Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Cleared Norfolk Island

The comfortable routine I had been getting very used to fell apart today with the wind picking up to 25 knots. A short building sea has been making life, I wouldn't say uncomfortable, but certainly different to some of the quiet days we've had. It's nice to be guaranteed some good progress and even with two reefs in the main sail Ella's Pink Lady has almost been surfing
along in the swell at up to 8.5 knots.

This morning we finally cleared Norfolk Island which was a relief because I didn't get much sleep last night with land and a few boats around and have now settled onto a north easterly course that should take us straight to the equator!

This afternoon I was feeling a little down, so to cheer myself up I made a few phone calls, turned the music up, gave my hair and teeth a good brush, all the things that would normally make me feel on top of the world before realizing that I'd forgotten to feed myself! A good helping of tinned potatoes, fried into chips later and I'm back to my normal cheerful self.

No colorful sunset tonight with the over cast skies but it's a little too wet to be sitting around on deck enjoying it anyway.

Sorry but thats all for today,



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Caves Beach Andrew said...

Hey Jess,

Good to hear that you are moving along a bit quicker now. And now you have had the chance to test yourself with a few tougher conditions.

With the things that you did to combat your bummed out emotions, it sounds like you know how to look after yourself when times get tough.

Just remember to call your support group when you need to as they will always cheer you up! Do those girlie things that keep you happy, just because there's nobody around, it doesn't mean that you don't have to keep looking pretty - besides you have to look your best when asking King Neptune for permission to cross the equator! LOL

Try to stay positive and keep saying to yourself, one more mile done is one less mile to go! It won't be long before the "to go" miles are less than the "done" miles and you are then well and truly on your way home.

And don't apologise if you only do a brief blog, we all understand that there will be times where there is just too much to do. Even if it is a matter of a one line blog each day just saying conditions rough, I'm OK or something similar will keep everyone's minds in comfort also.

Keep up the good progress, keep your chin up, and keep thinking of all the support you have back home.

You are well and truly on your way now, tough times will come and I am sure you have seen it all before, albeit in different circumstances.

Anyway, enough from me today, keep smiling and smooth sailing.

Caves Beach, Australia

Sally said...

Good Morning Jesse

The bigger challenges are starting now - I am so glad the you had an idyllic week to start this journey - to adjust and enjoy the beginning of your journey.

Another milestone out of the way, clearing Norfolk Island and heading into different waters and also Time Zones!! Amazing!!!

Go girl - you can do it! Spoil yourself, like you did, when you do feel a little down and thankfully you have that life line - the phone - to speak to your family and friends when you need them.

We are all here cheering you on!

"Happiness is like a butterfly which, when pursued, is always beyond our grasp, but, if you will sit down quietly, may alight upon you" ~Nathaniel Hawthorne

Take Care

Sally In Sydney

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica,

throw a fishing line in and get some fresh food - it will also give you some activity during those heavy days which will be a break.

Good blog - well done!



Gabi said...

Hey Jesse,

Keep going strong!

Cya Jesse,

Anonymous said...

Just woke up, its Wednesday in far north Qld, and wondering if that 25 knot wind has blown you through the equator yet?

I guess you wont hang around long just in case of cyclones, although Im not sure if they are a threat out there this time of year.

Anyway, Im off to work, thought Id sneak online and send you my good wishes for the day, beforehand. You are always in our thoughts for a safe journey. One thing you do have is that your friends, team, and family are only a phonecall away. Have a nice day out there.

Russell, Far North Qld

Rowie said...

Big Hugs Jess!!
We are all thinking of you. Keep in regular touch with your ground crew during those down times and work your way through them. Ask God for help too, have a chat with him. You're in a perfect place to talk out loud. Listen to your heart. You will do it!!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the awesome achievements. Stay focussed and soldier along you champion. Times may have got a little tougher but I know you have just been stirred to attention. You are doing great. We are all behind you. Remember that.

Lissy said...

Hey Jesse,

If you get some time may I suggest u do some yoga type stretching and deep breathing..it will perk u up a bit and get the blood flowing as well as giving you more energy...it may help seeings you're not getting a full sleep.

Keep your eye on the prize...;)

Gold Coast

Anonymous said...

Although it is wet and the sun is not sunny, we can have lots of good fun that is funny - Dr. Suess

Chin up - face the storm, be strong. You can do it. :-)

Paul Lee
NZ Police

Anonymous said...

Take it easy Jessica.. be careful on the wet deck... I think you have a world full of supportive parents who worry about you..
Get some shut eye if you can and I'm sure you'll feel much better today.. Fair winds and calm seas to you.

Robin Lavender said...

Hi Jess

Just think all the free Ellabache facials you will get when you get back home. he he Goodluck your a very lucky and brave. Wish I could have done what your doing at your age. Bye for now


June and Richard Thorn said...


Keep the music loud and the spirits high.

Good sailing and fine weather await you.

June and Richard Thorn

bridget molloy said...

Hi Jess,
We sailed from San diego to oz in 1999.best trip ever,I really admire your courage,for all the doubting Thomas/s out there, we know you CAN DO IT,prove them all wrong,what do landlubbers know anyway!! Have an awesome time and don't forget to get a little sleep when you can!Enjoy the dolphins and the beauty of the Ocean.
xx The Molloy Family.

Pete & Suz said...

Keep up the good work Jess. You will have some bad days with the weather etc.
The main thing is you will soon be crossing the equator.

If it was easy more people would be doing it, thats why only a handful of people have done what you are attemping to do.

Back in 2000 i did the Canning Stock Route and i thought that there was no end to the Dust, Sand Dunes and Flies, but hey when we finally reached the Pub @ Halls Creek it was all worth it.

Good Luck and hope for a better day today.

Pete & Suz

Anonymous said...

I can't begin to tell you how much I admire you skill and courage. Enjoy the journey as this experience will provide memories to last a lifetime. I look forward to reading your daily blogs...

Dave... Aurora, Ontario, Canada

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,
Thanks for keeping it real talking about your ups and downs just makes me admire your spirit more.

Stay safe


S.A.M.R. said...

When you're feeling down, like no doubt you will be in the days and weeks to follow, I hope you'll find time to write into your diary/journals about everything beatiful you have sen along your trip.
Sailing solo around the world (and being the youngest to ever do so) gives you an extraordinary chance to document in journals how how the things you see whilst on your trip that you will always be able to read back in the years to follow and allow everyone not there with you toi see all aspects of what you have gone through.

FRom all of Sydney, I wish you the best and let your determination go far beyond saling in years to come.!

Ryan Crawley said...

Hey there Jess, I just wanted you to know I start every day off at work reading your blog. I also keep a picture of you and your boat sailing out of Sydney. This helps to remind me that not everyone is stuck at a desk all day. I also wanted you to know that I hiked the entire Appalachian Trail (in the states) when I was 21. It took over 6 months for me to complete the 3,500 KM hike, but 11 years later I still find myself wishing I was out hiking and not here at work. Long story short, ENJOY YOUR TRIP! Take care.

