Other than Silly, I've been seeing a lot of birds out here today, mostly little Jesus Petrels and Brown Gannets, (at least that's what I think they are!) which is kind of surprising as the nearest island is about 200nm away. Apart from when some light rain came through this morning it's been pretty close to perfect sailing all day.
It's really hard to believe but as of tomorrow we will have been at sea for 30 days, exactly a month since we left Sydney on 18 October. One down, seven more months to go! Leaving Sydney really does feel just like yesterday, but It's crazy to think that I haven't seen another person for 30 days. I have to say I honestly don't feel any different for it. It's a lot like someone asking whether you feel any different after a birthday. But it's just the same old me!
I pulled out a new food bag today its back to all my favorite treats. I'm planning on having pasta for dinner, I wonder if Silly likes pasta?
It doesn't look like we'll make the equator tomorrow as I'd hoped, but with only about 240nm to go, so it won't be long now. I'll keep you updated as we get closer. Getting pretty excited!
After crossing the line I'll be sailing north another 200nm up around Kiribati Island, my rounding point in the northern hemisphere, then south back across the line and on to Cape Horn.
That's it from Ella's Pink Lady, Silly and myself for tonight. Below is a pic of EPL doing well today.
1 – 200 of 300 Newer› Newest»Sounds awesome Jess!
Been following your blogs every freaking night :D And i cant believe its nearly 1 month...
Time flys when your having fun yeah? LOL (:
Good Luck <3
Piper (:
Hi Jess,
Good to see you have some company out there, Rosie wants to know if you can please take a photo of the dolphins next time they come nesr. Ok enjoy your new meal bag,
Tim and Rosie,
Wish I was there.
Hey Jesse
You are such a beautiful writer, colourful, descriptive and metaphoric! Thank you for sharing such wonderful experience!
Take care
Angelique, Darwin NT Australia
Maybe "Silly" flew a bit too far away from land? Sometimes they do that. He might appreciate a drop of fresh water and a bit of a feed.
Now exactly what is in that new food bag ??
Sail safe, your doing just fine.
Allen, Hervey Bay, Qld, AU
Oh my gosh Jess!
Those waves look scary, once again I'm in awe of you. You calmly explain about your day & how a bird settles on the wind generator & then I scroll down & look at that sea & just groan. Truly amazing.
Take care,
The McGraths, Nowra NSW
Hi Jesse
Great photo of you flying... sorry about the slow progress...what a funny bird...some people are like that..they do silly things to attract attention. Hey, how mentally strong are you counting down the hours to the equator, doing your own thing not worried about not seeing another person..a month at sea...all the more reason to prove to those who said you couldn't do it that you will do it...hope you get a light show tonight
Sea ya
Dusty from Dubbo
Wow, 30 days almost! I can't believe how fast time goes. I am excited for you and I watch your progress each day. I pray in the positive for you and your dream daily. Keep fishing. You will be amazed at what you get sometimes, just before careful not to get cut or punctured by the fish. You will be fine. I and many others are inspired by your courage and drive.
Hi Jess, keep up the great sailing, seems like time is sailing by and a new food bag sounds yummy.
I like the photos you send and you comments on your day.
Stay safe
Always clicked on
bye 4 now
Hey Jess,
Silly Hey !
i was trying to think of a silly quote and this is the best i can come up with at the mo
"Men, chocolate, and coffee are all better rich".
Onward and Upward
Cheers Mick
Hi Jess,
Thanks for this great update! 30 days and doing brilliantly.
I hope you enjoy your new food bag, including the pasta dinner tonight.
Make sure Silly doesn't eat any of of your catches from fishing!
Sweet dreams to all three of you (EPL, Silly and you!)
Jesse, what a(nother) wonderful day you have had. I loved reading about Silly, hopefully the two of you will remain friends for a bit longer. 30 days at sea WOW and with the new food bag out i think you will be eating better than me tonight!
Great to hear you sounding so upbeat, as usual your post is something i have been looking forward to all day.
As always Jesse, Good winds, safe sailing.
Hey Jessi,
Birds so close to you, maybe you're nearing a unmapped Island.
Don't fore get to jump wen you cross the line.
Loving your Diary.
Greetings to Silly and all the best to you.
Hi Jessie, this is another enthusiastic Watson family from Canberra & Africa (an odd mixture, I know...) wishing you on and well with this amazing journey; you're flying today, by the look of your photo!!
The OzWatto family.
Yay for 30 days, good luck Jessica :-)
Exciting update just before lunch in Paris! Thank you, "same old you", Jesse!!
It must be night for you now, as I guess you are 9 hours ahead.
Nice to be acquainted to Silly. We wonder for how long he will keep his dome bedroom.
Crossing the line on the 19th will still be a good performance, plus I'll win my bet, and my daughter, who will turn 22, will have an unexpected present!
"Weel done, Cutty Sark", as it is said in the clipper's legend. You'll soon be a genuine shellback!
Your writing is so good and catching again, we all feel as if we were on board with you? that's a gift you have, to make words share images, mood and atmosphere.
Thank you also for telling how you are going to tick the box: sailing around Kiribati! I wondered if you would just turn right, or circle somehow, now we have the answer.This means you will cross the line, for the second time, about 3 days later, I guess. That's really a long run inside the northern hemisphere...
I can't wait for that loop inside your lap to be completed, and for Ella's Pink Lady's bow to aim at the Horn... Maybe 40 days or about, and some serious navigation in sight!
With all the support, wishes, care, love surrounding your epic journey, things should only go straight and well for you, Captain.
Take care, and so many thanks again for all the thrill and pleasure you generate and share.
Great photo Jessica! The sea looks a little more lively than your description of a couple days ago. Glad you are making headway again. Pretty cool you get company now and again. I wonder how long it will be before you see some whales.
Thanks for the info on your turning point. I will look up Kiribati Island on Google Earth. Enjoy the new bag of food. God bless. duane
You are doing well young lady.
HI Jessica,
Silly? Well, if you have to assign a name to a hitchhiker sea bird, that's a pretty good one and that will work. I hope you took a picture or two of Silly the bird for later photo identification of this fellow traveler.
Gee, you have several countdowns going on. Countdown to the line and importantly, countdown to a new food bag. That's got to be exciting.
I was intrigued about your comment on not seeing anyone for 30 days. But to get one's true feelings about that, you have to actually do it so any other comments like "that would drive me crazy" are really unfounded. We never know our feelings regarding a particular experience until we have "been there and done that". From my perspective, you are handling that element quite well.
Safe sailing and Godspeed.
Georgia Guy
G'day Jesse, one of your best bloggs so far, it flowed like the days weather I think lol. It was beautifully written and the pic topped it off perfectly. I love reading travel naratives. It's kinda the best thing without being there yourself.
Didier from Perth WA
hi Jess,
What a great photo! Really does bring back memories. Surprised to see another blog so soon. You are keeping us on our toes.
So, 30 days down, and not much longer before the first really big route milestone. Perhaps by the time I wake up on Thursday morning (Sydney time).
And I thought you were supposed to be doing this alone, but you've picked up a hitchhiker! He might be silly about wind vanes, but he obviously knows a good ride when he finds one. Maybe he just needs a lift to Kiribati.
How's the school work going?
Fair winds for you
Hi Jessica,
I am sitting here watching Aussie 'Ladette to Lady' and am glad there are young Aussie ladies like you around.
I think your sense of adventure is phenomenal and everyday I ready your blog,I think about your journey and hope and pray for you and EPL.
Hey Jess,
Just dropped by to catch up with the latest news and todays entry was still comment free so I felt I should get the ball rolling. Wow 30 days under your belt already, like you it doesn't seem that long to me either. It's good to know that you have a "little feathered mate" out there with you at the moment, (give him enough pasta and he may never leave). Keep up the good work and take care.
Bill A.C.T.
WOW! Great pic! It really gives a sense of just how alone you are.
Sounds like you're in good spirits - great to hear! So glad you've got a 'friend' along for the ride - well some of it at least!
We are loving your posts. Keep them coming. Not long now till the equator!
Enjoy all your favourite foods!
Keep safe and be sure to blog again soon.
Sounds as if all is well. Glad to hear you are adding another 200nm on for good measure. I had just been reading about Kiribati Island and wondering where you'd turn. Glad to know.
