It wasn't too long after I'd sent the last blog that we started getting some wind and sailed across the prime meridian into the eastern hemisphere - thank goodness! After that, the wind sat at around 30 knots for most of yesterday, so Ella's Pink Lady's been flying along, covering lots of lovely miles to the south and east.
I'll admit I'm not really all that thrilled about the south part, after having temperatures between 20 to 26 c for so long. I can't seem to get enthusiastic about heading south back into cooler waters, I don't think Ella's Pink lady and Parker like the idea of the cold any more than I do. It's taking a lot of correcting from me to keep us heading south east rather than east. But unless we do head back to more southern latitude it's going to take us much longer to get back home. So south and cold it is, reluctantly!
Anyway, I promised a condition report on how Ella's Pink Lady is holding up. Overall it's pretty good considering the miles she's covered. I mean, how you would feel after almost 4 months hard work without a day off!?
To start with, I suppose you could say that along with the bent up targa frame, a few other scars and the odd rust spot on the deck and stainless steel, she is looking slightly weather beaten. But the rigging, sails, sheets etc are all doing pretty well, with only a few signs of chafe and wear.
Parker, the now slightly crooked Fleming windvane, is doing as good a job as ever steering us, although he does have a bit of a habit of chafing through the lines that link him to the tiller, which means I'm constantly end for ending, or shortening them.
The little Yanmar engine has really proved itself and has never once not fired up first go, when I start it up to give the batteries an some extra charge (out of gear of course). The only maintenance it has needed has been a quick tightening of a fan belt, the occasional squirt of grease on the stern gland (where the prop shaft goes through the hull) and I had to drain a little water from the fuel filter last week. One of our local mechanics (Jim) fitted a special filter that separates water from diesel (we actually got some water in the fuel tank during one of the knockdowns, when we were upside down). So thanks Jim!
Since the starboard solar panel got a little bent up during that storm, it's rudely stopped contributing any power to the batteries. But as the other panels and wind generator are still doing their share and because we've still got plenty of diesel, this isn't too much of a loss.
Fresh water supplies are doing ok. I've got enough to last till home, using close to 2 litres per day, which is plenty for drinking, along with my juice. But it doesn't leave a lot to spare, so the fresh water is strictly for drinking and cooking unless I get some good rain and manage to collect some more.
Most of the electrical equipment is holding up pretty well against the damp and wet. Well apart from one of my Panasonic hand-video cameras which got a little wet whilst filming some dolphins a while back, ouch! But the Toughbook laptop has more than proven itself it be super-tough, after coping a lot of salt water and mis-treatment. I'm down to using only one burner on the meth stove and have more meth than I'd be able to use in about three circumnavigations, so it looks like we over catered a little on that one!
And the skipper, well her hair has grown quite a bit longer and as far as I can tell, she's as healthy as ever. Although I do wonder if my legs are a bit thinner. I still do various exercises for them most days, but I'm thinking that maybe I won't be running any marathons right after getting home!
Well that's enough waffle for now.
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
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1 – 200 of 358 Newer› Newest»Jessica,
Awesome update. Your adventures always bring a tear to my eye. God Bless.
You are an excellent writer.
Hello from Everett, WA, once more.
THERE THEY ARE, the DARLING CREW, out for a bit of fresh air! Aren't they they best to travel all this way and never complain one bit? Thanks for the fun glad you are still having a good sense of humor.
Thinking of you as the Olympic Games go on and how you have the courage and determination needed for a GOLD medal.
Keep up the miles, you are on the homeward stretch now!!!
Many good wishes from snowy Minnesota! Judy
Hi Jesse
Great blog! It was really good to hear about Ella, and of course, to see the crew again! We have been wondering how they were holding up.
Fresh water would be no problem if you were back home: its been raining everywhere! Hope you get some: 2 litres a day sounds too little.
Looking forward to you rounding Africa. Good luck
The Leask Family, Forbes NSW
Hi Jesse,
I love the crew shot :) Thank you for that.
It's seems amazing to me that you and your support team (family included) planned so well. I can't seem to go on a two day trip without leaving something at home.
Glad to hear that the wind is cooperating.
Take care and enjoy,
L.G., Seattle, USA
Hi Jess
Happy Chinese New Year.
Have been following your blog. I have not forgotten you and have introduced to many friends esp young ones to gain inspiration from you.
All the best for the rest of your journey.
TLC, Borneo
Good to hear that EPL is in pretty good shape for the rest of the trip. Good Grief what a motley looking crew. Good thing you got them out in the sunshine to brighten up a little. You better keep an eye on them. Blye had one that looked like the guy on the right.
Keep up the good work and writing.
Good to hear that your sliding down hill at a good clip.
Hi Jesse,
Thanks for the update on life where you are at the moment. The cold weather is no fun,however you and Ella's Pink Lady are holding up well.
You've been at sea for four months and you're still going strong, without a day off. This is an indication of your strength and stick-to-itiveness. You are a mighty example for all of us who'd rather keep their feet on terra firma.
While you've been on your journey, I've been on a journey of writing a novel and when I think the going is tough, I think about you. I can get up and take a walk, a very long walk if I want to, up hills that lead to fantastic view of the sea, but you are stuck in a blue desert with Ella's Pink Lady and the crew. I know who's got the easy deal here.
Keep up the good work, you are an inspiration to me.
hi jess.
ah yes , wind, love that wind. keep pressing on. i can't wait till you round good hope, and head for home.
i heard a prediction that you were to return home on my birthday. that would be a wonderful gift for me. take care. enjoy. maybe we will see you then.
Hi Jess. You, the crew and Ella all look good for being at sea all this time. The USA won the Americas Cup back, I'm sure you heard. The reason they won is because they had more Australians on crew than the Swiss. You talked in a privios blog maybe in the future doing some racing. How about a boat like the BMW Oracle or Alinghi and you could beat Ellen MacArthurs round the world record. OR how about an all girl crew from Australia for the next Americas Cup race. Here's an even better idea, a teenage crew in the next Americas Cup. You and Abby as co-captains/helsmen. Everyone can think about that then call me a nut, but kind of like the idea. Take care, good winds and not TOO cold. randpa Bob in Tucson
Awesome update!
Glad to see at least one of your crew is wearing their sunnies.
You write well, and I truly enjoy your blog.
Best of Luck
Dennis in Southern California.
Hi Jess,
Love the long updates. So exciting to hear all thats going on. I hope it don't get too cold as you go south.
Thanks for the inventory and the account of ship-shape. you sound really on top of everything.
Then, after the businesslike analysis of contitions aboard, the picture of your musty crew really made me laugh. I see that your sense of humor has not suffered in all this isolation.
I hope that you soon grow accustomed to the cooler climate. After all, you've already been much further south that you'll have to be now.
get lots of rest, Jesse, and keep in shape as much as you can. The eyes of the world will be on you when you step ashore in Sydney, and we'll all be very, very proud of your accomplishment.
Fair Winds,
Richard Lathrop
Hi Jess
You have weathered the 4 months extremely well. Its both a credit to EPL and your maintenance skills considering the battering you have taken.
Glad to see you allow the motley crew topside now and again although they obviously suffer from sea glint and glare after the dim conditions below decks judging by the sunnies!
Hope the wind keeps up and the waves head SE.
Keep smiling.
Mike (Avoca Beach, NSW)
love the photo of the scallywags. made me smile.
Your report on EPL, shows you are still so with it. Have you had any luck with that heater. You might need it as you move further south.
stay safe and alert for other shipping, Jesse.
Old Keco.....xxxx
Hi Jesse,
It is great hearing from you and what a lot of information!!!! Fantastic writing. It is good to see that all the important items are holding up well.
Glad to see the crew up on deck. Just have to be careful they do not fall asleep and are washed overboard :-)
It was inevitable that you had to head south and the cooler weather. It should not be as cold for you as it was going around Cape Horn. Hopefully the weather is a little more kind to you and you have good sailing weather and make good progress.
Keep enjoying everyday you are out there. I am sure every day does bring something different to your fantastic journey.
Take care and keep safe,
Ingleburn NSW (back to Singapore tomorrow for a day)
Hi Jess,
You sound in good spirits and travelling well despite the odd wear and tear. It amazes me that you can travel for 6 months and have the water on board to sustain there a song in that? I'm writing so many I'll have an album's worth by the time you get home. Stay safe.
What an awsome & informative blog that was. Glad to See EPL & yourself are holding up. Battle scars are just part of the adventure. Enjoy the home streach & take care.
Hi Jess again.
I forgot to mention that I have set up a provisional blog site (see my profile) with the next version of the map of your fans which you or any body else can download (copy) if you wish.
cheers Mike (Avoca Beach, NSW)
I always wondered how we really knew you were alone. You keep letting "we" slip out during the blog, someone is obviously holding the camera to take pictures of you, and I just don't accept the auto-helm interpretation of "Parker". Now we have the evidence - lots of little people on board disguised in bear and pelican outfits.
Great blog! Safe trip, and don't forget to ditch the "wee folk" before you pass through the Heads at Sydney.
A HUGE THANK YOU, Captain Jesse, for this complete and fascinating report.
We are now aware of all the details, and able to appreciate how the situation is after 122 days, and at about 74 days (only?) from the arrival line.
You can be proud of the way you handled and spared your yacht, and your team can be proud of the tip-top preparation of Ella's Pink Lady.
There are going to be many comments on the various informations you give us, and as it is 1:30 am and need to sleep, I shall come here back tomorrow about several points.
But, of course:
A MONUMENTAL THANK YOU for the nice pic of your Crew! Them lovely Scallywags deserved that little recreation in the sun! They look well and from their round cheeks, we can see they are happy with their skipper and with the cook.