Sarah said...

Hey Jessica, Wow past Norfolk Island already!! Ive been reading your blog for a few days now and thought Id leave a quick comment to say all the best!! You are an inspiration to many and your blog entries are extremely interesting!! Take care, Sarah. NZ.

Anonymous said...

Hey jess,
loving reading ur blogs on the way to work. Isn't it amazing how many people are following u from all around the world!! U have captured the hearts of so many, ur honesty is a beautiful thing!
Ill be following u :) love lauren, Sydney xx

DesertRat said...

For those that have never sailed - 8.5 knots is pretty fast white knuckle sailing - keeps your attention to say the least.

Hang in there.

Another one of your devoted crew menbers that couldn't come along.

Cliff > Utah

bernie 777 said...

bernie.....its going to get much worse ,,,,I went around the Cape Horn in 79 in a 29000 tonne Russian cruise ship and somewhere near Easter Island we hit force 8 gales...the Captain said not to go outside and me at the time 19 had to go take a look,,,I WAS SCARED,,,,,I...DONT ENVY U.....but I wish you well...baton down the hatches and stay dry.....

Anonymous said...

hi jess,

i have officially changed my homepage on my laptop...now it's YOU every time i boot up!!

keep your spirits up and have a fantastic trip!

Unknown said...


Anonymous said...

You AMAZE me chicky!!
im reading your blog daily and finding it soooooo iteresting,you have great courage and determination-and a lot of guts to be doing what you are doing.the whole world is with you jess.and you will succeed in your adventure, what a tough little vegimite!!!! thinking of u!!!!!

mike said...

Love your blogs Jesse. You may not realize this at the moment, but every time you let us know that you are feeling a bit down and share with us what you are doing to cope with those feelings and bounce back from diversity you will be helping 1000's of other teenagers around the world. We can all choose to learn from the way others handle difficult times.

Sail on silver girl!

Mike (from Canberra)

Anonymous said...

Look on this.marinetraffic.com

Judy said...

Enjoy the experience. Show the world that with determination and courage you can do fulfill your dreams. Best of luck. Safe Sailing.

Bridget Larsen said...

Keep your chin up Jessica, I understand what you mean by those down days, would it help for you to know that I click on your website about 5 times a day even though I read somewhere that you only up date once a day hahahaha, I'm addicted to your journey and am with you in spirit and clicking on 5 times a day.
When I was 17 I used to sail every weekend in competitions in Fiji, I went without lunch and sometimes I was too tired to eat dinner. I'd sail out through shark infested waters and even capsized but at the time I didn't know it was shark infested waters. I look back now and am so glad I did that and you will too and all these lonely down days will fade away.
Hugs from Canberra

Tim09 said...

Hi Jess,
Well heading for the Equator,how well are you and Ella going!!!! Rosie and i can't wait for your route plotter to come on line, just to see how well we have been going, plotting you on Google Earth. We estimate 2000nm to the Equator so it should take you about 2.5 weeks. Keep safe
Tim and Rosie

Anonymous said...

hi webmaster:

we're DYING for the jess's coordinates so we can follow her course.


Unknown said...

G'day Jess,
While we're dealing with Sri Lankan refugees who don't want to leave their boats, terrorists who bomb and maim in the name of religion (of all things), and all the poisonous aspects of humanity, you stand as a bright and vigorous representative of all that is the future for humanity. A toast to you and those young people who make us so proud! Enjoy the challenges ahead, stare them down, and know that we love and admire what you represent.

Ian - from Brisbane

Mick said...

Hello again Jessica.. Was looking at todays comments and noticed since your post yesterday the comments have been consistant up to11.00pm.Then stopped(We all knew you were taking your needed rest and didn't want to disturb you)till I left my comment at 3.36am and have been consistant since. That tells me that you are in someones thoughts some where in this world 24 hours a day and don't you ever forget it.We are all here for you on the good and the bad days.Power on Jessica Watson. fellow earth sign

Libby O said...

Love the photos. Say, I was wondering how you get your news. I suppose from talking to family and friends. What kind of radio do you listen to? I really enjoyed listening to BBC when in the Bahamas on my boat. I know it's hard, sometimes, but try never to feel too lonely with so many of us thinking of you. You will really appreciate the "little things" in life when you return home after this voyage, that is after the hoopla, book deals etc calm down. Wishing you well , as always.

Toni McLean said...

Hi again Jessica,
Great to read your blog. Sounds like it was your first down time since embarking on your adventure. Those short sees can be very trying after a while. No real rhythm to them. I used to get quite irritable when the sea was like that, and I think it was because it is difficult to adjust my movements to the movement of the boat.

It might help to remind yourself that all things pass - the bad times and the good times. Moods move in and out of our minds and then back in again - just like clouds across the sky. Sounds as though you know what to do to nurture yourself (not just with food :-) ).

Lots of people are holding you in their hearts and minds.

Best wishes

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse, I am following your progress daily. I am ex RAAF WW2 now 85, living in Canada with my Canadian war bride of 64 years. Io just wanted to wish you a very safe and successful journey. Come back to OZ in once piece! May your journey be eventful, exciting and interesting as it is to all of us. Best wishes.. Russ.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jesse, just want to wish you a very safe, adventurous, history making journey. May it be safe and you will return to Australia in one piece and can feel very proud of your accomplishment. Best of luck from Canada. Russ. ex RAAF WW2now 85 and married to a Canadian War Bride.. Best wishes..Russ.

Unknown said...

Hope you don't get a speeding fine Jesse!!

You have already accomplished so much already girl.
You can go all the way.


Anonymous said...

Hello Jesse, Just wanted to wish you a safe and eventful journey. Our very best wishes from Canada.
ex RAAF WW2...Russ.

Emile said...

Hi Miss Jess, We hope that you have a good running day. Dont forget the chocs and tinned milk. Maravale home schoolers 5.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

Your doing fantastic darl. Just remember when your feeling down, remind yourself of what an experience your having and how lucky you are to be doing it. Sometimes not enough sleep makes you feel that way. Your doing such a fantastic job Jess. Your closer to the finish line. When you get home you will have such great stories to tell your family and friends. Love reading your blogs every day and they make me feel a little jealous.

All the best Jess, keep up the good work darlin' and remember your living you dream (which is something a lot of people never do)



Pete Collett said...

Hang in there Jess! Take the good days with the bad. If it was easy, everyone would be doing it! Loving your blogs. Stay strong!

5metreswell said...

Keep your chin up Jess. You will have the odd day when you feel down. Keep Cruizin.

Debs said...

Hey Jess
We are all allowed to feel down at times. The main thing is the ability to find a way to pick ourselves back up again. And you did that...smile.
You are going to have times where you feel lonely, when you miss family members, and there will be times when you ask your self why your doing this and when can you go home.....these are all normal feelings and normal questions. But remember....your first week went sooooo fast, didnt it?....and this week is moving along nicely as well. So if you break everything down into smaller goals ( at the moment reaching the equator)then time will pass by so fast you will be back in Sydney before you know it. And you will be planning to go back to all the nice places you saw along the way ( maybe even taking some family with you next time...smile).
Dont be Sorry for making your blog short at times....smile...there is nothing to be sorry about. We are just glad to hear from you, to know you are safe. If all you can give is a sentence, then thats totally fine. You have to do whats best for you.

