Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Jessica Rounds Cape Horn!

Pic below: Diego Ramirez Islands in the background, taken by Jessica earlier today, approx 60nm before reaching Cape Horn. This is significant in that it was the first land Jessica has seen since departing Sydney on 18 October.

Blogmaster Andrew


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Gillian@Fontainebleau said...

Way to go Jesse!!!! Felicitations!!!!

Gillian, France

Sarah Cooper (Sydney) said...

YAY!!!! I have been waiting and watching all night for this terrific news! I don't even know you Jess but i'm near tears for joy for you! Congratulations!!! You must be feeling so great right now!

You're doing Australian's proud Jess! Keep going your doing great!

Congrats again!

Karl said...

CONGRATULATIONS from downtown buderim!!!!!

Anonymous said...

What an achievement. My family is so proud of you.


Anonymous said...


The McGraths said...

Jesse Jesse Jesse,

Heartiest congratulations on this amazing milestone.

We love you and feel so proud for you.

For "Samurai" thankyou for the fantastic picture, it truly is beautiful & depicted everything we feel.

Talk soon,

The McGraths

Karl said...

YAHOOO and CONGRATULATIONS!!!! from karl and family in downtown Buderim.


Anonymous said...


Clint Jeffrey - VK3CSJ said...

Congratulations Jesse, the tears in my eyes are for you my girl!

We've just cracked a bottle of PINK!

Clint - Melbourne

Good work Sam!

Anonymous said...

Jesse - that's wonderful!! Congratulations - Australia and the world are proud of you.
I hope you saw your Mum and Dad.

Denise said...

I feel like a proud mum. Well done young lady.
Denise, Mandurah WA

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jessica!!

You must be so, soooo happy with progress to date.

Safe sailing on the home leg!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats Jesse. You continue to inspire us all. I can't wait to see the media reports tomorrow. I hope that they too celebrate the absolute enormity of your historic achievement.
Chloe, Sydney

Tim09 said...

Well done Jess,
I can now open that bottle of wine.
Have Fun, take care and stay hooked on.
Tim and Rosie
Great Picture Samurai
would love a copy if you could

Ali :D said...

Go you good thing!!!!!! Woohooo Congrats Jesse

Ali Brisbane Qld :D

Geraldine said...

WOOOHOOOO JESS!!!!! Great effort...keep on going, u r amazing...God Bless...Geraldine

Anonymous said...

Yipee! Our family has been anxiously waiting to hear news that you conquered this milestone. A huge CONGRATULATIONS!!! What an accomplishment. Stay safe.

The Espinoza Family
Kansas, USA

Ron Munro of 5108 said...

POP go the Corks, Well done Brave Daughter of Aussie Land.
Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!
Oi! Oi! Oi!
Hugs and kissed Brave Sailor, I am just as proud of you as if I was there with you!!

Kim humphreys W.A. said...


Roy - GC said...

Woo Hoo... we have been watching and waiting tonight to 'help' you round the Cape. Go Jesse you are a legend, can't wait to hear the news of the fly by and the navy visitors! Enjoy the moment!

Roy - Gold Coast

Trish said...

I am crying here!!!! Tears of joy for you and the team - especially you Jess and Mum and Dad .... how special to have been a sorta kinda "part" of this humungus event - place your left arm over your right shoulder, then place your right arm over your left shoulder .... now squeeze tight - that is a hug that you SO deservedly have earned!!! (sniff)
Love Trish (CYC) Cairns xox

Anonymous said...

Well done Jessica. You are a true hero.

Anonymous said...

Wow Jesse - the news we have all been waiting to hear with baited breath is finally here. Over the moon for you - can't wait to hear more!

dutchinspace said...

Awesome stuff ol' Mate(sic) at least you got to play with some half decent surfy sort of stuff. To go all that way and not experience what the place is all about wouldn't be quite the same- Rock On- I'll go drop a toddie for you must be about 8am CJT or so there hey(Chilly Jess Time)

Molly said...

While I was posting in the last thread...AROUND YOU WENT!
It's a little early for a Foster's here, so I will toast your wonderful self later today.
I have this vision of you dancing around the deck of your friend, The Pink Lady.
Congratulations Sailor Girlie!!!
Much love,
Maryland USA

Anonymous said...

Fantastic news Jess. God speed.

Judy (Brisbane)

Ann said...

I am jumping with joy and at my age (75yrs) that is quite a feat...well done Jessica ***********************************I have been waiting all day with great anticipation and now at last you have conquered the dragon of the seas........hip! hip! Hooray for Jessica...I had my wee sherry and toasted you and your great courage... go for home Jessica.....
may the angels watch over you..
you truly are remarkable.....
many blessings
Ann (Morwell)

ben said...

Wow! Wow! and Wow! Let's all begin the celebrations. A pink flag right on Cape Horn for this gutsy girl. I'm sooo pumped I hope I can sleep tonite. Wow!

Congratulations Jesse!!

Ben (Qld)

Anonymous said...

hats off baby


Bruce from Brisvegas said...

Hi Jess.

A HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Well done. One cape down!

Best wishes


JJ said...

Hey Jesse,

Onya!! Well done to you and your team.

Can't wait to hear the story.

Congrats again and again.


Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,
CONGRATULATIONS !!! Fantastic Job.
We are all very proud of you, you are a very inspiring person.

Saraya :-)

ax said...

WAHOO! Congratulations! Fantastic. Well done :)

helwhiz said...

Well done.

You are now one of the few who can say you did it on your own (apart from all the support of your team members)


JJ said...