Good surf and much love for you, Skipping Cookie!
You're THE BEST!
Hi Jess
Thanks for that lengthy update - so glad that things are going your way and you are motoring along nicely. Glad that ELP is going fine too. Safe sailing gal & have a great day.
Vijay xx
Wow, that is an impressive assessment Jessica. If I could get some of the highly paid consultants we have on our international development work doing assessments like that it would make paying them a whole lot easier!! Its great to see how well EPL is holding up. It has to be a tribute to your skippering skills and handy woman capabilities.
Great to see you in the eastern hemisphere again. Hope you're considering that visit to Wellington proposal I made a couple of weeks ago! Keep up the good progress
What a great update. And I love the picture of the fine feathered and furbearing scallywags. They all look great and it appears that Big Ted has had his share of cupcakes and Toblerone. It’s just fantastic how EPL has held up so well. I’ve battled water in the fuel tanks before and it can cause a lot of headaches, but it sounds like you have it under control with the water separator. Sounds like just keeping an eye on any chafing will be a priority. Congratulations on getting across the prime meridian. You have a number of milestones to celebrate coming up soon. 4 months since setting sail, 14,000 nm and you will be rounding Cape Agulhas soon. I sure never get tired of celebrating your accomplishments, Jess. It just means that I have to bring out the Tim Tams again. Please take care of yourself and the crew, Jessica.
Have fun, stay safe and happy sailing.
From Seattle, WA, USA
Bonjour Jessica & Ella's Pink Lady,
You two look in great shape, thanks to your mum and team!
As for your crew, well no comments but for the fact that they didn't buckle in...
So with no buoys or ships near by there is no reason for you not to have a little fun and speed up!
Take care, be safe.
It is wonderful to hear that you and Ella are holding up so well, perhaps a trip to the hairdresser when you get home. As a fellow 16 year old Queenslander, you have earned my respect, keep up the good fight and bring her home.
Safe travels
Thanks for the equipment update. What a well found yacht. Good job. Love your crew photo! Glad you have some nice wind. Rob and Olga
Are you really out there in the middle of the ocean without a reverse osmosis water pump? bab
Hello Jess from Tamborine Mountain. I have not messages for a while but have been keeping close watch on you and continue to be amazed at your spirit of commitment and adventure. You have kept us up to date so well and I feel as if I have been so blessed to have been part of this epic and inspiring journey with you. It was so interesting to read your latest description of the state of EPL, you and your crew!!!! I will continue to pray for you and your fantastic team.
Love from an adopted nan,
Nan Mim
Hi Jesse,
Nice crew, they look like a very friendly bunch.
Now you must know people will also want to know that the diesel heater is still not working, and maybe more details on what happened to the wind instruments (i.e. can they be repaired?).
Congratulations on crossing the Prime Meridian. That means you crossed all the "important" great circles twice: the equator and the 0/180 degrees of longitude.
Remember to have a big "Welcome to the Indian Ocean" party next week.
Robert Bernecky
(snowy) Mystic, Connecticut, USA
Hi Jessica!
great blog! always enjoy reading it :-)
good luck from Germany
Jessica, very nice report about the state of affairs aboard EPL.. Rigging OK and you seem to have a good power management of course Parker is a very tough and reliable "hand" for the Skipper..
Also good to know your "silent" crew is doing OK ..Stay "alert".. weather can change on a dime.. I still recall reading the hardship Jesse martin endured after rounding Cape of Good Hope..
Also congrats to your shore team..
Thanks for the update skipper. You know and understand EPL so well. Glad she is in pretty good condition. And glad the skipper sounds in good nick too! You will have completed a super marathon of your own when you get back so will be excused from going for a run when you hit dry ground. Maybe your folks could shout you a well deserved massage instead.
Cheers for now,
Mike (Canberra)
Congrats Jess, you're basically on the home stretch now!!
from a long time admirer, first time 'commentor'
Pleased the boats looking good and you’re eating up the miles again, and that the captain and crew are looking pretty darn good too hehe ! Tony (Shipshape) Bristol UK.
.Ahhh...Fresh air at last!!!!
I see one happy FLUFFY CREW
and one happy Captain now you have some good wind!!!
Happy Sailing Jesse
Sally in Melbourne by the fresh air in the Bay
Its just so good to have you back online. I to suffered with draws. The crew looks great. better then most after such an adventure. Short note this time. Glad your moving agin. Till next time
mama usa
Hi Jess,
Thanks for the update on the vessel and the crew! It is always great to hear the positive news from the ocean.
Take care and play safe,
Cheers, Leeroy from BNE
Jesse ... Nice blog, enjoyed reading about the wear and tear. Gives us a good visualization to some of your daily routines. Not a cold weather gal huh? It won't last forever and one day soon you'll be back soaking up the sun in Queensland. Just bundle up.
Left a comment on the new comment site. I like the format. Looking forward to it being up and running.
Hi Jesse!
Your little report about EPL and the crew turned my face into a big smile. On top of the text this sweet picture of the crew soaking some sun!
It's a fantastic reading and I guess nobody will prove me wrong if I state: it can't be done any better! Sooooo funny and entertaining, yet thrilling or emotional, whatever.
I read some blog-content of other singlehand-soloists. I can tell everyone that there's a huge difference between Jesses writing and those other sailors' writing. They report a lot more of incidents, worst weather conditions, hard sailing efforts, repair of broken things and all kinds of incidents. In fact, there's a lot of complaining about the overall exhaustion, loneliness, loss of will-power and so on! All in all their blogs read like drama, more drama and no fun...
I'm absolutely amazed how a 16-yr gal can stay so determined, whole-hearted, level-headed in such life conditions.
I mean, you can't fake the good moods over so many blog-entries. You can't even write ONE fancy blog-entry if your spirits are down. I know that as a blogger!
Hey Jesse, you're such a lucky girl and through your blog you spread the happiness all over the world.
Goog on you how well prepared you and EPL are for this trip. It sounds all so well-balanced, so enduring and rational. Hats off for that schievement once more!
But please, do us a favour: cling on to your life and to "safety first" - don't take too much risk whatever situation it will be.
You are a treasure, really.
Keep up the good work, flow with the winds!
Stefan (Germany)
Captain Jessica:
Thanks for the update about EPL.
In your last photo, your face also looked thinner. So along with your legs, you dropped some ballast somewhere!
Nice sunglasses!
Gayle Ann
Hi Jessica,
Congratulations on getting to your side of the hemisphere, how exciting. I figured you had crossed it shortly after that blogged went up, because on Google Earth every now and again I put a pink boat on your location, and your last updated location had you just barely across it. "But good on ya" as I keep hearing your fellow Aussies say.
I'm so glad your boat has held up so incredibly well as so has her skipper. There are so many whose boats would have never held up like yours did or could have personally mentally and physically held up as much as you have. You have impressed all of us so much and at the tender age of 16 to boot, which is absolutely amazing! You are a sailing prodigy that is sailing into the history books and making a new world record that no one can ever take away, because you would have always been the first to have done it.
Looks like you'll be passing under Cape of Good Hope in no time and then you are homeward bound! Sorry you’re going to have to go back into colder conditions though, but necessary if you're going to get home, as you already know of course. Just go dig out your cold weather gear and go for it once more. Soon you'll be in the warm embrace of your family and the admiration and love of your global family of followers.
Take Care and God Bless
Debbie in Tampa, FL
I have been following your "trip" since you started and I really enjoy your blog (thank you).
When I look at the map on your tracking the journey portion of your web site, I can see Australia.
Keep it up and stay safe.
You are a crack up girl. Great laconic Australian sense of humour. ;-)
May fair weather bring you home safely.
Hi Jess,
so happy to hear you are well & still plugging along.
stay safe X.
Hi Jesse,
Thanks for the great update. It sounds like most of your equipment is going really well and I'm glad you are getting some good wind and making great progress even if it means back to some colder weather.
I'm glad your fresh water supply will last until you get home, 2 litres a day for drinking and cooking is very well done. And what about that cheeky looking crew! They look like they are having a wonderful cruise around the world, I think they have put on weight! No scrubbing decks and changing sails for them.
I'm glad the skipper is healthy even if she may be losing a little muscle tone which will be quickly regained once you reach home and mentally you sound fantastic.
Round that Cape Jesse, we are all with you in spirit, cheering you along.
Bluefin Annie, Buderim, Queensland.
What are we going to read each day once you return home, Jess?
I think you should start planning your next trip now.
love your crew skipper!
say jesse.. sounds like you have fuel enough to use your stove as a heater when it gets cold again.. and for cooking doesn't sea water come already salted? never mind.. you know what you're doing! glad to hear none of your crew was lost in those knockdowns. you're amazing jesse.. keep warm and well.. ''home james.. i mean parker!'' ~your friend fumes
An excellent report on the 'crew' and skipper. [Love that pelican, it's so cute!] Ella's Pink Lady seems to be doing great too. Glad you are finally getting some wind. 30 knots, great!
Happy sailing,
Fred from HHI, SC USA
You are one amazing person. Stay safe. and dont let the crew fall over board. lol By looks of them, they seem to be the finest crew around.
G'Day Jesse,
You seem to be travelling well considering miles under the keel combined with the knock downs.
Sueprised you didn't have your video camera in waterproof holder.Saltwater and the former don't go well together.
Enjoy your blogs and writing style.
Check in first thing in morning and last thing at night.
Keep it all coming, I, as many others find it extremely interesting.
Sail safe,
and as always,
Poppa Bear
Down Under
Lol Jess,
loved the picture of the crew. Glad to hear you and EPL are holding up really well.
I must add that as the trip has progressed you seem to have matured in your looks as well.