You feed Silly and he/she will be yours for quite a while, I bet they love people food. Sounds as if the entertainment value is worth it, so maybe it's not a bad thing.
Beautiful pic. Take care and enjoy,
L.G., Seattle, USA
Hi, Jessica! At last, some real news - you've befriended a bird! (You may gather I love birds.) Great shot of EPL ploughing through the water! Rather you than me; I got seasick on the Oriana some years ago - and it was over 40,000 tons!! Best wishes for a safe journey. Brian, Camden
Hey J Dawg
awesome pic of the 2 ladies into the swell
being a superior member "cough" of the human species are you sure "silly" isn't a female :) ???
hope you had a look at the youtube link I posted yesterday of Klaus the camel man!!
Just think when you cross the equator and turn back it's downhill !!
stay safe and keep smiling
Melbourne Orstralia
Thanks for the update Jess and thanks for the pic.
jessica sei forte,il tuo blog è la prima cosa che leggo al mattino,mi piacerebbe essere Silly.
buona fortuna verso l'equatore.ciao
wow you are one brave girl, just looking at that pic made feel nervous, good on you though you are doing a great job and not long now till the equator. What an achievement for you :)
Hope the rest of your journey goes just as well as it is now.
Hi Jesse,
I've been following your progress almost daily, but each time I log on there are hundreds of comments to your latest post. I'm so excited that I might be the first one today!
I'm really excited about your adventure. I've posted my support on my blog, Triathlete Chronicles, and am posting about you from time to time on my twitter account. I think it's fantastic that you are having a go at what most of us would not. It seems to me from your blog posts that you have the maturity, knowledge and character to make it.
Go well, Jess.
Lyndell Murray
(aka Athletic Powerhouse)
Keep up the good work God blasé you My all prays with you wish you good luck
Syed Ali(Minto NSW)
Keep up the good work God blasé you My all prays with you wish you good luck
Hiya, Jess,
Loved your joyful description of Silly. How great for you to be together in company!
The photo takes my breath away. You're a natural sailor and I'm so glad you're out there living your dream.
With excitement as you head toward Kiribati, I'm sending you blessings of protection and clarity throughout these days.
Mary, Maine, USA
1 month down, 7 to go. Nice to know you have ballast bags (schoolwork) that you can ditch if you get a bit low in the water.
Hey Jess
One more thing.. can you take a pic of Silly for us.. he has no idea how famous he is!!!
You and Silly are going down in history together...
If you ever get bored, make a Facebook page for him if you get his picture! My cat has one - BabyStar Earle - and yes I am mad - its ok to think that. :-)
Jane and Scott
Mosman Sydney
Hi there Jesse,
What a crack up!!
Wise move that Silly decided to rest on the satellite dome instead of getting "feathered" by the wind generator.
Three hours !! He is free loading and is probably enjoying taking a load off of flying.
Silly's checkin' out the Ella. Hangin' with friends, listening to music, waiting for you to cook dinner...... he is having the time of his life.
I love birds and the only way we should hold them is with an open hand, or have them on your satellite dome of cause...that would be my next choice.
200nm, wow, you will be at the equator before you know it. Make sure you happy dance on it!! It is great that you feel the same as you did the day you left Syd. Shows you are doing this trip in style and in comfort.
Shame "Silly" didn't hang with you when you were dealing with those pesky squids on Ella.....he would have hoovered em.
Cheers, smooth sailing Jess. Catch you tomorrow.
Loving the pic, looks excellent.
one month down - hard to believe - the Today show did an update this morning, when they said you had left a month ago, I thought no, I havent been reading that blogg for a month now. keep up the good work, we read about your adventure every night before bed, then dream we were there.
I once had a silly that landed on the bow rail of a boat, then we were hit my the mother of all rain storms, after the rain finished the bird left - not so silly.
Gregory's of Wagga
Congratulations on your 30 day mark!
You've done so amazingly well in your first month.
You should be proud.
Ma Nature certainly does provide, doesn't she?
First the dolphins, and now a bird friend.
I am convinced a fish will be next.
Your faith in yourself is what has gotten you this far, and it will see you through the rest of your voyage.
Blessings to you, your Pink Lady and your new friend Silly.
Maryland USA
Hi Jess
Love the picture. Looks like you have some good speed up. Happy first month anniversary for tomorrow.
Really hot day in SE QLD today. I think that Ippi got as high as 45degC. We have just settled down from the predictable afternoon/evening thunderstorm. Stacks of lightening. I think both coasts (Sunshine and Gold) got plenty of rain and even some hail.
Go Jess Go!
Best wishes
Awesome work Jess, you are doing so well and the blog is fantastic reading, you write wonderfully!
Keep up the good work, I'm envious reading your posts and looking at your pics.
All the best
kaz (melbourne)
I suspect having a satellite phone helps break the sense of isolation. Talking with the family on a daily basis certainly must help. I still get awestruck thinking about the journey you have undertaken. I, too, am a daily follower of your blog.
Jeff in Indiana, USA
hello Jessica,you're strong!Your blog is the first thing i reed in the morning.I would be Silly.....good luck.A big hug claudio ROME-ITALY
Hey there Jess, I hope you're well,as always. I love your latest photo...it's excellent...thanks. I don't just see the picture but I can actually feel it too. It does look like perfect sailing.
You mentioned being about 200nm from nearest land so I'd suspect "Silly" has been flapping around out there and was very relieved to finally find some respite. Once, while in the middle of the Indian Ocean, I met a little bird too. It was so exhausted by the time it landed on the boat that you could have reached out and grabbed it and it wouldn't have had the strength to fly away from you. I left it to do it's own thing and you know what it did? Flew down the companionway and into the galley, parked itself next to the roll of paper towels and there it slept all night. When it woke up the next morning it had a little drink of water and a bit of hard boiled egg yolk which I'd left out for it. Then it kinda looked at me as if to say thanks and flew back up through the companionway (like it knew it's way around the boat) and then took off on it's merry way. I was pleased to notice how much stronger it seemed compared to the previous evening. It's little things like that which touch our hearts in a most unforgetable way, isn't it?
I'm feeling so excited for you and your new food bag and how close you're getting to the equator. Thanks for updating us on your plan for after you cross the line. By "up around Karibiti Island" do you mean it literally? As if it's like a marker buoy you have to go around before starting your southward course?
I wish you a good night with fair winds and calm seas. Take good care of yourself and bye for now...Sam
Hi, Jess,
Do you have any special plans when you cross the Equator?
Your blog is still the first thing I look for every morning. Stay safe.
David Indiana
Great pic Jess! That would certainly put the bejeezus up me! Great to hear you have Silly onboard! If he's still with you tomorrow maybe you could take a pic of him too!
Stay safe girl...
Hi Jessica
You are better for Australia than Tiger Woods visit!!
Stay safe young one.
Kind regards
Doing well Jess, Good Luck, Stay Safe & Enjoy The Ride
Gary & Kerryn , Traralgon VIC
It look like you will have company when crossing the equator :)
Sofia - Bulgaria
Hi Silly - you're wondering what Jessica is doing so far away from land too aren't you?? Stick around I hear she's got a new food bag on the go...
Keep at it Jess - think of you so often, wishing you well.
Di (UK)
Nice updates! I love your description of the stars at night, "The sky was thick with them". I am following your progress still, and excitedly awaiting the crossing of the equator! According to my PINK highlighter and my map, you are 1/2" (13mm) from crossing!
Say hello to Silly for me. Any chance of getting a picture of Silly for us?
Thanks again for including us in your voyage!
Continually praying for you!
Grace Fellowship Church.
North Stonington, CT. USA
A little brown sea bird for company you nicknamed Silly, sounds like there is more to this friendship than you are telling us, sitting for 3 hours keeping an eye on you.
Like the photo of EPL sailing so strongly with a full Genoa catching the wind. New tucker bag Pasta for dinner, and not missing human contact, sounds like you are enjoying your dream venture.
Safe Passage. Talk Later.
Hervey Bay. QLD
Enjoy the birdlife Jesse
hi jess,
fantastic update and AWESOME photo!
just a question: with "silly" on board now, will this still qualify as a solo cicumnavigation? (HAH!!)
be well and stay safe...
richmond, VA
Hi Jesse
You have been truly blessed by the creatures dropping in to say hello, first dolphins now your friend Silly. I hope he remains with you a few days.