So Girl ( smile), Get yourself some sleep, eat good hearty meals, Turn the music up loud enough to scare away all the fish, enjoy the waves and hopefully it will give you a break soon and see you back in calmer waters. This is a training day just in case you hit some decent waves when you round the cape, make the most of the time practicing all your sailing techniques you have been learning all your life. Stay busy, stay safe, but continue to have FUN.

Deb and the Guinea's

Anonymous said...

Well done Chickita!
We're all behind you. Waking up and getting on our computers to check your progress has become part of my routine, and many others that share our passion.
There may be solitude, but that camera and your blogs keeps us all right there with you!
As I say to my fello yachties, keep your boat speed up!
(My good luck charm.);-)

Steve Neumann said...

Congratulations! I wish I had your courage and determination when I was your age :)

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica,

I have been following your journey & blog every day since you left and admire your courage at such a young age.

Below is a quote from Theodore Roosevelt that I think suits your situation precisely.

Good Luck & stay safe out there.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat."

Rob said...

You go you good thing girl!
Jess you are a hero to yourself and your family and a lot of other people.What happens from here for you is an exciting adventure and enjoy the moment as you have achieved so much more in recent times than the majority of us have achieved in our lifetimes.
Be proud and enjoy the journey.

Juan González de Escalada said...

Dear Jessica,

I wanted to wish you good luck in your adventure. As a man who loves the sea and loves solo sailing, I can only think that you are doing something quite admirable.
I´m set to sailing around the world myself, but compared to you I am already quite late... For now I can only speak off an atlantic crossing within a crew of 6!!! (And I tought I was adventurous till I read about your quest... ha,ha,ha)
Any ways... enjoy the surfing and all that headway... And thanks for inspiring people to doing something Grand!


Sevilla, Spain

dee said...

Your blog is fantastic. We are following it with great interest.My class is keeping track of you on our map and today we are learning about 'knots' (your speed- not the kind in ropes!) Stay safe!

Anonymous said...

Live the Dream Jess!! Stay positive.
“The positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible.”

Follow @Cwilhelm22 said...

Jess... u know,being blue like this is human, its ok, sometimes is good to cry and yell as hard as you can, its part of the adventure this low moments will let u enjoy the high ones...
Australians write that u have them in ur back, Americans say they are in the front... but the world.. is yours right now!!!



Anonymous said...

Checking in today to see how you are doing. Sounds like everything is going really well, I am so happy for you! Keep up the great work :o)
~Lenoir, North Carolina, USA

Anonymous said...

Gosh, Jessica ... I'm a wimpy old (70 plus :) pensioner here in the UK who would never have dared even think about what you're now actually doing.

Total admiration.

Good Luck !

John, at 10.30pm Tuesday

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jess I found your blog today and enjoyed reading your daily regime, I will be following your progress all the way...Stay safe and and keep your spirit strong

Kestrel said...

Hey Jesse,

Grats on clearing Norfolk and it's good to hear the conditions have picked up a bit.
Sail on ... and don't forget to eat!

Molly said...

Keep your smile on Jessica.
It's your best defense against the hard times.
Remember that you are not sailing alone.
You have all of us cheering for you and wishing you well.
Continued blessings to you,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, found your blog today, and enjoyed reading your daily progess, I will be following your journey all the way....stay safe and may your spirit stay strong:)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess - did you think of taking a webcam with you? the streaming video would have been awesome! Take care.

Sergio said...

From a Venezuelan future sailor.
My word of admiration and best wishes. Good Luck with the weather and everything else, and enjoy!

May the stars (and your GPS!) guide you always to clear skies and safety.

Cheers! Sergio

Anonymous said...

When you are AT the Equator, you'll be in the middle of the earth ! Wow ! Take care around Cape Horn and the Cape of Good Hope. Not forgetting the Great Australian Bite. These are big hurdles that you must conquer, but with your tenacity I know you will make it. Go Jess!

Anonymous said...

You go girl. You are so lucky. Enjoy every moment. You are one special Aussie.

FLL Dispatch said...

Great Video Footage
We work in a Trucking Company here in New Zealand and our whole dispatch is watching your progress......Your the talk of our morning talk around the ROUND TABLE here at work.........Some of our dispatch reckons your actually TOUGHER than some of our TOUGHEST truck drivers doing what your doing. Such a amazing dream and its so awesome you are doing this at such an early age. Stay strong and when times get tough think of the most strongest and most influential person in your life. Were all watching you with huge applause

Mt Maunganui
New Zealand
07 9275611

Unknown said...

Wishing you the best adventure on Ella's Pink Lady. I am so pleased to have found your adventure.
Thunder Bay, Canada

Cheryl and Steve said...

Hi Jess. Everyone is entitled to a down time..doing all the girlie things certainly makes one feel better.
Keep up the good work. We are all with you every day.
Cheryl and Steve

Anonymous said...

kinda embarrassing...i'm still sailing in the harbor. but, with each and every word you write, i feel a little more inspired to try the ocean for longer than just a few hours. hold the course and keep writing...fair winds.

tom AZ

elise said...

Hey Jess...Thanks for your blogs..No need to say ...sorry.thats all for today..just write however much you feel like..I'm sure we are all just so appreciative of any time you have to keep intouch..take care..Elise..

Marijke (Rikki) van Gyen said...

Godspeed beautiful, brave Jessica.

Anonymous said...

Jessica,you are going well,and stay "upbeat"as much as you can. You will have times when you are up, and times when you will be a little bit down!!Every minute of every hour takes you on the journey of life, but Jess you are "up for it".Remember there are thousands of people, riding your journey with you,and looking forward to your daily bulletins!Godspeed, take care, Dougal

Peter said...

Hi Jess
You sound a bit low today so know that all of the world are on your side. Take care and smile, we are all thinking of you.

wayne reid said...

Hey Jess
with the near perfect day's are you the type of girl to get a summer sun tan?If yo know how to fillet the baby squid, they would make a tasty meal for you.
Keep going Jess
Wayne(Hobart Tas)

Carolyn said...

Go Jess. Overcast and a little much appreciated rain here on the Gold Coast this morning.

Mark said...

Don't be sorry for being short with the blog posts. You need some time away even from this. :)
Good to hear that the speed is better than it had been the last few days, and a little more hecticness, can keep you on your toes :)

Bree said...

Making good progress Jesse!

It makes me sad that you're sad :( I'm 19 and I imagine leaving your family and friends on this huge voyage will get you down, but chin up! We all love you and we're cheering you on all the way.

Loving the updates.

Calpi said...

Hang in there Jessica. It is the good times as well as the tough times that make what you are doing so remarkable.

Lisa U said...

I have no idea about half of the nautical terms you're talking about, but I will continue to watch your progress and also learning a bit of geography along the way. Thanks for the lesson!