Sorry that you have to head into the cold again, but it is the quickest route home.
Thanks again for keeping us informed, I just love the fact that we can follow and enjoy this wonderful journey with you.
Well must go Rosie has finished her phone lesson and it's time for lunch and then Maths.
So stay safe and hooked on,
Tim and Rosie
Hey Jesse, congrats on keeping the boat in (mostly) one piece and the crew happy! So far so good...
Proud of you Jessica, and still praying for you!
Michael & Jennifer, South Carolina, U.S.A.
Dear Jessica,
Your report on the condition of EPL is exceptionaly well written and easy for a non sailing person to understand. In trying to read between the lines it seems to me that you are very confident about all the technical issues you face.
Keep warm as you head south and always remember that so many Aussies and people from around the world are looking at your blog just about every day and praying that you stay safe and continue to show us how well you cope with being alone.
I wish I knew the date of your arrival in Sydney???
Best wishes
Bob C
Glad to hear you're under way again. We all suffer a bit of wear and tear through life - you're holding up amazingly well! Good little ship. One more loop to the south around the Cape, and then you'll be into warmer water for good and closer than ever to home. (Portland, Oregon, USA)
I love reading your posts, so well written and "of the moment". They always 'wow' me and make me smile. Cheering you Jessica, and your 'crew', and sending tons of best wishes and smiles right back to you, from snowy New Jersey, USA
Thanks for the update Jess. It sounds as though all the estimating on the amounts required for an around the world trip was spot on. It does sound as though the food allowed for some more luck with the fishing.
I must say I am truly jealous, not of your location but of your true grit and determination.
Don’t worry a those meandering long walks that you have been looking forward to will take care of those sea (read skinny) legs.
Take Care, Brad
Jessica, best of luck to you! You are so brave and so young! Hang in there. You just have to write a book after this!!!
You are truly an inspiration! Please be careful out there!!! Say hi to the dolphins for all of us!
Thanks for the update on how boat and skipper are holding up. Excellent, on both counts, considering the wear and tear on both of you. It's so impressive how well you've dealt with normal and not so normal maintenance issues. Something tells me that one day when you have a home of your own, no possible house maintenance problems will faze you!
Hi Captain Jess
I just LOVED your blog - Thankyou !!, it was so informative and I guess like a 'stock take' you have worked out the rations and how long everything will last you. Hmmm I hear you about 'heading south', it will be refreshing and perhaps easier to sleep as well. Congratulations for crossing the meridian and you sure are 'on your way home'.
The crew looked like they were celebrating as they were sunbaking (loved the sunnies LOL), great to see they are still good buddies and wern't wandering off to get some space !!
Heres wishing you fair winds and you are going great - one mile at a time.... keep smilin :) the world is smiling with you, :)
Hi Jessica
Wow, what an informative and interesting blog. You are a STAR, being able to assess your situation so well and to make it so interesting for us. It will particularly please all our technical bloggers, sailors and ex sailors! Thank you.
Agreed, how rude of that solar panel to cease contributing power to the batteries. He must be sulking ‘cause he got all bent out of shape!
LOVED the pic of your scallywags – I think Teddy is eating all your chocolate and probably the rest of the good stuff you are short of!!
I think Dilip is not too far behind you. If you do manage to chat to him again, we bloggers would love to hear about it.
Glad you are moving along at a good pace – roll on Cape of Good Hope, and Jesse you …
Go Girl!
Fay from the Gold Coast
Except for the scalawag crew, it sound like things are pretty ship-shape. At least to the point of surviving the remainder of the voyage, Jess. Nice to see the rest of crew out and around again. Hope that movie camera can dry out enough for utility. We would miss those movie clips... BTW, it might be time for another one now that you can show us what its like in the Eastern part of globe.
Best wishes for a great trip home...
Bruce de Mich
That is without a doubt, hands down, the best crew shot ever taken! And why shouldn't they look so happy? Their captain's sunny disposition is absolutely remarkable!
Bill in Boston
"Life is not linear, it's a wave phenomenon." -- Zoner Kingman, Much Ado About Prom Night
Haha, love the pic of the crew soaking up the sun. Hope they are wearing their Ella Bache sunscreen! Sounds like you are still going fine, Jesse. Thanks for that interesting blog and good luck for the next Cape. Keep a lookout for Dilip, I think he mustn't be far away.
Glad to hear that all is going well for you Jess. Loved reading the update. Your warm weather is sounding good as I just got a few more inches of snow in the U.P. of Michigan. Keep up the good work, as you are now passed the Prime Meridian and heading more towards home!!
Marquette Mi USA
AHOY MATE ! Thank you for the awesome update on Ella's Pink Lady, Parker and the Crew... Glad all are well.
We've been sailing too..Well not exactly sailing.. more like cruising on a Boat..more like Ship (cruise ship).. A nice warm change of pace from the cold, snowy New Hampshire Winters..but we of course took time out to check your Blog and make sure you were well and making progress. It was fun to be in the middle of Caribbean and look up at the sky full of stars and look out to the big ocean and know you were out there somewhere each day a bit closer to your goal..We might not have been on the same waters, or on the same seas.. but as always.. (since the day you set sail)...we are right there with you.
Nancy and Pete from Keene, NH USA..
Hey Jesse,
fine to read that your equipment and the skipper are in accordingly good condition.
I was recently wondering whether the bent solar panel survived, because you didn't talk about it.
But I think it's good to have more extra gear abord than actually needed.
I think you can be proud of your support crew so far.
Everything seems to be planned perfectly.
By the way, even though the skipper (still ?) mentally feels some ten years older, don't worry, it's really unvisible to me :-))
Hey, during the next days you gonna pass my longitude. I'll stand here sending greetings in southern direction.
So long and best wishes from
Markus, Bremerhaven
P.S.: Enjoy the 26 degrees Celsius, here the streets are icy and the landscape hides under quite a nice snow layer.
Hi Jesse
Love the photo of the crew, I did notice that they do not have their safety lines on. (Love the sunnies)
What little wear and damage you have described that Ella Pink Lady has she has done remarkably well.
Can well and truly understand your reluctance to head back to colder climes.
The skipper certainly sounds well fit and cheerful albeit a little hairy. You could always take to your hair with a pair of clippers it is said 'it's a week between a bad hair cut and good one'
Any ways pet have a good day enjoy the sunshine whilst it lasts.
Love and hugs
Evie from Bendigo
Hi Jessica,
Nothing like a Girly Girl (yeah right) looking after her cuddlies, lol. Where's the 'Blow up Kiwi?'
When you wrote..."And the skipper, well her hair has..." I thought you were doing a 'Michael Clarke' and start to talk about yourself in the third person, lol. great to see you got back to "I" straight away.
☺☺☺ Hoo Roo ☺☺☺
Ah well girlie,
wear and tear was part of the journey.
You knew that and you have always made the best of what comes your way.
The crew looks amazing and I'm sure after some sea air and sun, they will be ready to dance around deck with you.
A little more cold, then some warm.
You'll make it through.
You have the fortitude most of us dream of.
Sweet dreams, bundle up warm and may tomorrow bring you something to sing about.
I know it will.
Blessings to you, keep safe.
God bless, our Jess.
Maryland USA
Along with of course the blog text, I think the photo of the crew just highlights what a great "Aussie Girl" personality you have! Full credit to you!
Hey Jess,
Top notch looking crew you got there.!
Nice to here your on the move again too.
"Years wrinkle the skin, but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul"
Jess why would you be greasing the stern gland when the prop shaft never actually turns?
Just tighten the nut a little on the front end
Excellent news Jesse. I'm glad things are well, skipper and crew included ! Be looking for ya tomorrow.
39*50'N, 86*9'W
Hi Captain Jess,
14000 nm, 800 nm to the Cape, 4 months at sea.....amazing.
Stay safe,
Bay of Quinte, Lake Ontario, Canada
Hi Jessica
Looks like you got those nice westerly's I promised you the other day. I cheated a bit with PassageWeather, so it looks like they were pretty close with there prediction.
So how far south will you go, you wouldn't need to go much further than 40s I hope, any further and you will be back in that big storm corridor. It's a bit of a lottery to knowing how far to go, but I'm sure your team will put you in the right spot.
Ella's Pink Lady sound like she is still in great condition, thanks to your efforts, if you look after her, she will look after you. Are you sure the little Yanmar was out of gear, of cause it was, only kidding.
I was wondering if the bent solar panel was still working, they don't like to be bent, but you still have plenty of power backup in your system which is good..
Thanks for the detail report on EPL and you got get your lazy crew to start pulling there weight, all they do is sit around and do nothing.
So keep knocking over those miles to the east, keep having fun and KEEP SAFE.
Cheers George Simmons
Lots of love
Exmouth WA Australia
G'day, Jess!
It's was wonderful reading your new post and I was so thrilled to see it. These days I feel as if I'm sailing with you every step (and wave) along the way. Think of me as an invisible positive force sitting at your right shoulder. So if ever you feel down or frustrated look to your right shoulder and I'll be there poking faces at you! ;)
I'm so pleased you and Ella got some wind beneath and behind your sails. How exciting it must have been for you to cross the Prime Meridian! Congratulations, girl! :) (Or girls)!
A little bit closer to home each moment of each day!
Poor old Parker, crooked, but not twisted! I hope he wasn't reading over your shoulder when you wrote that! She's one tough little lady, that Ella...she must take after her skipper!
I was only wondering yesterday how your water supplies were going.
It was a good, informative post, Jess. We're all so interested in everything that is going on with you.
I've become engrossed by the Winter Olympic telecasts and only wish they'd show more! I'll have withdrawals when they're over, that's for sure!
Never let yourself feel lonely, Jessica because we all with you and you're never far from our thoughts.