I am intriqued as to the treats in your food bag do tell.
Thirty days I have kept a vigil of your blog gee that has gone so quick. How is the homework going?
Love and hugs
Hi Jess, awesome pic of E:P flying along there. Gave my stomach a reminder of days of old lol! She looks good. I know your mum and dad say this probably everyday but you MUST at all time stays harnessed!! Don't ever think that "oh i'll just grab this or I don't need to for that little thing" always stay harnessed. Anyway enjoy ur food bag and sure enjoy ur writing.
Hey Jess,
love reading your blogs last thing and have
nothing but admiration for you and the team.
At times I wish I was there with.
Know that you are never alone... In mind anyways!
hey Jessica could you ask him what his last name is--might be Billy--.
Hey Jesse
Great name for the Bird....speaking of names....i hope you dont mind....but ive named my 3 little baby Guineas...Jessica, Hannah and Elle.
And im sure Silly would eat pasta, would probably eat anything you threw his way.
I really like todays Pic.....thats a great action shot of Ella making way thru the waves.
Cool.....another new food bag....i recon that would almost be like christmas opening that bag to see what exciting thing you could eat today.
This month has gone mega fast....just goes to show how quick the whole trip is going to be....you will be home before you know it and will be wanting to get away from people and the huslte and bustle of life again.
Not long to the equator now....if not tomorrow then it will be the next im sure. Have you decided how to celebrate yet???
Will be back tomorrow
Stay safe, have fun, enjoy your food
Deb abd the guineas
hey wats doin
getting over tha equater soon yewwwwwwwwwww
jess is ahottie
Hi Jessica,
I know you run a pretty tight ship but why not stay up until midnight and look up to that Leo constellation and you might see a meteor shower.
A little bit before that you'll just miss seeing the space shuttle it's too far up north but you might see the Space station zoom across the sky to the East earlier in the morning.
Other than that it's just some tiny lights going across the sky, nothing to get too excited about, lol.
♥ Blase to you too ♥
Birds are a great friend when one is soloing and understand your joy when you talk about "Silly". Please let us know how long he remains with you in your next blog. Time does pass by quickly when you're enjoying yourself.
Take care,
Hey Jess
I just love your commentary,so keep it up :)
Great to hear about "Silly" the hitchhiker and that you are enjoying the solitude of being a solo circumnavigator.
G'day Champ,
what a great pic of Ella! She's really flying. We're all getting excited about you crossing the line and doing a sharp turn to starboard.
You are truly amazing.
Good onya.
Hi Jess ! When i read initial lines that you got company , i was jealous but came to know from next lines that it is just a bird. I know that it has been almost a month that you are on the waters. Remember each moment out there is the most earned moment of your life. Keep writing power ful blogs , it is all history. Next generation will find them just in books but you are the one just living them right now.
Make resolves in the morning and stick to them , these 8 months can make your character for whole life time.
The bird landing is fascinating. I've always wondered if birds get lost at sea and fly until they drop, or find a sailboat that just happens to be bounding by below.
I hate to bring up this up, I really do, but will you have to worry about bird poop?
great picture. I can't wait for you to round cape horn, that's very exciting. Your blogs are awesome, thanks for keeps us updated, Say hi to Silly for me. lol
How's it going old girl!....thats a cool picture you've got there, looks like decent 3 meter swell or more, congrats on ticking off your first month, its gone pretty quick.
As "PS" mentioned in the last blog, this Wednesday morning is the best viewing for the Leonids meteor shower if you have clear skies look out for the odd meteor flashing across the sky...
Enjoy the new food bag, I wonder if they are labelled so you can see what ya getting?
Cya for now, I must try to hit the sack earlier tonight!
Clint - Melbourne Town
Hey Jess..........you are sounding strong and relaxed, Just what we like to see back here.
It's been a while since I've had any input, but have still been checking in every day........ just have'nt had time to write, so will backtrack from here as I get time.
Good to see you have a new mate in "Silly"....(we all need them) and that you are so close to one of your big goals.
Everything is sounding pretty well on track for you two...(three, with Silly) as you progress on this unforgettable journey......(my god girl, you are never going to forget this trip in a million years). All kudos to you for sticking to your guns and "sticking it up the neighsayers"
We have just had a good storm back here on the Gold Coast tonight with some much loved rain and a pretty good light show to arc things up a bit after a scorching hot day of about 35 - 37.C.... depending on who's thermometer / barometer your lookin' at (at Burleigh Heads where I was working all day).
But I did take the liberty of going down to the Seaway (it's been a few weeks since you were there eh!) this morning at 6am with "Roxy" the much loved staffy mutt (before heading off to work) and doing a few K's walk up towards Surfers, I had a body surf at the turn around point, and believe me....it was savage (the ocean that is) and I mean that quite litterally. A sweep and tow to the south that was unbelievable....within 30 seconds of hitting the surf I would have travelled about 50 meters towards Q1, and Roxy was chasing me down the beach barking at me as if to say.. "come in, come in, as I don't want to have to swim out to save you"
Anyway, enough of that.
We're with you in heart and soul, and godspeed to you on this epic and unforgettable trip you are well into.
Bring on that fish..... (forgive me if you've caught one in the last few blogs that I have'nt backtracked to yet).
Take care and may the ocean gods be with you (as I know they are).
Hi to mum again from Wendy !
Mal, Wendy and Samara.
Hey Jesse,
Lol, wish there were pics of Silly, and the dolphins from yesterday! It really doesn't feel like 30 days, I was quite surprised when i read it'd been 30 days already!! I guess time really flies when you're having fun-you out there and us avid followers of your blog. =)
Good luck on reaching the equator soon!
To Blogger Samurai,
What a lovely memory to share, so descriptive, I thought I was there.
You to know what is it like to call the sea your home.
It is really quite amazing to read everyone's comments, you build a kinship of sorts or you feel like you have met each other.
We should have a Blogger's welcoming party for Jesse when she comes into Sydney !! We should buy pink t'shirt, and have your blogger name in white on the back...!! No one but us, will know who we are....if you know what I mean. Cheers.
Hi Jessica
Still reading your blog every day. Last pic looked pretty rough. Gail and I wish you the best.
Hi out there,
I'm glad you've found some real company besides all of us virtual ghosts!
For me, it's not only fascinating to follow your blog and track every day, but also to skip through all the comments right here. You may be alone out there in the physical sense, but reading those comments regularly feels like all being in the same boat ... with a rather considerable company, by the way.
For someone of your age who is used to the web and mobile communication that's probably just normal, but ... despite my profession which made me work with the web as soon as it was available in Germany ... for me that still feels sort of surrealistic: one person all alone out there in the vast ocean, some two hundred people (just counting the average amount of comments) all around the globe following her by something close to real-time reports ... and all this right here on my ordinary desk!
Don't take me wrong: It's not your report, which feels that way! In the past I've loved to read seafaring books, fictional and non-fictional alike, and of cause with sailing there's nothing surreal to me. It's the way it all comes to me. And that's much better than any reality TV could be! (You may guess now that I'm not especially fond of TV, and I'm really one of the 1 % of the population who even don't own a TV set.)
But enough now of the philosophy & good luck again!
Great picture! Keep them coming. Videos of all the excitement please.
Psalm 50:11
I know every bird in the mountains, and the creatures of the field are mine.
Wow, what a picture, Jessica! Thanks for that -- you really are "flying" along! Alone? Nope, you're never alone. Your Creator is always there, and He wants to know you better all the time. He cares for Silly and those dolphins, and how much more he cares for and wants to get to know you. You can always talk directly to Him! Do let us know if Silly stayed around for a bit of pasta, and I am so excited about how close you are to the line. Seeing it on the chart (well, I guess it's just a map, but you know what I mean...) is so cool -- what a 30 days it's been. Today I will be praying for your good continued speed toward the line, good health and rest for you, and of course your family at home.
Hi Jessica,
You're doing fine, I reckon you will be about half way between Australia and Mexico by the time you round Kiribati Island.
I've managed to order some of your EasyFood, enough to last us a week - not 8 months. We're looking forward to trying it.
Enjoy life with all your friends, birds and Dolphins are great company.
