Day one of the Sydney International Boat Show, and Pink Lady has been revealed! Everyone’s been so complimentary to Pink Lady and the number of ‘good luck’ and ‘best wishes’ we’ve received could just about bridge my way around the world!
I’ve been having lots of fun hearing people’s opinions of the lovely pink paint. It seems to be a love it or hate it thing, with most people completely loving it.
I’ve also been lucky enough to get to spend some time with James and Justin, the guys who kayaked across the Tasman, and also with Pete Goss and his team, who’s latest boat Spirit of Mystery is moored right next to us. Pete has been involved with endless adventures and is an amazing sailor. They all have a lot of great advice but are consistently reminding me to have fun and take a moment to enjoy it all as I’ll only be doing this once.
Another thing that comes up over and over again is the importance of preparation. James and Justin describe over ¾ of the achievement taking place before setting off, and Pete likes to say that 80% of the race is won before the start. It makes me think again about what a great team I have and how much anything I achieve is thanks to all of their efforts.
Listening to the guys speak and seeing pictures and video from all those adventures is so inspiring. I’m itching to get going even more so!
If you get the chance, definitely pop down to the show. I’m speaking at the Better Boating Lounge at 2pm every day, and at 4pm James, Justin, Pete, Don McIntyre and I all stand up to have a chat.
After my first day at SIBS, Thursday night was good fun. I did a live weather cross with Tim Bailey then headed to Network Ten for ‘Thursday Night Live’ on One HD. Having my hair and makeup all done up was quite an experience. When I was all ready, I made the mistake of standing up and, without thinking, declaring that that I looked totally ridiculous. I regretted my comment immediately after seeing the makeup ladies’ horrified expressions. Oops! Curly hair and makeup just isn't my usual thing.
Better be off for now,
P.S. Lots of people have been asking when I’m leaving. It will be sometime in September!
P.S. Lots of people have been asking when I’m leaving. It will be sometime in September!
Pink Lady Looks Very elegant, as a surprise to me the first photograph was deceiving as it appeared to be a dark metallic pink, it looks just a good. How it the targa frame...whats to be done about it as it is a 'write-off' ??
Bye for now + take care
Cameron B
Isn't she Grand!!! I love the color. For sure pink is a love or hate color, but she is your best friend as we say in the states or maybe your best mate. Thanks for the photo.
Bend, OR USA
Un fantastico nome!
An amazing name!
´Pink Lady´looks simply great. Gratulations for the choice of this colour.
Marcus, Germany
Pink Lady looks good in her makeup, and underneath she appears to have the strength and solidity to see you through your adventure.
I have often dreamed about a circumnavigation myself, but a nonstop solo trip is a much greater challenge than I could ever imagine. The difficulty of such a trip is almost beyond comprehension.
While preparation and planning will certainly be a necessary and critical part of your success, I think that the physical, mental, and emotional challenges that you will face on your trip will almost certainly be far more difficult than the planning and preparation. I hope and pray that you will have the strength and fortitude to meet these challenges.
I wish you all the best and I will be following your progress and thinking of you often.
Mateo R,
I don't know many things about you Jessica, but I think there wasn't other color for your sailboat.
September is just coming... as a fan, I can just pray for a good trip, and hope that you put lots of pictures and comments here.
Two years ago I tried to convince my wife to learn to sail, she is still petrified! You are a brave lady.
Good Winds
What a fantastic adventure you are about to embark on!! I look forward to following your updates. Enjoy and stay safe.
Hi Jessica,
It was great to meet you today at the show. The S&S looks great but it is a shame about the targa. I'm sure that somehow that will get resolved but it is so dissapointing.
You mentioned that you would like some feedback from people who have been following your blog so here it is.
I will be following your progress with great interest.
Trevor Bird
Jessica while youre at the Boat Show, did you know that you can walk along to the Maritime Museum and get aboard Kay Cottees boat "First Lady" ? As I am sure everyone knows, Kay Cottee was the very first woman ever to sail round the world solo, nonstop and unassisted. So how inspiring it could be for you to spend some time on another great lady, manitained in the museum exactly how it was in 1988 when she completed her voyage, thinking about what Kay did?
Hi Jess, Hope you are getting plenty of R&R as you look after your admiring public at the Boat Show. And hope your parents and family are also taking the opportunity to have a 'breather' in the 'lull' before the frantic countdown to September begins again! What an amazing, strong and loving family you have, an inspiration for the whole world to see, even before your epic jouney begins. I am sure many others share my thoughts and will be watching and praying you around the world. Bon Voyage special lady.
I'll say one thing... it's original! :) Looks great though, and I wish you all the best on your continued journey. Been to AU a few times... wish I was there to watch your launch. Three cheers and hats off from a Yank across the sea!
Hi Jess, Wow Pink Lady, I love the boat colour and I'm not into pink at all...Thought it looked much darker in the boat shed. Not everyone can wear pink but its looks classy.Hope the boat show going alright and your getting more support for your trip.Have you choosen a mascot travel with you yet? When is the departure date...So we can count it down with you.Ok enough 20 questions.Take care Jess.
Yeppoon Qld
Hi Jessica
Pink Lady looks beautiful and bulletproof. The hard dodger particularly impresses me. What a lot of talented people you’ve had working on her.
I came across the following verse the other day. It’s really to encourage those who may be just thinking about an adventure, but though you might like it anyway.
‘Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the thinks you didn’t do by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover. Mark Twain’
Best wishes for the coming weeks
David (NZ)
hi jessica
just begun to admire your courage for what your soon to embark on
will be following you on your way post lots up and me and the rest of your fans will be happy to keep u from becoming to lonely out there
good luck
pat nsw
Pink Lady looks gorgeous and capable, can hardly wait to see the targa frame II installed with the other hardware, sorry it got mashed. The swirls on the stern are something else, just classy.
Steve from California
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