I haven't missed a blog since you left Sydney. Each time I read your writing, I'm more amazed at the person you are and each time I'm more jealous of your parents for having such a wonderful daughter. I look forward to your book and I look forward to your visit when you come to the U.S.
With love,
Ron - Alabama USA
Hey, you thought that the crew smelt a bit musty have you asked them what the skipper is like at the moment, lol.
You should have a few days of good wind with a big high pressure sneaking up behind you and EPL, keep up the good work, stay on top of the little things and remember that every mile you put under the keel is a mile closer to home.
Stay safe,
Annie & Cam “H”
By the way, I love the pic of your smelly crew! What a motley mob...but loyal and trustworthy, no doubt, so who cares if they smell!
Thanks for the update Jesse. You are obviously looking after yourself and EPL very well. In one of your other blogs you mentioned that you would need to change your attitude if you were racing and this is a perfect demonstration of that fact. You are obviously well aware that this is an endurance test for you and EPL and have prepared and looked after yourselves perfectly for it!
Well done and thank you again for another great informative blog. Still with you in spirit!
Great report Jess, and we all love hearing about the important things that keep your yacht going and going. Personally, I would love to hear more about your boat, your radio gear, your "watch" and your control over your fears (if any). You are doing a great job and you are an inspiration to all of us. Stay safe and be alert and most of all, have fun.
Peter (Shanghai)
Great update Jesse.
We were in Mooloolaba two weeks after you left Sydney, so I was delighted to see that you have a pelican on board !! Keep up the good work- you little wonder you !!
Love & happy sailing from Sue In NZ
Jesse - your blog is a beauty and it brings joy to my soul to know you are in better spirits than an day earlier. Just relax darl and nature too will do its part. EPL appears in good nick as I expected it would be given your disciplined maintenance regime and again nature brings its wear and tear on us all in due course.
Why are you down to one burner - is that all you need or did the stove get injured in the knockdown? But it's nevertheless remarkable that you haven't sustained more damage - the boat is obviously a tough little one - just like our Jesse.
You say the hair is longer and that makes you even lovlier I'm sure - not possible OK I agree the original Jesse was something special. But the point I wanted to make now that the hair has grown don't get yourself into a situation where you feel like pulling it out. Now Jesse what's going on with your legs - well I guess you have to expect some muscle wastage but keep up the exercises - I suggest squats with a bucket of water on your back might do the trick - joking. And I agree no marathons maybe a half marathon for starters about 5 minutes after arriving in Sydney.
Your crew seem a happy bunch and by the look of them they are not suffering starvation or TLC. But don't forget Jesse - give yourself a cuddle occasionally courtesy 'your army of devotees'.
Keep up the good work and congratulations on another milestone. Now it's the next small goal and they add up by the day. The 30 knots will keep you content but as you know you must remain alert for any sudden change in events.
'til next time precious one, take care, stay clipped on tightly and keep the head in the moment. So off you go brush the hair, exercise the legs and do a few relaxation exercises to boot.
Love ya heaps and god bless.
Hi Jess
Fantastic report!
Great to hear the old girl is handling things ok, and that you have backup measures for any failures along the way. I think you and your folks have set this adventure up so well, and surrounded yourself by the right people.
Sorry about the cold but hopefully it wont be as bad Cape Horn.
This is all going so quickly that I am looking forward to being one of those little heads on the Sydney Harbour foreshore watching your return.
But there's still a long away to go so I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
Oh Jesse, how I would love to sit with the crew, they look so adorable and seem to be enjoying the sunshine.
Good to hear everything is holding up but like "SaltyDog" the only concern in your post is for you to keep an eye on the chafing. Can't afford any problems now that you are getting so close.
Take care little one!
The McGraths, Nowra NSW
Hi Jess
So does your musty smelling chicken still dance?
Sounds like you are very much in good shape to get back to Sydney. Well done to you and your support crew back on 'the coast'. But a special congrats to you because you have been treating EPL like a lady and so she is holding it all together - knock on fibreglass!
Take advantage of those winds. SE or ESE are just fine. Beats bobbing around the ocean like a cork with no wind.
Sail safe, sail fast.
If EPL's looking good after 4 months of hard 24/7 work I think it's safe to say the skipper is doing superbly. Good to see you haven't lost your wonderful spirit and great attitude.
It's great to see you're doing so well. Best of luck as you cross into the next ocean and the final leg of your epic journey.
Safe sailing young brave one.
Arnie in Canada
Your getting close to home, it will be sad to not be able to read about your adventure. Stay safe and may you have fair winds.
Hi Jesse,
Lovely to be able to 'talk' to you again. I've been busy and your blog has been incommunicado. I'm still busy, but always time for a quick chat.
Great to hear that you're moving again. I guess the wind gods just want to let you know from time to time who is in charge. Completely understand about the cold - it must get quite bone chilling at those latitudes on the water, no sane person would actually want to go there. But if it gets you back faster then it's in a good cause.
Just checked your position on the map. You're practically around the Cape ... well, almost ... soon anyway!
And then just a little stretch across the Indian Ocean, across the bottom of Oz, and well, up the east coast and turn left at Sydney Harbour ... easy peasy! Well, from where I'm sitting it is! :-)
It's good that EPL is holding up well. Must be the TLC you give her, otherwise she migh be having tanties. Did your crew enjoy their sojourn in the sun? I hope they washed under their armpits etc so they don't smell so much!
Lovely to read your blogs and thanks for the pics.
wishing you all the wind you want.
Hi Jesse,
Many thanks for the great update re EPL and your energy sources and supplies. It's all so interesting for us.
Love the photo of the crew. Teddy looks as though he/she's a film star with the sunnies on. Cool.
Take care and stay safe.
Cheers for now.
from Melbourne
Hi, Stefan of Germany.
Spot on Stefan, couldn't say it any better, she is certainly a little treasure, Jesse you are a ray of sunshine in this mixed up world.
Cheers George
Your writing skills are great. Thanks for the update on your lovely self, Parker and Miss Ella. You all sound like you are doing just fine. And the crew looks practically giddy for getting some sunshine. Enjoy the cool, I'm sure you'll be out of it no time.
February is flying by for sure. What is your ETA? Are you on schedule, ahead, behind? seems to me you are ahead of schedule but I'm not sure.
Keep up the good times, a happy crew is a hard working crew.
Happy sailing from California,
Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum for the crew!!
Tom in the USA.
Great job bringing us up to date on your overall condition. Your "words eye view" told the tale of the tape nicely, however, we would have still like to see a video of the challenges you describe. (but then we are partial to the videos). I must say your crew seems to be quite relaxed. Basking in the sun seems to agree with the ship's company. Re: your growing locks... Have you checked with your shipmates? Perhaps one of them is a licensed beautician and can trim your tresse.
See Ya Sailor!
Hey Jesse..
Thanks for a great blog !! You really are 'out there' in a Special Galaxy. :)) ( Loved the 'group pic' of the Crew !! )
Y're always in the thoughts of _every_ serried ranker.. :)) ~Great sailing ahead.....
Best wishes...
Hi Jess,
Great stuff. You are just doing an amazing job keeping yourself moving the direction you need and updating us along the way.
i absolutely love reading your (almost) daily inspiring - i've got my nieces reading your blog too, they love've become an inspiration for countless people around the world... you truly are a remarkable young woman...if ever our paths should cross you have a big hug coming your sails my sails
Bobby from South Carolina
Wonderful summation, so entertaining and easy to read, you should have gone on. Best of wishes for the home journey. Helmut
hai jess
very informative and interesting. definitely confirms that you are a tough cookie.
i had earlier asked, how do you exercise your legs - got the answer, do not ever feel lazy about exercising. you need to have strong legs to stand for hours while you give those speeches at various forumns once you are back home.
FANTASTIC Post thank you for your update. We do love to hear how you are. I won't stop lighting candles for you until you are home safe and sound.
We are so proud of you Dear Jessica. Much love from one of your many adoptive Auzziemom's.
Nice to hear you are moving along again. I know colder weather is not what you want, but to get home , you will have to go through it. At least it is not as cold there as it is here, your 20 to 26C versus my -2C right now.
Nice to hear you are still in pretty good shape, both you and the boat. The solar panel may have a broken wire in it, and that is why it won't work. For the burners, who knows. Mayne a clogged line?
As for your crew, I would think they need airing out. It will do them good.
Anyways, enjoy the fresh salt air and no snow. I just got 28cm of snow today.
USA East Coast
Sorry Jesse...
Kiwi was upset for not being included in the happy crew pic.
Can't forget your New Zealand background ! : )
For anyone who has yet to go there ....It's a beautiful and amazing place where you can
still see nature at it's best..
Yeah for New Zealand and the Kiwi bird.
Sally in Melbourne by the Bay
Live the pictures of the bear snuggling the pelican and surrounded by the rest of the 'crew' I love pelicans but I also have a thing for stuffed animals. I suppose for the man that seems a little odd. I have small stuffed critters all overt the place--dogs, cars, bears, birds, tigers, whatever I happen to find. I even have a stuffed rhino and an elephant.
So, I'm sitting here at my desk wondering what it must feel like to get 'knocked down.' You use that term so matter of factly but I wonder how many understand that it can mean have the boat topsides being underwater. This sort of thing happens so quickly that I'm sure a sailor doesn't have much time to think about what's happen as it occurs. When things slow down however, she must think about it and it has to be just a little scary (maybe very scary). One must have tremendous confidence in one's equipment of course but regardless, a knockdown occurrence underscores the personal courage anyone must possess ifthey intend to take on the world's oceans in a small boat.
Good luck rounding the Cape Cape Agulhas! The further away you can stay from the African coast the better.