David & Joy
Sippy Downs
Hi Jesse,
You are right,it does only feel like yesterday.i think it has got to do that time flies when you are having fun.
Silly,the Bird visiting you is most likely a very smart Bird.Seems he's got you trained already to look after him.
You worried about him already and soon you will be Silly's slave girl.
I would know,because I got up 5 o'clock every morning in Sydney to look after 2 very cute Rainbow Lorikeets ,you know the really colourful parrots we got around Rozelle in Sydney where I live.
These Lorries are amazingly smart.After giving them little treats each morning,the word must have gone out because next thing i know I had a whole flock of 25 Birds visiting me every morning and I could not believe it.
Yhey got more and more cheeky,even came inside my Room to demand food.
Through the whole of last winter Lorries were running the show at my place.
I expected them to migrate somewhere,but when I found out that some Parrots live in the snowy mountains in the snow,that hope vanished quickly.Birds are really very amazingly smart.Smarter then some humans anyway.
They know how to navigate and find their way over hundreds of miles,even after years come back to the same places.
Besides that,they are amazing fliers, doing formation flying and aerobatics just for the fun of it.I love birds, they are such beautiful companions and great communicators.You might think I am crazy,but Birds really try to talk to us all the time.After a little time they get to know you and trust you.
Scientists think that long-distance Polynesian voyaging followed the seasonal paths of birds. There are some references in their oral traditions to the flight of birds and some say that there were range marks onshore pointing to distant islands in line with these flyways.
A voyage from Tahiti, the Tuamotus or the Cook Islands to New Zealand might have followed the migration of the Long-tailed Cuckoo (Eudynamys taitensis) just as the voyage from Tahiti to Hawaii would coincide with the track of the Pacific Golden Plover (Pluvialis fulva) and the Bristle-thighed Curlew (Numenius tahitiensis).
It is also believed that Polynesians employed shore-sighting birds as did many seafaring peoples. One theory is that they would have taken a frigatebird (Fregata) with them. These birds refuse to land on the water as their feathers will become waterlogged making it impossible to fly.
When the voyagers thought they were close to land they may have released the bird, which would either fly towards land or else return to the canoe.
speaking about Polynesians,apparently it is now scientifically proven that Polynesians landed in South America long before the Spaniards.
Study: Spaniards didn't get to South America first - Los Angeles Times
I just love those smart birds.
have fun Jessica and take your time,
enjoy your beautiful voyage and write down some of your thoughts for yourself.
Before you know,you will be home again.
Doing whatever it is people do on land every day.You know,back to the old daily grind stone.
Jessica,I give you three Guesses where I would like to be most right now.
gustav haffner
Ahoy Jessica!
Ahoy Silly!
New food bag, eh? Things are really looking up. Amd by the look of that marvelous picture, you are moving right along.
30 days of isolation certainly hasn't hurt your writing ability, your excellent observation skills or your sense of whimsy. Bloggers from across the globe, (not to mention birds and dolphins) are flocking to the wonderful world you have created. Like Silly, we're just along for the ride--and maybe a few strands of spagetti--but it's the best ride in town. Best by far.
One of your bloggers speculated that Silly might be a "she". Come on! No self respecting female of any species would engage in those antics with the wind generator, right? He probably thought IT was a female.
I had guessed you might be rounding Kirabati (sp?) from my tracking exercises on Google Maps. and I also put in my estimate as to when and where you would cross the line. Wonder if Silly will still be on board?
Can't wait to shout a loud WELCOME to you when you enter my hemisphere. We will be much improved by your visit--however brief it must be.
Fair winds,
Richard Lathrop
Congrats on reaching your 1 month anniversary tomorrow, and I bet you must be getting excited about nearing the equator. I can't believe the seas in that pic you posted, you are one tough cookie.
Stay safe
Kiribati (pronounced /ˈkɪərɨbæs/ ( listen) KIRR-i-bas;[3] Gilbertese: [ˈkiɾibas]), officially the Republic of Kiribati, is an island nation located in the central tropical Pacific Ocean. It is composed of 32 atolls and one raised coral island, dispersed over 3,500,000 square kilometres, (1,351,000 square miles) straddling the equator, and bordering the International Date Line to the east. The name Kiribati is the local pronunciation of "Gilberts", derived from the main island chain, the Gilbert Islands. Kiribati became independent from the United Kingdom in 1979. It is a member of the Commonwealth of Nations, the IMF and the World Bank, and became a full member of the United Nations in 1999
Hello Jess,
Thanks for the update. Glad to see that you are moving again. I had started to think that you were going to have to put Big Ted and the dancing chicken into Pink Lady's longboat and and have them row you out of the doldrums with a towline like they did way back when!
I am amazed at far you have gone. I did a little Google Earth "ruler" measurement, and by now, if you had started from the east coast of the US, you would have crossed the Atlantic to Europe with distance to spare, or else if you were going west from the US east coast, you would be through the Panama Canal, and out into the Pacific!
Sail On Special One!
Richard in Maryland
how you doing jess...?
i guess reading your blogg i already know....lol
i have been following you since you left and am very excited to get home from work to check out anything new on you site.... i wish i was out there with you but am livin my dream through your bloggs, pics and vids..... (which are all fantastic....cant wait for the book in a years time..hahaha).
30 days is a big feat to strike off and still feel rather normal... will have to see at 45 days what mood your in then...
would like to say "good going jess... i'm thinking of ya daily and hope all is well..."
say hi to silly for me...
all the best for the journey ahead...
Bradd (A kiwi in perth)....
Hi Jess, wow a month gone already, time is really flying by. I'm so happy you have a new friend in Silly. I hope he decides to stick around for a while and keep you company, another heart beating! Nice pic Jess, although I have to say it looked a bit rougher than what we've seen lately! Enjoy the new food bag, Take care 'til next time.
30 days already,
seems like only last week i saw you leaving on the news, i check your blog everyday before i start work in the kitchen, keep your spirits up and we are all wishing you calm seas and a fast and safe voyage.
Dreamsailor, Miami, Florida
I swore black and blue I wouldn't leave a comment till you were recieving less then 100 a day, 30 days later and you're more popular then when your journey begun!
Really enjoy reading your blog everyday, really proud of you, your bravery and your lofty goal.
I keep thinking how nervous I get going solo in my 15ft open boat just 18nm out! LOL, I hope your really enjoying yourself and don't get to lonely out there, good on ya Jess!
going good there jess...
keep up the good work and flag the skool work ... plenty of time for that on dry ground....
wishing i was there with ya.....x
Hi Jessica,
How about a pic of Silly! Enjoying your blogs so much!
Silly sounds the perfect companion, even if it's for a few hours.
you must be loving being able to open the new food bag too...oooh, the mind boggles at what concoctions you'll be coming up with out of that selection. Enjoy.
great photo too... really scooting along there.
sending you supportive encouragement from Bathurst NSW
Mal :)
u r incredibly brave...and thats y I love your blog so much it all seems so real...dont worry about being alone so many people are with you in spirit,,,its like good versus evil...so only good can come of it....and u are almost there...ur photo is especially a welcome treat...if the seas get bigger send us another photo of huge swells so we can see what real courage u really have...go Jessica u r really amazing....
One month? Hard to believe! My family and I are enjoying your post so much. Thank you for taking us along! ha-ha. You are an AMAZING 16 year old! Our world is wonderous when a girl can post her around the world sailing adventures on a computer and a family in Appleton,Wisconsin USA can follow her. Be Safe! Deb Knapp
Hi Jessica, thanks for the update and the pic. One of the great things about following your blog is that it inspires me to open up google earth and have a closer look at all of the islands out in the middle of the pacific - who'd have thought there were so many! Make sure you dont bump into any.
Take care and safe sailing,
Peter, Sydney
One month? Hard to believe! My family and I are enjoying your post so much. Thank you for taking us along! ha-ha. You are an AMAZING 16 year old! Our world is wonderous when a girl can post her around the world sailing adventures on a computer and a family in Appleton,Wisconsin USA can follow her. Be Safe! Deb Knapp
Hi Jess, (this is becoming a habit)- - the last thing I now do (and have done every night since you left)is to check your blog before I head off to bed. What an amazing inspiration you are! You are mature way beyond your years - your accounts of the days are so interesting - It's nice that you've had some company today - I have to say I was one of the 'doubters' but it's obvious you are more than equipped for the challenge you have taken on. Enjoy the new food bag. You seem to have a lot of experienced sailors cheering you on which must be so encouraging. Until next time - stay safe Judy, Mandurah, Western Australia
Great photo! Thanks. Were still following your every move here in Arizona, USA. You have a wonderful spirit that should carry you through.
