Life as normal… crazy! Up in the morning off to the shed with Mums box packed full of yummy sandwiches, treats, fruit and bickys to keep all the crew going, only this week I was in for a shock. My portion of lunch consisted of freeze dried and long life meals for me to sample, sympathy please!
Actually after I got over being a drama queen the food wasn’t too bad, I gave roast chicken 8/10 and chicken and peas 7/10. Looks like entertainment for the voyage is also covered, picking out the peas will keep me more than busy.
Lately the shed seems a like highway or maybe a huge big muilt-lane intersection with so many people and so much equipment coming and going. Some of the latest equipment arrivals have been the Rutland wind generator, windows and port holes, a million bits and pieces from BIA’s boating, though hull fittings… just to name a few.
On Tuesday we all made an effort to smarten up for the visiting film team and Don McIntyre stopped in to see all the action, actually I believe the poor guy was handed a sanding board the moment he stepped though the door! Luckily, he was smart enough not to bring working clothes and it was great to catch up.
Wednesday saw Mike join the team for a week of work and Phil from Fleming Windvanes arrive to put together the targa frame with Dad, sorry did I say targa, make that roll cage!
Thursday, Bruce and I caught up the team at Ullman Sails Sunshine Coast to go over details of my sail wardrobe. All up and with the support of Bainbridge International I’ll have set of 11 brand new ‘built proof’ sails.
No rest for the wicked, hope you enjoy the pictures!
Hi Jessica,
Peice by peice everything is coming together.
Wow 11 sails, just a little extra weight to add to 'the tank'.
Hope all is well
Cameron B
I am really enjoying watching this come together, and I love your honest insights from everything to shaving, skin rashes and freeze dried food.
Best Of Luck!
I love your spirit and determination! :)
Peace - Rene
I will be joining you as you sail around the world. Zac S. is about to finish his circumnavigation and I to catch on with another adventurer.
I quite enjoy your writing style on the blogs.
I just wanted to wish you the best of luck for the rest of the preperation and the trip. The blog is wonderful to read so keep up the good work.
Jessica : Will you be able to blog daily from sea as Mike Perham & Zac have been doing. Thanks, Bill
Hi Jessica, Freeze dried food hmm yum for you.Looks like you were buzy snapping every one at the shed.Nice looking tiller too.Great you've got your sails.Whats this about picking out the peas dont you want to grow up big & strong.
Take care
Yeppoon Qld
Love reading your blog and following your progress. Very interesting and quite educating as well. Good luck with your hard work, wow it's just great to read all about it.Thanks for the pics too. Keep one interested. Till your next blog. Regards, Myriam from Malta
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