To Sam - you are the blogger queen - love your work!!

(from 3000km north of you)

Peter Vickerson said...

G'day Jess,

Congratulations. You little bewdy!!

This is a copy of my comment on yesterdays post. I did some calculastions based on your blog this morning and with 80nm and I estimated you doing at least 6 knots in the conditions. Turns out I was about 10 minutes out in estimating your rounding.

You are a truly incredible young lady. After this what won't you be able to do.

We're all proud of you and elated for you.

Good Onya and God Blessya

P.S. only 2 capes to go and a 90 degre turn to port and you'll be in Syudney.


Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jessica. We can all start breathing again. What a huge achievement for anyone let alone a 16 year old! I have been following you all the way.

Tony, Sydney

Unknown said...

Way to go Jessica! Very proud of you and you have every right to be very proud of yourself. duane

Peter Vickerson said...

G'day Jess,

Congratulations. You little bewdy!!

This is a copy of my comment on yesterdays post. I did some calculastions based on your blog this morning and with 80nm and I estimated you doing at least 6 knots in the conditions. Turns out I was about 10 minutes out in estimating your rounding.

You are a truly incredible young lady. After this what won't you be able to do.

We're all proud of you and elated for you.

Good Onya and God Blessya

only 2 capes to go and a 90 degre turn to port and you'll be in Syudney.


Organisedvicar said...


I've been so busy all day, I haven't had a chance to check the blog so finishing at 10.15pm tonight the first thing I did was look to see if you did it and YOU DID! You must be on cloud nine right now, not only achieving this amazing feat but having mum and dad so near above you. Not to mention the cheer squad with those navy guys. Enjoy this moment and know we are all so proud of you and wish you continued fair weather as you reach the half way mark and all the way home.


Jo-Anne, Geelong.

Anonymous said...

Well done Jess!


ToSeeTheSea said...

From everyone at the SCYC - We are watching and very proud of you.

Anonymous said...

Go Girl Jesse!!!! You are AMAZING!!

Barking Gecko said...

G'Day "Salty" Jessica Watson

Congratulations on a great achievement.

Now all you have to do is turn left and head for home :)

Sail well and speed well.

Ann said...

forgot to thank samurai (sam) for the lovely picture...well done sam
Ann (Morwell)

Lizzy said...

Good work Jessica, your an amazingly brave young lady. I've been following your trip since day one with abated breathe for your trek around Cape Horn. So glad your safely around it. Good luck with the rest of the trip, keep us posted its great to see what your up to each day.

TS said...

Bloody marvelous.

Anonymous said...

Oh Jessie,
CONGRATULATIONS, following you all the way and wishing you the best for what lies ahead. You deserve a well earned rest after the Horn. Great song and video dedicated to you on you tube,

You're amazing girl, go!

Auzziemom said...

Where the bloody hell is Jessica Watson?

She is past Cape Horn!!!!


We are so very proud of you hon. Well done to the entire team.

Meli said...

Way 2 Go Jess! So proud of you! We have celebrated with you by having an enormous, freshly picked mango thickshake! (Don't drink Champagne so thought that would be the most fitting salute to a QLD go getter girl!)

Keep powering on and may God send a special team of guardian angels to keep watch over you...I reckon just one would be overworked with you!

Think you're awesome! God Bless

Mel, Colin, Kieran, Talia & Justin Renfrew

Bluefin said...

Congratulations Jesse!!!!!

Wonderful work, incredible effort.

Bluefin, Buderim, Queensland.

Thanks Samurai for the lovely dedication.

Lou said...

Congratulations and well done. You are a real inspiration from another proud Queenslander - Go Queenslander! Stay safe.
Lou x

Head in the clouds said...







Alan and Lena, Gold Coast, Oz

Gaffjaw said...

Jessica,congratulations now join the ranks of the maritime heros and legends. An inspiring feat.
Paul of Brisbane

Anonymous said...

Cool! Congratulations!!!

Sofia - Bulgaria

Toni McLean said...

Tears of joy and pride and wonder and bedazzlement at this fantastically significant milestone and achievement for you Jesse. In one way it's just another rock to get around, but such a symbolic one. Sounds as though you had a real ride, but I expect you might have been really disappointed if it had been too tame! Hopefully just enough adventure for you to make it even more memorable. I just knew you'd get there tonight.

I guess we can all start breathing again. I know I've been holding my breath and I'm sure I wasn't alone.

Hope you get to tuck out of the wind soon so you can have a 'rest'!

And I hope you were able to pop a lovely bottle of orange juice to celebrate. Oh no, of course, chocolate! Silly me! I'll toast you with a piece of chocolate here!

Well, I hope it becomes a bit easier for you now, at least until you get to the Indian Ocean. I think you will be heading a bit northerly in the Atlantic?

Thanks so much Samurai for that lovely little work of art to honour Jesse. I think she will be the next sporting living treasure after Cathy Freeman!

Look forward to reading just a little more about the last few hours, when you've got more time.

Take really good care now.


Anonymous said...

WOW Jess

Im going to have a drop of my xmas scotch in your honour fantastic

Pete, UK

gustav said...

Congratulations dear Jessica and Ella's Pink Lady on rounding CAPE HORN !

Hoch soll sie leben,hoch soll sie leben drei mal hoch !!!

Hip Hip Hurrah,Hip Hip Hurrah,Hip Hip Hurrah,

I raise my glass and toast the amazing Jessica Watson and Ella's Pink Lady,her Mum and Dad,Bob the Weatherman and the amazing shore team and all our many friends from all around the world!