Richard said...

No need to apologize! Thanks for taking time to let your virtual voyagers in on how it's going. Rainy days make the sunny days that much better. No one has mentioned the tactic of "heaving to". If you want to just hang for a while, heave to and chill out.

With much admiration!
Richard in Maryland, USA

sam said...

I hope you are having a good day Jessica. I'm thinking about what the weather is like today, ne of norfolk island. We are all thinking of you. Keep busy, keep you eyes peeled. Don't spend too much time sitting in front of the laptop, ha. I hope you have a webcam so you can chat with your family.
You are very inspirational. Stay well, sam

TLC said...

Hi Jessica

Good on you, really settling down now, traveling nicely. Your first small section is down. Next object is equator.You have an aim to head towards and this will be your next inspiration. You will be there. Many of us will be with you.

TLC Burpengary

Anonymous said...

jesse,any chance of lat. & logitude on your blog header?

Kevin Tobin said...

Hi Jessica, At least with the wind picking up and the hard work has allowed you to gain a little time. I'm sure you will have an 'off' day every now and then but obviously being the positive person you are and the excellent support team you have will ensure all is OK for you and bounce right back as you have already done. Take care and I look forward to reading more of your blogs over the coming period.
Kevin Tobin, Portland, Victoria

Ashleigh said...

You are a very brave and inspiring girl to be sailing around the world in a yacht!!!
good luck on your adventure of a lifetime!!!!

Unknown said...

Great of you to take the time to blog a bit, Jess. Also, nice to see you in a life jacket on deck, hope you have a harness on too that's well tied off to the pink lady. We so want you to succeed in this great adventure. You know what would be welcome? Long-Lat coordinates about once a week! Best and be safe..

Ken Bell said...

Hi Jesse
Don't we live in an amazing age.
Your blog and snaps and video's are great.
Keep up the good work, you may be alone on the boat but more people than you could ever imagine are folowing you with good wish's and great interest.

Take care, we know you'll make it.

Bell Family
Brisbane, QLD

Carlie said...

Hi Jess,
I was just getting frustrated with work when I read your blog - now I'm distracted by the thought of chips, and now that I think of it, I better brush my hair and teeth too. So proud that you are following your dreams - you are truly inspiring! Cant wait to follow the rest of your travels x

Unknown said...

Hang in there, Jess. I left home when I was 17 on my first grand adventure of life and have never looked back since. Still on it. I remembered the flat periods that first year, and how at times the going seemed just so hard. Just remember that if you can make it through this, then you can make it through everything else in life! So, here is wishing you the very best through it. Breath. It is always the darkest and coldest before the beautiful dawn. Take care!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess-this is 5RW from Trinity Beach State School. How are you? We want you to keep on going. What is really like being at sea? What kind of equipment do you have on the boat? Do you have a toilet on board? Do you miss your parents? Have you been drenched by a wave yet? How much sleep do you get each night? Do you sleep during the day? How do you keep fit? Cheers for now.

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,

From Little things, big things grow !

Hang in there, were with you.....
Your a legend

Mid North Coast NSW

john b. said...

to all interested, here's a link to weatherunderground. you can check wave heights and wind conditions as jessica makes her way around the globe.


"Get home safely, keep your harness on, and keep Ella's Pink Lady happy!"

From a kindred spirit,

John B.
"Sloop John B."

Unknown said...

Hi Jess,
I'm glued to your progress and can't wait to log on each morning to see how you are going. My daughter is one month older than you so it feels very close to my heart. I am in awe of your achievement so far - just getting out there in the first place is amazing!
My thoughts and prayers are with you - stay safe and God speed!
P.S. Keep your chin up on those low days there are so many people who are thinking of you!

Mike from Avon Indiana said...

Glad to hear of your progress. Here's to wishing you some restful sleep. Greetings from Indiana. Godspeed

Laurie said...

You go girl! It's funny, we have a 16 yr old daugther, who has trouble emptying the dishwasher and here you are sailing around the world!
May all your dreams comes true!
Many blessings!

Mick said...

Hi Jesse,

We have been following your progress and we are impressed by you and your support crew.

Though I am still trying to work out who's got it better. Me in this dingy old cubicle with poor lighting and a slow computer surrounded by people that don't want to be here either. Or you on a yacht with the wind in your face on an adventure (perhaps slightly scary) with thousands of people all wishing they were there along side you. Tough choice :)

Mick, Beck, Anna & Mills

Anonymous said...

We are all there with you Jess xxx

Anonymous said...

wow! your doing good work jessica hope your dream comes true!

GAC said...


Rock on... Your doing so awesome and your such an inspiration!!! Wow, I would love to be out sailing the world instead of sitting behind a desk all day. You allow us all to live through your experience. Thank you for the detailed account of the trip!!
Keep your chin up and your cheer high!! You have lots to be proud of and you have lots of supporters wishing you the best.

Take care,
Tampa, Florida, USA

Anonymous said...

Must feel great to be moving along at such a pace! At the end of such a windy day you would feel great at the distance you have covered. Nothing like progress.

Hope you get some rest soon. I guess you just have to take it when you can.

Keep it up Jesse!

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess- this is 5KA, Trinity Beach State School. We think that it is cool that you are travelling around the world all by yourself. Do you think that you will get lost? Do you know if there are going to be sea pirates where you are going? Have you seen any interesting animals? Bye for now.

Anonymous said...

...hi, jess! keep your head up! you're doing something 98% of us can only dream about doing. don't mind some of the people here who "insist" on your writing about this and that....you have more pertinent things to tend to - like not forgetting to eat!

sail safe!

castro valley, ca, usa

Tim said...

hey jessica,

I am not like i cant sail around the world, but if you ever got into trouble out there i would swim 32,000 nautical miles to save you.

your awesome!!

Al said...

Well Ms Jessica you are looking great. Like Old Abe said a long time ago, "Most people are as happy as they make up their minds to be." Keep at it. Like the guy's said, eat and sleep when you can.
Later! Al P

Andrew said...

How about a map that gets updated with your route? It would make my, and other watchers, experience richer. Thanks and good luck. Andy (Queens Park)

Kurt said...

It is fun to follow your journey. You have a brave heart and a strong spirit. That will continue to serve you well in the coming weeks.

Anonymous said...

I don't remember how I came across your blog, but now I try to read it with every update. I think what you're doing is amazingly brave and I've been telling my friends about it! You have thoughts and wishes of luck coming to you from Wisconsin, USA!! I studied in Australia for 5 months and within that time I found out what a generous country it is- I'm sure you'll have lots of fans waiting for you when you return home :o)

Unknown said...

Keep smilin Jess you, you aren't missing out on much back here, same old stuff! We are all living through you so keep on truckin!

Anonymous said...

Inspiring reading Jess.I love your attitude when some were saying "she can't do it" I could see you thinking "Yeah well just watch me" ...lol. Take care & enjoy !
Darcel@ the Gold Coast,Qld.

mbasscat said...


