie said...

Nice day at Caloundra matches your good weather at present. Lovely pics Jessica, and thank you for another great blog. Looking forward to more of both.
Take care and God bless.

Bronwyn said...

Hi again from Caloundra. Thanks for the amazing photos Jesse the water looks so peaceful. Keep your spirits up. Go girl!

Anonymous said...


i am 71 years old and as an old fart I admire your encourage, and you make Australia proud.Keep it up, still a long, long way to go. I will be checking your blog on a daily basis. Look forward to when your blog has a map which actually shows your position.Be strong and sail on.

Nat said...

Briliant pictures !!!!!

Appareently when the French named the 'Pacifique'Ocean they were speaking toungu in cheek it's not that peacefull ... but sure looks like it for you at present .

Safe travels and keep the pictures and blog coming.

All the best


Hervey Bay

Anonymous said...

dear jess,

my teacher kathy pricket emailed you yesterday and said that we were reading an artical from the newspaper about you and i think you are a very brave woman and someone would of had to pay me 10,000 dollers to get me to take a trip around the world by sea better yet by my self i would be very scared and lonly. you are very brave,good luck,and god bless you!!!!!!


Jen @ New Jersey, USA said...

Your Welcome Jess, I won't miss a post!

So whats a "radio sked"?

Eric said...


You are an inspiration to us! What an amazing journey! Its so nice to be able to follow you in your boat, while we waste away on land...


xtY said...

xtY here again :)

slowly but surely you will reach the finish line! Cya there.


Anonymous said...

looks awesome jess, keep going!

Ellie Collins said...

Hi Jessica,
Came to Sydney last w/end for other matters and was so excited that you were heading off caught a ferry to wave you off,didn't quite cross your path but got some nice piccys of your start through the heads!I am so filled with joy that I can follow your journey through this site and can relate to certain things you are up to as I once had a yacht in Sydney.Those moments of peace and freedom with the wind in your sails and a smile in your heart cannot be found on land once your a sailor!You are a wonderful girl.El,Currumbin.Qld.

GAC said...


Checking back in once again to see how your making it. Sounds like your really doing well and enjoying your time. You know how jealous your making us?!?!?!

Keep your head high and have a great and safe time. In your our thoughts and prayers.

Tampa, Florida, USA

yeppcurlz said...

go jess go...from miss 2 years old
i'm wishing on stars for you to have a good trip... from mr.7 yrs old
and from us....Go girl Go. we wish well and are enjoying your blog

Anonymous said...

Hi! Jessica,

I just logged onto my blog site and read your blog. Amazing to see the ocean almost looking like a big lake considering how oceans can be when it's rough from the photos you posted.

At least before it does get rougher you will have had time to adjust to the solitude of everyday living for solo yaucht sailing.

Well I know your busy so I shall wish you all the best for now.


Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,
WOW those photo's are amazing!!!
Keep safe and happy.

Will be waiting to read the next blog.
Saraya :-)

Toni McLean said...

I know I'm just one of many leaving messages for you Jessica, but I wanted to let you know that I'm also wishing you well and following your journey - both the external journey and the internal one. Whether you achieve your external goal or not, you are well on the way to achieving inner mastery - a far more important achievement. Both you and the world will be better off for it. The inspiration you will be for others in their endeavours can only have a beneficial effect on the world as others grow through their achievements.

And having been an old sailor in my past, your journey is certainly triggering some memories for me - though not of global circumnavigations!

I look forward to dropping in on you regularly to see how you're travelling.

Very warmest wishes

Count said...

congrates Jessica. having a free spirit and doing what you want is what life is about. Stay tethered and safe, and we will be following you all around the world. fair winds and fair weather are sent to you!
Wishing you well. Scott, Sue, Nathan and Taryn. Wollongong, NSW.

Colin said...

stay strong willed jesse and you will home before you know it. Remember carpe diem (seize the day)

Colin Sydney

Anonymous said...

Hey Jesse,

Thanks for posting great pix! Wish you the best of luck!

Orlando, Fl


I opened up your blog this evening and my first reaction was WOW. The picture of the sunrise took my breath away.

I started watching the YouTube videos of you to catch up on the history of your quest. I loved the one where you brought us into your boat and showed us where everything was going to be located. When you mentioned the music you played yesterday I remembered where the instrument was located on the port side.

The gliding across the glassy water reminds me of the early morning times on my lake waterskiing. It really is a sound and a feeling like non other.

I still find reading all the other comments to be very enjoyable.

Well it's off to bed for me. It's 10:45 here in Charlotte, North Carolina and we're still a day behind you but we're catching up.

Our prayers are with you. I even tell my three dogs what you are doing and they listen very intently.

Unknown said...

Hi Jess
What a focussed young woman with amazing dreams and goals so early in life. What an inspiration you both young and old!! You obviously have amazing parents too who have raised a well-balanced, spirited and courageous daughter. I believe they also have shown a lot of courage to support your participation in this exciting but somewhat perilous journey. Happy sailing. Be safe. May all your dreams come true. Shelley Kilcoy

Unknown said...

Sounds like you have settled in well, make the most of the calm weather when you get it. I am really enjoying reading your blog.

Tam said...

Well done - good work for following your dreams.

Bronwyn said...

Loving your blog, Miss Jess. You are an inspiration to many a young girl. Live your life. Work hard. Love what you do. What could be better?

I'm glad you are not suffering loneliness, I think you'll have a world of blog friends out there to keep you company!


Anonymous said...

Great pic, hope to see many more pics.

Ally said...

Enjoying your blogs so much Jess.

Your being thought of every minute by people that care and want you to succeed.
AND YOU WILL chicky!!!

Keep on keeping on..........

Ally (out bush, sth aust)

Unknown said...

for the blog readers wondering what sked means, take a look at

Unknown said...

Just wanted to wish you good luck my family are following you & think that you are fantastic.

Anonymous said...

for blog readers wondering what sked means, take a look at

Karen said...

Well done Jesse
Watch the power consumption of loud music... . .my husband is a power watcher and berrates me when I turn it up! We are liveaboard cruisers.
Its all about the journey not the destination, so enjoy!
Safe travels.

Martin Grigg said...

Words Fail me Jessica. You are an inspiration, taking on the high seas and the knockers. I wish you god's speed and have no doubt you will prevail. Remember, for those darker times, your second wind will kick in,and I suspect your second wind will be as impressive as your first. Enjoy every second.

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