Lets raise our glass and drink to real greatness and the good things that really matter to us,the real People of this world!

Jessica,we salute you!

gustav haffner

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica,
mega congratulations!
Thank you shore team for the update!
Jessica rounded the Horn! Woooohooooo!

Just saw the video! You look soooo great!
I don't know what else to say, it is fantastic and that we can be part of it, witnessing this unforgettable historic event, is absolutely awe inspiring!

You are one of a kind Jessica, What a gem!

Since I followed you from August, I NEVER had any doubts, that you would not accomplish, what you set out to do!

Samurai, your card is so creative! Well done!

Hope everything went well and you got to speak with your parents and to see the plane.
Did all those navy guys line up on the ship and salute you Captain Watson???

Way to go! I am so emotional, I don't know what to say!

Sail on Jessica, keep well, happy and above all else stay safe!

Trudy, Austria/Mackay

Judy said...

Well done - you must be elated! Unfortunately the webstie won't allow me to read your post, but I'll keep trying.


Kissyfrott said...


Floods of tears here too, in Paris
We were all thinking, waiting, watching


Nice drawing, Sam
Good job, the teams
Well done, fluffy crew


3rd leg opening soon
box office open
reserve your armchairs
the website might burst off


You must be steering
waving at the Navies
and at the Air Forces


you blew that Horn
The world is in awe
and you're beloved
beyond imagination

Jonathan said...

COngratulations Jessica - a mighty achievement reaching the summit of Cape Horn.

Our two daughters, aged 11 and 7 have been following every day your adventure - you are a great role model.

All the best for the next hurdle.

HappyDaze said...

Congratulations Jessicia. Love your determination. Sure has paid off.
B K Sweeney.
Bribie Island. QLD.

Anonymous said...

Ya did it!!! YEA!!! I am laughing & crying all at the same time. So happy for you. So happy for your parents. Sooooooooooooo happy!!!

Until next time.

HappyDaze said...

Congratulations Jessica. Love your determination. It sure has paid off.
Great news.
Bribie Island. QLD.

Lou said...

Hi Jesse,
Congratulations and well done! You are a true inspiration from one proud Queenslander to another - Go Queenslander!! Stay safe.
Lou x

Mike said...

Congratulations Jessica! It sounds like the famed weather and seas of Cape Horn have not let you down, and you rounded the Horn in its fury! No one can say "the Horn took it easy on you". Great job and a sincere Congratulations to you, mum & dad and the entire team! Heavenly Father we thank you for the safe passage for Jessica around Cape Horn. We thank you for giving Jessica and the team the wisdom to properly prepare for this event. We praise You Father for answering our prayers! In Jesus name, Amen.
Grace Fellowship Church.
North Stonington, CT. USA

Richard Lathrop said...


JESSICA, YOU ARE SIMPLY THE VERY BEST! CONGRATULATIONS. {your crew, well..., they are OK, I guess.)

And thank you Samuri, for your excellent creation to mark CAPTAIN WATSON'S triumph.

Richard Lathrop

David Mac said...

If you were a fighter you would be Muhammed Ali, if you were an Astronaut you would be Neil Armstrong,if you were a mountaineer you would be Sir Edmund Hilary but you are already a famous and magnificent sailor; well done and congratulations,Jessica Watson. Battle on!

Unknown said...

Congratulations, Jesse, from Maine, way to go, Judy and Mo

Anonymous said...

FANTASTIC FANTASTIC FANTASTIC We LOVE you Jess and we are so VERY VERY PROUD of You Jess,God we wish we could be there with you right now, We are there with you in spirit , You are not alone Jess,No way,there are so many of your devoted followers on board wit you all the way on your epic Journey . Lots love and good wishes From Terry and Patricia Melb Aus

Jubilee said...

You gave it Horns !!!!! Fantastic achievement Jesse.

Unknown said...

Congrats from Austria (not Australia) ;-)
Graz, Austria

Greg (Newcastle) said...

What a special day for you and your lady! I'm so inspired by your voyage.

Ant @ Townsville N QLD said...

Congratulations !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jesse, we are all so proud of you in OZ.
You made it on the News tonight. They showed part of the video you posted. By the way nice hair do.:)
Stay safe
Anthont N QLD OZ

Tillman said...

Congratulations Jesse !

I hope you saw your Mum and Dad.

You have good reasons to be very proud of yourself

Bruce de Mich said...


hezakiah299 said...

01-13-10 @ 07:04
Hi Jessica,
Congratulations, we knew you could do it. I am so proud of you. I'm anxious to see your next post so you can tell us how everything went for you. I’ll keep this post short so I can get it in, there’s going to be a flood of posts coming in from all your dedicated followers. LOL…….
I hope you didn’t have any trouble.
Looking forward to your next post, whenever you can.
Loads of love and hugs, your faithful friend, fan and follower.
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full, and I, I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (75) from Kingwood, WV

Anonymous said...

WELL DONE JESSICA!! tried to log on to your web site, must have crashed with so many well wishers!!!! good luck and fair sailing for the rest of the trip,

Bron Central West NSW

bengt said...

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You have done it!
You have rounded the most famous, infamous, feared and respected place on the world seas!

Your performance so far has been world class!
I can say that after reading about so much trouble other boats have had.
Of course the people who prepared Ellas Pink Lady must take a part of the hounour. You did a great job!
But you Jessica have showed skill well enough for this kind of voyage!
You have maintained the boat, watched for potential trouble, and repaired what has been needed.
You have a good safety awareness, needed for ocean racing, but without being too careful.
So all people doubting your ability were wrong, and I have on the net not found any people still doubting it.