Thanks for the update Jesse. Spirit and determination are great to have, but it really eases my mind to know that you are a topnotch sailor too, with a nice attention to detail. Remember, safety is not negotiable, ever!
Come home and be Prime Minister. You are such a classic!
all the very best Capt'n Kelly
Been following you for months Jess, but first time message leaver. You're an amazing girl. 4 months alone with only seagulls, dolphins and stuffed toys for're incredibly brave.
Amazing to think you're only 4 years older than my 12 year old daughter...staggering. You go girl...we're all praying for you.
The Legge family
▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ To Jesse, the Queen of the Seven Seas,
A song about rockin' but not stopin':
The captain threw a party on the Ella P. Lady.
The Scally band was lookin' rather wet and hazy.
The band was jumpin' and the joint began to swing.
You should've heard those smelly old scallywags sing.
Let's rock, everybody, let's rock.
Everybody on the Pink Lady Block
Was dancin' to the Pink Lady Rock.
Puffin Penguin played the tenor saxophone,
Monkey Joe was blowin' on the slide trombone.
The drummer boy from Woy Woy went crash, boom, bang,
The whole rhythm section was a Pink Shirt Gang.
Let's rock, everybody, let's rock.
Everybody on the Pink Lady Block
Was dancin' to the Pink Lady Rock.
Sailor number seven said to number three:
"You're the cutest scallywag I ever did see.
I sure would be delighted with your company,
come on and do the Pink Lady Rock with me."
Let's rock, everybody, let's rock.
Everybody on the Pink Lady Block
Was dancin' to the Pink Lady Rock.
Bluefish was chewing on the hull below
He wanted to party, but he was all alone
The captain said, "Hey, bluey, don't you bite and tear.
If you can't find a partner I’ll strap you in my chair”.
Let's rock, everybody, let's rock.
Everybody on the Pink Lady Block
Was dancin' to the Pink Lady Rock.
Brown Bear said to Chook, "For Heaven's sake,
no one's lookin', now's our chance to make a break."
Chook turned to Browny and he said, "Nix nix,
I’d rather have a mutiny for kicks."
Let's rock, everybody, let's rock.
Everybody on the Pink Lady Block
Was dancin' to the Pink Lady Rock.
♡♡♡♡♡."Thank You All Very Much".♡♡♡♡♡
Rabbit Proof Fence, HYDEN, WA 6359 AUSTRALIA
You wrote in a very recent blog:
Not making any progress makes it feel like we're just wasting time out here. I've discovered that the best way to stop from pulling my hair out is to apply the 'refuse to let it get to me' strategy like I do for storms......
The next time you feel like this, just go to Bunnings, buy some timber, build a bridge and get over it!!..
Only joking Jess, we still admire you for what you have achieved to date and wish you fair weather and safe sailing until you reach home.
Old Granddad Bert in Bali
Hi Super Women, you are truly amazing Jesse, we are still here waiting each day for your posts, you are going so well . we went to Brisbane the other day and we got caught in all the rain they had, so much rain, and now you are heading south to the cold again, it means you are getting closer to home Jesse, WOW, love the pic of the crew!!!!!!, take care Jesse love you, Roger and Lou
Hey Jess,
Good luck with everything. I loved the photo of the crew, very cute :-)
That was a very good update. Thanks for the inside info. I will sure be happy to see you round the horn and set off on the final leg of your journey. Your starting point and your location will both be on the same side of the globe. You are doing a great job and all are very proud of you.
Stefan (Germany), well said. The crew photo made me smile!
I see Big Ted needed sunglasses after 4 months in hibernation.
I wish...
only if my wishes could really change what the weather does, I would wish for sunny warm days,
30 knot winds and comfortable seas all the way to Sydney. (Would that get boring though?)
Sailing, sailing, over the bounding main.
For many a stormy wind shall blow
E'er Jess is home again.
Oh, sailing, sailing, over the ocean blue.
It's south and east with colder days,
'Ere the round-the-world is through.
No haiku,
Just a preview
Knowing you'll out-do
Whatever the ocean may spew.
You'll avoid snafus
Being up on the how-tos.
Chaffing and Wear are taboo
And for the crew, no mildew.
Do you have a muumuu?
Or Chick with Attitude a tutu?
To dance in the sun and renew
In that watery milieu?
When you're back in A-U
With longer hairdo
More pringles! and a new menu
And everyone so happy for you.
Safe sailing,
Susan in Oregon
Awesome blog. I have promised to buy my elderly Mum your book, for her birthday in September. She has a computer, but doesn't seem keen to learn much about it. I tell her what is happening on your journey and I know she will love your book!!
Keep up the amazing writing.... Please!
That's not waffle Jesse - it's great reporting which we all look forward to reading when you have the time!
Just hope you don't spend too much time in the cold!
Cheers, Kev, Forestville, Oz.
Jesse, hang on. Do not worry about your legs or hair.
Keep your mind on the the job. I shall never see you,
but I am following your progress, like so many others and hope and wish and I am sure that soon you will
see your homeland shores and by golly well done.
The sooner the better. Keep on smiling.
All the best of good luck and smooth sailing.
Well done on doing so well so far! Loads of people reading you and wishing you the best
Hey Jess
Almost time to lay the line for racing Bouy number 3. Just don't touch it as you round it or you may need to do a nine month penalty loop.
So after you get back. Do you reckon the Australian Maritime Museum will want to buy EPL and put her on permanent display? Last time I was there I didn't see many displays that had any pink in them.
Sail safe, sail fast.
Best wishes
PS. I will now put your Blog down, walk away from the computer and get back to my studies. 1 week left of studying what keeps the origin of the species going (I am being careful with my words on your blog) then 1.5 semesters of neurophysiology. Yeehah! I suspect your studies are going swimmingly - a result of those strong winds!
Wow Jess, you are doing so well with you explanations. Love the crew, so cute. So pleased Pink Lady is holding up so well and you are able to compensate when something goes wrong. You will be so pleased to take a walk. I just came home from one and it is lovely but very windy. Hope you get some more fresh water, would make things a little easier but you will manage. Be safe, take care until your next blog.
Keith & Anne, Hervey Bay
Hey Jesse
Fantabulous update on the status of Ella's Pink Lady, skipper and crew. Everything seem ready for rounding Africa and a sprint for home.
Keep up the great blogs. They make my day.
G’day Jesse,
What a great blog! us its not waffle but a fascinating insight into Ship status, Scallywag status and more important Ships Captain status…
As Riche said”a Big Thank you” for a lovely blog. I just knew that bent up Solar Panel had failed you but thankfully your wind generator and the other Solar Cell are doing good enough. It was interesting to read about the Yanmar and the maintenance you have done, all this knowledge will go towards you being able to work on your own car saving you heaps in Garage Serving costs when you start driving around, I can just see you working on your car, hair done up grease marks on your face lose fitting overalls, yep that’s our Jesse!
And about the colder weather, you didn’t mention if you’re heater was working, is that still down?
I worry about you getting around the Cape of Good Hope safely and heading out to even bigger Seas, the weather systems out yonder are going to again test you for sure, I hope it’ll be just as calm sailing as crossing the South Pacific was for you…
I am following you on Google Earth, once Andrew has updated your position on the website I then re-plot onto Google Earth on my Laptop, “Bengt” is doing great guns in keeping a tally of your journey on a spread sheet, fantastic job, I’ll be using that to give me an idea of your arrival in Sydney, as I will have to take a couple of days of annual leave I reckon to drive up, I hope Jess you can time it for a “weekend” arrival…*crossing fingers*.
Anyway Sailor….you take it easy, there is plenty of weather out there, you’ll be moving along at good knots before you know it…making up for lost time.
Clint - Melbourne
Wow Jesse, what a fabulous update. Thanks so much for that and as usual, one can picture what you're talking about. Looking forward to the next blog.
What a wonderful boat is Ella's Pink Lady, taking you and your beaut crew through all the excitement (and us)!
Take care little sweetheart.
Hey Jesse,
We will send you some water & the awful humidity that goes with it when the sun comes out. It has been so humid in Sydney I can't wait for the cooler weather, sorry about that cause you are sailing into that weather also.
It's good to see the crew out for a bit of fresh air, they are such good employee's not to much pay & the don't complain!!!!
Anyway as always stay safe & hsppy sailing....
The Crew finally got outside for some R & R
Good to see Ted has his sunnies on....i hope you slip slop slapped them as well.
Sounds like you are looking after Ella as much as you can and sounds like Ella is looking after you as well.
Its a pity you cant just pop over the side of the Boat and kick your legs in the water or Hang out a long plank over the side and go for a decent walk.
I bet when you do get home its going to take a while to get your land legs....Take things easy thats for sure.
The Marathon can wait.... :)
I Luv your blogging, luv your Pics....
Keep up the good work....Tassie has been having a slightly warmer than normal summer so hopefully it wont be too cold down south for you
Catch you again soon
Stay safe, Have fun
Deb and the Guinea's ( LOL just as i typed that...there came a resounding Wheep from outside....they must know im responding to your blog and wanted me to pass on their hello's P.S. Jessica, Hannah and Ella are offically my noisiest Guinea'
Oh what a great blog, informative but still with Aussie humour in abundance. The crew look to be a sprightly lot and thoroughly enjoying themselves.
Back to the cold for you! I can sympathize but if it brings you home again to us, it will be worth it. How's that for a selfish comment?
We've had builders in. I'm over them completely, I can tell you. But, I can get away from their noise whereas you are marooned with whatever annoyance bugs you.
Lovely to hear from the girl with the four month mane!