Hi again Jess
You realy brighten up my day..
Here in Stockholm it´s been raining for a week now and have had no sun for 2 weeks.
It´s still dark 9am ...get´s dark again 4pm
Your blogg has become an addiction
and are my substitute for sunshine
looking forward to it every day.
"Lonlyness" is only a state of mind
Living 4/2day planing 4/2morrow dreaming about the future.
Tank´s for sharing your dream would swap you place any time..
Keep safe and take care
Cheers "singelhanded" Sweden
Hi Jesse,
I focused my attention on the fact that 30 days have passed without having seen nobody. So, don't you feel alone sometimes? Or a little bit scared of sailing by yourself in an Ocean, all alone?
It's pretty hard for to guess what you feel.
Cheers from Italy!
Jesse! What an awesome picture! My sailing buddies and family are enjoying your picture posts! Thanks for letting us see them as you go! Ella's Pink Lady is looking grand and noble with sea and sky ahead, and the bow wave to the side!
Hi Jess,
Here in the cold Netherlands I read your blog almost every day. I'm a writing-professional and I think you write very good. It's a pleasure to read about your adventure en how you think about it. Thanks.!
Grt Ad
30 days! Has it really been that long? Time is just sailing by... :)
Awesome job! Love the pic!
It would appear by the pic that it is really gray and windy. From your comments I guess that makes for perfect sailing and not so perfect for flying. Would have loved to see Silly attempt that landing.
Enjoy your food bag, you have earned a few goodies.
Stay safe and keep the wind in your sails.
See Ya Sailor!
Hi Jessica. Well done again after 30 days at sea. Writing a report for work and heard your name mentioned on Radio Station 2HD 1143(Newcastle). I do believe that many people are looking forward to your success. Stay safe young lady.
Amazing Picture of EPL. God I wish I could be out there right now!
I have a question for you. You have mentioned the incredible starry nights you've had. Are you familiar with astronomy? Can you pick out constellations? Earlier this year we went to Jamaica and Grand Cayman Islands and it was the first time I'd ever seen the Southern Cross. It occurs to me that you've probably never seen the big dipper but you should probably see it by now low on your northern Horizon. Once you get north of the Equator, you should be able to see the North Star for the first time.
Have you ever had any interest in Astronomy? Is being away from civilization and its lights giving you the bug for it?
Great story about Silly... would love to see pics!!! My friends & I are planning a party for your equator goal - congrats on the first 30 days @ sea!!! We are all keeping you close to our hearts as well as in our prayers... safe & happy sailing Jessica!!!
Bobby in South Carolina
Hi Jessica,
What a silly name for a bird ! Unfortunately I guess there goes your plan to sail solo !
Thanks for the great pic - looks like a lot of fun. Glad to see that you're making headway again. Next milestone will be the equator. I hope you're going to bake a cake to celebrate crossing it.
All the best,
Brian in NY.
What a fantastic shot of EPL flying along. Say "HI" to silly for me from Idaho!
Say Jess you are keeping a diary or detailed notes other than the blog right? And taking lot's of photo's!
You will need extensive notes to write your book of this adventure when you return. You ARE writing a book... Right! Put me don for a copy.
Jessica, I am so excited for you on your journey, my heart is in my chest as I read each day's blog... such a brave young lady you are!
You are an inspiration and I think you are so cool!
Can't wait to read more tomorrow, be safe!
Sarah Wellons
Atlanta Georgia
And people thought that you'd be alone out there. You have quite a community and your a good host. You've had the unknown diners feeding on your fish, the dolphins enjoying your music and now Silly enjoying the accomodations to rest up along his journey. I'm looking forward to celebrating you reaching the northern hemisphere.
Have fun, stay safe and happy sailing.
From Seattle, WA, USA
Awesome photo!
Do you think Silly might have something to say about you claiming the solo title?
Just over 200nm to the equator. How exciting! Keep safe and have a good night. OX
Congratulations on your progress so far Jessica! I think what you're doing is wonderful. I'm coming up with some 7 month goals to do along with you for the rest of your journey, and will be hanging on excitedly for each new post from here in Boston, Massachusetts, USA!
with loads of respect,
“Silly, The Little Brown Sea Bird”
Landing on the Sat Dome
Think I found a Home!
I looked all around the windvane
What in the world is this pink thang?
A cute sailor girl at the stern
A new food bag for me, well, I’ll be dern!
Now that I have a silly name
I’ll have to stay, what a shame!
Help keep reefs at bay
To keep watch and show the best way
So it’s just Jessica and me
But I have food, it’s free!
The two are now one
Sailing into the setting sun!
Glad you have company for dinnner!
I haven't posted but have been following you every day. Today's photo made my stomach twitch...it looks scary. I am excited for your equator encounter, and will be keeping you in my thoughts. Enjoy your new meals, and I have a feeling that you will be sharing a little of your pasta with your new friend.
Be safe!
Hi Jesse, Maybe Silly was attracted
to the mince you had last night or maybe the music.Happy 30th!Be safe.
Be happy!
Jesse, you don't need to see other people. You have the best company you could have and that's you. I haven't missed a word of your blogs, as a matter of fact, I read them several times. Each time, I'm more jealous of your parents having such a marvelous daughter. Godspeed
So you opened a new food bag and Silly appeared - a coincidence? I think not!
Helen (UK)
Dear Jessica,
I am a 75 year old man in the UK who is very envious of your ability and confidence, as well as your very good writing style. I have sailed most of my life but never undertaken anything like your trip. I read your blog every day and am a huge fan. Keep it up Jess and good on yer!
My students and I have been following your progress for a few weeks now. I teach 6th grade social studies in a small north-Georgia town (USA). You are an inspiration to my students, even though 99% of them have ever sailed!!! Our curriculum has taken us to early European exploration...and we've compared the slow progress of early explorers to the amazing progress of a FEMALE teen!! Thank you for being such a positive role model for youth across the globe!
Miss Shinpaugh a.k.a. Coach Shimmie
Wow! That picture is intense! You were flying along. It's great to know that you are comfortable out there and are okay without seeing other people for an entire month.
Is silly still around? Did you get a picture of him? I would love to see it.
I'm going to look now to see if you posted another video.
hey girl...birdie no doubt thinks the sat dome is her egg!
jessica, stash that feedbag of tim tams, don't forget to wear your aluminum foil suit approaching Kiribati :)
len Pittsburgh PA.
Hi Jessica,
It has been great following you those 30 days. It is like reading an exciting novel. How nice that Silly come for a visit. He/she is there for you, so feed it.
I have googled to see what the other birds looks like,and they are great. The photo looks fantastic. For me too big waves.
I have also looked Kiribati up.
Someone said that you have to jump when you pass the line. Do you have any idea what to do?
I'm sure your dinner was tasty.
Hope Silly will be with you in the morning.
Keep on sailing brave girl.
Ingrid, Tyreso, Sweden
There is nothing new under the sun and there are no coincidences. Hmmm, Silly must have visited for a reason. Sometimes a break from the mundane comes so that we can rest our minds. Thinking is taxing, just being is relaxing. You are so close to a benchmark. I know that must be really exciting. I hope you don't feel like you always have to be upbeat. This is a long journey that will have ups and downs and all arounds, so just be who you are and be real. In a world where it seems that everything is about enhancing and over dramatizing, being real is so refreshing. You have no one to impress out there. And no one to impress here. Your ambition alone speaks for itself. Freedom to be. Take it to the limit.
Hi Silly!
Nice of you to keep Jesse, Ella, and Parker company for a bit, but don't be fouling (fowling?) her equipment...and Julie is going to be quite piqued with you if you eat much of Jesse's food. In fact, you can earn your keep if you want to catch an extra fish or two for Jess.
Jess, you must be getting used to the heat--no reference to it! The water around your boat looks none to smooth to me, has the wind picked up?