It is not age or gender that decides failure or success (as could be read between the lines before the departure).
It is attitude (real, not pretended), skill and preparation. With correct real attitude comes preparation, and from there skill.
Some people think that the apparant attitude is the important, but you can't prove skill by talking.
But you have not cared so much what negativists have said, but listened to the supporters.
And see what you have achieved!

As with climbing Mount Everest you must get back home also. Safe sailing and congratulations!!
Sorry I can't be at the arrival in Australia, but I will follow the blog and the news broadcasts.

By the way, a message to the shore crew: I guessed approximately right. In my message January 12, 2010 8:54 PM, I guessed Wednesday 9-11 PM (Aus east time) or 5-7 AM (US east time).
You guessed wrong, you guessed "some stage on Thursday morning (AEDT)", but Jessica was faster than that.

Bengt "Ben" Larsson, Gothenburg, Sweden

Collette Cole, Australia said...

Jessica Watson, you are an AWESOME youg lady.

Heartfelt congratulations to you, and to your Mum and Dad, as well as your spectacular team and family.

It is so very true what many of your bloggers genuinely bring tears to our eyes.

And such an articulate, informed and nuturing fleet of bloggers, I'm proud to one among you.

Anonymous said...


Sally in Melbourne by the Bay(wishing I was on Cape Horn)

Anonymous said...


Cannot access the the web site, so I am guessing the commotion in the ocean has crashed the server...


Anonymous said...

way to go jess

jeffrhen said...

One word....AWESOME!

Jeff Lang
Dallas, TX

Ron Garvey said...

Hi Jess
Way to go !!
Now you just have the long run home.

You are a champion and we are soooooo proud of you. You are constantly in our prayers and thoughts.
" See I have set before you an open door that no man can open" says the Lord.
C U in Sydney

Ron Garvey

Anonymous said...

As good as it gets, congrats Jesse !!

Terry, Sydney

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on a truly awesome milestone.
Stay safe.Stay focused.

Tim, Switzerland.

Mike said...

Way to go girl. I am very proud of you and totally admire the manner in which you have handled this trip. Truly and inspiration to all. You are awesome.

Lots of Blessings, Fair winds and smooth seas.

Mike Atl

Rio The Homework Dog said...

Hi Jessica!
I woke up in the middle of the night, rolled over, stuck my arm out into the darkness and reached for my phone. With one eye open, I checked your blog. Nothing. Now I woke up (still before my alarm is scheduled to go off) and looked again. CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!! Chocolate this morning for Room 401!!!! Then there will be a quick lesson on time zones. : ) We'll post from school later! Way to go!!!

A+ from the teacher!
Room 401 - Minnesota

Claire said...

AWESOME news Jessica. I have goosebumps thinking about what you are achieving out there. You go girl!!

Yeoman said...

Congratulations Jessica,
The youngest person ever to round Cape Horn alone.
David & Joy
Sippy Downs

Anonymous said...

Go Jess,

Brian Riley said...

You are a champion of all adventurers in this modern age, to have achieved this monumental scale in one of the most dangerous waterways in the world at your very mature age of 16yrs.
I ask all to stand up and give 3 cheers, Hip Hip hooray, Hip Hip Hooray, Hip Hip Hooray.
From the vision in the photo your parents would have been able to see you, lifting your will to continue, even stronger.
Your sailing skills have shown the world who Jessica Watson is.
My best wishes to your shore team and all involved.
Safe Passage, Will Talk Later.
Hervey Bay, QLD.

Anonymous said...

Jesse Jesse Jesse Oi Oi Oi, you have done Australia Proud, but more importantly yourself and your family Well Done !!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoo hoo you go girl I have waited up to get news of this well done...

Wayne Barron said...

My sincere congratulations to you Jessica on a job well done. You should be as proud as a peacock as I'm sure you are. Keep at it and please stay safe. All the best to you from Connecticut, USA.

Carol Florida U.S.A. said...

Wednesday, Jan. 13th 7:00 a.m.









Carol Florida U.S.A.

p.s. Not surprisingly, Your website was flooded this morning, and had to "fight" to get on

Carol Florida U.S.A.!

Beky said...

Happy Dance, happy Dance!!!! Congratulations. You go girl. So glad you are safe! Yeah!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done Jesse, the maintenance team at Golden Circle in Brisbane Qld have been following you every day. Continue to be strong.

Anonymous said...

Well done young ladymmakes me proud to be an aussie,go you good thing and god speed.

Georgia Guy said...

Way to go Jessica !

And a big Wooooo Hoooooo from me.

It's 7:15 AM here in Georgia so it's a wee bit early to pop a cork on the bubbly to toast this crowning achievement but there is always the coming of the sun being over the yard arm this evening to mark your accomplishment.

Certainly somewhere there will be a few naysayers who will still say "She's just too young to be doing this" but you showed'em kiddo.

Sail on into the history that you have made and welcome to the Atlantic side of the world.

Safe sailing and Godspeed

Georgia Guy

Birmo said...

This is very exciting!

Bruce and Allyson Kuehn said...

Congratulations Jessica. We are very proud of you.

Remember that rounding the horn entitles you to wear a gold earring! :)

Russ H said...

Congratulations Jess. I'm so proud of you! A wonderful milestone reached. Many yet to come but I know you will rise to those challenges too!

Well done again, I'm sure your spirits are sky high now!! Keep adventuring on!!