Ian from Brisbane
02-17-10 @ 00:53
Hi Jessica,
Sure was good to get that last post from you, I enjoyed it immensely, very thorough and detailed as you always do. I congratulated you a little early on the Prime Meridian, read it in the Newspaper. But a new “Congratulations” to you, plus you‘ve got another one coming up Thursday with four (4) months at sea, hoorah…..
So with the wind at a reasonably steady 30 knots, I’m sure you’re happy and scooting right along. See Jessica, patience and perseverance brings it all to you. And even though you’re not to happy about sailing into the cold weather, I can hear it in your words that you are happy, God Bless Ya….
You never mention the heater anymore, have you been able to repair it?
That would be a big relief to have that working again, and then maybe you wouldn’t dread heading South so much.
Aside from the targa frame, it all just sounds cosmetic, and that can be lived with. The sails and rigging are more important and they sound like they are in good repair. Chafing is normal, within reason, although it seems that crooked Parker is causing a minor problem, but due to his condition he can be excused…yes,…right. I’m sure you carry enough extra line to cover this type of a situation should it come to a time that you would have to change it out completely.
The little Yanmar engine sounds like a tough little dude, it’s been upside down, end for end, tossed around kicked and it still keeps ticking, that’s great. Just tighten the belt then a shot of grease and you’re good to go. Always remember the grease even though you’re not turning the shaft, some water and definitely some moisture can build up in there, so better be safe than sorry. Pulling into Sydney and the shaft separates…..very embarrassing,…lol…not funny!!!
Kudo’s to Jim on that water separator, very good idea to be
considering the conditions.
Glad to see you’re staying up on the maintenance schedule, very important, but wouldn’t expect anything less from you, you’re a crackerjack, spot on as you would say…lol..
As for the skipper, you’re last picture was a beauty, didn’t see your slim legs though, if they get to slim and wiry (muscular) they could have a tendency to cramp up on you, especially in the cold. You don’t want that.
I had to laugh at your marathon remark, you’ll be running a different type of marathon when you get home,.. lol….
Them scallywags look great, don’t tell them I said that though, don’t want them getting swelled heads, Mr. Cool and his shades (sunnies) looks very well fed, and what’s with Chick-With-Attitude, is she getting bashful, hiding behind Ted???? Is the pelican a ‘Pete or a Paula’, it looks like it needs a FISH in it’s pouch, hint, hint…lol.. and the rest of the crew look very content and happy, and I’m sure they are well taken care of. They should raise their arms and wings for a good airing out…lol..
Well Jessica, once again, thank you, that was a great blog and I really enjoyed it, and talking to you. You are doing a great job, sailing and maintaining a tight ship, and occasionally grumbling a little bit, that’s acceptable, only because it’s you. Keep up the good sailing and your spirits, as you now have the Cape to conquer and then the Indian Ocean, piece o’ cake. Regards to your Mum and Dad, for giving us this wonderful daughter to entertain us, it’s very much appreciated!!!!
As you say, that's enough waffle for now.
Loads of love and hugs, your faithful friend, fan and follower.
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full, and I, I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (75) from Kingwood, WV
PS word verification "tuphas"
tuphas spot on.
02-07-10 @ 00:57
Hi Jessica,
Too many characters on last post:
Sorry to read about the Panasonic hand-video, it’s funny, I remember you mentioning something about that in your video, you were right, hahaha!!
Any chance of it drying out? Open it up and remove the battery and clean all the contact points, oh, you’ve already done that, ok, ok, don’t throw a hissy fit now, that’s all I could offer….lol.. Control yourself young lady!!!!
I wondered if the starboard solar panel would have any effect on the charging ability of your batteries, I’m glad to see that it is covered by the wind generator and the other panels. That says a lot for the planning of this venture, always a backup when necessary, and with a confident technician to tend to it’s ails. You are fantastical, (like that??)….lol.. Not afraid to get your hands dirty.
Nice plug for Toughbook laptop, proving itself it be super-tough.
Again, thank you and take care,I'm very proud of you always.
Loads of love and hugs, your faithful friend, fan and follower.
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full, and I, I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (75) from Kingwood, WV
Gosh Jesse - you are just amazing - yeah gotta send the crew out when they smell! Your blog is great reading everyday, I look forward to each installment.
with a crew like that, no wonder you are doing so well....quite a handsome grouplll
Very nice update, Jesse. Great to see you doing so well, and now you're making good speed toward Africa. In a few days, you'll be around the Cape and really heading for home in "your" ocean. Stay safe,
Rex Gibbons
St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada
Jesse,your sense of humour is one of your many attributes,and "laughter is definitely the best medicine"Your blogs are extremely well written!Your command of written expression / 100% how about that.Well Jesse you are back to real sailing with a plentiful supply of "breeze"Your crew look to be in "pretty good nick"and as they are not able to answer you back,will always do as they are told!Keep EPL "hard on the wind" and keep peeling off those nm's.Everything sounds shipshape, keep it going Jesse,thoughts & prayers are with you as always, Have a great day, Dougal
Bula from Fiji, Jessica,
Terrific news and really well written. I'm using your epic voyage and reports to teach the Cl 7/8's Geography and Environmental Sts. Love the pics. The visit from the dolphins must have meant so much!
As the Cape looms, enjoy the ride and realize you are joining the elite group of "greatest" sailors!! I'll send the kids comments next time. From all of us in Pacific Harbour, stay safe and well and we are looking forward to your next update. Great "Crew" shot. Warm tropical hugs from us... "Moce " xxxxxx Janet and CL. 7/8
Cool crew!! Go ahead! glory to god who enables!
Safe travel Jess! May God be with you!
Bula (Hello) Jessica,
Some of the kids I'm teaching have ancestors who sailed their outriggers across the vast oceans using the stars! The kids want to know if you ever look at the stars?!! Also, do you use Maths to work out your course?!! (Please say "yes", I always tell them how useful maths really is!!
It is pouring down here in Pacific Harbour, with big swells bringing the sand back after our last cyclone.
Thinking of you, enjoy the run around the Cape. xxx
Cooeee Jesse!
LOVE the pic of the crew! lol
They're a motley looking mob for sure! :)
In fact, they remind me of some motley looking naval personnel I've known during our years as a navy family! lol
Glad the winds have picked up and you're making headway now. I'll swap you some of that cooler weather you're headed into! We've got temps in the high 30'sC here ... again! :(
Continued safe sailing Jesse!
Cheers .... Soldier's Mum in SA
I love to hear about your daily stuff. The crew looks great, thanks for the photo!
Seattle, WA
Hey Jesse
Re those leg exercises
I’m assuming a physiotherapist had provided exercise equipment for you. But if I’m wrong you may be able to rig up something yourself.
If there’s an overhead rail somewhere with clear deck space beneath it - take two lengths of rope (which will need to be adjusted for length), put a loop in each end of both, sling them over the rail, lie down with hands and feet in the loops, and use the pushing action of (alternate) feet against your hands to strengthen leg muscles. Use alternate arms to pull feet back up off deck. And so on.
I haven’t tried this, so it may not be as simple as it sounds. But it may be worth having a go. I guess it depends on available space too.
Keep on sailing.
Michael from Toogoolawah
Your description of EPL is as interesting as ever...but I have never read anything about how on earth you survived the storm and 4 knockdowns? Do you pull down the sails in a storm so they wouldn't hold you under if you went upside down? I mean how can a boat go upside down and then upright itself? Not being a sailor I am amazed you survived in one piece!
Hi Jesse,
The crew look great and appear as though they would never question your decisions. What anyone would do to have a crew like them.
Every time we look at your journey we can't believe how far the globe rotates to mark your position. We are getting excited already at the thought of you sailing through Sydney Heads. What a day that will be.
I said in an early blog that I was racing you to finish my deck before you finished your journey so we can sit out the back and watch you come through the heads.
Footings complete, bricking complete, steel just arrived so I better go and start work or I will not finish in time.
Stay safe,
Dave and Una Brisbane
Thanks for the update Jess,
I check in daily for your blogs and can't wait for the next video & photos.
Eagerly awaiting you round the cape and heading for home!
Warragul, Vic, Australia
Thanks Jessica
Nice photo
Enjoy those winds
Luv u
Richard (QLD)
Hi Jess,
great to hear everything is up and running.
We are happy to see you go more south because...
that's were them Albertos are!!!
Yes, yes, yes, let's go get them!
keep up them dodgers,
Jony the Pony
G'day Jesse,
It's been a while since I commented but I do check up on you every day. You always manage to put a smile on my face.
Thanks so much for the updates you do manage to send through.
So, no turning back now! Straight home for you is the quickest.
It will be quick too so make sure that every now and then you take a big breath and stop and soak it in.
How do you go with sail changes? You packed quite a few, where they spares or do you have one for every occasion?
Have you picked a song (or songs) to have blasting out from the cockpit as you round the heads and back into Sydney Harbour?
"I still call Australia Home" or Men at Work's Land down Under? Or something a bit more to Jesse's taste.
Keep well, Happy and Safe
All the Best
I wish I could be a fly on the wall at you first day back at school when the teacher asks the kids to write about what they did on the holidays and you drop a copy of your book on your teachers desk and say "enjoy the read".
龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠 龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠
ConFuseUs says:
Girl who sail pink boat with Stuffed Crew
Always have clean Poop Deck.
hahahahaha,,,,just love the laid back look of the crew!!!! cheeky looking lot as well I'd say...dont take any lip from them could mean stuffed toy over board...hahha. pleased you are making progress Jess...lifts the spirit i should think..and sharpens the mind again after the lull of activity.
Look forward to some more of your humour and say high to the fluffy crew
Love Liz:-)
龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠 龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠龠
ConFuseUs says:
Girl who Going Places with Wear and Tear,
Need Ella Bache Eternal Day Cream Care.