Take care and blessings,
It's inspiring to read of your travels and thoughts. It's hard to enough to write of various things in one's life, but to do so while undertaking such an adventure! Sometimes one feels the need to take a break from writing, but either way- just know our thoughts and energy are with you, mile by mile. Best wishes!
Hi Jesse,
Not long now before the line.
I believe you have already prepared something to give the gods as you cross.
Loved reading your post.
Enjoy the company.
What a picture!
Hey, by the way, that's a lot of people on that boat.
You the captain + Ella the sidekick + a pink lady in the role of 'The Lady in Pink' + Silly the stuntman + Parker the navigator + Genny the Power Fairy.
Anyone else we haven't heard about yet ? lol. Only kidding, sorry.
Enjoy every minute of it and keep making us dream.
emgb1 from South Wales, UK (GMT+0)
Keep it up Jess, you are doing great! keep up the good work. hope to see some photos of silly and when will you put up another video diary I really like those.
P.S.You are an Inspiration to my Lions Club
Tucson, AZ USA
Jesse maybe Silly is not as silly as you think. Perhaps Silly's has a mission on Kiribati and is simply hitching a ride. If you can manage to get her attention you may just be able to get across a message on safety first - try silly-speak it's a bit like baby-speak.
You appear more cheerful today and that is good. Don't forget Ella has her 'ups' and 'downs' and so will Jesse. You said not having seen a single humanoid in 30 days hasn't affected you in anyway - as you say, nothing is different. However, you have been speaking to family, friends, team members, etc back home. Maybe this is a small demonstration of the power of communication. Perhaps being in touch with home helps you to maintain the sense of a relative-self and it does raise the interesting question: does regular communication with home, team and friends, etc have the effect of reducing the experience of 'physical-aloneness'? Does regularly speaking to home, etc facilitate a positive mental state reducing the the experience of isolation. Sorry for parroting on like "Silly" - perhaps silly makes more sense but Jesse your observations and comments on the matter I found fascinating.
Jesse,enjoy the contents of the new tucker box, please refrain from dangling body parts over the edge, stay buckled up and 'til next time when the Equator will be just a mere stone throw away take care special one and be happy.
Hi Jess,
Thanks for mentioning the dolphins, I think the ones you saw are called Pacific gray dolphins, but since I could'nt see them, can't be sure! How exciting to have seen them... watch for whales when you are getting close to South America... you should be seeing quite a few different species.
Silly sounds adorable... I hope that he/she stays with you for a long time. Do you feed the lil guy?
Love the pic of the boat...
The equator is coming up soon,how do you plan on celebrating? more cupcakes? lol
Take care!
Chris from Calif
It's great to have company once in awhile. If Silly is like other birds and if you can find it in a parking lot he/she while it. Wondering if you have crossed the equator previously. US Navy tradition calls for ceremony and you go from pollywog to shellback.People can do silly things during festivities. Maybe Silly will still be with you and can get silly! The best. Bob in Tucson
Hi Jessica,
you know what I'd do if I crossed the equator like you do? I think I'd perform a 360°turn and yell YIPPIE all the while...
Go girl! You flyyy!
Aw, that's cool (:
Been a month already :D
Great job
-Dimitri, USA
Hi again Jesse,
When you say Kiribati (the country), I guess you mean Kiritimati island? It looks like the closest to the line. You are far north, but still a little west.
I hope EPL will surf well toward SE; on the map, there are zillions of blue pixels before la Tierra de Fuego.
Many nm to chew up for your pink horsie!
Thank you for the geography lesson. I finally understood for good about all these islands and archipelagos, Gilberts, Line, Phoenix, Christmas, Tarawa...
Fair winds and happy sailing, Captain!
Thanks for the update! My wife asked me if you were being followed by an assisting boat or if you were pretty much alone on your own?
Thanks again,
Whatever you will say and however stranche sounds it for you - you're pice of little, breave heart!!!
One month on the sea!
It's a great day!champagne!
Wish pasta were good! :)
Huges kisses from South of FRANCE.
Congrats on a month at sea Jessica! You are doing a great job out there sailing and fascinating us. As an amateur photographer I absolutey love the shot you posted today! keep up the good work and be safe...
Your progress is so fast I'm running to keep up. 30 days already. WOW! cGo Girl! Thanks for the great photos. I can feel the movement of EPL in this one. Superb. Enjoy your pasta.
Blessings. Cielo
ticking away the miles - well done! stay safe and enjoy the relative calm up north!
Hi Jesse,
Glad everything is going well. Silly really is not so silly he knew he would have good company and a feed. Great photo. Stay safe and i look forward to when we all cross the equator with you in the next oouple of days.
Best of luck.
Be careful Jesse. That's a mighty big ocean. I'll pray for your safety and protection every day.
Hi Jesse,
Wow 30 days. As you say it seems like yesterday since you left Sydney and I read your first blog. I have not missed a day since.
Between your writing and great pictures I feel like I am part of your journey. For me, a 50 year old normal aussie guy with a wife and 2kids, 17 and 20, I cannot explain why this journey of yours has captivated me so much. I am filled with so many emotions every time I read a new blog it is fantastic.
You are a wonderful girl. I am sure you will never change and you will always be the 'same old me'.
Enjoy the delights of your new food bag.
Keep safe and watch the sunburn.
Ingleburn NSW
Jess, happy "one month" anniversary!! Whooohooo.
Here in the US I follow your blog religiously. Your progress is amazing and right on schedule.
Make a secret wish when you cross "the line"and take a picture of the GPS when the readout shows you on exactly on "the line". ;-)
Luv to see that.
I hope you took a picture of "Silly", the rest of the world wants to see the famous bird.
Did you change your trip route?
I remember you saying you wanted to circle Washington Island, I guess Kiribati will work better for you, right?
Every best wish for you and EPL
Hey Jess, It sounds like you are having a great time. When you get to the Line Islands are you able to at least stop and take a swim??
I hope your new friend Silly hangs around to keep you coming.. Thanks for the daily messages.. I am really enjoying them.. Good Luck, Larry
Hi Jesse,
Just catching up on your blogs again - WOW - you are so close to the equator now. That's great! Keep it up. Thanks for the enjoyment you give all the readers.
Mh, what new development are we witnessing here ? Hitchcock's "The Birds" ? Or more likely Melville's "Moby Dick" ? 'You will smell land, where there is no land and you will see birds miles away from land.And then he will surface...' So keep your Anti-Collision-Warning-Systems switched on.
O.K., Monty Python's Flying Circus might agree to a change of script: "... SILLY, COME AND GET YOUR S I L L Y ...!" (Forget the fishing line)
"I've been seeing a lot of birds out here today ... which is kind of surprising as the nearest island is about 200nm away."
200nm sounds about right -- I've read a bit about Austronesians settling the Pacific and it says they could figure out there was an island up to 200nm away by birds, clouds, currents etc.
Good luck Jess!
Hi Jess,
Has "Silly" got a napkin around his neck ? Animals know more than us. Could be that you're getting some decent fish on your line soon.
It's been great reading your blog everyday and seeing your pictures. Keep it up!!
I don't know much about sailing, so can you answer a question for me? Why is your route taking you so far north only to head south again to round Cape Horn?
Thanks and safe sailing!!
Omaha, Nebraska
Hey Jess!! you're not wrong about EPL "flying" top shot with the pic
gives a good indication of the conditions and speed. Hey "Silly" may not be as silly as he looks,while all his mates are getting around "under their own steam" he has hitched a free ride!!
"Be as a bird perched on a frail branch that she feels bending beneath her, still she sings away all the same, knowing she has wings.”
Victor Hugo (French romantic poet, novelist and dramatist 1802-1885)
smooth sailing Jess and take care!!
Glad you've got company.
Steady sailing.
Luv u
Richard (QLD)
Hey Jessica , nice to read about your progress up to now. From my past as a seamen i can say we felt the same than you - we stopped counting the days and in a very short time a few month on board ship where passed an we went home again. For the families at home it was the opposite - especialy for the kids.
God bless so far and fair winds, many regards from Germany, Marcus
Hi Jess,
Ponder task for a dull moment: Bird strikes in jet engines are shutting them down.Fair enough, we are talking impact speeds of several knots higher, than you're plotting along. But can the wind generator be taking out by "Bird Strike" and are you able to repair/back-up the mess ?