Keep up the can do, will do attitude. Your such a positive young Lady. I wish there was a way that we could see your tracking on a map.
God Bless Jess

Anonymous said...

flying past Norfolk -- while eating chips--great stuff -- :) dugie

Anonymous said...

Chips are always a good pick me up. You must have crossed a few time zones by now, when do you cross the date line and go back to yesterday? That will be a mark to check off.
Keep up the good work.
Geoff - Bundaberg Qld

Anonymous said...

Hey from South Georgia, USA!! You are an inspiration to everyone. I wish you all the best of luck (and clear skies)!! Keep dry and just remember that the sun will come up tomorrow.

Stay Safe!!!


hinchbrett said...

You sound a bit down today. Keep your chin up. Are there any telivision shows you want to keep up with. We could let you know what is going on in them.

Anonymous said...

Hello Jessica, I so enjoy reading your blog. The pictures are lovely and look so soothing. Stay strong, keep up that wonderful spirit.
Barbara, Jersey Shore, New Jersey USA

benja said...

Hi Jesse,
I am tracking your journey, It is interesting to me how you are progressing in this endevor.
Best to you
Benjamin Orozco

Lakeisha said...

Hey Jess...
Good luck with travelling around the world! That is a massive step...

I hope you beat the set record.. if you dont at least you would know that you have had an awesome experience...

You have inspired many people our age to follow their dreams and try to reach their goals...

Again good luck and best wishes...


Peter James Dawson said...

As a music journo, I am curious to know what music you're listening to out there in the wide blue yonder?
Are you able to download tracks off the net?
I don't know if you are musical yourself, Jess but maybe you could try writing some songs...
At least you could come up with some great lyrics, I'm sure. Your blogs are well written. There are plenty of musos I know who would love to put some music to any lyrics you'd write!
All the best... but don't dance yourself overboard.

Anonymous said...

It's only been 8 days, perhaps a little early to start getting cocky about being ahead of schedule. Let's see where you are in 8 months.

Perhaps Jessica will not feel so much like "Taking another lap."

We have followed the voyages of both Zac and Mike and now Jessica. It was quite something to look at the changes in attitude as well as maturity that takes place after a year at sea!

Our thought are with Jessica and hopefully her dreams will come true.

DoctorMister said...

From Bridget, an almost seven year old from California;
Has anyone asked for the boat - she thought you were sElling not sAiling it. Then I told her what you were doing, she said. I'm surprised that you are doing it all yourself. I'm trying to explain to her why you are doing it. And how. Can you give her a comment?

Rolf Zullig said...

You are incredible! - Good luck!
Cheers, Rolf (Broken Hill, NSW)

Anonymous said...

Hey Jessica,

I am reading The Odyssey by Homer at the moment and thought of you being as a modern day Odysseus (Hero of the Trojan War). The following is a quote from the book:

"I make you out to be no coward and no fool: I can see that for myself. So let me tell you this. I swear by Zeus al highest, by the table set for friends, and by your king's hearthstone to which I've come, Odysseus will return." Book 20, lines 250-7.

All the Best,

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,
You'll go through mental ups and downs; keep your mind busy and remember that there are thousands of people from around the world with you in spirit every day.
Enjoy the amazing journey you are on - physically and spiritually.
Our family thinks you're fabulous.

Tray (The Expert) said...

Norfolk Island, what a great memory! Great progress, Jesse...keep it up!

Bronwyn said...

Hope you get a better night's sleep tonight! I look forward to your updates every day! Stay safe.

GlenF said...

Brilliant progress now - glad to hear about the wind picking up. Seeing your blog is a daily inspiration - keep the words and pics coming. Look forward to rewarding yourself with a crossing the equator party.

pgauld said...


This is all thoroughly fascinating.

Please down the track tell us if you ever do any fishing.

Go Jess!

GlenF said...

Brilliant progress now - glad to hear about the wind picking up. Seeing your blog is a daily inspiration - keep the words and pics coming. Look forward to rewarding yourself with a crossing the equator party.

Allan said...

25 knots is a normal day of sailing in and around Maui.
Have to be on your toes, but nothing that can't be handled

claudia said...

Your blog was just introduced to me by Rhonda Jean at Down To Earth. I am so intrigued by your sailing prowess. I am amazed that you are out there on your own sailing! I don't think I could manage that at any age!
I am looking forward to following your adventures.
God speed!

Anonymous said...

you're doing great jess! you are such an inspiration.. i am jealous i must admit here i am staring at a computer screen for 50hours a week and you're sailing around the world.. Brisbane is very proud of you keep safe!!


Lauren H-B said...

Hang in there Jesse! Take the good with the not so good.

Mark Anthony of Dallas said...

Hopefully you found all the squid! Enjoyed the photos.. Do you have lights on the ship at night? Or do you just sail along in the dark? Just curious :)

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess

Hope you're having fun living the dream you're an inspiration. Wish you could call into Auckland and say hello on the way through !

have an awesome time.

Mary said...


You are in our hearts and minds, Jess, ALL THE WAY!!

Blessings of strength and certitude showering down on you always.

Enjoy your ride, dearheart.

Mary, Maine, USA

Tracie Lynne Hall said...

Hi Jessica,
So….how goes it? How long did it take to get beyond sea-sick (or did you yet?) and does it return when the conditions change?
An experienced sailing friend of mine tells me, not to aim into the wave face…to avoid rolling up and down the waves if I'm feeling nauseous. But it seems to me, when you have someplace to go, as you do, how much time do you want to spend avoiding certain angles on the surf--when you're already busy hitting the best angle on the wind--while still trying to get where you're going? But, as previously mentioned, I've only been at this sailing stuff just short of a year....and only actually on the water 4 times, so it's still all a mystery. Maybe you DO concern yourself with wave angle too.
This same friend also recommends nibbling on ginger, or if you can't stand straight ginger, on something with ginger as an ingredient.
A different friend of mine tells me… that a friend of hers tells her… that taking Dramamine the day before you are going out and then just before you go out works perfect. Sorry, guess THAT bit of advice is a little late.
I read the sea sick part of your blog to my husband who was ready to give up our boat when he saw how green I turned our first time out for any real length of time--and the pursuant result…...”'DAYS', Don. Jessica says she gets beyond sea sickness after a few DAYS. I don’t think that particular remedy is going to work for me. We don’t have DAYS to spend at sea, waiting for me to be able to help trim the sails.” I don't know how you do it alone!
Of course the day we spent several hours sailing, I was helming the first 3 and didn’t get sick until we switched jobs, placing me with the sheet trimming stuff. So I might have Don convinced that he has to do all the work and I get to play “Captain” because, gosh, I’ll get sick if I’m not the one in charge.
But seriously, I do wonder, does sea sickness come back when the surface is particularly rolling--or choppy? Sure hope you aren’t too prone to the power of suggestion! Now that I’ve had you thinking about sea-sickness for the past few minutes, do you need to go get some fresh air? I’ll wait.
On the other hand...maybe I'd better leave you time for the NEXT 400 comments!
In closing, I'm sorry to learn you were feeling glum...I really think you need more than 40 minutes of sleep at a time---especially if you have to be more active in the rougher weather. Are you still keeping that cat nap sleeping schedule?