Good to hear EPL is holding out well. Thanks to your TLC, no doubt. You did the right thing with the crew. A musty crew is bad news.
Peter and Robyn
hi jesse, how thoughtful of you to bring the crew up on deck for a bit of sunshine! they are all looking healthy.cheers from canterbury nz.
Well done skipper, you're doing a superb job looking after your crew, I am sure they appreciate it!
Keep it comin, you're just around the corner from me now, just one more corner and then it's a straight line home.
Cape Town
South Africa
I love the picture!
Superb. You're doing superb!
I'm thinking of putting together a speech about you and your adventure in the future for one of my speeches at Toastmasters.
Hi Jesse,
thanks for all your last updates! I felt sad reading about those calm days because I'm a very impatient person myself sometimes, and so of cause I'm happy to read that you're going on now quite well!
In this entry you're telling us, that your freshwater is strictly for drinking and cooking, so you're probably relieved from to much washing and cleaning, aren't you? Or did you pack some of that special salt water soap?
However, I think that when you arrive back home nobody will dare to complain about a little "flavor" anyway ... ;)
So for now, I wish you friendly winds and maybe some short rain showers to fill up your supply a little bit!
Frankfurt, Germany
Hi Jessica,
I love to read your update and to see the crew out in the sun was great fun.
Here is it snowing again, and more will come. The children love it this winter.
Keep on sailing safe, and take care.
Ingrid, Tyreso, Stockholm
Good morning Jessica!
I have been following you from the first day of your adventure and I can tell you that knowing about you and EPL every day it’s the most important thing to me now!
You are an excellent writer! Keep telling us such a great story of your fantastic trip!
Even that I’m close to the 70’s I dream to be part of your beautiful crew!
Good wind ...and have always a safe sailing!
from SPAIN Alfredo
Good morning Jessica !!!
I have been following you from the first day of your adventure and I can tell you that
knowing about you and EPL every day it’s the most important thing to me now !
You are an excellent writer ! Keep telling us such a great story of your fantastic trip !
Even that I’m close to the 70’s I dream to be part of your beautiful crew !
Good wind ...and have always a safe sailing !
from SPAIN Alfredo
Hi Captain Watson; Your latest blog was great! The picture of the crew was one of your better efforts. Fare Well Jessica,
Vancouver, Canada
good day to you little miss adventurer,
very good update, good to see the crew still smiling, however i could not see any of them wearing life jackets whilst on deck.
keep up the good work young lady.
blackbutt qld
I've been following you all the way. I'm totally blown away at your achievement. You show maturity far beyond your years.
Dear Jessica,
The crew looks not too bad for the wear! We enjoyed the picture a lot and enjoyed showing it to others in the family!
We are so happy to see you made it pasts the prime are well on your way home!
your fans from afar,
Dora and Rachel
Hi Jess!
Wonderful pic from your crew!
I really love it and put in as wallpaper on my computer!
It is great how well EPL is doing, you and your team have done a great job of preparing for this trip!
God bless you,
Marina from Turin
Hi! Jessica,
No marathons, with all the pounding your legs have been getting they should be fit & sturdy,:):):)
This is an amazing debrief on the condition EPL is in, you have really looked after this lady very well.
The skipper, well long hair suits you to go with your beautiful smile, so mums the word one little tuff nuggett.
Hope you can keep the good NM travelled for the next few days to make up for last weeks 2 forward 1 back.
Safe Passage. Will talk later.
Hervey Bay. QLD.
Good update. You managed to answer many of the questions that I was thinking of asking. You now have officially achieved prophetess status. Your new title is Futuresayer Jessica. Your first job when you return to Oz will be to forecast Australia's economic future. Hopefully, your predictions will be more accurate than the federal government's!
Safe sailing,
Andrew and Vicki (Queens Park, NSW)
Hi Jesse,
The crew look very healthy. I hope they're not eating all your food, they are looking very well.
Thanks for the update on EPL. She seems to holding up really well, considering some of the weather you have been through.
My 17 year old daughter was asking me how you wash your hair with salt water and still have it looking so soft and shiny? Is it the special hair care products you use? I can remember once many years ago going on a camp and trying to wash my hair with normal shampoo in sea water. My hair all matted together and it felt like straw. Not a good look.
I hope that the weather doesn't cool down too much for you. In Auckland at present the weather is around 26 degrees celcius, but it feels much hotter than that as it is extremely humid. I work at a College and many students are coming to Health Centre with headaches. I hope that you are drinking plenty of water Jesse
:-). Sorry, that's me as a Mum talking again.
It's a shame you couldn't have fitted a weight machine on your boat where you could sit there and lift the weights up and down with your legs to strengthen them. It would be a bit tricky room wise fitting it in and I don't know about having a "knockdown" and weights flying around your cabin - yikes. So maybe you will just have to have thin legs until after you get home. Don't worry though Jesse they will soon get strong again when you get home.
Well my dear I will sign off here. I'm not sure what has happened but my husband's name now seems to be appearing for a blog name and not "Jan". My 15 year old son I think has done something to my blog site. I'm not a computer buff so I will have to try and figure out how to get my blog site back again. I can't even use the Google Account so I will just have to be Anonymous for now. :-(
Take care and keep safe. Warmest wishes and big hugs from Jan Pace (Auckland, New Zealand)
I loved all that detail. Glad to hear things are going sooooo well for you and EPL. Welcome back to the eastern half of the world. It's sort of sad that this is all going to come to an end!
I feel so 1. little, 2. chicken-hearted and ..3. old (i am 38) while reading your blog!
You are really awesome!
SYCHARITIRIA (means Congratulations in Greek.)You are the best!
Keep safe sailing girl!
oh so this is where we are now... I lost ya for a while. Kept checking the new site for updates, none there.
Anyway, good to catch up, Jess, must say crew and skipper looking cheery :)
Go Jess Go!!!
Great blog as always, Jessica!
And now from the eastern hemisphere!
Looking forward
to you rounding S-Africa :-D
Best wishes from Iceland, according to google-earth, I'm at
66° 4'17.11"N 23° 7'13.52"W :-D
Hi Jess,
go get them Albertos!
keep up them dodgers,
Jony the Pony
Hi Jesse,
What a great report. Glad everything is going well and that EPL is standing up to all the hard work.
Good to see the crew enjoying the fresh air. Gee 4 months at sea and not a day off for you either.
Hope the weather continues to be good.
Keep safe,
Hi Jesse,
Just trying something to see if my blog is now working. Fingers crossed. Jan Pace (Auckland, New Zealand)
Been following your trip & blogs but first reply -- along with everyone else - Congratulations and definately an inspiration. Glad to see you have stuck it to the Courer Mail from back home!!
Great update, its all downhill now
Dear sweet Jesse,
This time I cannot raise my pen. Your expertise has finally floored me. There is nought to discus. You are in command. What more can I add ?
Zilch. Zip. Zero.
Apart form your sensational picture of that crew of yours!
Have a good look at them all leaning on each other! Did you say you had heaps of meths? I'd keep my eye on that lovely...wouldn't be surprised if they've been into your supplies.
If I were you I'd make them stand to attention and salute you! First one to fall over scrubs the rusty spots on deck. Second to face plant does the stainless steel. Third sleeps outside.
Jesse, we adore your blogs, and you entertain us to boot!
Make sure you eat well sweetheart, the scallywags are obviously eating more that their share so be assertive and make them do deck exercises as well.
Hey Jesse,
thanks for the in-depth report on EPL. Considering the rough treatment she's endured over the last 120+ days speaks volumes re her durability and a credit to the makers of the S&S34. Apart from a few structural dents and the unfortunate damage to the starboard solar panel, she has come through it pretty well I think. Most of the other problems are seemingly cosmetic and shouldn't hinder EPL's performance too much, if at all.
Mind you, an acknowledgement to the team at home for their tireless dedication in making EPL as safe and secure as possibly a tank could be. Well done!
Her skipper hasn't faired too badly either under the circumstances. With only the occassional flirt with 'Ella Bache' she has so far weathered the storm extremely well looking as spiff as the day she set sail.
Btw, love the pic of the crew. Big Ted is looking sooo cool in the sunny's while Blue Bear, stuck behind Kahu, is trying hard to get in the picture. Spect they'll be smelling like roses now lol
So it's time to head further south-east and into lower temps again. I take it that darned heater's still out of action. Drat! Cheer up Jesse and think of being on the home straight once rounding Good Hope. Maybe apply the storm strategy to help ya.
I hope you have a quick safe journey to and around the Cape Skipper. Take care out there.
Ben (Qld)
Hey Jesse,
Just caught up on 5 posts and assorted pics. Must say today's is an awesome update from an awesome sailor. The crew look in fine shape and not too damp and smelly now! Terrific to finally have those winds pushing you in vaguely the right direction. You may even get some rain from that weather system to wash down the decks and fill your billy cans.
Wishing you smooth and safe sailing round the Cape.
The Old Bloke
P.S. For anyone interested here is a link to a South African weather site with a large daily satellite photo of the Cape. If one lines up yours with theirs it gives an idea of the weather you may be experiencing.
Dear Jesse,
I have a link to your blog in my blog to build our own home and show every day to you, if is all ok.
It´s very interesting, a girl with 16 year around the world.
Sorry for my school english.
Have a nice and safe time
Hi Jesse you are truley an inspiration to all......keep sailing safe! (Hey Crew, we loved the fact that the skipper let you out on deck for a look & a well needed drying out!
take care,
Hirst family Newcastle
Dear sweet Jesse,
This time I cannot raise my pen. Your expertise has finally floored me. There is nought to discus. You are in command. What more can I add ?
Zilch. Zip. Zero.