I mean, logically thinking otherwise we have to start commenting on each other if your blog goes on the blink...
Fingers crossed or has somebody a quick design idea, how Jess can turn some wrapping rubbish from her food bags into an Anti-Bird-Cage for the Wind Generator ?
Hey Jessy !
I enjoy your style of writing allowing us to participate at your journey.
It's really stunning.
I'll keep my fingers crossed for you to smash the present record, coming home fine.
All the best wishes to you.
Please keep us informed.
It has become a habbit to looking forward your reports and devouring them. Wow !
Markus from Bremerhaven / Germany
Miss Jess!
I've enjoyed reading your blog! I hope you make many friends just like silly along the way! Remember you're not alone out there, we're all with you!
washington, dc
Hey Jesse,
I'm glad you have someone else to talk to , although he seems a bit silly.
Have you planned on anything special when you cross the line?
30 days since Sydney, I didn't realise the days had slipped away so fast, wont be long before your home again.
Were still working near Buderim and still no sign, (not that I really expected one)
Have you planned anything special for Xmas day, because that's just around the corner.
I'm glad your going so well, bit late to cross the line , but better late than never. Take care.
Fair winds and following seas.
I love to start each day with some inspiration of your progress... I feel like I am on the adventure as well!
Good Morning Jess
And good morning Silly and Percy and Ella's Pink lady. You've got quite a clan there Jess! 30 days that's amazing....30 days for you and for us also, as we have been on this journey with you the whole way, and loved it! 30 days alone at sea sounds divine to me, I will want that after the chaos of Christmas and dancing concerts and parties etc.
A new food bag - yay! The pasta is a nice way to celebrate 30 days. Love the photo Jess - a great action shot of Ella's Pink Lady 'flying' along...
Come on you lot, cross that equator and take us to the next milestone!
Sydney looks a little cloudy this morning, but rumour has it that it's going to be a scorcher today. James is all set for night racing on the harbour this evening and is starting his skipper's course this weekend.
Must away - got to head off to work. have a good day Jess, stay safe!!!
"Patience serves as a protection against wrongs as clothes do against cold. For if you put on more clothes as the cold increases, it will have no power to hurt you. So in like manner you must grow in patience when you meet with great wrongs, and they will then be powerless to vex your mind." Leonardo da Vinci
Sally In Sydney
Expect more company as you cross over, Father neptune will come aboard and demand to know what you are doing in his domain, Stay cool he will go away.
Good progress, keep at it you're doing fine.
B. M.
Great Photo!!
Great picture - looks like you and EPL are flying along - Curious as to the one line that is dragging in the picture - trolling for mermaids?
Keep up the good work - wishing your fair winds and following seas . . .
30 days already!! WOW!! Im excited for you, and that equator isn't too far off either. Way to go girl!!
Enjoy the new food bag (are they all the same or do they vary?) and I love that photo too by the way..xo.
Morning Jess!
Another great blog, reading it's the next best thing to being out there I'd say. Also enjoying the comments everyone's writing back to you!
Good to hear you have some company and enjoying the new food bag.
You are doing really well Jess, thanks for sharing it with us!
Regs Aroha, Phil, Maddy and Pat
Hi Jessi,
Great post today, as always. Enjoyed hearing about Silly and the other birds out there. Glad that you're into some of your favorite food treats - that does help! Perhaps all the birds are waiting for that first fish. ;) We all love you!
Jessica Hi.. Wow, that picture you posted.. Your a brave girl, Id be terrified. Keep up the great progress and we are all excited about the Equator. be safe and clip on.. Mel (Sydney)
Hey Jesse,
Love that you found a friend to "talk to"! Keep up the awesome
sailing that you've been doing so well at. Please keep posting pictures of the wonderful and aspiring adventure that you have been on because aside from your very vivid dialoge, these pics really do make us all feel like we are with you every step of the way. You have many people who don't know you that are very proud of you and want nothing more than to see you succeed on your journey!
safe sailing capt!
susan h
i've been enjoying your blog immensely....what an adventure!
it's great to hear that you have a little company out there...even if he isn't the brightest.
cheers from north queensland!
Hi Jessica, I am glad to see all is going well. You sure are a brave soul. Take care and continued good luck and God Bless u!!
I look every day on your website for your news and I love to read them. All the best and keep on sailing.
Hey Jessica, if he's still hanging around, you'll have to get a photo of "Silly" to show us. Also, you often mention that you play music on board; what kind of music do you like?
Be sure to let us all know when you've finally crossed the Equator. I'm on the edge of my seat every day!
Chris Akenfelds
Brisbane, QLD
akenfelds @ lycos . com
Hi Jess,
always good to read your blogs,keep it up. you always will have company, with all us bloggers.
take care and stay safe
G'day Jess.....
What a _Great_ piccie of EPL 'forging ahead'... Gees, I can feel the 'whump' in my stomach as you ride the crest..... ~ but then I feel that in the Stockton Ferry across Newcastle Harbour !! Hahhah.
And *30 Days* gone. Wow!. The presence of all your followers _must_ be significant. Can you feel this ? There must be many times the number that 'comment' on your blog as a majority of readers don't "blog".... (~ I haven't ever replied to 'blogs' ( rarely even read 'em , in fact).... ) ==== but you are _so_ different in so many admirable ways...and it's right _now_. I hang on your every word, as do the many others that respond. Such an inspiring adventure you are sharing with 'the world' !! :) Such a fine example of an exceptional young lady!
I wonder if "Silly" will stay with you around Kirabati. I hope you can get a pic of him up there on the tower. Gees, with the arc of the mast in the swells, that'd be a ride and a half up there, eh !
But seabirds mean *fish* !!! Heyyy~~~~That fresh, delectable, moreish, sweet scented, heavenly mouthful of a freshly caught and cooked fish could be *anytime*. ( wiping mouth as I write this! :)) ) The seabirds aren't there just for the sights ! So trail that line. :)
(And _do_ watch your fingers in the the excitement of your first catch. Even a small 'tailor' can inflict a nasty snappy-wound on a finger between the teeth ( been there !) ). & You must relate your excitement of 'the first catch'... not to mention the cooking and eating of it !! :)) Maybe even a piccie ? :)
OK.... I'm out of the way again. Keep well and happy. Y'goin' great, Jess !! ~ and your words are fantastic ! :))
Hi Jessica,
Here at The Kinkaid School in Houston we would love to HEAR the sound of Ella moving through the high seas. Keep up your efforts. We would love to see you succeed. We will be celebrating your e-crossing with a celebration involving double circles (O degrees) such as donuts, Oreos, Cheerios, and so forth. Go forward and shine! F Fischer
Hi Miss Jess Cool pic. Birds are good luck maybe. We hope king neptune is kind to you on crossing the Equator 0 degrees N/S
See, even those little waves in that pic are scaring the hell outta me.
Send us some Silly pictures, I mean send us some pictures of Silly ☺.
We are all ready to shoot off the fireworks when you cross the equator Do you have any fireworks for your self to shoot off. You can use your flare gun I'm sure you have one.
No No don't do that you will have every goon out there looking for you.
play safe
Wow you're doing awesome Jessica!! Keep it up and enjoy! :)
Love to read about all of your adventures.
(the Netherlands)
awesome photo. Rather big sea. A little like we have here at present at Port Stephens.
Hope "silly" stays with you for awhile as the company will be good for you.
We watch for yoru blogs daily.
Cheryl and Steve
enjoy the equator when you get there!! you are powering along, stay safe,
mel of yenda nsw
Hey Jesse,
One month down, how time flies. Great pic of Ella's Pink Lady in her element, look after her and she'll look after you. Tell Silly to make himself useful and catch you a fish!
On to the equator, not far now.
Sail on,
We're getting excited along with you. Just think of EPL as a kite and we are the kite tail!!
11-17-09 @16:35
Hi Jessica,
Greetings to your new friend, it was nice of him/her to drop in. Did you set out a little banquet for him/her, and did he/she partake of it? And what did Chick and Ted think of their new shipmate?
Glad to read that you had good sailing, actually you are doing very well, aside from a little time in the doldrums.
Just going by the time that you wrote this blog, and the difference in time between you and me, I'd say you are about 100nm's to the Equator. Now that's just an over the top of the thumb guess. Nothing professional there. But you are definitely getting closer, no doubt about that.