Lisa in MN said...

Jessica - YOU ROCK!!!

Way to sail around the Cape...thanks for taking all of us along for the ride! We are all VERY proud of you. Take a minute to be proud of yourself! Godspeed!

Lisa in MN

Valerie Ardill said...

CONGRATULATIONS JESSICA, You are a champion. All the best for the remainder of your journey. I look forward to more updates tomorrow on your rounding of the Cape.

Oregon USA said...

Hooray! Can't wait to hear about the fly over and "visitors." God bless you and keep you safe. Thanks for your pics and updates.

Anonymous said...

Congraulations Jessica for rounding Cape Horn you have made Queensland and Australia Proud.

Also wishing Dilip who also completed rounding the Horn.

Go for it Girl.You are a Inspiration.


mike said...

A song for you and your support team to sing today: WE ARE THE CHAMPIONS

Congrats to you all but especially to Jessica!

Mike (Canberra)

Anonymous said...

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !!!!
You really did it Jessica ! Great !
Now have a very pleasant and safe trip home.

Hans, Switzerland

Don Rocin said...

Fantastic!! Congratulations,Jessica.

Lindy-Lou said...

Congratulations 'Skipper' on a job well done. Stay safe and keep having fun - we will all be with you every inch of the way.

Best Wishes - Lindy
Darwin Sailing Club

Unknown said...


I felt really emotional reading about Jess going around the Cape.

Well done Jess, you are doing an amazing job.

Stay safe and smooth sailing.


Bruce Watt said...

Awesome Jessica, my personal congrtulations to you and your wonderful support team. Your halfway home, and you have proved you can do it. Go Jess sail on .

Angus. said...

Hey Jesse,
Congrats , you made another milestone happen. I just read some of the messages and boy dose everybody sum it up.
I actually got an tear in my eye, so happy for you.
Go girl, your surely one in a million.
Fair winds and following seas.

Rick said...

ATTA GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jess I'm very proud of you!! Congradulations!


Jo said...

Wow Jesse Congratulations what a day for you!!! I hope it was everything you wished it would be and more. Can't wait for your next blog and for the video (fingers crossed) I really hope you got to see your mum and dad but even just to know how close they were to you would be wonderful. Enjoy dear one you have earned it!! Take care 'til next time.

Debs said...



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! ! ! ! !
! ! ! ! !

You Did It Jesse.....around one of the most trechorous stretches of water on the planet, and you have done it in style....WOOHOO!!!!!!!

Luv the pic od the Diego Ramirez Islands.... I stopped by there a few years back....they have one of the most amazing breeding grounds for Albatross there....pity you cant stop.....maybe pop that on your list of places to return to one

I cant wait till tomorrow to hear more about your feat today, and about your mum and dads flight....that must have been soooooooooooooooo exciting for them seeing their Amazing daughter down there is the big wide ocean doing what she loves and what she does best..... I dont think proud is a good enough/big enough word....Wow...i think it would be soooooooo hard for them to describe.

Its all Home ward bound sailing here you come....i know you still have a fair distance to go and the almighty Trecherous waters around Tasmania to go yet.....but must be so incredibly excited to have now rounded the Horn

Please let us know how you celebrated....was there more chocolate eating,etc???

Im sooo excited for you i dont know if ill be able to sleep tonight

Anyway.....stay safe....continue to have fun

And ill be hanging out to hear more tomorrow

WOOHOO !!!!!!!!!!

Deb and the guineas

Hakuna Matata said...

Wow Jesse, I've been thinking about you all day, and am so elated for you that you've achieved this amazing milestone. Go girl!!
Hakuna Matata!

Unknown said...


Congrats Jess.....
that must feel brilliant!


Graeme said...

WOW!!!! We can take another breath!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS JESS!!!!!

Des said...

Congratulations from the Sunshine Coast. We are so proud of you. This is a great milestone. Did you see your parents? Will you now follow Dilip to the British Falkland Islands?
The big hurdle is behind you; now for the home run.

Graeme said...

WOW!!!! We can take another breath!!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS JESS!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Well done kiddo!! That's awesome.........keep safe - half way there now!!

Jan - Wellington, NZ said...

That is such cool news Jesse - congratulations! Almost half way. You wee legend!!!

I hope you're keeping warm, safe and secure. Keep on trucking Jesse.

Big hug,
Jan, Wellington NZ

Jo said...

Thanks for the pic Samurai, you did a fantastic job! :)

stivafan said...

Congratulations Jesse! Thanks very much for sharing your adventure thus far.

Tony L said...

Hi Jessica
Huge Congratulations on topping Everest, and in wind and seas that emphatically indicate your skill as a Sailor. You really are now one of the elite who have achieved this goal solo. And congratulations on now sailing 9,800nm. It IS a day that you, your family, and us Jessaholic blog addicts will never forget.

Thanks to Andrew of your shore team for the update advice and photo, and thanks to “Aunty Sam” (Samurai) for the wonderful visual tribute given under the heading “Jessica conquers Cape Horn”.

I’ve decided to be no longer an ‘anonymous’ blogger, hence the photo – but its still me from Mt Martha. Keep on having the time of your life – we are having the time of our lives reading what you are doing.
Tony L (Mt Martha VIC)

Anonymous said...

Cool picture

Kylee said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations Jess on achieving this fabulous milestone. I am so proud of you.

Kylee, Townsville QLD

Herbert said...

Congratulations to this magnificent milestone on your adventure. It's great to follow your journey, way to go Jessica !