Apart form your sensational picture of that crew of yours!
Have a good look at them all leaning on each other! Did you say you had heaps of meths? I'd keep my eye on that Lovely...wouldn't be surprised if they've been into your supplies.
If I were you I'd make them stand to attention and salute you! First one to fall over scrubs the rusty spots on deck. Second to face- plant polishes the stainless steel. Third one sleeps outside.
Jesse, we adore your blogs, and you entertain us to boot!
Make sure you eat well sweetheart, the scallywags are obviously eating more that their share so be assertive and make them do deck exercises as well.
ciao for now
Hey there Jess, I hope you're well.
Thanks for the update on EPL's status, it was great to read about some of the things I had been wondering about myself. Ella's Pink Lady is such an impressive boat. I reckon she's in excellent condition considering the worst she's been through. Shame about your solar panel's dummy spit, hey? How rude is that!
Jim...good thinking, 99! Your special filter certainly paid off. Well done mate!
Congratulations on crossing Prime Meridian into the Easter Hemisphere, Jess. Tomorrow will be 4 months since you sailed out of Syndey and soon you'll have 14,000nm under your belt and before we know it you'll be rounding the Cape of Good Hope. You're certainly working your way through those milestones in grand style young lady, I'm so impressed and so very proud of you.
I love your latest photo. Your crew look so cute all huddled up keeping each other warm. And how's Ted with his cool sunnies, hey? :-))
Well precious one, I hope you continue to enjoy every moment out there and stay focused. Take good care of yourself, stay safe and bye for now...Aunty Sam XX :-))
PS...Sally, I just love your creativity. Your "Fluffy Crew" are gorgeous! They're all very good! I hope you never stop because I would miss them. Take care...
Hi Jesse,
Sorry I haven't written for a while, but I read your blogs daily and get disappointed when there isn't a new one!
You are doing great strokes, and it will be wonderful for your myriads of fans to hear you are safely back into Sydney Harbour.
Good to see your crew all looking healthy and happy too.
You do Australia proud!
Hi Jess, I check out on you every day here in Holland, Europe. Keep telling people about your amazing trip and how wonderfull you are. God bless you Jess!regards, Daan Brabant
hi jess when you leave africa heading east on indian ocean and maybe see mainland aus i reakon it will be an amazing feeling for you .wilfresilp
The picture of your crew is so funny!!
Ciao from Italy,
Hi Jess,
Once again, SUPER blog today. Loved the picture of your crew basking in some sunshine. Great to know that the Skipper is doing well and spirits are high !
I am assuming that it will not get as cold rounding the Cape of Good Hope (albeit on a track well south of the Cape), as it was rounding Cape Horn. At any rate, I am wishing for you lots of sunshine and fair and warm winds.
Everything else looks ship-shape and given that you are now well and truly on the way home after passing into the Eastern Hemisphere, I reckon it won't be long before we are waving and cheering you past the heads as you enter Sydney Harbour.
Good on you.
Hi Miss Watson!
I've started to read your blog only two weeks a go (allthoug I've been reading about your journey from newspapers for far more time). This far it's been really intresting to read this, even without any experiences about sailing!
I'm a bit jealous for you, not because of the sailing (alltouhg it has to be quite awsome) but because of your courage to live your dreams true! So have a good wind in your sails also from this point on and sun and moon to light up your route!
I will cheer up a lot also here in the north when you finish your journey!´
Way to go girl, Keep your flag up all the time!
With all things said and almost done, I really enjoy reading your well expressed and detailed comments and look forward to reading your eventual book.
Good luck with the rest of your journey. I can't wait for your next report.
HiJess,just love your crew,quite an intelligent looking lot,ha ha.
Thanks for the updates,up the hospital every day visiting my ill husband,but try and check on your blog each day.
All the very best Jess,you are doin fantastic
Nanna Cairns Qld
Hiya Jesse,
What a great update. I don't know about heading to the cold either..brrrr
must be hard to aim for it on purpose...!!
So, you are in the eastern hem, excellent !! Congratulations, you have achieved so much and I am so glad you are eating those miles up with kind wind.
Parker, does not have his hat on straight, but still works, that's good.
And poor old solar panel, I like to think of that dent as the hand print of King Neptune putting Ella on her wheels and upright again on the night old grey beard got cranky. So it is a lucky dent really.
All in all pretty good considering the tumbles you have conquered.
The Crew. I told ya they were lazy Jesse, look at em, sunning themselves, like they own the place. Sitting there, just gawking. And stinkin' to high heaven...I don't know...
Just as long as you don't hear them talking back at you, you are fine. Or else it will be a long walk off a short plank. te he ha ha. I'd be off to see ACDC, so I will be offline for a couple of days. You be good, have fun, turn the music up and make sure "its a long way to the top when you sail around the world"...Cheers and Beers Paula
@Stefan.. I'm joining George, Peter and Susan: accurate words, and perfectly said!!!
@ELVIS: A masterpiece! You Rock! (no surprise)
@Sally, Melbourne: So lovely again. You've got both, heart and talent
@Susan (Oregon) again: I loved you o-ou-ue-eus, very nice and fun, well crafted! I was happy to understand "snafus", for having seen only months ago in Normandy a "Dakota" named "SNAFU-SPECIAL"... a brave tough plane of the war time.
@Captain Jesse (finally). As everybody says, you have wonderful writing skills. What you say is interesting, you explain it clearly, you say it with the right words in light sentences, you never dive into seriousness or arrogance, and you salt your entry with humour. Great, great job. Your blogs are, every time, a delight to read.
I shall not comment in detail on the wear and tear, as your report is clear and complete. You should make it to Sydney, as your sailing job has been as excellent as your writing one.
I can understand you would like to stay in the warm latitudes. It has to be taken as a pleasant mid-trip interval. The last leg will have you back in the cold, the big waves, the gales. We all know your fighting spirit will be there, all through the dreadful Indian Ocean. Back into action... The bad point is that this bloody heater of yours is obviously still out of order. Hang on! You're not far from the two-thirds of the journey...
Of course, a few words about your fluffy companions. They are purr-fect. What a nice shot!
I notice that Mr Pelican (what's his name?) stands in front, no longer bashful as he was, and looks very happy, maybe too much. Jessica... I have a riddle for you:
1) On a boat traveling on the oceans for several months, a navigator, though helped by many advisors, catches only one fish, and the head of another.
2) In the boat's crew, there is a pelican. While the skipper loses ballast, as most of the crew, the pelican looks better and better, with bright feathers and a round tummy.
Don't you think that 1+2=3?
3) The pelican has been eating tons of fishes all along... first to pull the line...?
The pink flags are running on the globe again!
Holidaymaker Jessica is going to drop her sunnies,
Toughcookie Captain Jesse is coming back!
Good Hope, watch her round your nose!
I check this almost every day, love hearing your posts, well done in all that your doing. As NorthCountryGal said, you deserve a gold medal, well done and i know its hard but write more, we all love hearing the most simplest and most boring bits. All the best, Australia and the rest of the world loves you.( Aussies more though)
Hi Jesse,
Ummm, I'm a little worried about the little guy in the back row, impersonating a rooster. He seems to have his beady eye firmly fixed on Parker, and looks ready for mischief! Bet he wakes you up way to early in the morning, too!
Thanks for the update on EPL - I'm learning heaps about yachts and sailing from you. Glad she's holding up so well.
We had the first hints of autumn in the mountains today. I'm not looking forward to the cold anymore than you! Oh well, a good excuse to wear fleece and beanies, anyway.
Love what you're doing,
Sharron from Blackheath, NSW
Dear Jesse,
glad to hear your efforts have been keeping ELP in such good condition. Your crew... well they are another matter altogether. They do look a bit furry and i can almost smell the mustiness from here in Perth. But the best news and what i am most interested in is the Skipper. So pleased to hear the skinny legged, long haired Skipper is healthy. I wish the amazing Skipper good winds and safe sailing.
Hi Jess
Thanks for a detailed progress report. You have been keeping busy with all those maintenance issues. I had to look up what end for ending meant and am still not entirely sure. If you are using your daily fresh water supply for only drinking and cooking does this mean you have to take salt water showers? Doesn't it make you skin feel all prickly? You can obviously see I am only an aspiring sailor.
Love your crew photo. You really know how to keep us bloggers entertained and wanting for more. Just loved reading this last post. So informative, descriptive and fun to read.
Stay safe
Gillian, France
Hi Jess,
Well I've just posted song and film no 4...very short little piece :
(No 5 is going to coincide with your rounding of the cape!)
'Come Back and Tell the Tale'
Catch the westerlies in your sails
Try to avoid the howling gales
Keep yourself safe
Keep yourself dry
Come back and tell the tale
Come back and tell the tale
Come back and tell the tale
Keep safe
Hi Jessica
Congratulations for crossing the Prime Meridian and for achieving 14,000nm and surviving four months at sea – solo, nonstop and unassisted.
Thanks for your report card - it’s good to hear You, Ella’s Pink Lady, Parker, and your ‘crew’ are all in pretty good shape, and that you are now flying along. On balance you have come through the knockdowns very well and it seems you can overcome most of the problems such as Parker chafing his lines, loss of mast-head wind instruments, loss of starboard solar panel, loss of one burner on the stove, and normal rigging chafe, by careful and constant monitoring.
You might have to get used to the cold, Jess. You have to sail south of South Africa and not through it, so talk to Parker and EPL and Yourself very firmly about heading south-east. Tell them it will get a little warmer when you all head northwards after passing the south coast of Tassie.
Your picture of the crew is delightful. I hope they enjoyed their ‘drying-out’ after presumably suffering in the knockdowns. Enjoy flying along ……
Tony L (Mt Martha VIC)
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