You know Jessica, you (and I) get so caught up in the days and weeks routine that we don't fully realize that a month has gone by. Congratulations to you, you're doing a fantastic job and I'm so proud of you, as I'm sure your family, your shore crew and hundreds of thousands of loyal fans are. Goodonya, I like that.
I hope you will enjoy your new food bag and it's nice to share, don't forget Silly if he/she is still aboard. I hope he/she is 'cause it's nice to have someone to talk to. Does he/she cock his head when you talk to him/her, or does he/she whistle and chirp?
I had been using a World Atlas.com map (because it had lats and longs) and they show Kiribati Island about 8 degrees south of the Equator, whereas your map and Google show it North of the Equator where it's supposed to be.
That’s a beautiful picture of ELP flying along, I enjoyed that, very dramatic.
Keep up the good work Jessica and be safe, enjoy yourself and above all “Stay Happy”. Maybe that’s why Silly joined you. Now isn’t that silly!!!! LOL
May God be with you and watch over you and may the angels keep your sails full. I will keep you in my prayers.
Michael (74) from Kingwood, WV
Good morning Jesse
Well my astronomical friend? has been sent home to his telescope in the Warrumbungles... a mountain range nth of Dubbo where the Anglo Australian telescope is...to discover more planets.At least he is good at that! His meteor/ light show prediction for last night failed again... certainly here in AUS anyway.
Have a great day getting closer and closer to THAT line...do you plan to go a little troppo when you reach this great goal? Stay clipped and sleep well.
Sea Ya
Dusty from Dubbo
Go Jess... you're an inspiration!
I am continuing to enjoy your blog posts. Thanks for writing them. The photographs are great too.
I am contiuning to pray for you, your parents, and your team daily from Indiana, USA.
You inspire a lot of sailors around the world. I have been sailing for 20 years but never around the world (that was always a dream, and now its as if I am living it).
I keep reading your blog every day and feeling as if I am there.
GOOD LUCK and say hi to Silly for me.
Gilad (Israel)
Wow Jess that is just so cool,You have Silly on your boat.How can she fly so so far away from land and stay alive,Hummm i think you are going to have a friend for a long time.please feed her for us.
Well a new bag of food how cool for you,Now let me ask you and i wont say a word to anyone,Have you been cheating and sneaking some food out of the good bags when you start to run low.to get to the sweets.
I cant even trust my lil 17 year old girl to stay away from the sweets,,
By the way do you have any chocolate left i sure hope so.
You are doing just so good Jess.
Hummmm im going to start sailing soon and when you posted that last pic it looks so cool but the waves are so so big..
you better be safe young lady.
I have fath in you lil girl you do your best and get to the finnish line.
Jess, We love some movie stars,singers all kinds of people but you will be like Rudolph,,and go down in History.
hey when your trip is all over, the fame will live with you forever.
if there is anyone i would love to meet and have a picture with.it would be you.
We are tracking you all the way to the end lil one.At the start i was sad for you but now im so happy for you and i know you can do it,you will go all the way.
take care be safe think before you do things.and most of all be a GOOD LIL GIRL.
We all love you at this end .
your friends
Robert,Elle,Alison and Autumn
PS sorry for my poor spelling my girls are teacheig me to do better.
Reading your blogs every day and pulling for your success in this en devour. Why are you taking such a northerly track versus staying more southerly towards Cape Horn? Is it weather or current related?
OK, ignore my last e-mail. I see by the "rules" that you need to cross the equator at least once. Makes a lot of sense to do it now.
Hard to believe it has been a month already. What you're doing is an adventure of a lifetime and at your age far more than many people have done in their lifetime.
Glad to hear you've got some company. Maybe he can catch some fish for you!
I'm checking your blog religiously (first one I've followed) and praying for you every night.
Have fun and stay safe.
Gerry, Burlington, Ontario, Canada
looking for 'Kiribati Island' on my map..must be tiny..eh? I'll google it later to mark out the route..Great Photo!!
Gary & Jan
Hey Jess,
Woke up this morning to read the comments from last nights bloggers & there are three that I love.
1. "Fred Fischer" 18/11 06:48am.
Great idea for the equator party!
DOnuts, cheeriOs & OriOs. What a hoot!
2. "Amazedbyou" 17/11 10:50pm
I'll do it if you do!
3. "Gustav Haffner" 17/11 11:08am
Gus, you always have something interesting to say. Lots of bloggers love your comments.
Jess, I have never been on a "blog thingy" in my life. See how you have brought complete strangers together. Too funny!!
The McGraths, Nowra NSW
Glad Silly came by to say hi! Any photos of Silly? Take care & stay safe Jess
Jess, you are an insperation, keep going girl & show your doubters what you are really made of.
No matter what happens from now on, you have proven your materity and braveness.
Best of luck, you are fantastic.
We are certainly with you all the way.
Take care.
Hi Jesse,
I am 12 years old and I just wanted to tell you that you left Sydney on my birthday so I will never forget it!
I wish you all the best on your adventure and I hope you get back safely.
I read your blog at school every day with my amazing teacher who has lets us look at your website in class time.
I would love to see more photos of your cooking in the next few weeks. I'm sure there are some more cupcakes coming up.
Love Monique
Totally enjoying you at the helm taking us all for this ride of a life time. Hope 'Silly' is sensiable sometimes and doesnt be realy silly. Maybe you should have had a cat aboard for the ride? You Go Girl, great writings and one eights down, better cook a few cupcakes to celebrate the Equaror Crossing. Love from your Loyal Land Lubbers.
Hi Jesse,
I know you can make the record! I know other people say you can't but don't listen to them.
Stay safe,
Christopher (12 years old)
G'day Jess,
Great to hear that your not alone anymore, at least at the moment!
Seems like you are powering along now compared to the last few days and the crossing must be much nearer now, I will get my cupcakes ready.
One month at sea alone! I just can't imagine not seeing anyone for that length of time but sometimes I think it would be nice to have some real time alone and do some soul searching! I guess I'd miss my family too much, I'll never make a solo navigator!
Hey, if you want more company, just cook up a batch of hot chips, I'm sure you will be inundated with seagulls, they always come for chips!!
Jess, enjoy your crossing and we will rejoice with you. Keep safe, and God bless and watch over you.
We will be praying even more for you as you go into the southern oceans.
Sunny Coast Qld
Good Morning Jessica, EPL sailing on the wind looks pretty darn good.The dolphins will be back to escort you along the way,and now you have "Silly'for a bit of extra company as well.The Equator cannot be faraway,and in no time at all you will be on a heading to Cape Horn.Keep getting your rest, eat well,stay focussed.Have a great day Jesse, God bless Dougal
Hi Jessica – Just been thinking about your approach and passage around Kiribati – very exciting. Someday I will tell you of my own experiences with Kiribati and nearly missing it as a destination with NO alternate available.
There are (were) some 1800 people on Kiribati mostly there for the Cruise ship trade. The cruise ship only comes in once a week (if they’re still doing that) and it should not be in your area when you go by.
I think the birds you are seeing may be from Jarvis Island – if I recall correctly that’s the closest reef near you that could support them, until you get to Kiribati.
Here’s some interesting reading on ones experience with this area ---
Best wishes and good sailing – it looks like EPL is driving well.
Gary O
Go Jesse! Your going great!
Hi Jessica
You sound in great spirit today, no doubt due to EPL bounding along beautifully as your photo clearly shows. To me you sounded frustrated by your lack of progress in your previous blog, but that is now history. The photo is a very good sailing photo, and may be a good one for your book although I have no doubt you have taken many more just as good if not better. I particularly like the wave peak on the horizon to the left of the bow wave. It reminds me of sailing from Sydney to Hastings (Westernport) and thinking the stupid boat always seem to want to climb the highest waves and fall into the deepest troughs. It is a common experience. Thanks for the reminder.
Wonderful story about your little mate Silly. Again, on the trip from Sydney to Hastings we had the company of a Booby that landed on the stern rail late in the afternoon - and stayed there overnight and until late in the morning when he/she took off and flew northwards back home. He/she was by then well south of his/her normal territory according to the Bird Book.
Hope your progress for the next two hundred miles is fast. Let us know when you are 100 miles from the Equator. We are getting excited too!
Tony L (Mt Martha)
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