Herbert, Austria

carole (Mackay) QLD said...

CONGRATULATIONS CAPTAIN JESSICA. !! I wasnt expecting to hear this good news until tomorrow.
Enjoy the moment - you deserve all of the glory that goes with it, the navy passing by, your family circling above and talking to you via radio. Get the fluffy crew out on deck and celebrate !!! Wow you make everyone just brim with pride... what a girl.... what an effort.....

PS keep clipped on amidst all the excitement :) xx

Suzy Owens said...

Awesome! We are all so proud of you and cheering you on. What an incredible person you are...truly inspiring. As I watch you take all this in your stride, one step at a time, I feel that I too can achieve anything that I put my mind to. You exemplify the power of positive thinking.
Thanks for this gift!
Stay safe.
Suzy x

Heimo Wohlfahrt said...

CONGRATULATIONS for your rounding Cape Horn this morning!!!
My family and I are so proud of you!!
We wish you alltime a good wind and the best of luck to live your dream and sailing home to Sydney.

Family Wohlfahrt from
Southwest of Germany

Amazedbyou said...

Jesse, You did it!! Congratulations !!

hugs, kisses, high fives, cheers, applause, yays, whistles, screams, clapping, standing ovation, happy dance, happy dance.

Congratulations, Shore crew, all the Watson family, Bob you are the man, Andrew. Excellent, amazing. hugs and kisses to everyone. Jesse, you are amazing. Time to Party girl...!!

Cheers Sam for the excellent piccy.

Aus said...


I posted on the previous blog but someone was doing this one so I'll post here too.

So many people who have never met you yet 'know' you so well now will be so pleased for you.


May you and your Pink Lady have smooth sailing from here on in and we'll see you back in Oz in a few months.....boy wont that be one doozy of a party!!!!

Bruce McWilliam said...

WOW!!! Congratulations on the achievement. I can't imagine going so long without seeing land - I think I would be doubting that it existed anymore. Hope all goes well / went well for the flyover.
Keep the Pink Lady surfing fast; it all homeward bound now!

This is such a brave and heroic accomplishment and you deserve the attention.

Keeping you in my prayers. Stay safe and well and take care as you go,


HomeSweetBoat said...

Hi Jessica

WELL DONE!! We are all celebrating with you … and SO happy for you.

Have been watching this space all day! You have made us proud.

Also appreciate all the bloggers comments and Sam’s (amongst other’s) special entries! SO glad we could share in this special moment.

You should sleep well tonight!


Fay from the Gold Coast

Mary said...

Hiya, Jess!

Oceans of congratulations to you, dear one!!

I'm speechless, really, just bursting at the seams and overwhelmed with pride in your accomplishments throughout your journey.

Starting my day in tears and spine tingles is a GOOD THING!!

With thanks to you for your integrity and inspiration, gifts to our world.

Thank you to Jess's family and to your outstanding Shore Team, to each and every one of you.Your work continues to be magnificent.

And thank you to Samurai....your loving tribute is beautiful. Well done including all the graphics with affection.

Home is where the heart is, dearest Jess! May you continue to feel at home with Pink Lady and may you continue to sail safely and with joy in your heart.

Mary, Maine, USA

Derek said...

Wonderful news Jessica you are an inspiration to us all in so many ways whether its conquering Cape Horn or our own personnal situations, I draw strength from your achievments.


Tim Stackpool said...

YEP, all very proud (and relieved) here too!

tugboat said...

Congratulations from Sweden!!!

Kent in Saeffle

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,

Sincerest congratulations on conquering the Mt. Everest of the single handed sailors! You have done incredibly well to achieve this milestone and we're so proud of you!

Hope your parents were there to witness their wonderful daughter rounding the Cape in her trusty EPL.

Thanks also to the Shore Team for their part in this amazing adventure and to all the bloggers who have given you so much support during the voyage so far.

After the Deep Southern Ocean we hope you enjoy good sailing on the Atlantic and the next stage of your journey!

The Dream is very fast becoming a reality and our thoughts are with you!

Stay safe and comfortable always..

Best Wishes and Kindest Regards, Martin, Canning Vale, W.A.

Anonymous said...

Jess Congratulations, what an inspiration you are to us all. We are so happy for you. What an achievement for one so young. Your family must be so proud of you.[ I am sure they were proud of you before started] But what an extraordinary journey. A girl,a dream and a little Pink Lady. You are doing yourself and Australia proud. Go Girl. God Bless and safe sailing.

Kathie said...

BRAVO !!!!!

Kathie NYC

Anonymous said...

Fantastic Jess, nearly half way, we are watching you every day, we read every one of your blogs and the latest news, you hang in there, keep safe and Gods speed.
Cam & Annie "H"

hezakiah299 said...

01-13-10 @ 07:55
Hi Jessica,
Words can’t express how I feel right now, I’m so excited inside I’m just hoping I don’t explode. You have made your family, myself and thousands of your faithful followers (your Jessaholics) so proud and happy. You are a champion!!!!!!!
For Samurai:
You did an absolutely fantastic job on that pic. You didn’t miss anything in regards to what Jessica has encountered on her trip so far. I’m sure it will be well appreciated.
For Sally:
Your dots and dashes were great, I like that you got everybody in. Way to go!!!

Looking forward to your next post, whenever you can.
Loads of love and hugs, your faithful friend, fan and follower.
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full, and I, I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (75) from Kingwood, WV

Diana said...

Many congratulations Jess! What an incredible achievement. You must be ecstatic and relieved. Looking forward to the story and the video! Hope you can get some much needed rest soon.