Ally said...

Hiya Jess
Congrats on clearing Norfolk Island.
Still thinking of you each day over here amongst the heat and dust.
ITS ONE LESS!!!!!!!!!!
Your doing great Jess!!!
Keep on keeping on..

Ally (SA)

Anonymous said...

Jess you are doing such an amazing thing!! I was just wondering what are you doing about your school work??

Anonymous said...

Recognising it's a bad day is the start of making it a better day. We all have good and bad days, but we aren't all following our dreams! Go Girl, you and Ella's pink lady are magnificent.
Regards Mary

Peter said...

You are doing well.I too have done a bit of sailing and once had dreams of achieving some major goals.I lacked your drive and determination and the will to make it happen.I wish you well and look forward to reading your communications .Take care and please keep the safety harness on. Regards Peter

Ally said...

Had to do another post after reading the comments on the latest blog.

Jess if some of the tears that have just welled up in my eyes could be less for you to shed out there when you get the down times I would gladly take the burden & share the load. (yes Im a mum)

I spose it would just not be human for you to go through a few moments.
Gotta have some bad times so you can tell when your having good times :) :)

Youve got an advantage though.

Its just you and God out there(& a few fish) and your able to scream your lungs out and say whatever you want. He likes a good joke too so Ive heard.
Put your order in for fine weather.
Ill put one in too!

Your thought of so much
oh and keep on keeping on chicky!


Bruce from Brisvegas said...

Hi Jess

Keep up the good work. You are doing such a brilliant job! Eating well is the key to keeping your health in tip-top order. So eat well and keep your immunity strong. And sailing a boat burns joules. Kilojoules even. Squid with Deb - now there's a thought!

Now that the winds and sea have increased a bit, it is a good time to remind yourself of what you allready know. That is, it is best to understress your rig and lose a touch of speed than to wear out your rig and gear at the start of your adventure. So keep up the good work of matching your skills, talent and knowledge with your gut feelings.

Go Jess Go!

Best wishes


Anonymous said...

When you get lonely, remember that are many, many of us who are with you every moment! Keep smiling and enjoy those tinned potatoes! Greetings from sunny and very windy Southern California!

hezakiah299 said...

Hi Jessica,
Just finishing up playing on my computer. I picked up a lot of good and helpful information from your bloggers. I feel like a pack-rat, every time I see something interesting or helpful I have to copy it and check it out. Plus there are a lot of funny stories and little tid-bits.
Hope everything is going well and you are eating properly. Yes, as many people pointed out, cutting corners on food has a definite effect on the body and head. At 74 I had a problem with that but now I have it under control.
Stay safe and alert, and wear your tether. LOL Anxiously awaiting your next blog. And now I'm off to bed.
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full. I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael from Kingwood, WV

Unknown said...

Thinking of you Jess, Keep your mind strong.

With love and light every day, from your cousins in Nelson.

Gillian said...

Get yourself a PayPal Account and find funny things to send your family and friends. That will give you laugh.Etsy is a great site for that.

Can you watch movies or pick up radio stations? Anything "talking" in the background will help you feel less alone, even if you are not listening. Then the quiet times are a nice break.

Some sort of exercise will help too. Do 50 squats or something, then you will have your blood pumping and shake off the slug bug. All the best !

Don Rocin said...

There’s nothing much us followers can do to help when you get down...I’m sure your folks and your mates can help you there. Maybe the rest of us could contribute short jokes. The joke that makes you laugh the most when you most need it, gets awarded Best Joke Around The World.
Lame, I know – anyway, here’s mine:
During the mad cow epidemic in England, a cow turned to another and asked: “Hey, are you worried about mad cow disease?”, and the other responded: “Oh, it doesn’t affect me, I’m a helicopter”.

Chris Akenfelds said...

Jessica, I hope you don't feel down for too long. Never forget how many people in this country (Australia) and elsewhere in the world think you are a role model and hero. Keep up the magnificent effort, Jessica. We're all counting on you to make Australia proud.

Unknown said...

Hi Jess! That is fantastic to hear that you are now heading towards the equator! You are making awesome progress. We really enjoy reading your blogs everyday. Keep smiling and know that you, your family and your beautiful travelling companion are in our prayers! Vicki x

Anonymous said...

Making progress! Hope your day has gone well with friendly winds to speed you along. Hope also that you got some needed rest.
You are doing just great. It's great to hear that you are now headed for my hemisphere. Can't wait till you make the visit. :)
Keep your chin up. There are a lot of us cheering you along and hoping and praying for you.

Take care of yourself, be safe, God Bless you.
Dave from Minnesota

Anonymous said...

Hi Jesse, Never say you're sorry to any of us for what you've written or how much you've written. It's good to get your feelings off your chest, whether it's phoning home, emailing your friends and family or sending a blog to all of your fans. It's human nature that we have good days and sometimes not such good days. Know that you have so many people who believe you can do fulfil your goal and that if we could we would all give you a big hug to make you feel better when you are feeling a little blue. I work at a school in Student Services and when students say they are not feeling the best I always ask them if they slept well the night before, if they have had breakfast or lunch and have they had enough fluids? Keep up the great work you are doing and I enjoy reading your blogs so much. God bless - Jan, New Zealand

Anonymous said...

Hi, Jessica,

I've been following your voyage since I saw a news item on it, the day before you left, but this is my first comment. (You may not have time to read it, but I guess one of your support group reads them all, so perhaps it's not a waste.) I greatly admire what you're doing. It seems like a wonderful adventure. I get scared for you, though, when I think how dangerous it can be if something goes wrong. In these days of GPS and satellite communications, I think some of us landlubbers forget just how big the sea is and how far you'll be from any actual assistance. So, stay safe out there! My hopes and good wishes, along with those of many thousands of others, are with you.

I thank you very much for this informative and interesting blog. If you ever run out of topics to write on, here are a few questions (which I'm sure others have already asked). (1) The obvious one -- what are you doing for fresh water? I assume you have a desalinator, and that it's powered by your solar cells, but it'd be nice to know details. Which things can you use salt water for, and when must you use fresh? (2) You mentioned once that you can use the engine if electricity runs short? Do the rules allow you to use the engine as a generator, but not for propulsion? (If you get in a jam and DO use it for propulsion, does that invalidate your voyage?) If you are limited to the amount of fuel you started with, does that make using the engine as a generator a very last resort, lest you run out of fuel? (3) Just how much sun block does a person take when it has to last 8 months and she'll be outdoors half the day? Your photo showed you in short pants and a sleveless top -- won't you go through sun block faster that way than in longer clothes? (4) Are you keeping your trash, or tossing it? Will the front cabin gradually become less full of food, but more full of empty food packages, broken equipment, etc.? (5) What are your medical capabilities? I'm sure you packed some aspirin and bandages, and in terms of diseases, there's no one to catch them from -- you may be the safest person on the planet from the swine flu. But if you should get a tummyache or a sprain, did you take some first aid training before you left? (6) This may be a fool question, but in this situation, do you follow an exercise program to keep yourself flexible and exercise the muscles that your daily work may miss? Or does operating the yacht burn more calories than you've got food to replace, and you need to conserve your strength the rest of the time?

Again, thanks for the blog, and best wishes for your safety, and the successful completion of your voyage.

Michael from Texas, USA

ian said...

Hi Jesse, I think the definition of success is living your dream, so congratulations. And don't forget; "fortune favours the brave"

Muhammad Asim said...

Hi Jesse ; Its great that you are openly expressing the dull moments as well. We can understand that it is not easy to keep sailing Non Stop just by your self. But its great pleasure that you keep us informed about your pleasures on the Pink Lady. Keep discovering for us. We look forward to each minor detail that you report from waters.

bulletproof said...

just love useing google earth like a big (fish eyeball..yet)the way it rolls around you've got miles to go thats a bloody big ocean over there should get an excersize bike in usa fold up1 mmmn got to go stay focused..

Unknown said...

Hi there Jess,I am receiving daily updates of your progress and am reporting this to my son ,Sam,who thinks you are ace.Your adventurous spirit is just so inspiring and we think you are very brave.Stay sharp and just enjoy every day out in our magnificent oceans.Cheers Jason and Sam.

Anonymous said...

You have heaps of courage to sail around the world! I wish i was as brave as you!!! :)

Jann said...

I'm fasinated by your journey and your blog. I'm planning to "follow" you throughout your trip by reading your postings. What a fabulous experience you are having. Stay safe and stay focused.
Greetings from the North woods of Idaho, USA.

Darren Achim said...

Hey Jessica,

congrats on clearing Norfolk Island! you are doing amazing! In the old days when they used to issue rum rations aboard naval ships the crew had to drink their ration as it was handed out (so they didn't stock pile and have a party I suppose) the captain would say "up the spirits" I don't know if you've depleted your chocolate rations :) but a suitable substitute and an old routine could be silly fun as a pick me up! That being said you seem to be handling yourself and the ups and downs with grace and fortitude and we your loyal supporters are with you all the way. No apology required, your words take us from wherever in the world we are to a seat beside you on Ella's Pink Lady.

Remember to eat :) and stay safe!

Darren Achim
Toronto Canada

Anonymous said...

your hot

Dave said...

woot woot your doing so well :) what a buzz it must be to leave the world behind im goin to follow your every move and welcome you home when you get back:)
aussie, aussie, aussie oi oi oi :P
cheers Dave

Ty said...

You go Jess. Ignore the negative publicity - typical aussie " Tall Poppy Syndrome ". Following you all the way.

GuyV said...

Hi Jesse,

This blog may be short and simple but its still captivating. You sure do have a knack for journal writing. Its funny I'm not much of a fan of keeping a journal and yet when ever I travel over seas it comes natural to email family and friends on a regular basis to touch base and keep an account on how the trip is going and what I have been up too. It definately helps to keep a memory of the trip and helps to explain photos to people. Well I hope there aren't any still squid hanging around? I know you get a lot of questions but I was just wondering if a link will still be added to your blog so we can follow your progress? Im sitting here chuckling to my self just thinking of EPL surfing slong on wave. If only you could capture a picture of it. Well best wishes for continued great sailing. Looking forward to your next blog.


Arnold said...

Go Girl!!

Anonymous said...

Just have to say, you seem to be very mature and level headed for someone your age. Most kids these days can't tear themselves away from the X box long enough to learn how to ride a bike let alone know how to sail. Especially to sail by themselves around the world. More Power to Ya.
Sail to Live – Live to Sail

Chris – New York USA

Kez said...

I love that you're blogging!
I also love that when you felt a bit flat or down, you pampered yourself and ate some chips :)
Doing girls proud everywhere!
Wishing you all the best!

ASJOI said...

Inspirational Jessica. I am trying to follow your progress with my 3 girls (9yo twins and 7yo). They can never have too many role models. Keep your eye on the horizon (and the finish line)

The girls say:
We will follow you all the way. good luck!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good to hear your on the move.
Im curious as to whether or not you manage to read all your comments. So i was hoping you could give some sort of sign, just for kicks really, like maybe in your next blog you can say something like: Roger that anonymous.

i think it would be fun...

Hope your having a blast Jessica. Zoe.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess, hope you're feeling better today. Don't forget you've got thousands cheering you. Maybe we should send you some bad (but funny) jokes or something :-)


Weide said...

Yeah! From Sidney to Norfolk Island in such a short period! That's the fastest passage I've known. Really nicely planned routes. May good progress all the way!

Rob said...

Hi Jess

I read on the news page that you have made it past the 1000 mile mark. Well done so far.

I look forward each day to reading about how you are going.



Alice Ryan, Brisbane said...

Hi Jessica my name is Alice and I'am nearly 6 years old. I just wanted to say hello, my mum is typing this for me. She reads me your messages and I think you are very brave. Say hello to the dolphins for me next time you see some. Bye for now, lots of love Alice xxxx

Dark said...

Hi Jessica

Not suprised you felt down a bit today, with the weather picking up and i guess by now you actually have settled into the realization "I'm actually doing this" Its a sobering thought I bet.

So never mind just don't get lulled into a comfortable routine and yes watch out for the boats.

Look forward to your next post.


Anonymous said...

Hello Jesse! It's me again from year 5LL :) I just wanted to tell you that even when you feel lonely just keep going and powering on!! You are such A courageous girl to be out there all by yourself. We are ALL so proud of you and I'm really happy that you can persue your dreams :) I made a couple of mistakes in my last message but I think it's alright. WOW!!!!!! Norfolk island already!! Words can't say how much we love you!!

You can do it Jess :) I feel sad that you get lonely :( Luckly you've got your phone.

Your AWESOME and we love you! Just remember that. Stay positive and don't get lonely too much cause it makes me sad!!

Stay safe and calm. All my best thoughts are with you Jess.

All the best from Sarah :) (your friend)

Dieter said...

Hello Jessica.
the first thing I do every morning, is reading your blog. The way you describe your feelings and everything what's happening on board is wonderful!
I wish you all the best!

Dieter from Germany

Bryan said...

Hello "Jessicaptain"

Just plotted your path past Norfolk Island @ 1000 miles and heading to Kiribati (Line Islands) to cross the equator - you are doing real fine 3000 more to go to turn South East for Cape Horn.
Your "World Admirer's" are following your every blog as well as your "Base Crew" - keep up your excellent progress as we landlubbers watch in awe.
Keep those sails full & Gods Speed - you CHAMP.

Bryan - Perth WA

Simone Kerwick said...

Sounds like you are doing very well Jess, keep up the good work and play and enjoy yourself.
Burleigh Heads

Simone Kerwick said...

Sounds like you are doing very well Jess, keep up the good work and play and enjoy yourself.
Burleigh Heads

PamG said...