Diana (Mooloolaba)

Wilbs said...

Hey Jessica, what a great milestone. Congratulations and safe sailing for the rest of the journey.

Cheers, Peter, Sydney

Anonymous said...

Congrats Jessica - what an amazing achievement for you the boat and all those that are following you
Graham - Perth - West Aus.

Mike Perham said...


Keep up the good work,

Mike Perham

carole (Mackay) QLD said...

Dear Samurai

The picture you have created to mark this momentus occasion is just spectacular, you have included so many special little items to this is the most beautiful keepsake for Jessica - and a reminder that there are thousands of www.bloggers.....cheering her on, This would make a nice cover for her book (did u hear that Jessica??? LOL LOL).....

Thankyou Samurai thats just beautiful.

I have the champers on ice and will toast Jessica, the shore team and all the www.bloggers tomorrow evening. Cheers

Carole (Mackay) QLD

Freddy said...

This is sooo amazing!!!
I had my fingers crossed for the last few days. Good to know I can relax them now, they have already started to turn blue... ;-)
Freddy, Germany

Ken said...


Wonderful achievment.
The 13th is a great day for you.

You may also be setting a record for the most people ever to follow a blog.

Very pleased for you.

Bell Family

Rob Hardie said...

Hi Jesse,

Congratulations on another milestone conquered in your incredible journey. Such great news!!!

You make us all so terribly proud of you and also being part of this wonderful journey.

Enjoy the moment and give yourself a huge pat on the back.

I am in awe of your continuing achievements. Keep doing what you are doing you are the best.

Keep safe and stay warm

Ingleburn NSW (still in Singapore :-))

Metal Rabbit said...

Jessica, I've been following you since you set sail. Congratulations on your amazing accomplishments so far!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Muchas felicidades! Tanti auguri!!!!

You did IT!

Im so glad for you Jessica! We are all very proud of you Jessica!

God bless you!

Marina from Turin

Mike D said...

!!! Congratulations Jessica !!!

Someone, please pass me a Kleenex...

Mike D
Landlocked in Philadelphia, Pa, USA

P.S. Beautiful work on the tribute Samurai!

PolarisLux said...

You are fantastic girl!
Go, the world is yours.

Anonymous said...

you go girl.

jeffers said...

Go Girl Go!!
Hey Jess What a fantastic achievement you should be justafiably proud of yourself,
After this i guess there wont be anything that you can't achieve in your life
Remember this day it IS a very important milestone in your life.
How old did you say you were?? Nah that cant be right.
May the Albatross soar overhead and the Dolphins be at your side
Sail On Babe Sail On

Stan said...

Nicely done! We've been following your journey since you began from up here in Buffalo, New York - and want you to know that you are in our prayers often. Your upbeat outlook and tenacity are an inspiration - rock on!

Ray Smedeng said...

Grattis Jesse from Swedish Ray in Brisbane!!!!
Will definitely pop a bottle of pink
champagne in both your and Ella's Pink lady's honour tomorrow.I now hope that you will get a well earned rest period in a warm spot in the Atlantic Ocean.
Well done God fortsättning

Anonymous said...

Cooeee And WooHoo from South Australia, Jessica!!!


You've done it!

SO proud of you young lady and also the other "Lady" ... Ella! :)


GO Jess!

Prayers for your continued safety and success!

workerbev said...

Hi - this is for Sam & the Watsons (Beverly here in Tassie)

Sam, the picture you created was so totally awesome.

The Watsons - perhaps, with Sam's permission, insert the picture onto the flag? Would make it like a history line for Jessica.

Just a thought - talk to you all later. Beverly Penney, Tasmania

thewights said...

What you have done is simply awesome!!!! Huge congratulations as you head towards home.

HAWKEYE said...


Hi Jesse - congratulations precious girl you have done yourself and the country proud. What an ambassador; one all Australians can be so proud of. You have reached this milestone with a minimum of fuss and with a lot of grace and humility.

Tonight I plan to raise the flag full mast, I have a large photograph of you Jesse pinned to the top of the flagpole and I have borrowed a trumpet and I plan to blow it as loud as possible punctuated by a few Crown Lagers. I will be joined by 6 of my surfing mates. You are so very very special darl.

I do hope Mum and Dad saw the event and dear me: how proud would they be?? The other thing Jesse is you have proven the doomsayers to be wrong and although there is still a long way to Sydney what you have shown is you are capable of pulling off what these people said was not possible for one so young. Thanks for serving it up to this mob in the best way possible - make fools of them!!

OK precious one take lots of care wont you; it is important you feel good about yourself and the achievement but it is now important to get yourself back on the job because my worry beads are awful worriers.

Love ya Jesse and God Bless.


Unknown said...

Awesome job Jessica! We would love to see photos of your visitors! Keep up the good work!
Steve Z

hp said...

Bonjour Jessica,

Bite yourself if you don't believe it!

You and Pink Lady have made Cape Horn blush!
And the rest of us very happy.


Keep warm, stay safe.

Becky Garrison said...

Congratulations!!! I am a non-sailing landlocked middle aged homemaker who is watching your progress daily; cheering you on and enjoying every minute of it! Way to go!!!

Slamdunk said...

Congrats! That must have been some sight.

Lisa from Hervey Bay said...

Congratulations on one of the many great achievements you will have to talk about for the rest of your life. You are living your dreams and I just wish I had your courage to tackle a few of my own, that I have left far too late in life. Safe travels to you.

hezakiah299 said...