I like these short blog notes Jess, as well as the long newsy ones. Bound to have some 'down' days, we'll have to start telling you jokes :-)) Sounds like all is going well, keep it up !

Charles Dodgson said...

Hi Jessica,
I am a teacher and I have directed my class to read your blog everyday so we can have a discussion about your progress. You are an inspiration. Thank you.
Charles in Sydney.

Dieter said...

Hello Jessica.
the first thing I do every morning, is reading your blog. The way you describe your feelings and everything what's happening on board is wonderful!
I wish you all the best!

Dieter from Germany

Anonymous said...

So glad you're getting those reefs in early. I know from reading so many stories of solo sailers and my own experience, the temptation to wait a little bit longer before putting in a reef - particularly when the winds on the quarter or following and it doesn't seem quite as strong as it really is!
1/23rd done - fantastic.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jess,

You are doing amazingly well, so keep your chin up and keep smiling. Enjoy the quiet days and catch up on some rest, and make the most of the extra mileage on the rough days.

Loving reading your blogg and all the interesting information. Just loved the squid on the deck story!!

Take care.

Koolteer said...

Hi Jessica,
Very nice to read that you're going well. I'm following your progress daily, and like the humour in your writings. I've been regattasailing this weekend on an old dutch barge, you might like the pictures. http://www.reginavanraalte.nl/bontekoerace-hoorn-2009/ The blue one is ours..

Jodie said...

Hey Jess

I think you are totally amazing! You are a true inspiration. I'll be checking in more often to see what you're up too!! It's truly inspiring.

God bless
Jodie :) xxxx

Dieter said...

Hello Jessica.
the first thing I do every morning, is reading your blog. The way you describe your feelings and everything what's happening on board is wonderful!
I wish you all the best!

Dieter from Germany

terryc said...

Hold your warm smile and give her some fear weather there Mr Equator, cause here our lady of the sea comes.

You'll see her spinnaker, all bright and pink rise from over the horizon, embrace our Jess in your arms, and then turn her south with a good breeze, and help her roar safe and sound as she surfs the South seas homeward bound.

You go Jess.

Jim P said...

Hi Jessica, 10 days into your trip now and probably well over 1000 nm, so a bit of a landmark for you really, already you have covered close to if not 1/20th of the distance. Already making big inroads into your trip.

Just looking now at Google earth where you roughly are east of Norfolk Island, your well out in the deep blue now.

Some one once told me that the true measure of person is their abiltiy to keep their resolution long after the mood in which it was made had passed.

Your doing that now. You measure up Jessica. Fair Winds & Blue Skies, Jim P.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jessica

I wish you smooth seas and a safe return home.

You should be so proud of yourself.



Unknown said...

Keep up the good work. You are an inspiration to so many people at your young age. Remember we are all there with you, you are never alone out there! Greetings from Saint Petersburg, Florida!

Anonymous said...

Hey Jess,
Everyone has down days. I just wish brushing my teeth and washing my hair would cure them...lol! Oh to be 16 again!

I guess today really demonstrated your sailing skills by handling such strong winds.

Good work.


Ralf from Germany said...

hi--jessie--go on and take the record---i follow you every day on google earth----and read your blog--see you in sydney-Ralf

Digiscrapper said...

Hi Jess, great to read your blog again today. You will have days when your spirits are a little down, but just remember you have millions of people all around the world willing you onwards. You will see those blue skies and sunsets again. Take care and stay safe.


Ralf from Germany said...

hi-jessie--good luck and take the record--i read your blog and follow you on google earth --every day--and the gps position---via satelite--if you arrive in sydney you are the Best---Ralf--Niedersachsen--Germany

Unknown said...

Hi Jess, 25 knot wind is fairly strong. Our passenger vessel used to stop saling when wind scrale is 7 (27-33 knots). My daughter and I wish a moderate wind to you, safe sailing. Oct.28, China.

John Vromans said...

Hey Jess,

This is John and Robyn in Wollongong. We are totally engrossed in what you are doing and so is my 93 year old father in the Nursing Home. We think of you often during the day. You might think you are alone out there, but you're not...thousand and thousand of people are with you.

gustav said...

I usually don't join fanclubs and I had to learn at a very young age that the safest person to depend on - is myself.

I left my home in Germany at 17 after getting legal age of consent from my parents and refusing to join the 2 year compulsory military service germany had then.

I had to face a military tribunal and
stood by my convictions,that I was not interested and would never serve in any army because I believe that conflicts should be resolved by diplomacy,rather than by wars, which is what I believe today more than ever.

My plea was refused and I was given the option of either doing service or leaving the country.

So I left germany on a boat at 17 to come to Australia via the Azores,Panama, Tahiti, New Zealand and then Sydney.

I could not speak the language,so I learned english on the boat.

I have always followed my dreams and never had any regrets.Ibecame a musician ,learned how to paint and sculpt,became a dancer with the Australian Opera and the Australian Ballet and did lots of small Actors jobs in australian films and television.

It is amazing where you can go if you follow your dreams.

In 1993 I got my pilots license and fell in love with flying and aerobatics.

When I first heard about Jessica, I must admit,I did not take much notice.I thought it perfectly natural that a young girl sailor would want to do this and I had no doubt,that she could do it.

I was very disappointed when all those people opposed Jessica in the media and when the Cargo-ship accident happened I thought,this is it - now they will kill off that poor Girl's Dream.

Then something amazing happened.Jessica stood up in front of the media,in front of all those critics and politicians and showed her true colours.She fought back like a Lion.

At that moment I saw myself in that brave young Girl,I saw Joan of Arc and all those who fought for and defended their dreams and it was then that I knew this Jessica Watson was special,she had the strength to do everything she wanted to do and more,because this was Jessicas dream and she fought for her dreams against the whole world like a Lion.

well,I have been a fan of Jessica ever since and I am not surprised that the whole world is falling in Love with
this Girl,her natural strength and beauty,her skill and intelligence,but most of all her courage to be willing to defend what she believes in,her dream of circum-navigating the world.

I do not believe in War,but I do believe that we all should follow our dreams ,defend our dreams,even fight for our dreams to become real.

I joined Jessica's fanclub on facebook yesterday.

gustav haffner

Brent said...

Hi Jess

I really admire your courage and think its so cool what you are doing.

Enjoy every minute


Hans said...

Well done Jess Keep your chin up, look at the big picture.
Brisbane Qld

sam said...

hey jess your doin so well my clas are learning about you and your boat

Joolz said...

Hi Jess

Love the updates - I feel like I'm on board with you.

Hey, this weekend we are hopping on a houseboat in Echuca, Victoria. Probably won't experience any swells on the river Murray but it should be a great way to spend the weekend and also Melbourne Cup Day.
Smooth sailing,

Cheers - Joolz

Anonymous said...

Hi Jessica

Just wanted to say that I admire your courage and tenacity.

What you are doing is so cool.

Smooth sailing Jess

jack said...

i cant belive that u just past norfolk i amthere from mon this week to sat have fun please send a email back plz plz plz

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