01-13-10 @ 08:20
Hi Jessica,
Well young lady, you’ve made it, and you had to work for it, nothing on a silver platter. Just the way you would prefer it. Yes??? Right!!!! Mist, drizzle and a 40 knot (46mph) wind with a 4metre (13ft) sea, which is what Jessica calls ‘the bumpy stuff’.

For the Shore Crew:
I know this is Jessica’s moment, but let’s not forget the Shore Crew(she wouldn’t want to) who did a great job backing Jessica up, and to all the other people behind Jessica that we never see or get mentioned. Kudo’s to all. It would be nice to see a picture of all of them in their celebration. How about it Andrew?????

Now I hope all goes well on seeing your Mum and Dad pretty soon. Do you know about what time they will be arriving? Please don’t throw your arm out waving to them, you’re going to need it some more. LOL…….

Catcha later……
So proud of you…...
Looking forward to your next post, whenever you can.
Loads of love and hugs, your faithful friend, fan and follower.
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full, and I, I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (75) from Kingwood, WV

Steven Hays said...

Congratulations Jessica from the Hays family!

Sol-Britt said...

Hip hip hooray : D

Congrats, Jessica and crew. (Blowing in a horn in honour of you.)

Brian said...

Awesome job Jessica!
We have been following along since you started but first time to blog. We are so happy for you meeting this milestone. Congratulations! Enjoy the day.

Tami Kerrville, TX

Unknown said...



Stay Safe


alisontassie said...

I have been reading your blog all the way through Jesse, a fantastic milestone, this is great.

Alison from Tassie

Unknown said...



Stay Safe


Unknown said...

Congratulations, Jess, on a magnificent feat. You're on your way home now.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jesse, so proud.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Jess, so proud wrote a dumb poem:

Well done Jess,
Way to go,
You've past this test,
And you're not slow,

You have conquered the horn and nearly half way round,
We all look forward to you being home safe & sound.

A great achievement for you and your team. Take care,

Leeroy from BNE

Tom said...



Now we can all breathe again!

When you get some calm weather and some rest, we want to hear every detail. You must be unbelieveably relieved and happy.
It took me an hour to get on your web site this morning, as I imagine tons of people around the globe were doing the same thing. When I couldn't get on, I was thinking "SHE DID IT!"

Congradulations again
Enjoy the moment


PS Get some rest!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,
Been following your progress daily through your blog.
Fantastic achievement to round the Cape. Keep up the good work.
All the best to you, and stay safe.
Doug (Adelaide)

BT said...

Good onya Jess!!! I've been logging in every day to check your progress, this is my first entry to the "blog".
Well done. You're an inspiration.

BT, West Oz

Richard in Maryland said...


Many, many congratulations on the totally impressive feat of rounding Cape Horn, the legendary nemesis of sailors for centuries. Thanks goes out to your family, your support crew, and Weatherman Bob for helping you "thread the needle" between storm systems!

You look excellent in your video, not at all like someone who has spent 80 days on a sailboat! As always "Jesse Watson, cute and tough!" What a combo. I can't wait to hear about all the flyovers, naval escorts, etc .

You Are the Best!
Richard W

PS Sam, great commemorative picture. If you send me the original by email attachment, I will post it so that anyone that wants it can have it at full resolution instead of a thumbnail.

Note to Molly in Maryland: Careful with the Fosters. I don’t know what they put in them, but I am still feeling mine from last night! ( And just one “oil can”)

Diana said...

Many Congratulations Jess! What an incredible achievement. You must feel so ecstatic and relieved now that you have one of the major challenges of the trip under your belt. Looking forward to the detailed story and video. Hoping you have fair winds and good weather for the journey home. You’re doing a great job….keep it up!!

Diana (Mooloolaba)

Unknown said...

Congrats on rounding the Horn. Look forward to more posts on the other side.

Andrew from Perth

Romagirl said...

Congratulations, Jesse - a tremendous achievement, accomplished with skill and great determination of spirit. Full of admiration for you, your parents and your support team.

Anonymous said...

How ABSOLUTELY exciting!! The WORLD is proud of you!!!

david lord
indianapolis, IN

Anonymous said...

Very awesome Jessica!

Kevin, Virginia, US

Anonymous said...

What an inspiration you are Jess!!!
Claudia, Townsville

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse,

congratulation! Wow what a great milestone! I wish you all the best,


Anonymous said...

Mark 10:27
Jesus looked at them and said, "With man this is impossible, but not with God; all things are possible with God."

Jesse, wowza! Cape Horn! Congratulations, and on you go! Today I am praying for your continued health and strength, for safety for your parents, for a great celebration as you see land, your parents overhead, and other boats. I pray that all of these things will be a comfort and encouragement to you. I am praying a prayer of thanksgiving, too, as God has brought you safely this far. What a blessing this story is to so many. Thank you!

Anonymous said...

Go for it Jess! Ride it through! Land ahoi - woohoo!
From a Buderim-Brisbane person all the way from Norway!

Mike D said...

!!! Congratulations Jessica !!!

OH SNAP, just pass me the whole dang box of Kleenex!

Be Safe,

Mike D
Landlocked in Philadelphia, Pa, USA

Siraj said...

congrats my dear!

you continue to humble us with your efforts!

be safe, be bold and see you in australia!!


pbsoda said...

Hi Jesse,
I nothing to say except a big CONGRATIOLATIONS!


Unknown said...

Way to go Jessica!

You go girl! Congratulations, from South Dakota! We're so excited for you!

Denise and family

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